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Corresponding Primer level works by Robert Cavally
Seven Artistic Solos – with easy accompaniments (HL0097009). Many works can be ... levels indicated in this list of solos and ensembles should be used as.
Corresponding Primer level works by Robert Cavally Primer level method book Let’s Play the Flute (HL00970161) Primer level studies Giuseppe Gariboldi – Thirty-Two Instructive Studies (HL00970020) Primer solo collections for flute and piano Solos for the Debutante Flutist (HL00970040) Seven Artistic Solos – with easy accompaniments (HL0097009) Many works can be utilized at more than one level of development. The levels indicated in this list of solos and ensembles should be used as a basic guideline in choosing repertoire, but not restrictive to that level. Collections in particular often contain works at varying levels of difficulty. Teachers as well as students should also remember that some works are more difficult tonally than technically.
Let's Play the Flute (HL00970161). Primer level studies. Giuseppe Gariboldi – Thirty-Two Instructive Studies (HL00970020). Primer solo collections for flute and ...
Primer solo collections for flute and piano. Solos for the Debutante Flutist (HL00970040). Seven Artistic Solos – with easy accompaniments (HL0097009).
Primer solo collections for flute and piano. Solos for the Debutante Flutist ... a basic guideline in choosing repertoire, but not restrictive to that level. Collections in ...
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