diocesan chronicle

23 abr. 2017 - This was a day of preparation for the sacrament of. Confirmation, which they will receive on April 29th. At Mt. Angel, Father Andre, O.S.B, gave a ...
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News of the Diocese of Baker

April 23, 2017 Volume 8 • Number 7


Blessed Sacrament Youth attend Idaho Catholic Youth Conference ICYC

St. Mary Youth Visit Mt. Angel Abby to prepare for Confirmation

After two years of waiting, many fundraisers, long days at the office and many, many phone calls, Blessed Sacrament Parish in Ontario was blessed and able to send 40 youth and 7 adults to the Idaho Catholic Youth Conference ICYC the weekend of March 10-12. The topics, the presenters, and the music made for an amazing experience. Fifteen clergy — bishops and priests — heard confessions for three hours and yet were not able to hear everyone’s confession. The youth taking part were wonderful. Small group discussions brought out many good comments and questions by the youth. The procession of the Blessed Sacrament was the highlight of the day. Youth and adults were very profoundly touched by the amazing gift of God’s love and mercy. On Friday our own Bishop Cary gave a wonderful presentation on the Stations of the Cross. Saturday morning he celebrated Mass for our youth — a sure sign that our church is alive and well. — Angela Corona, DRE

On March 25th St Mary’s Catholic Church in Hood River sent 75 Confirmandi and 5 Catechists to Mt. Angel Abby. This was a day of preparation for the sacrament of Confirmation, which they will receive on April 29th. At Mt. Angel, Father Andre, O.S.B, gave a short retreat and presentation on the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit: Wisdom, Counsel, Understanding, Fortitude, Knowledge, Fear of the Lord and Piety. Father Andre allowed enough time for the group to engage in a discussion on these gifts and how to put them in use in their personal and spiritual life. The day continued with a tour of Mt. Angel Abby which included the library and bookstore. Then they participated in prayer with the monks followed by a question and answer period. Some of the questions asked were “What is your favorite Bible verse?”, “How do you feel about being a monk?”, “How do you become a monk?”, “Why do you dress differently?”, “What do you do in your free time?”, and “What influenced your decision to become a monk?” The importance of this short retreat and tour was to give our youth an understanding of religious vocation as well as an understanding of a vocation in the modern world. — Fr. Ron Maag, Pastor


Thoughts Along the Way Bishop Liam Cary

Easter 2017

Pensamientos Del Camino Obispo Liam Cary

Pascua 2017

This column first appeared in the 20 April 2014 Diocesan Chronicle

Esta columna apareció por primera vez en la Crónica Diocesana del 20 de Abril de 2014

Death awaits us all—“the last enemy to be destroyed,” St. Paul says. But it has been destroyed in the Resurrection of “the Lamb once slain who lives forever.” Jesus Christ “broke the prison-bars of death and rose victorious from the underworld,” and “in his rising the life of all has risen.” As the Easter Vigil begins, the newly-lit Paschal Candle and the burning tapers of the worshipers make the darkened church glow with “a fire into many flames divided, yet never dimmed by the sharing of its light.” The death-destroying love of “Christ our light” is not diminished in passing from one heart to another; nor will His flame in us be extinguished when we pass it on to shine in the heart of another. On Easter morn that light—the Light of Divine Love in the human heart of Jesus—burst forth from the tomb; in the centuries since, the darkness of this world has never overcome it. Throughout the Easter season, I place myself before that light each day with the ancient words of Isaac of Nineveh:

La muerte nos espera a todos- “el último enemigo a destruir”, dice San Pablo. Pero ha sido destruido en la resurrección del “Cordero inmolado que vive para siempre.” Jesucristo “rompió las barras de la prisión de la muerte y resucitó victorioso de la tumba”, y “en su resurrección ha resucitado la vida de todos.” Con el comienzo de la Vigilia de Pascua, el recientemente iluminado cirio pascual y las velas encendidas de los fieles hacen que la oscura iglesia brille con “un fuego dividido en muchas llamas, sin embargo, nunca se apaga por compartir su luz.” “El amor de Cristo nuestra Luz” que destruye la muerte no disminuye al pasar de un corazón a otro, ni tampoco su llama en nosotros se extinguirá cuando la pasamos para brillar en el corazón de otro. En la mañana de Pascua esa luz—la Luz del Amor Divino en el corazón humano de Jesús—estalló desde la tumba; por los siglos desde entonces, las tinieblas de este mundo nunca la han superado. Durante la temporada de Pascua, me pongo ante esa luz cada día con las antiguas palabras de Isaac de Nínive:

