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Catholic Community of Gonzales and Waelder

14 abr. 2019 - 417 N. College St. Gonzales, Texas 78629 ... 6:30 PM @ St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church ... 8:00 AM John Tabera by Genaro/Lupe Saldana.
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Catholic Community of Gonzales and Waelder 417 N. College St. Gonzales, Texas 78629 Phones: Parish Office...........................(830) 672-2945 Fax ...........................................(830) 672-1058 Religious Education ..............(830) 672-6291 Sacred Heart Hall ..................(830) 672-6230

E-Mails: Fr. Stan Fiuk……………………[email protected] Fr. Michael Peinemann……..mep39 [email protected] Parish Office……………………[email protected] CCD Office………………………[email protected]

Website: ……………………………

Sacred Heart

At St. John and St. Lawrence Parish Staff: Rev. Canon Stan Fiuk…………………………...Pastor Rev. Michael Peinemann……..….Parochial Vicar Rev. Mr. Terry Brennan……………………….Deacon Rev. Mr. John Klapuch………………………..Deacon Rev. Mr. Alfonso Moreno…………………….Deacon Mrs. Hope Guevara………………………….Secretary Mrs. Charlene Baker……………………Bookkeeper Mrs. Patricia Gonzalez……..Director of Relig. Ed Mr. Tim Decker………… Custodian/Maintenance

Saint James

At College and St. Lawrence

Saint Patrick

In Waelder on Hwy 90

Our Mission The St. James and Sacred Heart Catholic communities – blessed with the love of the Father, through faith in Jesus Christ and with guidance from the Holy Spirit – will work together to form one unified Catholic and apostolic Church committed to hospitality, stewardship and fellowship among diverse parishioners through religious education and a dedication to believing, living and sharing the Word of God.

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Catholic Community of Gonzales and Waelder

April 14, 2019

Mass Intentions Monday, 4/15 7:00 AM Deceased members of the Coco & Scranton (SJ) families Tuesday, 4/16 7:00AM Deceased members of Coco & Scranton fam (SJ) 9:30AM Maria Hernandez by Genaro/Lupe Saldana (TN) 6:00 PM For unborn children & expectant mothers (SP) Wednesday, 4/17 7:00 AM For victims of violence (SJ) 10:00 AM For vocations to priesthood & religious life (HN) 5:30 PM Ludwig Molnoskey by Family (SJ) Thursday, 4/18 HOLY THURSDAY 7:00 PM Deceased members of Coco & Scranton fam (SJ) Procession to Sacred Heart for Adoration 7:00 PM For the homeless and hungry (SP) Friday, 4/19 GOOD FRIDAY NO ADORATION Noon Good Friday Service (SJ) 3:00 PM Outdoor Stations beginning at Museum 5:00 PM Good Friday Service (SH) 7:00 PM Good Friday Service (SP) Saturday, 4/20 EASTER VIGIL 8:00 PM Deceased members of Coco & Scranton fam (SJ) 8:00 PM Deceased members of all our parishes (SP) Sunday, 4/21 EASTER 8:00 AM John Tabera by Genaro/Lupe Saldana (SH) Paula Galvan Castillo by family, Francisco Gamez by family 9:30 AM Sam Sirilo by family (SJ) Annie Alma Benes by family I.A. & Josie Rodriguez by family Charilie, Mary, Dennis Tomas by family Marvin/Gerald Klapuch by Tim/Mickey Klapuch Billy James Benes by Hope, Pedro & family Martha Hernandez by family 11:30 AM Augustine/Juana Quintero by family (SP) 5:15 PM NO MASS – Easter Schedule (SH)

The Lord GOD is my help, therefore I am not disgraced. — Isaiah 50:7a Ministers for Easter Sunday - Thank You for Serving Easter Vigil (SJ) Easter Vigil (SP)Lector Min of Communion EASTER Lector 8:00 AM Min of Communion 9:30 AM Lector Min of Communion 11:30 AM Lector Min of Communion 5:15 PM

RCIA Assigned John Kelly & Rosario Blanco Ruben & Lupita Cedillo Nery Mata/Yolanda de la Barreda/Rocio Leon Gloria y Armulfo Moreno/ Ricardo y Yesenia Gonzalez Bonnie San Miguel Leticia Cenoti, Mary Ellen Shelton Anita Mar & Herctor Sanchez Sam /Janie Melchor NO MASS – Easter Schedule

Sacrificial Giving Thank You for Giving! Stewardship Reflections “I tell you, Peter, before the cock crows this day, you will deny three times that you know me.” (Luke 22:34) How many times have you heard someone make a disparaging comment about Jesus or our Catholic faith? How did you react? Do you remain quiet not to cause a disturbance? Or, do you remain quiet because you believe people will think negatively about you? Pray for the courage to speak up and enter into a respectful dialogue when the opportunity arises.

