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elylite curv composite panel - Adam Hall Group

with a thin (70 micron) protective layer of PET and are consequently very cost effective and even easy to glue. These ultra light weight panels are designed to ...
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The Elylite Curv panels are composed of two self-reinforced polypropylene skins combined with a honeycomb core®Curv (HC), joined by adhesive The panels consist ofskins polypropylene Curvpanels panelstogether arecomposed composed twobonding. self-reinforced polypropylene skins combined(PP) withaa The Elylite are ofoftwo self-reinforced polypropylene combined with with a honeycomb thin (70 micron) of PETby are consequently very costconsist effective even core protective (HC), joinedlayer together adhesive bonding. panels ofofand polypropylene (PP) together byand adhesive bonding.The The panels consist polypropylene (PP) easy towith glue. a thin (70 micron) protective layer layer of of PET PET and and are are consequently consequentlyvery verycost costeffective effectiveand andeven even easy to glue. These ultra light weight panels are designed to meet the highest performance characteristics in light weight panels areeasily designed to the highest performance characteristics These designed to meet meetThe thepanels highesthave performance characteristics stiffness and ultra impact resistance, and are recyclable. been tested at tempera-inin impact resistance, and easily panels been atattemperastiffness and are arematerials, easily recyclable. recyclable. The panelsishave have been tested temperatures as low as and -30°C. Unlike typical polymer the CurvThe material known nottested to show any tures as as low as -30°C. Unlike typical polymer materials, the Curv material isisknown not totoshow any tures low as -30°C. Unlike typical polymer materials, the Curv material known not show any brittleness even at extremely low temperatures. brittleness even brittleness even at at extremely extremely low low temperatures. temperatures. Composition Composition Composition 3 • Polypropylene honeycomb core with density of 60 of kg/m3. Polypropylene honeycomb core aa density •• Polypropylene honeycomb coreawith with density of 60 60 kg/m kg/m3.. • Two •Curv 0.92ofmm. a 100% polypropylene (PP) composite; they consist of a unique wovenwoven structure of streched PP fibers, Twoskins Curv ofskins 0.92The mm.skins The are skins are a 100% polypropylene (PP) composite; they consist of a unique structure of stretched PP fibers, protected (70 of protected by a by thinaa thin (70 micron) layerlayer of PET. protected by thin (70 micron) micron) layer of PET. PET. Joined together by high adhesion system. • Joined together by a high adhesion system. •• Joined together by aaperformance high performance performance adhesion system. Dimensions Dimensions Dimensions Thickness 9.7 Thickness 9.5 mm mm Thickness 9.5 mm Size 1250 1250 x 2850 Size 2200 mm mm Size 2500 x1250xmm Colors ColorsColors Black // grey grey Black (Black Curv skins are UV-resistant) Black /(Black greyCurv skins are UV-resistant) (Black Curv skins are UV-resistant)

Weight Weight Weight 2.4 kg/m² kg/m² 2.4 2.4 kg/m²

Deflection Deflection Deflection (mm) Deflection Deflection (mm) (*) (*)

2 LL = (Mtottot==10 10kg) kg) = 1000 1000 mm, mm, W W == 1000 1000 mm, mm,PP == 100 100N/m N/m2(M Panel of 9.7 mm 12.00 Deflection (mm) mm, W = 1000 mm, P = 100 N/m2 (Mtot = 10 kg) Panel of (*) 9.5 mmL = 1000 12.00

(*) calculated values including bending and shear stiffness.

bending and shear stiffness. Panel(*)ofcalculated 9.5 mmvalues including 12.00 (*) calculated values including bending and shear stiffness. impact resistance

