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cook county school district no. 104

28 ago. 2019 - Each year we aim to begin the year with staff in place in order to ... Kathy Roseen, an HMS teacher with experience teaching science, will be ...
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COOK COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 104 James C. Wrenn Administrative Center 60th Street and 74th Avenue Summit, Illinois 60501 (708) 458-0505

August 28, 2019

Dear Heritage Middle School parents, students, and families, Each year we aim to begin the year with staff in place in order to provide our students with a consistent environment in which they can learn and grow. One of our 6th grade science teachers, Ms. Dawn Balicki, will be out until about mid-September, and Ms. Kathy Roseen, an HMS teacher with experience teaching science, will be covering the class in her place. We are sharing this with you now to keep you informed of what is going on in the classroom and our school. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the office.


Robert Bassett Heritage Middle School Principal

GRAVES (K-4) 60th St. &74th Ave. Summit 458-7260

HERITAGE MIDDLE SCHOOL (6-8) 60th St. & 74th Ave. Summit 458-7590

WALKER (K-4) 7735 W. 66th Place Bedford Park 458-7150

WALSH (K-4) 5640 S. 75th Ave Summit 458-7165

WHARTON (5) 7555 W. 64th St. Summit 458-0640

COOK COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 104 James C. Wrenn Administrative Center 60th Street and 74th Avenue Summit, Illinois 60501 (708) 458-0505

28 de Agosto de 2019

Estimados padres, estudiantes y familias de Heritage Middle School, Cada año, nuestro objetivo es comenzar el año con nuestro personal para proporcionar a nuestros estudiantes un ambiente constante en el que puedan aprender y crecer. Una de nuestras maestras de ciencias de sexto grado, la Sra. Dawn Balicki, estará fuera hasta mediados de septiembre, y la Sra. Kathy Roseen, maestra de HMS con experiencia en la clase de ciencias, cubrirá la clase en su lugar. Estamos compartiendo esto con usted ahora para mantenerlo informado de lo que está sucediendo en el aula y en nuestra escuela. Si tiene alguna pregunta, no dude en comunicarse con la oficina.


Robert Bassett Heritage Middle School Principal

GRAVES (K-4) 60th St. &74th Ave. Summit 458-7260

HERITAGE MIDDLE SCHOOL (6-8) 60th St. & 74th Ave. Summit 458-7590

WALKER (K-4) 7735 W. 66th Place Bedford Park 458-7150

WALSH (K-4) 5640 S. 75th Ave Summit 458-7165

WHARTON (5) 7555 W. 64th St. Summit 458-0640

COOK COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 104 James C. Wrenn Administrative Center 60th Street and 74th Avenue Summit, Illinois 60501 (708) 458-0505

GRAVES (K-4) 60th St. &74th Ave. Summit 458-7260

HERITAGE MIDDLE SCHOOL (6-8) 60th St. & 74th Ave. Summit 458-7590

WALKER (K-4) 7735 W. 66th Place Bedford Park 458-7150

WALSH (K-4) 5640 S. 75th Ave Summit 458-7165

WHARTON (5) 7555 W. 64th St. Summit 458-0640