catholic church

16 jun. 2019 - Hotel & Casino. Reserve your spot today! The 2019 Diocesan Conference is excited to present Brenda Noriega, born in Guanajuato,. Mexico, is ...
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CATHOLIC CHURCH June 16th, 2019

Office Hours Mondays-Friday 8:00am to 4:00pm Office Closes Early on Fridays During the Summer @ 12Noon

Saturday Masses 7:30am ~ Chapel 4:00pm ~ English Vigil ~ Church

Sunday Masses 8am, 12 Noon & 7pm ~ English 6am, 10am, 2pm & 5pm ~ Spanish

Daily Masses 7:30am Mondays through Saturdays Chapel of St. Joseph 7:00pm Thursday Spanish Mass

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Mondays 12:00NN to 3:30pm Tuesday ~ Thursday 8:00am to 3:30pm

English Confessions Saturdays, from 2:30pm to 3:30pm Spanish Confessions, Thursdays, 4:30pm to 6:30pm ****Please check bulletin for any changes or Special Holiday Mass schedules.

Telephone: ( 702)458-2211 Fax: (702)458-0966

Fr. Steve Hoffer, Pastor Fr. Tony Udoh MSP,Parochial Vicar Deacon Gene Krzeminski Deacon Dan Maier

4490 Mountain Vista Street ● Las Vegas, Nevada 89121

Sunday, June 16th 6:00am 8:00am 10:00am 12 Noon 2:00pm 5:00pm 7:00pm

Maria Peralta + Multiple Intentions See/Below Pro-Populo Dempsey Burns Family + Jose Perfecto Serrato + Father’s Day Novena John Stack +

Sun. June 16

3pm Young Adults

Mon. June 17

No Activities

Tue. June 18

No Activities

Wed. June 19

No Activities

Thu. June 20

4:30pm Spanish Confessions 7pm Sp. Mass

Monday, June 17th 7:30am

Father’s Day Novena


Father’s Day Novena

Fri. June 21

Office Closes at 12Noon No Activities

Sat. June 22

2:30 English Confessions

Sun. June 23

KofC Pancake Breakfast 3pm Young Adults

Tuesday, June 18th Wednesday, June 19th 7:30am

Father’s Day Novena

Thursday, June 20th 7:30am

Father’s Day Novena

June 7th, 2019 through Labor Day, we begin our Summer Hours.

Friday, June 21st 7:30am

Father’s Day Novena

Saturday, June 22nd 7:30am 4:00pm

Father’s Day Novena Joanne Gaura +

Monday ~ Thursday ~ 8am ~ 4pm Friday Office Hours from 8am ~ 12noon

Collection for

Sunday, June 23rd 6:00am 8:00am 10:00am 12 Noon 2:00pm 5:00pm 7:00pm

Luis Quintana + Rand Kelly, Sp. Intention Multiple Intentions Pro-Populo Fam. Ramirez-Ramos, Sp. Intention Maria De Los Angeles Cisneros + Father’s Day Novena

Multiple Intentions Sunday June 16th, 2019 @ 8:00am John Soniak + Chito Zamora +


June 1st & 2nd, 2019 Total $12,445.00

Saturday 4:00pm Sunday 6:00am Sunday 8:00am Sunday 10:00am Sunday 12 Noon Sunday 2:00pm Sunday 5:00pm Sunday 7:00pm

$ 2,521.00 $ 624.00 $ 1,843.00 $ 2,353.00 $ 1,304.00 $ 1,483.00 $ 1,293.00 $ 1,024.00

May the Lord continue to Bless you!