Impact resistance The Curv skins have an exceptionally high resistance to impact. Theresistance Curv skins have an exceptionally high resistance to impact. Impact Permanent (mm) high resistance M =to2impact. kg, H = 1000 mm, diameter = 20 mm The CurvPermanent skins havedeformation an exceptionally deformation (mm) M = 2 kg, H = 1000 mm, diameter = 20 mm Sandwich with 0.92mm Curv as skin 1.83 Permanent deformation (mm) Curv as skin M = 21.83 kg, H = 1000 mm, diameter = 20 mm Sandwich with 0.92mm Sandwich with 1mm aluminium as skin 6.58 Sandwich with 0.92mm Curv as skin as skin 1.83 6.58 Sandwich with 1mm aluminium Sandwich with 1mm aluminium as skin 6.58 Fire behavior Fire behavior Uncoated Curv skins correspond to Class B2 according DIN 4102 which is described as “normal Fire behavior Uncoated Curv skins correspond to Class B2 according DIN 4102 which is described as “normal flammability”. Uncoated Curv skins correspond to Class B2 according DIN 4102 which is described as “normal flammability”. flammability”. The polypropylene honeycomb core material is estimated to correspond to Class B2. The polypropylene honeycomb core material is estimated to correspond to Class The polypropylene honeycomb core material is estimated to correspond to B2. Class B2. Weather resistance Weather resistance Weather resistance • Elylite® Curv composite panels are stable within a temperature range from -40 °C to +80 °C. • Elylite Curv composite panelspanels are stable within a temperature from -40 °C-40 to +80 •• Elylite Curv are within a temperature range from °C agents. to°C. +80 °C. ® Elylite Curvcomposite composite panels arestable resistant to salt water,range oil, fats and most other •• Elylite Curv composite panels are resistant to salt water, oil, fats and most other agents. • Elylite Curv composite panels are resistant to salt water, oil, fats and most other agents. Black Curv skins guarantee excellent UV-protection and do not show any significant signs of ageing compared to other similar polymer materials. • Black• Curv guarantee excellent UV-protection Waterskins absorption of the panels is minimal. and do not show any significant signs of ageing compared to other similar polymer materials. • Water absorption the panels is minimal. • Water absorption of the of panels is minimal. Elylite® Curv is a registered trademark of Elytra nv, Belgium.

Adam Hall GmbH · Daimlerstr. 9 61267 Neu-Anspach Germany Tel.: (+49) 60Adam 81 / 94 0 Fax.: (+49) 60 81 /94 19Neu-Anspach 1000 e-mail: [email protected] Hall19GmbH · Daimlerstr. 9 61267 Germany Tel.: (+49) 60 81 / 94 19 0 Fax.: (+49) 60 81 /94 19 1000 e-mail: [email protected]

Processing possibilities

ElylitE® Curv CompositE panEl The Elylite® Curv panels are composed of two self-reinforced polypropylene skins combined with a honeycomb core (HC), joined together by adhesive bonding. The panels consist of polypropylene (PP) with a thin (70 micron) protective layer of PET and are consequently very cost effective and even easy to glue. These ultra light weight panels are designed to meet the highest performance characteristics in stiffness and impact resistance, and are easily recyclable. The panels have been tested at temperatures as low as -30°C. Unlike typical polymer materials, the Curv material is known not to show any brittleness even at extremely low temperatures. Composition • Polypropylene honeycomb core with a density of 60 kg/m3. Storage • Two Curv skins of 0.92 mm. The skins are a 100% polypropylene (PP) composite; they consist of a unique woven structure of stretched PP fibers, protected by a thin (70 micron) layer of PET. Elytra advises to protect the panels from rain, penetration of moisture and condensation during storage. Elylite Curv composite panels can be stacked up • Joined together by a high performance adhesion system. to a height of 2 m. Dimensions Thickness 9.7 mm Size 1250 x 2850 mm Colors Black / grey

(Black Curv skins are UV-resistant)

Weight 2.4 kg/m² Deflection Deflection (mm) (*)

L = 1000 mm, W = 1000 mm, P = 100 N/m2 (Mtot = 10 kg)

Panel of 9.7 mm


(*) calculated values including bending and shear stiffness.

impact resistance The Curv skins have an exceptionally high resistance to impact. Permanent deformation (mm)

M = 2 kg, H = 1000 mm, diameter = 20 mm

Sandwich with 0.92mm Curv as skin


Sandwich with 1mm aluminium as skin


Fire behavior Uncoated Curv skins correspond to Class B2 according DIN 4102 which is described as “normal flammability”. The polypropylene honeycomb core material is estimated to correspond to Class B2. Weather resistance • Elylite® Curv composite panels are stable within a temperature range from -40 °C to +80 °C. • Elylite® Curv composite panels are resistant to salt water, oil, fats and most other agents. • Black Curv skins guarantee excellent UV-protection and do not show any significant signs of ageing compared to other similar polymer materials. • Water absorption of the panels is minimal.

Elylite® Curv is a registered trademark of Elytra nv, Belgium.