O Christ, who are covered with light as though with a garment, who for my sake stood naked before Pilate, clothe me with that might which you caused to overshadow the saints, whereby they conquered this world of struggle. May your divinity, Lord, take pleasure in me and lead me above the world to be with you.

Oh Cristo, que estás cubierto de la luz como si fuera una túnica, que por mí causa estuviste desnudo ante Pilato, vísteme con esa fuerza la misma con que cubriste a los santos, con que conquistaron este mundo de lucha. Que tu divinidad, Señor, se plazca en mí y me guíe encima del mundo para estar contigo.

O Christ, upon whom the many-eyed cherubim are unable to look because of the glory of your face, yet out of your love you received spit upon your face; remove the shame from my face and grant me an open face before you at the time of prayer.

Oh Cristo, a quien los muchos ojos de los querubines son incapaces de mirarte por la gloria de tu rostro, aun por amor recibiste escupitajos en tu cara; elimina la vergüenza de mi cara y concédeme una cara abierta ante Tí en el momento de la oración.

May the Risen Lord answer your prayers and give you an ever deepening share in his victory over death.

Que el Señor Resucitado responda tus oraciones y te de una participación cada vez más profunda en su victoria sobre la muerte.

Bishop Cary’s Schedule: April 24-28 Priest Retreat at Mt. Angel

May 6

6:30 PM Knights of Columbus Banquet at St. Thomas Church in Redmond

May 9

7:00 PM Confirmation at St. Patrick Church in Madras

May 10

7:00 PM Confirmation at St. Patrick Church in Madras

May 13

3:00 PM Confirmation at Our Lady of Guadalupe Church in Boardman

April 29

Confirmation Masses 1:00 PM, 5:30 PM, 7:00 PM at St. Mary Church in Hood River

May 1

House of Representatives Invocation in Salem

May 2

Carmelite Dinner in Eugene

May 3-4

Canon Law Conference in Portland

May 4

Legacy of Faith Foundation Meeting 3:00 PM at Chancery Office, Redmond

May 14

9:00 AM, 11:00 AM, 3:00 PM Confirmation at Our Lady of Angels Church in Hermiston

May 6

5:00 PM Knights of Columbus Mass at St. Francis of Assisi Church in Bend

May 15

7:00 PM Confirmation at St. Patrick Church in Heppner

Bishop Cary’s January 1, 2013, Pastoral Letter to Priests, School Principles and Directors of Religious Education clearly states our commitment to 100% compliance with the USCCB’s Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People. All church employees regardless of their role and all volunteers working with children/youth are required to be compliant with this Charter.1 Safe Environment Audit Results 2013—20162 2013 2014

2014 2015

2015 2016

Criminal Background Checks




Adult Safe-Environment Training Code of Conduct & Internet Policies Family & Youth Training

78% 73% 67%

97% 93% 67%

96% 92% 65%

Ministry Year (July 1-June 30)

Information on the Diocese of Baker Protection of God’s Children Charter is available on our website: www.dioceseofbaker.org/protection_of_children.htm. If the status of the Protection of God’s Children in your parish is unclear, please ask your Pastor. 1

Bishop Cary’s letter and details for diocesan Protection of God’s Children training and resources are available in English and Spanish online at: www.dioceseofbaker.org/ protection_of_children.htm. 2 Every diocese in the U.S. undergoes an annual audit by a third party national organization.

CONTACTS FOR REPORTING ABUSE All allegations or incidents of sexual abuse by clergy or laity to anyone under the age of 18 years of age should be reported immediately to the civil authorities: 911 or Oregon Department of Human Services (1-855-503-7233) After reporting any abuse involving a minor to civil authorities, please contact our diocesan Safe Environment Coordinator, Barry Metzentine. (541-388-4004) For victim assistance services (e.g. counseling or medical services pertaining to abuse), please contact our Diocesan Victim Assistance Coordinator, Angelina Montoya, MD. (541-678-5652) For allegations against a priest, deacon, seminarian, or adult lay staff of misconduct to an adult (18 years or older), please contact our Vicar General, Very Rev. Richard O. Fischer, V.G. (541-891-9015). If criminal behavior is involved (e.g. rape, attempted rape, assault, and stalking), immediately report it to the police (911) and then the Vicar General. If in doubt about whether a behavior is criminal, call the police. If you wish to know more about the Diocese of Baker’s Protection of Children policies please contact Barry Metzentine (541-388-4004).

PARISH NEWS: Blessed Sacrament Parish in Ontario begins the “FORGIVEN” series for A Lent to Remember

In their first gathering, Blessed Sacrament parishioners prepared to encounter God’s grace by viewing Forgiven: The Transforming Power of Confession, by the Augustine Institute. Youth and adults alike took part in this amazing program. The turn out was great and the group participated with good discussion questions. The parish held two weekly sessions—one in English and one in Spanish—to reach all its parish families.

Priestly Ordination Anniversaries Congratulations to the following as they celebrate their ordination anniversaries during the month of May: Rev. Raymond Hopp, Retired, Lakeview

May 01, 1965

Rev. Mike Fitzpatrick, SJ, St. Andrew’s Mission Rev. Louis H. Albrecht, Retired

May 14, 1977 May 14, 1986

Rev. Nonatus Lakra, John Day Most Rev. Liam Cary, ordained as Bishop on

May 17, 1991 May 18, 2012

Rev. Ron Warren, Retired May 19, 1962 Very Rev. Andrew Szymakowski, JCL, Redmond May 22, 2004 Rev. Daniel Maxwell, Hermiston Rev. Charles Dreisbach, Retired, Klamath Falls

May 22, 2009 May 23, 1959

Rev. Bailey Clemens, Jordan Valley Rev. Alfred Fisher, Retired, Anchorage, AK

May 23, 1998 May 26, 1956

Deacon Jesus Esparza, Hermiston Deacon Irineo Ledezma, The Dalles Deacon Daniel Martinez, Pendleton Deacon David Raj, Hood River Deacon Omar Torres, Pendleton Deacon Joe Garlitz, Elgin Rev. Andrew Colvin, LCDR, Guam

May 27, 2000 May 27, 2000 May 27, 2000 May 27, 2000 May 27, 2000 May 31, 1987 May 31, 2002

We are most grateful for the years of service of all our clergy and bishop. Please keep them in your daily prayers.



The Rite of Election for Catechumens and Candidates of Blessed Sacrament parish in Ontario was held Sunday, March 12th. Bishop Liam Cary presided over the liturgy which was concelebrated by Father Christie Tissera. Approximately 60 people attended, including 23 catechumens, one candidate, family and friends.

The Rite of Election for Catechumens and Candidates of the Southern Deanery was held Sunday, March 18th. Bishop Liam Cary presided over the liturgy at Sacred Heart Church in Klamath Falls. The Knights of Columbus provided an honor guard for the elect. Pictured Left to Right: Nevin Smith from St. Pius X in Klamath Falls; Leslie Clough from Sacred Heart in Klamath Falls, Bishop Liam Cary, Andrew and Jasmine Rojas Carillo from St. Frances Cabrini in Bonanza; and Steve Emley from Sacred Heart in Klamath Falls. Catholic Daughters Court Klamath hosted a reception for Bishop Cary and the elect. Pictured with the Bishop are Leslie Clough and Steve Emley with the Very Reverend Rogatian Urassa and CDA members.

These elect, who have been studying the Catholic Faith in RCIA since September, will be fully received into the Catholic Church at the Easter Vigil Mass. Please pray for their continuing conversion. Congratulations and welcome from your Parish families.