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hace 5 días - disciple keeps watch, attentive to. Him Who Is and Him Who Comes, in memory of his first coming in the lowliness of the flesh, and in the.
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Sunday, August 11, 2019 Year C

19th Sunday in Ordinary Time

St. Joseph Campus: 1310 Mainstreet, Hopkins St. John Campus (Parish Office): 6 Interlachen Road, Hopkins 55343 Phone: (952) 935-5536 Website: Fax: (952) 938-2724


Parish Staff and Information Pastor Fr. James Liekhus [email protected] Deacons Deacon Darrel Branch [email protected] Deacon Francis Tangney (952) 935-8530 [email protected] Parish Business Administrator Lori Thul [email protected] Administrative Coordinator Elaine Sinkala [email protected] Director of Worship & Music Katie Schafer [email protected] Ministry Coordinator Sheila Przesmicki [email protected] Director of Youth Formation Cindy Novak [email protected] Pre-School Coordinator Kathleen Esh (952) 933-7610 [email protected] Custodian Ricardo Torres [email protected] Parish Trustees Bill Clemen Joe Fish Pastoral Council Members Rhonda Pantila Karen Fish Edali Mendez Jeff Ward Therese Otten Romaine Bechir Notre Dame Academy, 13505 Excelsior Blvd. Minnetonka, MN 55345 Ginger Vance, Principal (952) 358-3500 email: [email protected]


Ministry and Liturgy Information Pledged: $1,617,000 Collected: $1,012,369

Parish Office……….. SUMMER HOURS CELEBRATION OF MASSES St. Joseph Campus Saturday……..…...4:30 p.m. (English) Sunday………...….8:30 a.m. (English) Tue & Thu..…….….7:00 a.m. (English) Morning Prayer & Rosary Mon, Wed, & Fri…7:00 a.m. St. John Campus Sunday…………. Wed, Fri & Sat …..8:00 a.m. (English) SACRAMENTAL LIFE Eucharistic Adoration Chapel: Perpetual Adoration open 24 hours at St. Joseph Campus Baptism: Contact the office 2 months prior to Baptism to schedule the required preparation conference. Matrimony: Contact priest 12 months in advance of desired date. Reconciliation (Private) St. Joseph Campus Saturday ………….3:30 p.m. St. John Campus Saturday…...…..…..8:30-9:30 a.m. Sunday …………....12:30 p.m. Anointing: Communion or BeFriender Visit Contact the Parish Office …………………...(952) 935-5536 Parish Registration Contact the Parish Office at: ………………….....(952) 935-5536

2019 Catholic Services Appeal Foundation (CSAF) UPDATE ACH and Credit Card giving is available Visit our website for Online Giving options or call the parish office at (952) 935-5536.

Please write checks for the capital campaign separately from your regular Sunday giving. These funds go into a different account from our other donations. Thank you!

St. Gabriel’s goal:


Amount Paid:


Amount Pledged & Paid: $58,865

PARISH OFFICE SUMMER HOURS May 31st – August 30th: The parish office will be open: Monday-Thursday: 8:30a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and CLOSED ON FRIDAYS. Summer Bulletin Deadline Thursdays at Noon - 10 days before the bulletin date, except for holidays. Email to: [email protected] Returning our gifts to God and His Church St Gabriel the Archangel's Sunday Giving This information has been removed for the online version Please contact the Parish Business Administrator with any questions (952) 935-5536

Parish Calendar


Weekly Calendar Sunday, August 11 5:30 p.m. Loaves & Fishes Meal, Social Hall St. Joseph Campus Monday, August 12 5:30 p.m. Loaves & Fishes Meal, Social Hall St. Joseph Campus 6:30 p.m. In His Time Infertility Support Group Conference Room, St. John Campus 7:30 p.m. AA, Cafeteria, St. John Campus Boyce Street Door Tuesday, August 13 5:30 p.m. Loaves & Fishes Meal, Social Hall St. Joseph Campus 6:00 p.m. Fall Festival Meeting, Library St. Joseph Campus 6:00 p.m. Rosary Making, Room in Tunnel St. Joseph Campus 7:00 p.m. Knights of Columbus, Leo’s Den St. John Campus 8:00 p.m. Tuesday Basketball, Gym St. John Campus Wednesday, August 14 7:00 p.m. Hispanic Vigil Mass– Feast of the Assumption St. John Campus Thursday, August 15 SOLEMNITY OF THE ASSUMPTION,HOLY DAY OF OBLIGATION

