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St Charles Borromeo •
St Charles Borromeo Grateful to Our Giving Community, We ask the Lord to compensate its generosity. Previous Sunday Collection $11,703.00 The median of the past years’ operating expenses is $619,893 which sets the goal for each Sunday to $11,009.00. Agradecemos a Nuestra Comunidad Dadivosa por su generosidad. Colecta del fin de semana pasado $11,703.00 Los gastos del año pasado fueron $619,893 Objetivo de colecta semanal para cubrir gastos es de $11,009.00
SBC School News
Although school started this past week, it is not too late to join our school family and ensure the happy, healthy and outstanding Catholic education for your child. We have openings in Preschool - start early grounding your child in the Catholic faith. Call the school office for information - 916-421-6189. There is no school on Monday, September 3 in honor of Labor Day. SCB Youth Group /Grupo de Jovenes Adolecentes de SCB Set our Hearts OnFire! Get ready to set your hearts OnFire as we travel to Vallejo on Saturday, September 15, 2018. Tickets are $52.00 and can be purchased online. Ticket price goes up after September 1st. Get your tickets early! OnFire is an event for High School teens and young adults and includes a live Mass, guest speakers, Adoration and all you can eat lunch buffet. Join youth from 7 Dioceses across Northern California. OnFire NorCal Jam-2018.
Baptismal Preparation Class / Platicas Pre-Bautismales
English class are the first Wednesday of the month at 7:00pm at the school library. La plática de preparación pre-bautismal en Español en Septiembre sera el dia Lunes 10 a las 7:00 de la noche en la iglesia.
Requests for Mass Intentions /Pedido de Intenciones para las Misas Requests for mass intentions need to be received in the parish office with stipend at least two weeks in advance if you want your request included in the weekly bulletin. Los pedidos de intenciones de Misa deben de hacerse dos semanas de anticipación, y su estipendio para que aparezcan en el boletín.
Catholic Faith Formation (CFF) English 2018-201
Classes start on Sept. 8 (Sat.). For more information, you may contact the CFF office to Sr. Josie at 916-421-7174, Monday Friday from 9:00am—5:00pm (Closed on Thursdays).
Formación Catequética en la Fe (CFF) en Español 2018-2019
El primer día de clases para catequesis regular en Español será el Sabado 8 de Septiembre en su respective horario y la cathquesis de Adultos (RICA) dara Vinicio el el dia Jueves 6 de Septiembre a las 6:30 en el salon el gimnacio. Favor de hablar o pasar a la Oficina de Catequesis durante horas de oficina si tiene alguna pregunta o duda con Hna. Patricia, HCJC Al (916) 4211063; horario de oficina de catequesis en Español son los siguientes: Lunes, Martes, Jueves y Viernes de 2:30 pm a 5:00 pm; Sábados de 9:00 am a 2:00 pm. No hay servicio de oficina los Miércoles y Domingos.
This is to inform you that the Church will be under renovation next year starting JUNE TO SEPTEMBER (2019). The Church will not be in service for WEDDING or QUINCEANERA MASSES DURING THESE MONTHS.
Les queremos informar que el proximo año la iglesia estara en remodelacion empezando de JUNIO a SEPTIEMBRE 2019. No celebraremos misas de BODAS y QUINCEAŇERAS DURANTE ESTOS MESES.
PARISH OFFICE/OFICINA DE LA PARROQUIA The Parish office will be closed Monday September 3, 2018 in observance of Labor day Holiday. La oficina de la Parroquia estara cerrada el día Lunes 3 de Septiembre en observación al día del Trabajo.
Preparing for the Canonization of Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcuta : There will be a Mass in Celebration of Canoni-
zation of Blessed Teresa on Sunday, September 4 at the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament at 9:00 a.m. with Bishop Jaime Soto.
Divine Mercy Conference - Sacramento
The 13th annual Divine Mercy Conference will be held on Saturday, October 6, 2018 at Divine Mercy Parish, 2231 Club Center Dr, Sacramento, CA 95835. Speakers Fr. Ed Broom from Los Angeles and Kristine Franklin from Minnesota. For tickets call Anslim at 916-686 6354. Tickets are $20 in advance or $25 at the door. More info at or with Grace Neel (916)252-2391
Pope advances Sainthood cause for Bishop Alphonse Gallegos, declared Venerable
St. Vincent De Paul Society
When we combine our gifts with others in our parish, we trust that God will take care of getting it to those who need it most. Sometimes we might think our donation is insignificant, but the amount we donate is not the point. What matters is combining everyone's gifts for the benefit of others. With God's help we can serve many more people in need. Thank you for your generosity and concern for those who are less fortunate. Our hotline number is 916 733-2010.
