Correcta Nomenclatura APEC INCORRECTA Nomenclatura APEC

China; Indonesia; Japón; Malasia; México; Nueva Zelanda; Papúa Nueva Guinea; Perú;. Filipinas; Rusia; Singapur; Corea; Chinese Taipei; Tailandia; Estados ...
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Tips para el uso correcto de la nomenclatura APEC

Correcta Nomenclatura APEC Economías, Economías Miembro Líderes APEC (sin artículo)

INCORRECTA Nomenclatura APEC Países, Estados, Naciones Presidentes, Jefes de Estado La APEC, El APEC

[No se utilizan banderas en diseños, eventos o cualquier otra acción de difusión]

Párrafo validado para ser insertado al final de notas de prensa o comunicados en el marco de la temática o eventos APEC Versión en español: Acerca de APEC El Foro de Cooperación Económica Asia-Pacífico (APEC), fundado en noviembre de 1989, es un foro compuesto por 21 economías del Asia-Pacífico, que busca promover la liberalización del comercio y las inversiones, facilitar los negocios y promover la cooperación económica a fin de alcanzar la prosperidad entre las economías miembro: Australia; Brunei Darussalam; Canadá; Chile; República Popular China; Hong Kong, China; Indonesia; Japón; Malasia; México; Nueva Zelanda; Papúa Nueva Guinea; Perú; Filipinas; Rusia; Singapur; Corea; Chinese Taipei; Tailandia; Estados Unidos y Vietnam.

Versión en inglés: About APEC The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), founded in November of 1989, is a forum of 21 economies in the Asia-Pacific region, which seeks to promote the liberalization of trade and investment, facilitate business and promote economic cooperation, achieve prosperity among member economies: Australia; Brunei Darussalam; Canada; Chile; People’s Republic of China; Hong Kong, China; Indonesia; Japan; Malaysia; Mexico; New Zealand; Papua New Guinea; Peru; the Philippines; Russia; Singapore; Korea; Chinese Taipei; Thailand; The United States and Viet Nam.


Brief guide on APEC nomenclature APEC publications -in electronic or printed copy form- include books, research manuals, research studies/reports, working papers, conference proceedings, and basic information documents such as brochures and newsletters. 1. Accepted Abbreviations and Nomenclature for Member Economies * When using members’ names in text and at meetings, they MUST be listed in the following order in lists, tables and graphs or when organizing seating around the table. The following names, and where applicable, abbreviations are to be used: AUS BD CDA CHL PRC HKC INA JPN ROK MAS MEX NZ PNG PE PH RUS SIN CT THA US/USA VN

Australia Brunei Darussalam Canada Chile People’s Republic of China (China acceptable) Hong Kong, China Indonesia Japan Republic of Korea (Korea acceptable) Malaysia Mexico New Zealand Papua New Guinea Peru The Republic of the Philippines (the Philippines acceptable) The Russian Federation* Singapore Chinese Taipei Thailand The United States Viet Nam

* The term 'The Russian Federation' is to be used for all APEC meetings at and above Ministerial level. The informal 'Russia' can be used for APEC meetings below that level and also for publications. When listing member economies in text, the names should be separated by semi-colons (e.g. Australia; Brunei Darussalam; Canada; etc). The term ‘three Chinas’ must not be used. Always refer separately to the People’s Republic of China (also can be referred to as China); Hong Kong, China; and Chinese Taipei.


The following errors are often made:

2. Other notes: - Members of APEC should be referred to as ‘member economies’ or ‘members’ or ‘economies’. The terms ‘nation’, ‘national’ or ‘country’ MUST NOT BE used as a synonym for an APEC member economy. The term ‘member economy government’ may be used as appropriate. - It is strongly discouraged to use flags nor maps that label oceans in slides/ presentations.