Congratulations to our students who made their First

2 jun. 2019 - Cathedral of Saint Paul. Archbishop ... Why do you think “the witnesses laid down their cloaks at the feet of a young man named Saul?” Are they.
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Seventh Sunday of Easter, June 2nd, 2019 Year C


St. Joseph Campus: 1310 Mainstreet, Hopkins St. John Campus (Parish Office): 6 Interlachen Road, Hopkins 55343 Phone: (952) 935-5536 Website: Fax: (952) 938-2724

Congratulations to our students who made their First Communion on May 19th! ¡Felicidades a nuestros estudiantes que recibieron su Primera Comunión el 19 de mayo!

Parish Staff and Information Pastor Fr. James Liekhus [email protected] Deacons Deacon Darrel Branch [email protected] Deacon Francis Tangney (952) 935-8530 [email protected] Parish Business Administrator Lori Thul [email protected] Administrative Coordinator Elaine Sinkala [email protected] Director of Worship & Music Katie Schafer [email protected] Ministry Coordinator Sheila Przesmicki [email protected] Director of Youth Formation Cindy Novak [email protected] Pre-School Coordinator Kathleen Esh (952) 933-7610 [email protected] Custodian Ricardo Torres [email protected] Parish Trustees Bill Clemen Joe Fish Pastoral Council Members Rhonda Pantila Karen Fish Edali Mendez Jeff Ward Therese Otten Romaine Bechir Notre Dame Academy, 13505 Excelsior Blvd. Minnetonka, MN 55345 Ginger Vance, Principal (952) 358-3500 email: [email protected]

ACH and Credit Card giving is available Visit our website for Online Giving options or call the parish office at (952) 935-5536.


Ministry and Liturgy Information

Parish Office……….. CELEBRATION OF MASSES St. Joseph Campus Saturday……..…...4:30 p.m. (English) Sunday………...….8:30 a.m. (English) Tue & Thu..…….….7:00 a.m. (English) Morning Prayer & Rosary Mon, Wed, & Fri…7:00 a.m. St. John Campus Sunday…………. Wed, Fri & Sat …..8:00 a.m. (English) SACRAMENTAL LIFE Eucharistic Adoration Chapel: Perpetual Adoration open 24 hours at St. Joseph Campus Baptism: Contact the office 2 months prior to Baptism to schedule the required preparation conference. Matrimony: Contact priest 12 months in advance of desired date. Reconciliation (Private) St. Joseph Campus Saturday ………….3:30 p.m. St. John Campus Saturday…...…..…..8:30-9:30 a.m. Sunday …………....12:30 p.m. Anointing: Communion or BeFriender Visit Contact the Parish Office …………………...(952) 935-5536 Parish Registration Contact the Parish Office at: ………………….....(952) 935-5536


Please pray for those in nursing homes, the families of the sick, caregivers, the military and their families, and for the following: Nancy Bishop, Michael Ewert, Lila Gipp, Fr. Ralph Goman, Marilyn Johnson, Luke Julien, The Keane Family, Ham Kurtz, Carly Liekhus, David Mentzer, Sandy Muschenheim, Celia Nightingale, Marty Noll, Joshua Reid, Marcella Samuelson, Sandy Sperrazza, Debra Thompson, Jack Underdahl, Mary Ann Weldon To add a name to the list, please notify the Parish Office. Because of the length of the list, names will be published for one month unless otherwise requested. Thank you!