Friday, August 16 All Day– Dinner at Your Door 7:00 p.m. WMYA Sports Night, Field St. Joseph Campus Saturday, August 10 8:00 a.m. Entrenamiento para Catequistas Community Room, St. John Campus 4:00 p.m. Practica del Coro, Community Room St. John Campus 4:00 p.m. Registracion Catequesis, Conference Room, St. John Campus 5:30 p.m. Loaves & Fishes Meal, Social Hall St. Joseph Campus Sunday, August 4 5:30 p.m. Loaves & Fishes Meal, Social Hall St. Joseph Campus

WEEKDAY MASS CHANGE Beginning Friday, August 23, 2019, there will be a Daily Mass held at the St. Joseph Campus at 11:25 a.m. Monday thru Friday. There will be no 7:00 a.m. Or 8:00 a.m. Masses during the week. (There will still be an 8:00 a.m. Mass at the St. John Campus on Saturdays.)

Both Campuses Closed

7:00 a.m. Mass, St. Joseph Campus 12:00 p.m. Mass, St. Joseph Campus 7:00 p.m. Mass, St. John Campus DInner at Your Door

LITURGICAL MINISTERS, AUGUST 17 & 18 4:30 p.m. Mass at St. Joseph Campus Extraordinary Ministers: R. Bechir, J. Jelinek, C. Murphy, L. Raphael, D. Specken, J. Specken, Deacon F. Tangney Lectors: (1) C. Murphy, (2) L. Baker Sacristan: K. Jamison Greeters: R. Harrigan, P. O’Gorman, J. Vesovich Servers: Alex J. Ushers: J. Jelinek, Dale Specken, Dave Specken 8:30 a.m. Mass at St. Joseph Campus Extraordinary Ministers: R. Boyer, F. DeWell, B. Johnson, Deacon F. Tangney, A. Tangney, B. Tangney, P. Weinbender Lectors: (1) B. Tangney, (2) C. Romportl Sacristan: J. Brannan Greeters: D. Hemker, K. Kopesky, S. Tangney Servers: Joseph B., Anna T. Ushers: C. Hetchler, W. Hoops, D. Nelson, S. Tangney 10:30 a.m. Mass at St. John Campus Extraordinary Ministers: K. Davies, T. Dick, M. Goergen, J. Greene, J. Hartnett, B. McBride, F. Tautin, B. Tautin Lectors: (1) S. Goergen, (2) V. Vonhof Sacristan: B. Davies Greeters: E. Bennett, J. Fish, S. Loeffler Servers: Keira H., Quinn H., Grace P. Ushers: G. Dunkley, M. Dunkley, W. Dunkley, D. Noll, M. Noll, B. Rottach, M.K. Rottach


Please pray for those in nursing homes, the families of the sick, caregivers, the military and their families, and for the following: Nancy Bishop, Tom Deyo, Michael Ewert, Fr. Ralph Goman, Delores Holschuh, Luke Julien, The Keane Family, Ham Kurtz, Carly Liekhus, Peg Lindgren, David Mentzer, Sandy Muschenheim, Marty Noll, Noemi Quintero, Joshua Reid, Marcella Samuelson, Sandy Sperrazza, Debra Thompson, Jack Underdahl, Morris Jacob Sugarman, Judi Bari. To add a name to the list, please notify the Parish Office. Because of the length of the list, names will be published for one month unless otherwise requested. Thank you.