Adam Hall GmbH · Daimlerstr. 9 61267 Neu-Anspach Germany Tel.: (+49) 60 81 / 94 19 0 Fax.: (+49) 60 81 /94 19 1000 e-mail: [email protected]


Elylite Curv-Platten bestehen aus zwei Polypropylen-Deckschichten, die mit einem Waben-Kern (Honeycomb Core®Curv -Curv HC)panels verklebt Die Polypropylen-Platten sindpolypropylene mit einer (70skins Mikron) dünnenwith panels aresind. composed twoself-reinforced self-reinforced polypropylene skinscombined combined withaa The Elylite are composed ofoftwo PET-Schutzschicht versehen, wodurch das Material günstig und einfach zu verkleben (HC), joined together by bonding. The consist honeycomb core together by adhesive adhesive bonding. Thepanels panels consistofist. ofpolypropylene polypropylene(PP) (PP) with a thin (70 micron) protective layer layer of of PET PET and and are are consequently consequentlyvery verycost costeffective effectiveand andeven even to glue.Plattenwerkstoff entspricht hinsichtlich Steifigkeit und Schlagzähigkeit anspruchsvollsten Diesereasy ultraleichte Anforderungen und ist zudem einfach zu recyceln. Die Platten wurden bei Temperaturen bis -30° C getestet. weight panels arePolymerwerkstoffen designed highest characteristics These ultra designed to to meet meet the the highest performance characteristics Im Unterschied zu light den meisten anderen wird Curv performance selbst bei extrem niedrigen inin stiffnessnicht and impact and are are easily easily recyclable. recyclable.The The panels panelshave havebeen beentested testedatattemperatemperaTemperaturen spröde.resistance, and tures as as low tures low as as -30°C. -30°C. Unlike Unlike typical typical polymer polymer materials, materials,the the Curv Curvmaterial materialisisknown knownnot nottotoshow showany any brittleness even brittleness even at at extremely extremely low low temperatures. temperatures. Aufbau: • Wabenstruktur aus Polypropylen mit einer Dichte von 60 kg/m3 Composition Composition 33 • Zwei••0,92 mm Curv-Deckschichten Curv-Deckschichten bestehen zu 100% aus Polypropylen (PP)-Verbundstoff aus zu einer einzigartigen Polypropylene honeycomb with aa density .. Polypropylene honeycomb core coreDie with density of of 60 60 kg/m kg/m Gewebestruktur verwobenen und einer Mikron ) dünnen PE-Schutzschicht. • Two Curv skins of 0.92 PP-Fasern mm. The skins are a (70 100% polypropylene (PP) composite; they consist of a unique woven structure of stretched PP fibers, protected by micron) layer of • Die beiden Komponenten hochfest protected by aa thin thin (70 (70sind micron) layermiteinander of PET. PET. verklebt Joined together together by •• Joined by aa high high performance performance adhesion adhesion system. system. Abmessungen Dimensions Dicke: Dimensions 9,5 mm Thickness2500 9.7 Thickness 9.5 mm mm Abmessungen: x1250 mm Size 1250 1250 xx 2850 Size 2200 mm mm FarbeColors Colors Schwarz / Grau Black grey // grey (SchwarzeBlack Curv-Platten sindare UV-beständig) (Black Curv skins UV-resistant) (Black Curv skins are UV-resistant)

Gewicht Weight Weight 2,4 kg/m² 2.4 kg/m² kg/m² 2.4 Krümmung Deflection Deflection Krümmung (mm) (*) L = 1000 mm, B = 1000 mm, P = 100 N/m2 (Mges = 102 kg) Deflection (mm) (Mtottot==10 10kg) kg) Deflection (mm) (*) (*) LL = = 1000 1000 mm, mm, W W == 1000 1000 mm, mm,PP == 100 100N/m N/m2(M Platte mit 9,5 mm