PARISH OFFICE SUMMER HOURS May 31st – August 30th: The parish office will be open: Monday-Thursday: 8:30a..m. to 4p.m. and CLOSED ON FRIDAYS. Summer Bulletin Deadline Thursdays at Noon - 10 days before the bulletin date, except for holidays. Email to: [email protected] Returning our gifts to God and His Church St Gabriel the Archangel's Sunday Giving This information has been removed for the online version Please contact the Parish Business Administrator with any questions (952) 935-5536

Parish Calendar


Weekly Calendar Sunday, June 2 9:30 a.m. Donut Sunday, hosted by Greeters Social Hall, St. Joseph Campus 11:30 a.m. Donut Sunday, hosted by Greeters Community Room, St. John Campus 5:30 p.m. Loaves & Fishes Meal, Social Hall St. Joseph Campus Monday, June 3 7:00 a.m. Morning Prayer, Elevator Lobby Church Level, St. Joseph Campus 1:00 p.m. Legion of Mary Meeting, Library St. Joseph Campus 5:30 p.m. Loaves & Fishes Meal, Social Hall St. Joseph Campus 7:30 p.m. AA Cafeteria, St. John Campus Boyce Street Door Tuesday, June 4 5:30 p.m. Loaves & Fishes Meal, Social Hall St. Joseph Campus 7:00 p.m. Healing Mass, Church St. Joseph Campus 7:00 p.m. Holy Spirit Prayer Group, Library St. Joseph Campus 7:00 p.m. NDA Graduation, Immaculate Heart of Mary Church

LITURGICAL MINISTERS, JUNE 8 & 9 4:30 p.m. Mass at St. Joseph Campus Extraordinary Ministers: R. Bechir, G. DeLander, J. Jelinek, B. Johnson, C. Murphy, L. Raphael, D. Specken Lector: (1) L. Baker, (2) J. Specken Sacristan: K. Jamison Greeters: J. Krawczak, P. O’Gorman, J. Vesovich Servers: Reinhard E., Julius K. Ushers: J. Jelinek, B. Johnson, Dale Specken, Dave Specken

8:30 a.m. Mass at St. Joseph Campus Extraordinary Ministers: R. Boyer, J. Clemen, B. Clemen, F. DeWell, M.A. Erpelding, H. Lodermeier, B. Tangney Lectors: (1) C. Romportl, (2) M. Ninnemann Sacristan: J. Brannan Greeters: K. Kopesky, D. Lauzon, S. Tangney Servers: Joseph B., Anna T. Ushers: P. Ames, W. Hoops, D. Nelson, S. Tangney

10:30 a.m. Mass at St. John Campus Extraordinary Ministers: T. Arne, Deacon D. Branch, T. Dick, M. Dickinson, R. Fox, M. Goergen, J. Greene, Jennifer Hartnett, D. Noll, M. Sicheneder, V. Sperrazza Lectors: (1) S. Goergen, (2) V. Vonhof Sacristan: M.K. Rottach Greeters: S. Loeffler, S. Zettel Servers: Tom C., M. Dunkley, Peter M. Ushers: B. Davies, J. Kreuser, G. Schiefert, S. Zettel

8:00 p.m. Tuesday Basketball—Gym, St. John campus Wednesday, June 5 7:00 a.m. Morning Prayer, Elevator Lobby Church Level, St. Joseph Campus 6:30 p.m. Choir Practice, St. John Campus/Church Thursday, June 6 Friday, June 7 7:00 p.m. WMYA Sports Night, Field at St. Joseph campus 8:00 p.m. Nocturnal Adoration, Chapel St. Joseph Campus Saturday, June 8 4:00 p.m. Clases de preparación Bautismal Conference Room, St. John Campus 5:30 p.m. Loaves & Fishes Meal, Social Hall St. Joseph Campus 7:00 p.m. Hispanic Community Prayer Group Community Room, St. John Campus Sunday, June 9 5:30 p.m. Loaves & Fishes Meal, Social Hall St. Joseph Campus

