Chile Mayra, Cordón de los Primos, Puna de

climbed the granite south spur in 15 hours. (UIAA V +, Al.) This peak is located about 125 kilometers southeast of Vallenar, five or ten kilometers from.
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C hile M ayra, C ordón de los P rim os, Puna de A tacam a. R icardo Jara and M isael A lvial m ade the first ascent o f C erro M ayra (5300 m eters, 17,389 feet) on January 21. They ascended from the m ining cam p N evada at 3600 m eters and clim bed the granite south spur in 15 hours. (U IA A V + , A l . ) This peak is located about 125 kilom eters southeast o f V allenar, five or ten kilom eters from the A rgentine frontier. Iv a n V

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