Panel of 9.7 mm


Panel of 9.5 mm 12.00 (*) errechnete Werte unter Berücksichtigung von Biege- und Schubsteifigkeit (*) calculated values including bending and shear stiffness. (*) calculated values including bending and shear stiffness. Schlagzähigkeit impact resistance Impact resistance Die Curv-Deckschicht zeichnet sich durch eine hohe Schlagzähigkeit aus. The Curv skins have an exceptionally highaußergewöhnlich resistance to impact. The Curv skins have an exceptionally high resistance to impact. Bleibende Verformung (mm) (mm) M = 2Mkg, = 1000 mm, mm, Durchmesser Permanent deformation = 2H kg, H = 1000 diameter == 20 20 mm Permanent deformation (mm) mm M = 2 kg, H = 1000 mm, diameter = 20 mm Sandwich with 0.92mm Curv as skin 1.83 Sandwichmit witheiner 0.92mm Sandwichplatte 0,92 Curv mm as skin 1,83 1.83 Sandwich with 1mm aluminium as skin 6.58 starkenSandwich Curv-Deckschicht with 1mm aluminium as skin 6.58 Sandwichplatte einer mit 1 mm starken 6,58 Deckschicht aus Aluminiumblech Fire behavior Fire behavior Uncoated Curv skins correspond to Class B2 according DIN 4102 which is described as “normal Uncoated Curv skins correspond to Class B2 according DIN 4102 which is described as “normal flammability”. Brandverhalten flammability”. The polypropylene honeycombentspricht core material estimated to correspond to Class B2 B2. Die unbehandelte Curv-Deckschicht nachisisDIN 4102 der Brandschutzklasse The polypropylene honeycomb core material estimated to correspond to Class B2.„normal entflammbar“. Die innere Wabenstruktur aus Polypropylen entspricht wahrscheinlich ebenfalls Brandschutzklasse B2. Weather resistance Weather resistance • Elylite® Curv composite panels are stable within a temperature range from -40 °C to +80 °C. Wetterbeständigkeit •• Elylite within a temperature range °C agents. to +80 °C. Elylite®Curv Curvcomposite compositepanels panelsare arestable resistant to salt water, oil, fats andfrom most-40 other • Elylite Curv Verbundplatten sind im Temperaturbereich von -40 °C bis +80 °C stabil. •• Elylite Curv composite panels are resistant to salt water, oil, fats and most other agents. Black Curv skins guarantee excellent UV-protection and do not show any significant signs of ageing compared to other similar polymer materials. • Elylite• Water Curv Verbundplatten sindpanels seewasserfest absorption of the is minimal.und beständig gegen Öl, Fett und die meisten anderen Substanzen. • Water absorption of the panels is minimal. • Die schwarze Curv-Deckschicht hat eine hohe UV-Beständigkeit und zeigt im Vergleich zu anderen ähnlichen Polymerwerkstoffen keine nennenswerten Alterungseffekte. • Die Platten zeigen eine minimale Wasserabsorption. Elylite® Curv is a registered trademark of Elytra nv, Belgium.

Adam Hall GmbH · Daimlerstr. 9 61267 Neu-Anspach Germany Tel.: (+49) 60Adam 81 / 94 0 Fax.: (+49) 60 81 /94 19Neu-Anspach 1000 e-mail: [email protected] Hall19GmbH · Daimlerstr. 9 61267 Germany Tel.: (+49) 60 81 / 94 19 0 Fax.: (+49) 60 81 /94 19 1000 e-mail: [email protected]


ElylitE® Curv CompositE panEl The Elylite® Curv panels are composed of two self-reinforced polypropylene skins combined with a honeycomb core (HC), joined together by adhesive bonding. The panels consist of polypropylene (PP) with a thin (70 micron) protective layer of PET and are consequently very cost effective and even easy to glue. These ultra light weight panels are designed to meet the highest performance characteristics in stiffness and impact resistance, and are easily recyclable. The panels have been tested at temperatures as low as -30°C. Unlike typical polymer materials, the Curv material is known not to show any brittleness even at extremely low temperatures. Composition • Polypropylene honeycomb core with a density of 60 kg/m3. Lagerung • Two Curv skins of 0.92 mm. The skins are a 100% polypropylene (PP) composite; they consist of a unique woven structure of stretched PP fibers, protected by a thin (70 micron) layer of PET. Elytra empfiehlt, die Platten geschützt vor Regen, eindringender Feuchtigkeit und Kondenswasserbildung zu lagern. Elylite Curv Verbundplatten können in Stapeln • Joined together by a high performance adhesion system. von maximal 2 m Höhe gelagert werden. Dimensions Thickness 9.7 mm Size 1250 x 2850 mm Colors Black / grey

(Black Curv skins are UV-resistant)

Weight 2.4 kg/m² Deflection Deflection (mm) (*)

L = 1000 mm, W = 1000 mm, P = 100 N/m2 (Mtot = 10 kg)

Panel of 9.7 mm


(*) calculated values including bending and shear stiffness.

impact resistance The Curv skins have an exceptionally high resistance to impact. Permanent deformation (mm)

M = 2 kg, H = 1000 mm, diameter = 20 mm

Sandwich with 0.92mm Curv as skin


Sandwich with 1mm aluminium as skin


Fire behavior Uncoated Curv skins correspond to Class B2 according DIN 4102 which is described as “normal flammability”. The polypropylene honeycomb core material is estimated to correspond to Class B2. Weather resistance • Elylite® Curv composite panels are stable within a temperature range from -40 °C to +80 °C. • Elylite® Curv composite panels are resistant to salt water, oil, fats and most other agents. • Black Curv skins guarantee excellent UV-protection and do not show any significant signs of ageing compared to other similar polymer materials. • Water absorption of the panels is minimal.

Elylite® Curv is a registered trademark of Elytra nv, Belgium.