Sunday, August 11 8:30 a.m. †Jerry Aamot & Barb Aamot 10:30 a.m. †Bud Anderson 1:00 p.m. People of the Parish Tuesday, August 13 7:00 a.m. †George & Mary Mogush Wednesday, August 14 8:00 a.m. Therese Rasmussen Thursday, August 15– Holy Day 7:00 a.m. †Paul Freier 12:00 p.m. †Joe McGroarty 7:00 p.m. †Mary Leoni Guiffre Friday, August 16 8:00 a.m. †Spencer Nelson Saturday, August 17 8:00 a.m. † Cecelia Nightingale 4:30 p.m. †John & Martha Krawczak, Sr Sunday, August 18 8:30 a.m. †Felomana Fuentes 10:30 a.m. †William Secora 1:00 p.m. People of the Parish

Dear Parishioners,

Last week, there was an incident at St. Joseph campus where someone was in the building after everything was locked up and caused some very minor damage. Nothing too troubling, but in discussing it with the staff, we realized that our St. Joseph campus isn’t secure. While we think we know who all has keys, we aren’t certain. With the key card system in place at St. Joseph campus, it makes sense to switch fully over to using it when someone needs to access the building after hours. We’re sending a notice individually to parishioners who we know have keys so they can swap them for a key card, but I’m putting this in the bulletin in case there are any keys out there that we don’t know about. Changing all the locks is expensive and I want to avoid that if at all possible, so please contact the office if you have a key so that we can get you a key card. I appreciate your cooperation as we try to make sure our church is as secure as possible. Thank you! Fr. Liekhus

any age is that of watchfulness, of August 11th 2019 19th Sunday in Ordinary earnest Christian living in faith, hope, and love. Time Wisdom 16:6-9, Hebrews • 11,1-2,8-19 Jesus here instructs his disciples on the skills required for being a watchman, someone who is prepared for the Lord’s return. First, we are to live in the kingdom, not relying on earthly treasure but on that heavenly treasure that is won by almsgiving. We are also to be vigilant, awake, dressed, and attentive for his coming. The Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) says that vigilance at prayer is “custody of the heart” (CCC 2849) and that “in prayer the disciple keeps watch, attentive to Him Who Is and Him Who Comes, in memory of his first coming in the lowliness of the flesh, and in the hope of his second coming in glory” (CCC 2612). And for those who are entrusted with the “stewardship” of the Church, or what Jesus calls, “all (the master’s) property, “ they must also be sure to be vigilant in supplying the needs of the other servants, “to distribute the food allowance at the proper time” and in not abusing the privileges of office or those over which they exercise it. The whole of Christian history, the history of the Church, is the story of the great night watch. At this point in our collective journey through time, “salvation is nearer to us now than when we first believed” and “the night is far gone, the day is at hand, “(Romans 13:11-12, RSV). We can’t be sure if we are “in the second or third watch” of that night, but the proper Christian stance in

This week’s readings are about discovering our true treasures. If your house was on fire and you could only take out three things (in addition to the people in your home!), what would they be and why? In the Gospel reading, Jesus says, “For where your treasure is, there also will your heart be.” What things in your life do you truly treasure; in other words, what do you spend most of your time, energy, and attention on? Do these things that you treasure-that you spend time and energy onreflect what is truly most important in life?

For more information or to sign up for a small group contact Karen Fish: (952)239-1949. FAITH FORMATION NEWS NURSERY MINISTRY Our youngest parishioners need some cheerful, energetic, and loving adults to care for them during Mass! Could you serve approximately once/month from October through May? You will fall in love with these children and they will see our loving Lord Jesus through your actions. Contact Cindy to be part of our ministry team: [email protected]; 952-540-4762.

