Mo nd ay - Th u rsda y : 9 A M - 9 PM F ri day & S at u rd a y : 9 AM - 5 P M Su n d ay s , L ab or D a y th ro u g h Mem ori al Day : 1 P M - 5 PM
CONTACT INFORMATION Hope Standifer Adult Reference & Reader Services 1-708-388-1078 x21
[email protected] Sonia Rodriguez Eventos en Español 1-708-388-1078 x18
[email protected] Micah Rademacher Young Adult Services 1-708-388-1078 x31
[email protected] Darren Thompson Tech Annex 1-708-388-1078 x28
[email protected] Deborah Beasley Children’s Services 1-708-388-1078 x22
[email protected] Dan Carroll Events & Public Information 1-708-388-1078 x30
[email protected]
2433 York Street, Blue Island, IL 60406
Book-O-The Month Club (A): First Tuesday each month, 7 PM. New members always welcome. Contact Dan for information. Creative Nonsense (YA/13-20 yrs.): Mondays, 6 PM. YA’s can bring their own creative endeavors or contribute to group projects. Contact Micah for information. Story Times:
• Lap Sit (0-3yrs): Mondays at 10 AM. School
District 130 “Family First” and “Cradle to Classroom” staffers offer a full hour of songs, games and stories specifically designed to stimulate an interest in early childhood reading.
Pre-school (3yrs +): Mondays at 11 AM. 30 minutes of stories, simple crafts and cartoons. Contact Deb for information.
Open Mic Night (G): Second Thursday of every month, 5-8 PM. Music/spoken word. Contact Darren for information.
Family Films (C) (F): Fridays, 3 PM, G/PG rated films. Contact Deb for information. Rainbow Reading Dogs (F) (C, grades K-6): Wednesdays in April, 6:30 PM. Children can practice reading to trained dogs in a nonthreatening, fun atmosphere. Contact Deb for information.
EVENT CODES / CÓDIGOS DE EVENTOS: ‘A’ adult / adulto ‘C’ children / niños ‘F’ family / familia ‘YA’ young adult / teen / adultos jóvenes / adolescentes ‘G’ all ages / todas las edades
Chicago Sky Basketball Reading Program (C): Begins March 3rd. Contact Deb for information. Eddie Korosa Jr.’s Fat Tuesday Polka Party (G): Tuesday, March 4th, 7 PM. The party takes place at Christ Memorial Church, 2440 York in Blue Island where there’s room to get up and dance! TICKETED EVENT, FREE TICKETS AT THE LIBRARY’S MAIN DESK. Contact Dan for information.
Exploring Recipes (A): Wednesday, March 5th, 6 PM. Explore the chef’s favorite recipes. Hors d’oeuvres served. Contact Darren for information. Register at blueislandlibrary.org/events/calendar. Max 20 attendees. An Irish Evening with Celtic Harper, Aislinn (G): Tuesday, March 11th, 7 PM. This event takes place at Christ Memorial Church, 2440 York Street, Blue Island. TICKETED EVENT, FREE TICKETS AT THE LIBRARY’S MAIN DESK. Contact Dan for information.
Chicago Wolves Hockey Day (C) (F): Wednesday, March 12th, 4:30 PM. Ty Rattie, Chicago Wolves’ Right Winger, visits. Contact Deb for information. Getting Excited About Science with Steve Belliveau (F) (C): Thursday, March 13th, 7 PM. Science for everyone with dramatic demonstrations, humor, music and audience participation. Contact Deb for information.
Scratch-A-Doodle Rainbow Art (C): Tuesday, March 18th, 4 PM. Children can scratch away and create something amazing. Contact Deb for information.
Indulge in Art (G): Thursday, March 20th, 5 PM. Indulge in Roxanne Lyles’ artistic imagination through a display of her art work and a spoken word performance. Hors d’oeuvres served. Contact Darren for information. Register at blueislandlibrary.org/events/calendar. Max 40 attendees.
APRIL EVENTS Jerusalem, the Holy City (G): Tuesday, April 8th, 7 PM. International Traveler, Bill Hellmuth, takes you on a guided tour of an area 60% the size of Chicago’s Loop where the holiest sites of Judaism, Christianity and Islam share backyards. This event takes place at Christ Memorial Church, 2440 York, Blue Island. TICKETED EVENT, FREE TICKETS AT THE LIBRARY’S MAIN DESK. Contact Dan for information.
For a complete, updated listing of events and to register, please visit http://www.blueislandlibrary.org/events/calendar
Schedule of Events
Rules of the Road Class (A): Monday, April 14th, 1 PM. The Secretary of State’s refresher course for the written license renewal test. Contact Dan for information.
Flower Pot Thermometers (C): Tuesday, April 15th, 4 PM. Children can create flower pot thermometers to hang anywhere and measure the temperature. Contact Deb for information.
Free Photos for Groups, Individuals, Pets, or Objects (G): Wednesday, April 16th, 6 PM. Receive free digital images. Choose to purchase prints or set up a session, using library software and hardware, to touch up your images. Contact Darren for information.
Mummy Deals (A): Tuesday, April 22nd, 7 PM. Clair Boone, Founder of “Mummy Deals,” reveals “Ten Sure Ways to Save $$$$$$$$$.” Clair’s a mom, homemaker, blogger, newspaper columnist and frequent guest on tv and radio because she’s a savvy shopper. TICKETED EVENT, FREE TICKETS AT THE LIBRARY’S MAIN DESK. Contact Dan for information. Third Annual Children’s Day (F) (C): Saturday, April 26th, 1-3:30 PM. Join your children and grandchildren for a fun afternoon featuring Argentina’s “Pocket Circus,” the World’s Smallest Circus; games; face painting; balloons; prizes and more. Contact Sonia for information. Music for a Sunday Afternoon (F) (C): Sunday, April 27th, 2:30 PM.
Annual Observance...Holocaust Memorial Week (G): April 28th -30th. The library and the Holocaust Memorial Society of Illinois are again working together to mark Holocaust Memorial Week. Specific plans will be announced shortly. Contact Dan for information.
Días de Inscripción para ESL Nivel 1 y Clases de Tejido (A): Miercoles y Jueves, 12 y 13 de Marzo, 10 AM. ESL es un curso de ocho semanas que se reúne todos los Miércoles y Jueves 9:30-11 AM. Este curso Es para las personas del Primer Nivel Solamente. Si estas interesado, ven a inscribirte en estas fechas para asistir a las clases en Abril. No se aceptarán nuevos estudiantes después del 13 de Marzo. Espacio es limitado a 20 estudiantes. El grupo de tejido se reúne cada Miercoles de 12 a 2 PM. Tiempo de Cuentos y Juegos en las Vacaciones de Primavera (F) (C): Martes y Miércoles, 25 y 26 de Marzo, 11:30 AM. Los niños de K a 3er grado pueden unirse a nosotros para una hora de cuentos, manualidades y juegos. No es necesario registrarse, solamente ven!
EVENTOS ABRIL Clases de Tejido (A): Los miércoles del 2 de Abril 12 PM. Tejedoras principiantes y avanzados pueden unirse a esta clase. Traiga su propio material para aprender nuevas puntadas. Tercer Año Celebración del Día del Niño (F)(C): Sábado, 26 de Abril, 1 PM. No te pierdas esta oportunidad de llevar a los niños o nietos a una tarde completamente divertida de entretenimiento con el Circo más Pequeño del mundo desde Argentina “Pocket Circus.” También habrá juegos, caritas pintadas, globos, premios y mucho más!
*All are welcome. Todos son bienvenidos.
Bilingüe - La Hora del Cuento y Tutoria con los Estudiantes de la Escuela Eisenhower H.S. (F): Martes, 4 de Marzo, y Martes, 1 de Abril, 6:30 PM. Niños en grados 1 al 5 están invitados a escuchar cuentos y recibir ayuda en la lectura. Tambien habrá una manualidad para hacer. Cuentos Bilingües con la Sra. Salgado (F): Todos los Miercoles 11:30 AM. Treinta minutos de cantar canciones de cuna, aprender el abecedario, los numerous, colores y los dias de la semana. Este programa es para niños de 0 a 6 años.
EVENTOS MARZOS Tejiendo con Hilo Rafi (A): Miercoles & Jueves, Marzo 12, 13, 19 & 20, 12 PM. Este curso de croché empezó el 5 de Febrero, pero aun puedes asistir. Ven en la fechas mencionadas para registrarte y no se te olvide traer tú Hilo de Rafia y un ganchillo de tejer del número 0 al 2. For a complete, updated listing of events and to register, please visit http://www.blueislandlibrary.org/events/calendar