Adam Hall GmbH · Daimlerstr. 9 61267 Neu-Anspach Germany Tel.: (+49) 60 81 / 94 19 0 Fax.: (+49) 60 81 /94 19 1000 e-mail: [email protected]


Les panneaux Elylite Curve sont composés de deux "peaux" de polypropylène auto-renforcées, alliéesThe à unElylite cœur®Curv àCurv structure (HC), letwo tout assemblé par des couchesskins adhésives. Les with panneaux panelsnid ared'abeille composed self-reinforced polypropylene skins combined withaa panels are composed ofoftwo self-reinforced polypropylene combined sont constitués de core polypropylène (PP) avec une mince (70bonding. microns)The couche protectrice PET : ils sont(PP) par (HC), joined together by panels consist polypropylene honeycomb together by adhesive adhesive bonding. The panels consistofofde polypropylene (PP) (70 micron) protective layer of and conséquent très modéré et très faciles à coller. with ad'un thin coût layer of PET PET and are are consequently consequentlyvery verycost costeffective effectiveand andeven even easy to glue. Ces panneaux ultra-légers sont conçus pour atteindre les meilleures performances en termes light weight are; designed to highest characteristics ininà These designed to meet meet the the highestperformance performance characteristics de rigidité et ultra de résistance auxpanels impacts ils sont facilement recyclables. Les panneaux ont été testés impact resistance, and easily The have tested stiffness andaussi and are are easily recyclable. recyclable. The panels panels havebeen been testedatle attemperatemperades températures basses que -30°C. Contrairement aux matériaux polymères typiques, matériau tures as as low as -30°C. Unlike typical polymer the material isisknown not any tures Unlike typicalfriabilité polymernimaterials, materials, the Curv Curv known nottotoshow showbasses. any Curv est connulow pourasne-30°C. présenter aucune fragilité, même auxmaterial températures extrêmement brittleness even brittleness even at at extremely extremely low low temperatures. temperatures. Composition Composition Composition 3 • Cœur•• polypropylène, structure nidcore d'abeille, kg/m3. Polypropylene honeycomb with density of kg/m Polypropylene honeycomb core with aadensité density 60 of 60 60 kg/m3.. • Deux•"peaux" d'épaisseur 0,92 Cesare"peaux" en composite polypropylène (PP) of ; ilsa unique consistent en une structure Two CurvCurv skins of 0.92 mm. Themm. skins a 100%sont polypropylene (PP)100% composite; they consist woven structure of stretched PP fibers, protected thin (70 layer of tissée de fibresby protégées une fine couche(70 microns) de PET. protected bydeaa PP thinétirées, (70 micron) micron) layer par of PET. PET. Joined together aa high performance adhesion • Collage par untogether procédéby hautes performances. •• Joined byadhésif high de performance adhesion system. system. Dimensions Dimensions Dimensions : Thickness Thickness 9.5 mm mm Épaisseur 9,5 mm9.7 Size 1250 1250 xx 2850 mm Size Largeur/longueur : 2200 2500 mm x1250 mm Colors Colors Couleurs Black // grey grey Black (Black Curv skins are UV-resistant) Noir / gris (Black Curv skins are UV-resistant)

(les "peaux" Black Curv sont résistantes aux UV)

Weight PoidsWeight 2.4 kg/m² kg/m² 2.4 2,4 kg/m² Deflection Deflection 2 Deflection FlexionDeflection totale (mm) (Mtottot==10 10kg) kg) (mm) (*) (*) LL = = 1000 1000 mm, mm, W W == 1000 1000 mm, mm,PP == 100 100N/m N/m2(M Panel of 9.7 mm 12.00 Flexion Panel totale (mm) (*) L = 1000 mm, W = 1000 mm, P = 100 N/m2 (Mtot = 10 kg) of 9.5 mm 12.00 (*) calculated values including bending and shear stiffness.

(*) calculated bending and shear stiffness. Panneau de 9,5values mm including 12,00 (*) les valeurs calculées tiennent compte de la flexion et la rigidité en cisaillement