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September 1 - September 7, 2018
Saturday 8:00am- -Mirian Alvarez, -Maria Lani & Edward Malicdem, -Michael & Benjamin Hochster, †Myrna Shanklin -5:00pm- -Choly, Agnes & Renato, -Flordeliza Flores Cababasada, †Priscilla Loyola 6:30pm- †Ruperto Tejada, †Candelaria Lopez Santana, †Sergio Alfonzo Vazquez Mandujano, †Octavio Baeza Razo, †Almas del Purgatorio Sunday 7:30am- -Gerlyn Yanos, †Inez Nguyen, †Maria Nguyen, †Taylor Barlow 9:00am- -Manuel Galan, -Jacinto Rios, †Gloria Jimenez Cruz, †Gloria Juares, †Maria Soledad Velazquez Ochoa 10:30am- -Louie de la Cruz, †Myrna Shanklin 12:00pm- †Myrna Shanklin, Yolanda Rosaros Aracan 1:30pm- †Maria Amparo Mejia 5:00pm- †Myrna Shanklin, 6:30pm- †Sergio Echevarria Lopez Monday 8:00am- †Myrna Shanklin, †Estelita & Rodolfo Laureta Tuesday8:00am6:00-6:45 pmConfessions / Confesiones 7:00pmWednesday 8:00am6:00-6:45 pm - Confessions / Confesiones 7:00pmThursday8:00am- -Benjamin Hochster, -Carlos & Patricia Yadan, †Nathan Ortiz, †Lydia E. Aguilar 1st Friday8:00am- -Maria Lani & Edward Malicdem, -Benjamin & Michael Hochster, †Jose & Elvira Montes, †Luz & Eulogio Albaniel, †Higino & Angela Mutiangpili
In decisions made on July 8, Pope Francis advanced the sainthood cause of the late Bishop Alphonse Gallegos, who served as auxiliary bishop of Sacramento from 1981 until his death in an auto accident near Yuba City in 1991. He was particularly known as the “bishop of the barrio” for his ministry to farmworkers for the poor and marginalized, and also known as the “lowrider” bishop because of his support for members of local modified-car clubs. He was particularly concerned about the poor, un-catechized young people, migrants and other people who lacked support from the community, and often spent his summer vacations living with farmworkers in the Central Valley. Bishop Jaime Soto will preside at a Mass of thanksgiving for Venerable Alphonse Gallegos on Saturday, Nov. 19, at 1:30 p.m. in the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament in downtown Sacramento.
Encuentro Ministerio Hispano
Los invitamos a que participen en el Encuentro Ministerio Hispano el sábado, 8 de septiembre del 2018 de las 9am a 5pm en el Santuario de Nuestra Señor de Guadalupe localizado en el 711 T Street, Sacramento, CA 95811. Tendremos un diálogo sobre que rumbo llevamos y como haremos realidad los resultados del V Encuentro. Un Pueblo Unido en la Misión. Regístrate con Julia Jimenez o (916) 733-0177
25th Anniversary Conference with Patrick Madrid
At Good Shepherd Parish on Saturday September 29, 2018, 9:30 a.m. to 3:00pm. Four back-to-back seminars that will enliven your spirituality! Plus, bonus talk for MEN-only Friday September 28, 2018 (6:30pm to 8:00pm) included with purchase of conference ticket! Ticket on sale now ($25.00 per person). Available: *Online at, *The Catholic Store 1928 Broadway Sacramento, Ca. 95818, *Easter’s Catholic books and Gifts 6916 sunrise Blvd. Citrus Heights, CA. 95610. Registration begins 8:30am / Brown bag lunch—bring your own or purchase from onsite food trucks. Good Shepherd Catholic Church 9539 Racquet Ct., Elk Grove, Ca. 95758. (916)684-5722.
Volunteer at ON FiRE NorCal Jam 2018!
Share your talents at ON FiRE NorCal Jam 2018! We are looking for volunteers to join our MC Team, Liturgy Team and Tech Crew. We need as many hands on deck as possible to help this collaborative event run smoothly! If you or anyone you know may be interested in volunteering, please visit or contact Rochelle Gammad at (916) 733-0123 or for more information!
Worldwide Marriage Encounter
How would you like to see that investment grow! Weekends for 2018 are: Oct. 5-7 in Reno, NV. & Nov. 9-11, in Sacramento. For info. visit our website at: or contact Terry & Janet (916)489-3464.