Cerro Acay (5,716m), Como llegar a Rozarte el Alma. In summer ...

was first summited by the Incas for religious purposes. However, on February 13 Gustavo. González and friend, residents of Salta, climbed the then snow ...
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Cerro A cay (5,716m ), Como llegar a R ozarte el A lm a. In su m m e r C erro Acay, southeast of San Antonio de los Cobres, in the province of Salta, is generally a barren rou n d e d hill, which was first su m m ited by the Incas for religious purposes. However, on F ebruary 13 Gustavo G o n z á lez an d friend, re s id e n ts of Salta, clim be d th e th e n sno w co vered so u th ridge to 5,500m, at w hich p o in t G o n z ález d escend ed from the ridge for 50m and reached a 200m couloir, which he climbed over ice and mixed terrain (reportedly up to 80°), th en a little rock wall, to regain the ridge. He quickly reached the sum m it and rejoined his friend. He named the route Como llegar a Rozarte el Alma. The two got lost in a snow storm during the descent and, once the sun came out, h ad to re-ascend 500m to the sum m it, before finally coming down easier terrain. M a r c e l o Sc a n u ,