Dear Parishioners, This past week we celebrated on Friday, June 14 - Flag Day. In the United States, Flag Day commemorates the adoption of the flag of the United States on June 14, 1777 by resolution of the Second Continental Congress. The United States Army also celebrates the U.S. Army Birthdays on this date; Congress adopted "the American continental army" after reaching a consensus position in the Committee of the Whole on June 14, 1775. We pray for our country and we pray for those who have or are currently serving in military service, especially those in the U.S. Army. This weekend we celebrate Father’s Day. We remember all of our fathers, living or deceased, or those who have served in a fatherly role. We pray for all of our fathers. Happy Father’s Day! And Happy Father’s day to our spiritual fathers, Father Tony and Fr. Steve. On Monday, June 10th, we began the season of Ordinary Time, were the priest normally wears green. But this weekend, it looks like Easter, because the priest is wearing white. What’s up with that? This Sunday, we celebrate the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity. We remember the astounding truth about the Trinity, that the Trinity is the perfect realization of perfect love. We celebrate God’s love through God the Father, God the Son, and God the Spirit: three aspects and manifestations of God’s love for us. We are to share that perfect love with others and need to treat everyone with dignity and respect. I wanted to thank all of you who prayed for me on my pilgrimage. It was a great experience. Thank you for your praying for Fr. Tony and I, while we were on retreat last week. It was a great retreat and I was able to take Fr. Tony to San Francisco. He went to a former federal prison, but I made sure he got out (yes we went to Alcatraz). The retreat was great, especially spending time with Bishop Thomas and the rest of the priests of the Diocese of Las Vegas. As we move into the summer season, you and your families will be in my prayers. Happy Father’s Day and Trinity Sunday!!

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ La semana pasada celebramos el Viernes 14 de Junio, Día de la Bandera. En los Estados Unidos, el Día de la Bandera conmemora la adopción de la bandera de los Estados Unidos el 14 de Junio de 1777 por resolución del Segundo Congreso Continental. El Ejército de los Estados Unidos también celebra el cumpleaños del Ejército de los EE. UU. En esta fecha; El Congreso adoptó "El ejército continental de Estados Unidos" después de alcanzar una posición de consenso en el Comité Plenario el 14 de Junio de 1775. Oramos por nuestro país y oramos por aquellos que tienen o están actualmente sirviendo en el servicio militar, especialmente aquellos en el Ejecito de los Estados Unidos. Este fin de semana celebramos el Día del Padre. Recordamos a todos nuestros padres, vivos o fallecidos, o aquellos que han servido en un papel paternal. Oramos por todos nuestros padres. ¡Feliz Día del Padre! Y Feliz Día del Padre a nuestros padres espirituales, el Padre Tony y Padre Steve El Lunes, 10 de Junio, comenzamos la temporada del Tiempo Ordinario, donde el sacerdote normalmente se pone verde. Pero este fin de semana, parece Pascua, porque el sacerdote está vestido de blanco. ¿Qué pasa con eso? Este domingo celebramos la solemnidad de la Santísima Trinidad. Recordamos la asombrosa verdad sobre la Trinidad, que la Trinidad es la realización perfecta del amor perfecto. Celebramos el amor de Dios a través de Dios Padre, Dios Hijo y Dios Espíritu: tres aspectos y manifestaciones del amor de Dios por nosotros. Debemos compartir ese amor perfecto con los demás y debemos tratar a todos con dignidad y respeto. Quería agradecerles a todos ustedes que oraron por mí en mi peregrinación. Fue una gran experiencia. Gracias por su oración por el Padre Tony y por mí, mientras estábamos en retiro la semana pasada. Fue un gran retiro y pude llevar al Padre Tony a San Francisco. Fuimos a una antigua prisión federal, pero me aseguré de que saliera (sí, fuimos a Alcatraz). El retiro fue excelente, especialmente pasar tiempo con el Obispo Thomas y el resto de los sacerdotes de la Diócesis de Las Vegas. A medida que avanzamos en la temporada de verano, usted y sus familias estarán en mis oraciones. ¡Feliz Día del Padre y Domingo de la Trinidad! Sincerely yours in Christ, Father Steve Hoffer Pastor of Holy Family


Holy Family School of Religious Study FIRST HOLY COMMUNION & CONFIRMATION Registrations for School Year 2019/2020

FOR RETURNING AND NEW STUDENTS Para Estudiantes que Regresan Y Para Estudiantes de Nuevo Ingreso