FALL FESTIVAL RAFFLE TICKETS We will be rotating the raffle tickets between each of the campuses. They will be located by the entrance of the church after each mass. The Early Sellers drawing will continue as years past. Hand in your sold tickets in the offering baskets at Sunday Mass before the drawing dates and WIN! The next Seller Drawings will be held on August 12th and August 26th with $50 winners each drawing. YOUR SOLD TICKETS MUST BE HANDED INTO THE PARISH OFFICE IN ORDER TO WIN! Please call Sue for more information: 952-935-5227

Come to Me all who labor and are burdened… Please consider joining our community of a rers and commit to one hour with our r Adorers are needed: Monday 12p.m, Wednesday 3 p.m., 5 p.m. Friday 9a.m. Saturday 4am For information or to register to adore Our Lord, please call: Barb: (952) 933-8423 Luis Becerra: (612) 600-6821, or ee s@ tma c m Roberta: (952) 935-1774, r


hank you for welcoming to St. Gabriel’s and supporting Reverend William Smith, CSSp, of the Spiritans (Congregation of the Holy Spirit), and for your gift of $3,240 in Dear Parishioners, June. Each year we participate in this face-to-face encounter with the efforts of one missionary organization so that we might I would like to personally share in the story of the Good News of Christ being thank all who proclaimed in one part of the world. Your effort continues the prayed for my nephew John, who tradition going back to St. Paul who gathered assistance for the Church in Jerusalem as an act of communion and encouragement suffered brain damage and a within the Body of Christ. bone fracture in his neck on Feb. rd Deacon Mickey Friesen, D.Min, Archdiocese of St. Paul 23 from a car accident. His heart and Minneapolis stopped three times. He was in a coma for several weeks. Gradually, he improved and re-learned how to walk and talk. He still has memory problems but will slowly improve. He went home on May In 2013, Loaves and Fishes Minnesota served around 8th. The next day he called me. I 300,000 meals. Last year, with the support of your generosity, we told him that many parishioners topped one million! People are hungry, and we're giving them more opwere praying for him John replied portunities to be our guest and enjoy healthy meals. “that is what it takes.” I can’t thank all of you enough. I ask for your continued prayers for John and his wife Norah, who is in stage four of liver cancer. With much love, and gratitude, Mary Anne Roberts



In light of recent events around the country, the Hopkins Police Department has offered to lead a discussion on Grandparents’ Pilgrimage to the “Emergency response to Active Holy Land threat.” Please join Sgt. Greg Pilon January 7-16, 2020, Registration for this discussion on Tuesday, Deadline: August 10 August 27th at 7 p.m. in the Community Room of the St. John Join the Archdiocese of St. Paul and campus. We especially encourage Minneapolis Office of Evangelization ushers and sacristans, as well as on a Grandparents' Pilgrimage to the other community members interested Holy Land with Grandparents Minis- in the safety of our parishioners and try Chaplain, Fr. Joseph Bambenek. community.

The pilgrimage takes place January 7-16, 2020. Pilgrimage sites include the Sea of Galilee, Mount Tabor, the Garden of Gethsemane and so much more! For more information, visit and click on “Upcoming Trips” to Israel” (Holy Land).” ST. GABRIEL THE ARCHANGEL FALL FESTIVAL 4 WEEKS AND COUNTING! Have you sent in your Raffle Tickets yet? Mail them to the parish office or put them in the collection basket. Please bring your Cookies, Cake, etc. to St. John campus kitchen on Friday 9/6 for the “Goodies” booth. Bring the 12-packs of pop to St. John campus foyer before Friday, September 6th. See you at the Festival!

Blake Road Improvements Summer 2019 For more information on construction progress and updates, visit:


medical care and basic needs. Additional services include care and emotional support for youth separated from primary caregivers. All youth see a health care professional upon entering the shelter at St. Joe’s Community Health Clinic onsite. Referrals primarily are from Hennepin County; however, referrals from other counties are also welcome. Staff works with county services to find the best living arrangement for each child.