impact resistance Impact resistance The Curv skins have an exceptionally high resistance to impact. The Curv skins have an exceptionally high resistance to impact. Résistance aux impacts Permanent deformation (mm) M = 2 kg, H = 1000 mm, diameter mm Les "peaux" Curv présentent une résistance aux impacts exceptionnellement élevée. ==20 Permanent deformation (mm) M = 2 kg, H = 1000 mm, diameter 20 mm Sandwich with 0.92mm as skin 1.83 Déformation permanente (mm)Curv kg, H = 1000 mm, diamètre = 20 mm Sandwich with 0.92mm Curv as skin M = 21.83 Sandwich with 1mm aluminium as skin 6.58 Sandwich avec "peau" Curv 0,92 mm 1,83 Sandwich with 1mm aluminium as skin 6.58 Sandwich avec "peau" aluminium 1 mm 6,58 Fire behavior Fire behavior Résistance auCurv feu skins correspond to Class B2 according DIN 4102 which is described as “normal Uncoated Uncoated correspond to Class B2àaccording 4102DIN which is described “normal flammability”. Les "peaux" CurvCurv sansskins revêtement correspondent la Classe DIN B2 selon 4102, ce qui estasdécrit comme une "inflammabilité normale". flammability”. The polypropylene honeycomb core material is estimated to correspond to Class B2. Le matériau polypropylène cœur en nid d'abeille est estimé pour une correspondance à la Classe B2. The polypropylene honeycomb core material is estimated to correspond to Class B2. Weather resistance Résistance aux conditions météorologiques Weather ® resistance • Elylite Curv composite panels stable within a temperature range from -40 °Callant to +80 °C. °C à +80 °C. • Les panneaux composites Elylite Curvare sont stables dans une gammerange de températures de°C. -40 •• Elylite Curv within a temperature °C agents. to +80 Elylite® Curvcomposite compositepanels panelsare arestable resistant to salt water, oil, fats andfrom most-40 other • Les panneaux composites Elylite Curv résistants à l'eau salée, à l'huile, aux other matières grasses et à la plupart ders autres agents. •• Elylite Curv composite panels aresont resistant to salt water, oil,not fats and any most agents. Black Curv skins guarantee excellent UV-protection and do show significant signs of ageing compared to other similar polymer materials. • Les "peaux" Black Curv of garantissent excellente protection contre les UV, et ne présentent aucun signe de vieillissement significatif par • Water absorption the panels une is minimal. • Water absorption of thepolymère panels is similaires. minimal. rapport aux autres matériaux • L'absorption d'eau par le panneau est minimale. Elylite® Curv is a registered trademark of Elytra nv, Belgium.

Adam Hall GmbH · Daimlerstr. 9 61267 Neu-Anspach Germany Tel.: (+49) 60Adam 81 / 94 0 Fax.: (+49) 60 81 /94 19Neu-Anspach 1000 e-mail: [email protected] Hall19GmbH · Daimlerstr. 9 61267 Germany Tel.: (+49) 60 81 / 94 19 0 Fax.: (+49) 60 81 /94 19 1000 e-mail: [email protected]

Possibilités de traitement

ElylitE® Curv CompositE panEl The Elylite® Curv panels are composed of two self-reinforced polypropylene skins combined with a honeycomb core (HC), joined together by adhesive bonding. The panels consist of polypropylene (PP) with a thin (70 micron) protective layer of PET and are consequently very cost effective and even easy to glue. These ultra light weight panels are designed to meet the highest performance characteristics in stiffness and impact resistance, and are easily recyclable. The panels have been tested at temperatures as low as -30°C. Unlike typical polymer materials, the Curv material is known not to show any brittleness even at extremely low temperatures. Composition • Polypropylene honeycomb core with a density of 60 kg/m3. Stockage • Two Curv skins of 0.92 mm. The skins are a 100% polypropylene (PP) composite; they consist of a unique woven structure of stretched PP fibers, protected by a thin (70 micron) layer of PET. Elytra conseille de protéger les panneaux de la pluie, de toute pénétration d'humidité et de condensation lors du stockage. Les panneaux composites Elylite Curv • Joined together by a high performance adhesion system. peuvent être empilés jusqu'à une hauteur de 2 mètres. Dimensions Thickness 9.7 mm Size 1250 x 2850 mm Colors Black / grey

(Black Curv skins are UV-resistant)

Weight 2.4 kg/m² Deflection Deflection (mm) (*)

L = 1000 mm, W = 1000 mm, P = 100 N/m2 (Mtot = 10 kg)

Panel of 9.7 mm


(*) calculated values including bending and shear stiffness.

impact resistance The Curv skins have an exceptionally high resistance to impact. Permanent deformation (mm)

M = 2 kg, H = 1000 mm, diameter = 20 mm

Sandwich with 0.92mm Curv as skin


Sandwich with 1mm aluminium as skin


Fire behavior Uncoated Curv skins correspond to Class B2 according DIN 4102 which is described as “normal flammability”. The polypropylene honeycomb core material is estimated to correspond to Class B2. Weather resistance • Elylite® Curv composite panels are stable within a temperature range from -40 °C to +80 °C. • Elylite® Curv composite panels are resistant to salt water, oil, fats and most other agents. • Black Curv skins guarantee excellent UV-protection and do not show any significant signs of ageing compared to other similar polymer materials. • Water absorption of the panels is minimal.

Elylite® Curv is a registered trademark of Elytra nv, Belgium.