Dear Parishioners, As I hope you’ve all heard, Chesterton Academy will be moving into the school building at St. Joseph campus this summer, with classes starting in the fall. Last year, they had 140 students in grades 912, and continue growing. As part of their school day, their students attend daily Mass. So, we are going to adjust our weekday Mass schedule. Beginning in the fall, our weekday Masses will be at 11:20am at St. Joseph campus, Monday – Friday, right before their lunch period. (One consequence of this Mass time is that funerals at St. Joseph campus would have to start at 10:00am, instead of the customary 11:00am.) This will take the place of our 7:00am and 8:00am Masses during the week. I’m curious to see if that is a good time of day for confessions, too, so I plan to hear confessions each day after Mass to give people a chance to celebrate the sacrament if they would like. Saturday will remain the same as it is, with Mass and confessions in the morning at St. John campus, and 3:30pm confessions and 4:30pm Mass in the evening at St. Joseph campus. I would like to take this opportunity to introduce another idea that I’ve been discussing with parish leadership for a while


Sunday, June 2 8:30 a.m. †Chuck Lodermeier 10:30a.m. † Alfred & Mary Ann Nordaune 1:00 p.m. People of the Parish Tuesday, June 4 7:00 a.m.† Anne Bisson & family Wednesday, June 5 8:00 a.m.† Donald Beeson Thursday, June 6 7:00 a.m. †Daniel Gaudreau Friday, June 7 8:00 a.m.† Neil Rasmussen Saturday, June 8 8:00 a.m. Mary Jo Faustgen 4:30 p.m. †James Beauchene Sunday, June 9 8:30 a.m. †Chuck Lodermeier 10:30 a.m. People of the Parish 1:00 p.m. For all Educators

– moving the 8:30am Sunday Mass from St. Joseph campus to St. John campus. The reason we might make that change is primarily for the sake of the ministries we offer on Sundays. Our families would be better served by our children’s ministries if there were two options for morning Mass at the same location as their children’s formation, and might even make it easier for them to serve in those ministries. Our music ministry would benefit from our director being able to conduct rehearsals for both morning Masses with our choirs. Youth participation in Mass and music ministry would likely increase with Mass at the same location as our children’s ministries. The pastor would be able to stay and visit with parishioners during hospitality after Mass without having to leave early for the other campus. And we would be able to offer more education and fellowship ministries in between the morning Masses. Making changes to the Mass schedule isn’t something that should be done suddenly or without careful thought, so again, this is meant to get you thinking about how we might better accomplish our mission if our ministries could focus all of their efforts on one location on Sundays. Please watch this space for future updates, and I’m happy to discuss this further if you have any questions. -Fr. Liekhus

St. Gabriel the Archangel Council of Catholic Women (CCW) Please join us for our last meeting until September: Tuesday, June 11th, at 7pm St. Joseph Campus - Social Hall Join us for conversation and refreshments as we schedule next year’s events. ALL ladies of SGA are members of CCW and always welcome to attend our meetings and special events. Thank you to all the ladies and Knights of Columbus that attended, helped and joyfully welcomed members of Chesterton Academy, who provided musical entertainment at our spring luncheon on May 18th. It was a wonderful event. Blessings to all as we continue our journey of faith at SGA.

Pledged: $1,617,000 Collected: $931,094

Please write checks for the capital campaign separately from your regular Sunday giving. These funds go into a different account from our other donations. Thank you! BeFrienders: A Listening Presence—Everyone at times has difficulties and needs a caring companion who will listen, empathize and be a reminder of a caring faith community. BeFriender ministry is not a ministry of “doing” but of “being.” To request a visit from a BeFriender, contact the parish office at (952) 935-5536.

VIRTUS SESSION AT ST. GABRIEL JUNE 11, 6:00- 9:00PM We will host a Virtus “Protecting God’s Children for Adults” training session on Tuesday June 11, 6:00 – 9:00pm in the Community Room at the St. John campus. If you plan to assist with VBS, Faith Service Camp, chaperone a youth outing, be part of the Festivals at St. Gabriel, serve at Families Moving Forward or Loaves and Fishes, along with many other ministries, you will need this safe environment training. You must register online prior to attending. Go to to get started, or contact Cindy with any questions ([email protected]; 952-540-4762).