Checks should be made out to St. Gabriel Catholic Church with St. Joseph’s Home for Children This 24-hour emergency shelter is for youth 6– to 17- written on the memo line. years-old who have been removed from a situation of Please be generous. crisis, abuse or neglect with RECIPIENT FOR AUGUST 10-11, 2019

Archdiocesan Women’s Retreat: Saturday, September 28 Church of the Epiphany, Coon Rapids The Archdiocesan Women’s Retreat includes an opening Mass with Bishop Cozzens, light breakfast, great keynote speakers including Nell O’Leary, Father Brian Park and Dia Boyle, lunch, time for reflection, Adoration & Reconciliation, and of course, fellowship with other Catholic women. Prayer teams will also be available. For more information visit or visit the Events page at Questions? Contact Susanna Parent at [email protected] or 651-291-4411. Register today!

Parish Information Nursery: St. Gabriel’s is looking to hire a nursery coordinator. The position is for Sundays, 8:00am-2:30pm and would pay $150/Sunday. Please contact Cindy Novak at [email protected]

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Domingo, 11 de Agosto, 2019 Año C

19o Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario

SAN GABRIEL EL ARCÁNGEL Confesiones, domingos 12:30pm Santa Misa, domingos 1:00pm

Pastor: Rev. Padre James Liekhus (Padre Jim)


ENTRENAMIENTO PARA CATEQUISTAS Agosto 17, 2019 Comenzamos con la Santa Misa a las 8:00 a.m. Confesiones de 8:30 a 9:30 am Entrenamiento en el Community Room Terminamos a las 4:00 p.m. Tema, Agosto 17: La catequesis en una comunidad que rinde culto (del Directorio Nacional para la Catequesis). Informes y registración: Edalí Mendez y Yolanda Becerra Gracias por dar la bienvenida a San Gabriel y apoyar al Reverendo William Smith, CSSp, de los Spiritans (Congregación del Espíritu Santo), y por su donación de $3,240 en junio. Cada año participamos en este encuentro cara a cara con los esfuerzos de una organización misionera para que podamos compartir personalmente la historia de la Buena Nueva de Cristo que se proclama en una parte del mundo. Su esfuerzo continúa la tradición de San Pablo, quien juntó asistencia para la Iglesia en Jerusalén como un acto de comunión y aliento dentro del Cuerpo de Cristo. Diácono Mickey Friesen, D.Min, Arquidiócesis de St. Paul y Minneapolis

Ya están abiertas las inscripciones para los institutos de Formación con la Arquidiócesis de S. Paul y Minneapolis. Sirviendo a las necesidades de los líderes católicos de habla hispana, contamos con cuatro institutos de formación de fe y de desarrollo de liderazgo pastoral: Instituto Básico de Teología Instituto Bíblico Instituto Catequético Instituto de Liderazgo Pastoral Habrá una Sesión de Orientación para las personas que requieran más información sobre los Institutos, el 24 de agosto del 2019, de 10 am a 12:00 pm, en el Centro Católico Arquidiocesano: 777 Forest Street, St. Paul MN 55106. Para más información, contactar a Beatriz López López, Formation Coordinator, Office of Latino Ministry Tel. 651-291-4496, [email protected]

HORAS DE LA OFICINA PARROQUIAL PARA EL VERANO 31 de mayo al 30 de Agosto, la ofincia estará abierta lunes a jueves, 8:30a.m. a 4p.m. CERRADA LOS VIERNES. Artículos para el boletín, se pide entregar los jueves antes del mediodía - 10 dias antes de la fecha del boletin. Email a: [email protected]

¡ESTUDIO BIBLICO, CURSO II ya comenzó! Sábados, 10 a.m. a 12:00 p.m. Sigue cada semana en el Salón Comunitario (Community Room) del campus de S. John

Fechas: Agosto 3,24,31 Septiembre 14,21; Octubre 5,19 Noviembre 2, 9 Información: Edalí Méndez; Registración: Gloria Lema

Grupo de Oración Sábados 7:00pm: SÓLO JESÚS Debemos orar sin cansarnos, porque la salvación de la humanidad no depende del éxito material, sino sólo de Jesús. Evangelización a los hogares con el Santo Rosario: Por favor llame a Angeles: (612) 388-8495; Maria Robles: (612) 310-0310; O Yolanda (612) 267-6697