Adam Hall GmbH · Daimlerstr. 9 61267 Neu-Anspach Germany Tel.: (+49) 60 81 / 94 19 0 Fax.: (+49) 60 81 /94 19 1000 e-mail: [email protected]


Los paneles Elylite Curv constan de dos capas de polipropileno autoreforzados y combinados con unThe núcleo de®Curv nido de abeja, entreofof sítwo por un adhesivo. Los paneles sonskins de combined Curvpanels panels areunidos composed twoself-reinforced self-reinforced polypropylene skins combinedwith withaa Elylite are composed polypropylene polipropileno (PP) ycore una(HC), fina capa deadhesive PET (70 micras), que resultan joinedprotectora together bonding. The consist honeycomb together by by adhesive bonding.por Thelopanels panels consistofofpolypropylene polypropylene(PP) (PP) micron) muy económicos y fáciles de protective encolar. layer with a thin (70 layer of of PET PET and and are are consequently consequentlyvery verycost costeffective effectiveand andeven even easy to glue. Estos paneles ultraligeros están diseñados para satisfacer las características más exigentes weight panels are designed to meet highest These ultra light designed tode meet the highestperformance performancecharacteristics characteristicsinin en cuanto a rigidez y resistencia al impacto, además serthe fácilmente reciclables. resistance, and easily recyclable. panels been and are arede easily recyclable. The panelsAhave have beentested tested temperaSe ha stiffness sometidoand a losimpact paneles a temperaturas prueba de hastaThe -30 °C. diferencia de los atattemperatures as as low as -30°C. Unlike typical polymer materials, the Curv material isisknown not totoshow any tures low as -30°C. Unlike typical polymer materials, the Curv material known not show polímeros más usuales, el material Curv no muestra ninguna fragilidad, ni siquiera a temperaturas muyany bajas. brittleness even brittleness even at at extremely extremely low low temperatures. temperatures. Composición Composition Composition 33 • Núcleo de nido de abeja de polipropileno una densidad de 60 kg/m3. Polypropylene honeycomb core aa density of .. •• Polypropylene honeycomb core with withcon density of 60 60 kg/m kg/m • Dos •capas Curv skins de 0,92 mm. Las capas son are de un compuesto 100% de(PP) polipropileno deauna exclusiva tejida de fibras Two Curv of 0.92 mm. The skins a 100% polypropylene composite;(PP); theyconstan consist of unique wovenestructura structure of stretched PP estiradas fibers, de protectedpor by (70 PP protegida capa layer (70 micras) protected by auna a thin thindelgada (70 micron) micron) layer of of PET. PET. Joined together by performance adhesion • Se unen mediante un adhesivo alto rendimiento. •• Joined together by aa high highde performance adhesion system. system. Dimensions Dimensions Dimensiones Thickness 9.5 mm mm Grosor:Thickness 9,5 mm 9.7 Size 1250 1250 xx 2850 mm Size 2200mm mm Tamaño: 2.500 x1.250 Colors Colors Colores Black // grey grey Black (Black Curv skins are UV-resistant) Negro/gris (Black Curv skins are UV-resistant)

(Las capas Curv de color negro son resistentes a los rayos UV)

Weight Peso Weight 2.4 kg/m² kg/m² 2.4 2,4 kg/m² Deflection Deflection Deflexión 2 = 10 kg) Deflection (mm) (*) LL = 1000 mm, W == 1000 mm, PP == 100 N/m (Mtot tot = 10 kg) Deflection 1000 mm, 100(Mtotal N/m2(M Deflexión (mm) (*) (mm)L(*) = 1.000=mm, Ancho =W 1.0001000 mm, Pmm, = 100 N/m2 = 10 kg) Panel of of 9.7 12.00 Panel 9.5 mm mm 12.00 Panel de 9,5 mm


(*) calculated values including bending and shear stiffness. (*) calculated including bendingy aland shear stiffness. (*) Los valores incluyen values resistencia a la flexión cizallamiento.

impact resistance Impactalresistance Resistencia impacto The Curv skins have an exceptionally high resistance to impact. The Curv skins exceptionally high resistance Las capas tienenhave una an resistencia al impacto muy alta. to impact. Permanent deformation (mm) M = 2 kg, H = 1000 mm, diameter = 20 mm Permanent deformation M = 2 kg, H = 1.000 1000 mm, Deformación permanente (mm)(mm) mm,diameter Diámetro==20 20mm mm Sandwich with 0.92mm Curv as skin 1.83 Sandwich with 0.92mm Curv as skin 1.83 Sandwich con Curv de 0,92 mm como capa 1,83 Sandwich with 1mm aluminium as skin 6.58 Sandwich with 1mm aluminium skin 6.58 Sandwich con aluminio de 1 mm comoascapa 6,58