FAITH FORMATION NEWS SUPPORT OUR YOUTH GOING ON THE MISSION TRIP: SPONSOR A MILE! Our high school youth will continue to raise money for our service trip to Kentucky by asking our community to sponsor a mile (or 10, or any amount!). We will be collecting sponsorships of $3.00/mile after all weekend Masses June 1-2. (If you would like to donate but are not able to be at Mass that weekend, you can mail your donation to the parish office, ATTN: Mission Trip.) Money raised will be used for transportation, food, and supplies for our service projects. Not everyone can join us on this trip, but our community can make sure we’re successful and be with us in spirit through this sponsorship and prayers for our success. Thank you for your generosity! PEER MINISTERS FOR FAITH SERVICE CAMP NEEDED! High school youth in grades 9-12 are invited to be peer leaders at Faith Service Camp. You will gain leadership skills, mentor younger youth, serve, and have fun too! To apply, complete the Peer Minster application packet (found at the back of the church or online) and return it to Cindy by June 16. There will be a mandatory training session on June 27, 6:30-8:30pm. FAITH SERVICE CAMP FOR 5TH – 8TH GRADE YOUTH: JULY 8-12, 8:30AM-4:00PM Time is running out to register for Faith Service Camp! The t-shirts will be ordered this week so if you want your choice of sizes, register NOW! You will truly live your faith during this week of service and fun. Friends from outside the parish are also welcome. Forms are available at the back of the church or on the website. Contact Cindy with questions: [email protected]; 952-540-4762.

Saturday, June 15, 10 a.m. Mass Marriage Day Celebration! Cathedral of Saint Paul Archbishop Bernard Hebda invites you to celebrate the beautiful mystery of the mutual self-gift between a man and woman in the Sacrament of Matrimony. The celebration includes Mass, renewal of vows, and a short reception. Couples celebrating their silver and golden anniversaries will be honored in a special way. Families and friends of all couples are welcome! Couples married one year or more may request a commemorative certificate signed by Archbishop Hebda. To request a certificate, please contact the Office of Marriage, Family & Life by June 10 at 651-291-4488 or [email protected].

Join us weekly. West Metro Young Adults Sport’s Night has moved outside to the field across from St. Joseph campus, 1310 Mainstreet. All young adults ages 18-39 are invited to join us at 7p.m. Basketball, volleyball, dodgeball, great fun! SUPPORT ST. GABRIEL WHILE YOU SHOP! Customers shop. Amazon gives. Shopping for Father’s Day, a wedding, or other events? Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of eligible AmazonSmile purchases to charitable organizations. St. Gabriel the Archangel is registered as a charitable organization with AmazonSmile. Just go to Log in the way you normally would to Amazon, and you’ll see the option of “Supporting.” Be sure the enter “Parish of Saint Gabriel the Archangel of Hopkins.” (There are several St. Gabriels!) Then con nue shopping the way you normally would!

CONGRATULATIONS to all of our GRADUATES! We continue to pray for you and wish you blessings and God’s strength and wisdom in whatever the next step in your education or life may be!

Nocturnal Adoration Society Not able to commit to a regular hour each week of Eucharistic Adoration? Is Eucharistic Adoration a new form of prayer for you? Join the members of the Nocturnal Adoration Society who spend one hour, once a month, in prayer before the Eucharist between 8:00 and 11:00pm. THE NEXT E V E N I N G O F N OC T U RN A L ADORATION IS FRIDAY, JUNE 7TH. We invite all parishioners to come to the chapel at 8:00, 9:00, or 10:00pm and “spend one hour with Him.” Join us once a month for an hour to explore how Eucharistic Adoration can deepen your experience of communion with Christ Eucharistic! Fr. Jerry Dvorak is Celebrating 40 years of Priesthood! Current and past parishioners, friends and well wishers are invited to St. Peter’s, Richfield at 6730 Nicollet Ave on Wednesday June 12, from 6:30 - 8:00 pm to celebrate Fr. Jerry’s 40 years of priestly service and ministry. Well wishers may also send greetings to Fr. Jerry through the St. Peter web pages at:


Outreach 7th Sunday of Easter, June 2nd, 2019 Year C The Ascension Of The Lord

(Acts 7:55-60; Rev 22:12-14, 16-17, 20; Jn 17:20-26) The stoning of Stephen, the first Christian martyr, gives us a glimpse of what awaits us through Stephen's visions of “beyond the veil.” There he sees the one he has faithfully confessed, Christ Jesus, standing at the right hand of the Father. In the second reading from Revelation, St. John sees the exalted Lord of Glory in that place from which he and his Father will send the Spirit of Pentecost. It is that Holy Spirit who will enable us to pray, “Come” during our earthly sojourn. In these two readings we see confirmed the promise made to believers by Christ in his high priestly prayer from today's Gospel, “that they may see my glory that you gave me.” St. Stephen in the midst of a martyr’s death in Jerusalem and St. John in the midst of a Confessor’s exile on the island of Patmos see his glory, that glory which he had with the Father from before the world was made. When our time comes, we also will see what these saints were granted to see in this life, if we are faithful as they were. In Christ we are even now given access to the love that the Son has for the Father and the Father for the Son. That love is the very procession of the Holy Spirit for whose coming we pray in the Pentecost novena. To be open to his movement is to enter into the mystical unity of the Church with which we are so concerned today. May the prayer of Jesus, the high priest of the new and eternal covenant, be heard by the Father so that all Christians may enter into the fullness of faith in the Catholic Church for which he prayed in the hours before his death. • • •

Why do you think “the witnesses laid down their cloaks at the feet of a young man named Saul?” Are they trying not to get the stain of blood on those cloaks? When you see evidence of division in our parish community, what steps can you take toward reconciliation, healing, and “oneness?” Has your life been affected by the Spirit these past few weeks? If so, how? For more information or to sign up for a small group, contact Karen Fish at 952-239-1949

THANK YOU! The family of Jerry Aamot would like to thank the Parish of St. Gabriel for reaching out with such love and caring at the time of Jerry's death and funeral. A special thank you to Fr.Liekhus, Fr.Fehn, the parish staff, Katie Schafer, Roger Burg, and the funeral luncheon committee. Barb Aamot

Come to Me all who labor and are burdened… Please consider joining our community of a rers and commit to one hour with our r Adorers are needed: Monday Midnight and Noon, Tuesday 8p.m. Wednesday at 3 p.m., 8p.m. and 9 p.m., Friday at 3a.m., 9a.m., and 8p.m., and Saturday at 4a.m. For information or to register to adore Our Lord, please call: Barb: (952) 933-8423 Luis Becerra: (612) 600-6821, or Roberta: (952) 935-1774, r ee s@ tma c m

FATHER JIM LIVINGSTON is celebrating a Healing Mass at St. Gabriel, St. Joseph campus, on Tuesday, June 4th at 7 p.m. There is opportunity for individual blessing following the Mass. Refer questions to Barb at 952-933-8423.

Quote for the week: “America without her soldiers would be like God without His angels.” - Claudia Pemberton

Summer Sizzle: Summer Sizzle is a new ICA Food Shelf event scheduled for Thursday, June 13 from 5:00 – 8:00 pm at the ICA Food Shelf K-Tel location. Summer Sizzle will feature tasty bites, complimentary beer and wine, live entertainment, a silent auction and a peek at how we really serve 800 families every month! All funds raised will support ICA's Kids' Summer Market! Tickets are $30. For more information and to purchase tickets:

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7o domingo de Pascua, 2 de junio, 2019 Año C—LA ASCENSIÓN DEL SEÑOR


Confesiones, domingos 12:30pm Santa Misa, domingos 1:00pm

Pastor: Rev. Padre James Liekhus (Padre Jim)


Queridos feligreses,

Como espero que todos hayan escuchado, la Academia Chesterton se mudará al edificio escolar en el campus de St. Joseph este verano, y las clases comenzarán en el otoño. El año pasado, tuvieron 140 estudiantes en los grados 9 -12, y continúan creciendo. Como parte de su día escolar, sus estudiantes asisten a la misa diaria. Por lo tanto, vamos a ajustar nuestro horario de misa entre semana. A partir del otoño, nuestras misas de lunes a viernes serán a las 11:20 am en el campus de St. Joseph, de lunes a viernes, justo antes de su período de almuerzo. (Una consecuencia de este tiempo de misa es que los funerales en el campus de St. Joseph tendrían que comenzar a las 10:00 am, en lugar de las 11:00 am habituales). Esta misa va a tomar el lugar de nuestras misas de las 7:00 am y 8:00 am durante la semana. También tengo curiosidad por ver si ese es un buen momento del día para las confesiones, así que planeo escuchar confesiones todos los días después de la misa para dar a las personas la oportunidad de celebrar el sacramento si lo desean. El horario de los sábados va a seguir igual, con la misa y confesiones en la mañana en el campus de St. John, y las confesiones a las 3:30 pm y misa de 4:30 pm en la tarde en el campus de St. Joseph. Me gustaría aprovechar esta oportunidad para presentar otra idea que he estado discutiendo con el

liderazgo de la parroquia por un tiempo: trasladar la misa dominical de las 8:30 am desde el campus de St. Joseph al campus de St. John. La razón por la que podríamos hacer ese cambio es principalmente por el bien de los ministerios que ofrecemos los domingos. Nuestros ministerios de niños atenderán mejor a nuestras familias si hubiera dos opciones para la misa de la mañana en el mismo lugar que la formación de sus hijos, e incluso podrían facilitar que sirvan en esos ministerios. Nuestro ministerio de música se beneficiaría si nuestra directora pudiera realizar ensayos para ambas misas de la mañana con nuestros coros. La participación de los jóvenes en la misa y el ministerio de música probablemente aumentaría con la misa en el mismo lugar que los ministerios de nuestros hijos. El pastor podría quedarse y visitar a los feligreses durante la hospitalidad después de la misa sin tener que irse temprano al otro campus. Y podríamos ofrecer más ministerios de Educación y de Acompañamiento entre las misas de la mañana. Padre Jim Liekhus

EL PADRE JIM LIVINGSTON va a celebrar una misa de sanación en St. Gabriel, campus de St. Joseph, el martes 4 de junio a las 7 p.m. Hay oportunidad de recibir bendiciones individuales después de la misa. ¿Preguntas? Llame a Barb al 952-933-8423.

Sábado, 15 de junio, 10 a.m. Misa Dia de Celebración de Matrimonio! Catedral de San Pablo El Arzobispo Bernard Hebda nos invita celebrar el bello misterio de la auto-donación mutua entre un hombre y una mujer en el Sacramento del Matrimonio. La celebración incluye misa, renovación de votos y una breve recepción. Las parejas que celebran sus aniversarios de plata y oro serán honradas de una manera especial. Familias y amigos de todas las parejas son bienvenidos! Las parejas casadas de un año o más pueden solicitar un certificado conmemorativo firmado por el arzobispo Hebda. Para solicitar un certificado, comuníquese con la Oficina de Matrimonio, Familia y Vida antes del 10 de junio al 651291-4488 o [email protected]. HORAS DE LA OFICINA PARROQUIAL PARA EL VERANO 31 de mayo al 30 de Agosto: La ofincia estara abierta lunes a jueves, 8:30a.m. a 4p.m. y CERRADA LOS VIERNES. Articulos para el boletin, se pide entregar los jueves a mediodia - 10 dias antes de la fecha del boletin. Email a: [email protected]