Reflexiones sobre dar generosamente "Te lo digo, Peter, antes de que el gallo cante este día, negarás tres veces que me conoces". (Lucas 22:34) ¿Cuántas veces has escuchado a alguien hacer un comentario despectivo sobre Jesús o nuestra fe católica? ¿Cómo reaccionaste? ¿Permaneces callado para no causar disturbios? O, ¿permanece callado porque cree que la gente pensará negativamente sobre usted? Ore por la valentía de hablar y entrar en un diálogo respetuoso cuando se presente la oportunidad.

2nd Collection This Week: Jeremiah Fund (SP) Good Friday Collection: Shrines of the Holy Land 2nd Collection Easter: Rice Bowl

Holy Week Schedule Tuesday of Holy Week (April 16) – Chrism Mass 6:30 PM @ St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church 9883 Marbach Rd. San Antonio Holy Thursday (April 18) 7:00 PM Mass (SJ) – Adoration till Midnight (SH) 7:00 PM Mass (SP) - Adoration till Midnight (SP) Good Friday (April 19) Noon Service (SJ) 3:00 PM Outdoor Stations of Cross – from Memorial Museum to Sacred Heart Church followed by Good Friday Service (5 PM) 5:00 PM Service (SH) 7:00 PM Service (SP) Holy Saturday (April 20) 8:00 PM Easter Vigil Mass (SH) 8:00 PM Easter Vigil Mass (SP) Easter Sunday (April 21) 8:00 AM Mass (SH) 9:30 AM Mass (SJ) 11:30 AM Mass (SP) No 5:15 PM Mass Divine Mercy Sunday (April 28) 3PM Divine Mercy Mass (SJ)

Palm Sunday

Catholic Community of Gonzales and Waelder

LIVE BROADCAST: The Passion of Christ – Live Re-enactment of the Stations of the Cross – through the Streets of Downtown San Antonio – Good Friday, April 19 This is the 30th Year San Antonio’s Passion of the Christ Procession will be broadcast. GOOD FRIDAY: 10:30 AM (live) and 7:00 PM (rebroadcast), HOLY SATURDAY: 5:00 PM (rebroadcast). CTSA Spectrum Cable Channel 15 or on demand at: LIVE LOCAL STATIONS of the CROSS – Good Friday 3:00 PM from the Gonzales Museum to Sacred Heart, followed by Good Friday Service. DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY– April 28, 3PM (SJ) A plenary indulgence is granted under the usual conditions (sacramental confession, Eucharistic communion and prayer for the intentions of Supreme Pontiff) to the faithful who, on the Second Sunday of Easter or Divine Mercy Sunday take part in the prayers and devotions held in honor of Divine Mercy. Lenten Daily Masses: Mon. Tues & Wed 7:00 am (SJ) also Tue 6:00 pm (SP), and Wed 5:30 pm (SJ) Stations of the Cross: Wed April 17 6:00 pm (SJ), Good Friday: 3:00 PM (Museum to Sacred Heart) Lenten Ecumenical Gatherings: will be held every Wednesday, 12 noon at First Baptist Church. Lunch will not be provided following the service.

Catholic Daughters Chicken Fried Steak Dinner Thursday, May 2, 2019 St. James Parish Hall 4:30-6:30 $10.00 Dine In or Drive Thru Tickets are presale only thru Catholic Daughters. Contact Shirley Hodges for details (830) 857-4896.

HOLY LAND TOUR – with Father Stan Take your faith on a journey to the Holy Land for 8 days Nov 15-22, 2019. Destinations: TEL AVIV, ISRAEL – JAFFA – CAESAREA – MEGIDDO – NAZARETH – BET SHE’AN – MAGDALA – SEA OF GALILEE – CAPERNAUM – MOUNT OF BEATITUDES – CANA – BETHLEHEM – JERUSALEM – MASADA and THE DEAD SEA. Mass offered throughout your journey. Land prices begin at $1449 per person, based on double occupancy. Deposit $400 per person to reserve your space. Space is VERY LIMITED. For info, contact 860-399-1785 or [email protected] Bulletin deadline is Monday at Noon. Please send your ministry news to: [email protected].

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TRANSMISIÓN EN VIVO: La Pasión de Cristo Recreación en Vivo de las Estaciones de la Cruz - a través de las calles del centro de San Antonio - Viernes Santo, 19 de abril Este es el 30 aniversario de la Procesión de la Pasión de Cristo de San Antonio. BUEN VIERNES: 10:30 AM (en vivo) y 7:00 PM (retransmisión), SANTO SÁBADO: 5:00 PM (retransmisión). CTSA Spectrum Cable Channel 15 o bajo demanda en ESTACIONES EN VIVO de la CRUZ - Viernes Santo 3 PM desde el Museo Gonzales hasta el Sagrado Corazón, seguido del Servicio 5pm.

DOMINGO DIVINO DE LA MISERICORDIA - 28 de abril, 3PM (SJ) - Se concede una indulgencia plenaria en las condiciones habituales (confesión sacramental, comunión eucarística y oración por las intenciones del Sumo Pontífice) a los fieles que, el Segundo domingo de Pascua o el domingo de la Divina Misericordia, participen en las oraciones y devociones que se celebran en honor de Divina Misericordia. Misas durante Cuaresma: Misa lunes, martes y miércoles. 7 am, (SJ); también el martes 6:00 pm (SP), miércoles 5:30 pm (SJ). Vía Crucis: el miércoles 6pm (SJ), el viernes 6:30pm (SH, SP).

Servicios Ecuménicos Cuaresmales: se llevará a cabo todos los miércoles, 12 del mediodía en First Baptist Church. No se proporcionará almuerzo después del servicio.

Hijas Católicas - Cena de Pollo Frito Jueves 2 de mayo de 2019, San Jaime 4: 30-6: 30, $10.00 , Los boletos se venden solo a través de las Hijas Católicas. Póngase en contacto con Shirley Hodges para obtener más información (830) 857-4896. La fecha límite para el boletín es el lunes al mediodía. Por favor envíe las noticias de su ministerio a: [email protected]. HOLY LAND TOUR - con el padre Stan Lleve su fe en un viaje a la Tierra Santa en esta experiencia de 8 días. 1522 de noviembre de 2019 ,. Destinos: TEL AVIV, ISRAEL – JAFFA – CAESAREA – MEGIDDO – NAZARETH – BET SHE’AN – MAGDALA – MAR DE GALILEE –– CAPERNAUM – MOUNT OF BEATITUDES – CANA – BETHLEHEM – JERUSALEM – MASADA Y EL MAR MUERTO. Misa ofrecida a lo largo de su viaje. Los precios de la tierra comienzan en $ 1449 por persona, basados en ocupación doble. Deposite $ 400 por persona para reservar su espacio. El espacio es muy limitado. Para obtener información, póngase en contacto con 860-399-1785 o [email protected] La fecha límite para el boletín es el lunes al mediodía. Por favor envíe las noticias de su ministerio a: [email protected].

Sacred Heart Guadalupanas meet every first Saturday of the month and participate in the 8:00 A.M. Mass every first Sunday of the month. St. Patrick’s Guadalupanas meet every first Sunday of the month. Knights of Columbus participate in the 9:30 A.M. Mass every fourth Sunday of the month and meet at 7 P.M. every second Wednesday of the month at the K.C. Hall. Officer/Business meeting held on the last Tuesday of the month at 6 P.M. The Altar Society meets every second Tuesday of the month in the conference room at 9 A.M. ACTS Core Committee meets every third Tuesday of the month in the conference room at 6 P.M. Catholic Daughters of America meet every fourth Tuesday of the month in the St. James Hall at 6 P.M. Sacred Heart Choir practice Tuesday 7P.M. Sacred Heart Parish Hall

Week-At-A-Glance Sun ... Apr 14, 11 am ............................................................ CCD K-6 Tue .... Apr 16, 5:30 pm, Rectory....................................... Finance Mtg Tue .... Apr 16, 6 pm SJCR ........................................... Acts Core Mtg Tue .... Apr 16, 6:30 pm, SPC ....................................... Pastoral Council Fri ..... Apr 19 ......Parish Office Closed – Good Friday – No Adoration Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament -Gonzales every Friday 7AM to 8PM (alternating between SJ & SH) -Waelder every 1st Tuesday after the 6 P.M. Mass. (SP) Bible Study every Monday @ 7:00 P.M. in the Sacred Heart Hall. Estudio Bíblico Lunes a las 7:00 P.M. en el Salón de Sacred Heart. Divine Mercy Monday-Thursday @ 3 pm at Sacred Heart Church. El Santo Rosario se reza cada Domingo antes de la misa de 8:00 A.M. The Holy Rosary will be recited before the 9:30 A.M. mass by the following: 1st Sunday-Youth, 2nd Sunday-St. James Altar Society, 3rd Sunday-Catholic Daughters of America, 4th Sunday-Knights of Columbus, and 5th Sunday-Fourth Degree Knights of Columbus. The Holy Rosary will be recited every Monday @ 6:30 P.M. at Sacred Heart Church.

READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Is 42:1-7; Ps 27:1-3, 13-14; Jn 12:1-11 Tuesday: Is 49:1-6; Ps 71:1-6, 15, 17; Jn 13:21-33, 36-38 Wednesday: Is 50:4-9a; Ps 69:8-10, 21-22, 31, 33-34; Mt 26:14-25 Thursday: Chrism Mass: Is 61:1-3a, 6a, 8b-9; Ps 89:21-22, 25, 27; Rv 1:5-8; Lk 4:16-21 Lord’s Supper: Ex 12:1-8, 11-14; Ps 116:12-13, 15-16bc, 17-18; 1 Cor 11:23-26; Jn 13:1-15 Friday: Is 52:13 — 53:12; Ps 31:2, 6, 12-13, 15-17, 25; Heb 4:14-16; 5:7-9; Jn 18:1 — 19:42 Saturday: a) Gn 1:1 — 2:2 [1:1, 26-31a]; Ps 104:1-2, 5-6, 10, 12, 13-14, 24, 35; or Ps 33:4-7, 12-13, 20-22; b) Gn 22:1-18 [1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18]; Ps 16: 5, 8-11; c) Ex 14:15 — 15:1; Ex 15:1-6, 17-18; d) Is 54:5-14; Ps 30:2, 4-6, 11-13; e) Is 55:1-11; Is 12:2-6; f) Bar 3:9-15, 32 — 4:4; Ps 19:8-11; g) Ez 36:16-17a, 18-28; Ps 42:3, 5; 43:3-4 or Is 12:2-3, 4bcd, 5-6 or Ps 51:12-15, 18-19; h) Rom 6:3-11; i) Ps 118:1-2, 16-17, 22-23; Lk 24:1-12 Sunday: Acts 10:34a, 37-43; Ps 118:1-2, 16-17, 22-23; Col 3:1-4 or 1 Cor 5:6b-8; Jn 20:1-9 or Lk 24:1-12 or Lk 24:13-35 (afternoon /evening )

Office Hours Monday-Friday 8:00—12:00 PM 12:30 PM—4:30 PM

Sacrament of Baptism Interview with Parents Bring State Birth Certificate—required Second Tuesday of Each Month anytime between 7:00 and 8:30 PM at office or second Tuesday of Each Month anytime between 5:00 and 6:00 PM at St. Patrick or by special appointment with Deacon.

Class for Parents and Godparents 4th Sunday of Each Month 6:15 PM at Sacred Heart Baptism celebrated at the end of any Sunday Mass Preparation may be done before child is born.

Sacrament of Marriage Please Call Office At least Six Months Prior to wedding

Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) Saturday 4:30-5:15 PM (St. James) Tuesday 5:15-5:45 PM (St. Patrick) Immediately before or after Masses (on request) or by special appointment

Adult Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist Call office or join our RCIA group

Quinceanera Requirements Effective Oct 1 , 2018 changes have been made for st

Quinceanera scheduling. Must be attending CCD beginning Jr. High and complete 7th and 8th grade and be enrolled in 9th grade. No more than 6 absences each year. No pre reservations are to be made until you have clearance from church office.

Mass Schedule Saturday 5:30 PM—St. James Sunday 8:00 AM—Sacred Heart (Spanish) 9:30 AM—St. James 11:30 AM—St. Patrick (Spanish/English) 5:15 PM—Sacred Heart Monday No Masses (7am during Lent only) Tuesday 6:30 AM—St. James 9:30 AM—Texan Nursing/Rehab. 6:00 PM—St. Patrick (Spanish/English) Wednesday 10:00 AM—The Heights Nursing/Rehab. 5:30 PM—St. James Thursday 12:00 PM—Sacred Heart Friday 6:30 AM—St. James (every other week— Sacred Heart)

Hope Guevara Temporary Bulletin Volunteer: Holly Coco Holly’s Phone: (719) 237-6205

St. James Catholic Church Bulletin 515358 Office Phone: 830-672-2945 Fax Phone: 830-672-1058