In the Parish Office on the following days: Mon 6/17 - Tue 6/18 - Wed 6/19 - Thurs 6/20 Mon 6/24 - Tue 6/25 - Wed 6/26 - Thurs 6/27 9:00am–3:00pm Closed for lunch from 12:00 to 1:00pm New students: To register for First Holy Communion please bring Birth and Baptismal Certificates. To register for Confirmation please bring Birth, Baptismal & Holy Communion Certificates ☼

Estudiantes de nuevo ingreso para registrarse para Primera Comunión favor de traer Acta de Nacimiento y de Bautismo. Para registrarse para Confirmación favor de traer Acta de Nacimiento, Bautismo y Primera Comunión. Registration Fee / Costo de Registración: 1st. Year of Communion »« 1er. Año de Comunión 1st. Year of Baptism 1st. Year of Confirmation 2nd. Year of Communion 2nd. Year of Baptism 2nd. Year of Confirmation

»« »« »« »« »«

Only cash will be accepted, no exceptions. »«

1er. Año de Bautismo

$80.00 $100.00

1er. Año de Confirmación 2o. Año de Comunión 2o. Año de Bautismo

$140.00 $120.00


2o. Año de Confirmación


Unicamente se aceptara efectivo, sin excepciones.

If you have any question please call the Office at 458-2211


Adriana Serrato ~ Virginia Serrato ~ Ana Rodriguez ~ Virginia Rodriguez ~ Stephanie Rosas Josefina Peinado ~ Victoria Valdez ~ Rafael Dominguez ~ Esmeralda Valdez ~ Leopoldo Valdez Elias Aedo ~ Diana Esmeralda Saldivar ~ Carlos Salvidar ~ Armando Saldivar ~ Ricky Saldivar Eduardo Gamboa ~ Jesse Bell ~ Iliana Carbajal ~ Maureen O’Donnell Rita Ghisu ~ Lisa Hollenbeck

Please Pray for those who are Ill. If you have the Sick person’s permission, you may request that their name be printed in the bulletin for prayers. Their name will remain for four consecutive Sundays.


Fathers Day Novena Envelopes are available in the vestibule of the church. Fill out and drop in offertory basket or bring to parish office.

We are looking for a couple of volunteers to help out on Monday mornings, except if it falls on a Holiday then we count on Tuesday. Hours are from 8am—11am

Requirements: Fingerprints CMG Video— Safe Environment Training Dependable Trustworthy

Los Sobres de la Novena del Día de los Padres están disponibles en el vestíbulo de la Iglesia. Llene el sobre y pongalo en la canasta del ofertorio o tráigalo a la oficina de la parroquia.


We will like to train the right person to operate the count machine and other duties. If you are interested please contact Patti Kelly 702-458-2211

Adoration Did any Holy Family parishioner lose a key? Don’t worry! We have a Risen Savior who opens not only locked doors, but the inner doors of love, joy and peace. Jesus dwells in our midst and remains always in St. Joseph’s Chapel just for us. Jesus is the one who supplies our ever need according to His kind wishes as He continually restores our strength in times of weakness, We all need to come before His presence where He waits and shares the whispering of our heart, and collects our tears. Genesis 28:15 “He is with you and will watch over you wherever you go” Let us go to Adoration.

Mon. 12Noon to 3:30pm Tues. through Thursday 8am to 3:30pm. *Schedule to change during the Summer*

ADORACION DEL SANTISIMO SACRAMENTO ¿Algún feligrés de la Sagrada Familia perdió una llave? No te preocupes Tenemos un Salvador resucitado que abre no solo las puertas cerradas, sino también las puertas interiores del amor, la alegría y la paz. Jesús mora entre nosotros y permanece siempre en la Capilla de San José, solo para nosotros. Jesús es el que abastece nuestra necesidad siempre de acuerdo con sus deseos amables, ya que Él continuamente restaura nuestra fuerza en los momentos de debilidad. Todos debemos venir ante Su presencia, donde Él espera y comparte los susurros de nuestro corazón y recoge nuestras lágrimas. Génesis 28:15 "Él está contigo y te cuidará dondequiera que vayas" Vayamos a la Adoración.