Comportamiento ante el fuego Fire behavior Fire behavior Las capas Curv sin corresponden a la clase B2 segúnDIN DIN 4102, que se describe como Uncoated Curvrevestir skins correspond to Class B2 according 4102 which is described as “normal Uncoated Curv skins correspond to Class B2 according DIN 4102 which is described as “normal flammability”. "inflamabilidad normal". El material del núcleo de nido de abeja de polipropileno corresponde a la clase B2. flammability”. The polypropylene honeycomb core material is estimated to correspond to Class B2. The polypropylene honeycomb core material is estimated to correspond to Class B2. Resistencia a la intemperie Weatheralveolares resistance • Los paneles Elylite Curv son estables dentro de un rango de temperaturas de -40 °C a +80 °C. Weather ® resistance • Elylite Curv composite panels stable within a temperature range from -40 °C to muchos +80 °C. • Los paneles alveolares Elylite Curv sonareresistentes al aagua de mar, aceites, grasas y °C otros •• Elylite Curv composite within temperature range to +80 °C. agentes. Elylite® Curv compositepanels panelsare arestable resistant to salt water, oil, fats andfrom most-40 other agents. • Las capas Curv color negro garantizan una excelente protección contra los rayos y no muestran signos importantes de envejecimiento •• Elylite Curvdeskins composite panels are resistant to salt water, oil,not fats and any most otherUVagents. Black Curv guarantee excellent UV-protection and do show significant signs of ageing compared to other similar polymer materials. en comparación con otros polímeros • Water absorption of the panels similares. is minimal. • Water absorption thepaneles panels es is minimal. • La absorción de agua deoflos mínima.

Elylite® Curv is a registered trademark of Elytra nv, Belgium.

Adam Hall GmbH · Daimlerstr. 9 61267 Neu-Anspach Germany Tel.: (+49) 60Adam 81 / 94 0 Fax.: (+49) 60 81 /94 19Neu-Anspach 1000 e-mail: [email protected] Hall19GmbH · Daimlerstr. 9 61267 Germany Tel.: (+49) 60 81 / 94 19 0 Fax.: (+49) 60 81 /94 19 1000 e-mail: [email protected]

Posibilidades de procesado

ElylitE® Curv CompositE panEl The Elylite® Curv panels are composed of two self-reinforced polypropylene skins combined with a honeycomb core (HC), joined together by adhesive bonding. The panels consist of polypropylene (PP) with a thin (70 micron) protective layer of PET and are consequently very cost effective and even easy to glue. These ultra light weight panels are designed to meet the highest performance characteristics in stiffness and impact resistance, and are easily recyclable. The panels have been tested at temperatures as low as -30°C. Unlike typical polymer materials, the Curv material is known not to show any brittleness even at extremely low temperatures. Composition • Polypropylene honeycomb core with a density of 60 kg/m3. Almacenamiento • Two Curv skins of 0.92 mm. The skins are a 100% polypropylene (PP) composite; they consist of a unique woven structure of stretched PP fibers, protected by a thin (70 micron) layer of PET. Elytra recomienda proteger los paneles de la lluvia, la humedad y la condensación durante el almacenamiento. Los paneles Elylite Curv se pueden apilar hasta una • Joined together by a high performance adhesion system. altura de 2 m. Dimensions Thickness 9.7 mm Size 1250 x 2850 mm Colors Black / grey

(Black Curv skins are UV-resistant)

Weight 2.4 kg/m² Deflection Deflection (mm) (*)

L = 1000 mm, W = 1000 mm, P = 100 N/m2 (Mtot = 10 kg)

Panel of 9.7 mm


(*) calculated values including bending and shear stiffness.

impact resistance The Curv skins have an exceptionally high resistance to impact. Permanent deformation (mm)

M = 2 kg, H = 1000 mm, diameter = 20 mm

Sandwich with 0.92mm Curv as skin


Sandwich with 1mm aluminium as skin


Fire behavior Uncoated Curv skins correspond to Class B2 according DIN 4102 which is described as “normal flammability”. The polypropylene honeycomb core material is estimated to correspond to Class B2. Weather resistance • Elylite® Curv composite panels are stable within a temperature range from -40 °C to +80 °C. • Elylite® Curv composite panels are resistant to salt water, oil, fats and most other agents. • Black Curv skins guarantee excellent UV-protection and do not show any significant signs of ageing compared to other similar polymer materials. • Water absorption of the panels is minimal.

Elylite® Curv is a registered trademark of Elytra nv, Belgium.

Adam Hall GmbH · Daimlerstr. 9 61267 Neu-Anspach Germany Tel.: (+49) 60 81 / 94 19 0 Fax.: (+49) 60 81 /94 19 1000 e-mail: [email protected]