Tiempos de Adoración: Lunes 12pm — 3:30pm Martes a Jueves de 8am a 3:30pm.

Worldwide Marriage Encounter

For the month’s of May and June the hours will be/ Para los meses de Mayo y Junio el horario será:

Trust the Lord, Jesus with your marriage. Happy Father’s Day! Wives, give your husbands the greatest gift of all, the gift of your love. Is God in your marriage? Participate in a Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekend on June 15—16 or Sept. 27—29 For more information call Wayne & Marcia at 702-283-2480

From / De: 10:30 — 12Noon

To apply go to our website

Dates of Distribution / Fechas de Distribución:

June / Junio: 25th and 27th, 2019

2019 Catholic Stewardship Appeal When making your pledge to the CSA, please remember the Diocese is responsible for recording payments and issuing statements for CSA. The Diocese encourage all donors to mail their CSA contributions directly to the Diocese. You will be receiving statements from the Diocese each month and not Holy Family. DO NOT place your payments in the Sunday Collections. Holy Family will not be responsible for cash payments put into the Sunday Collection basket as payment to CSA. **************************************** Al hacer su promesa al CSA, recuerde que la Diócesis es responsable deregistrando pagos y emitiendo estados de cuenta para CSA. La Diócesis alienta a todos los donantes a enviar por correo sus contribuciones de CSA directamente a la Diócesis. Recibirá declaraciones de la Diócesis cada mes y no de Sagrada Familia. NO coloque sus pagos en las Colecciones Dominicales. Holy Family no será responsable de los pagos en efectivo ingresados en la cesta de la colección del Domingo como pago a CSA.

A Promise to Protect If you believe you have been abused or victimized by anyone representing the Catholic Church call Victim Advocate at 702-235-7723


Una Promesa de Proteger Si usted cree que ha sido abusado o victimizado por cualquiera que represente a la Iglesia Catolics, llame al Defensor de la Victima al 702-235-7723


Diocesan Conference 2019 United in Christ/ Unidos en Cristo September 6th & 7th Texas Station Hotel & Casino Reserve your spot today! The 2019 Diocesan Conference is excited to present Brenda Noriega, born in Guanajuato, Mexico, is the Young Adult Program Coordinator for the Diocese of San Bernardino. Brenda collaborates on a Regional Committee for Hispanic youth as well as a board member of the National Advisory Board for young Adult Ministry. Earlier this year, she had lunch with Pope Francis during World Youth Day in Panama, as the representative from the United States. Brenda will be presenting in both English and Spanish at our Diocesan Conference. Her English workshop, “Breaking Bread” will discuss the various times Jesus shares meals with different people to create disciples; we will explore how breaking bread in community unites us in Christ. Brenda’s workshop in Spanish “Enraizados en la Fe, Unidos en la Esperanza” will have participants learning together about how to grow in faith and go forward in hope, knowing that Christ is alive and wants us to live and dream of new horizons.

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Con mucha emoción, la Conferencia Diocesana presenta a Brenda Noriega, nacida en Guanajuato, México, es la Coordinadora del Pastoral Juvenil con jóvenes adultos en la Diócesis de San Bernardino. Brenda colabora a nivel regional en el comité de Ministerio Hispano y miembro de la junta directiva del Equipo Nacional de Asesoramiento para el Ministerio con Jóvenes Adultos. En enero de este año, Brenda convivió con el Papa Francisco en un almuerzo durante la Jornada Mundial de Jóvenes en Panamá, como representante de los Estados Unidos. Brenda presentará temas en español y en inglés durante nuestra Conferencia Diocesana. Su taller en inglés, “Breaking Bread” se discutirá las varias veces que Jesús comparte una comida con diferentes personas para crear discípulos; exploraremos como partir pan en comunidad nos une con Cristo. El taller de español, “Enraizados en la Fe, Unidos en la Esperanza” nos tendrá aprendiendo juntos como crecer en fe para seguir adelante con esperanza, sabiendo que Cristo está vivo y nos quiere vivos para soñar nuevos horizontes.

Register online: / Registrate aquí: