catholic church

19 may. 2019 - ****Please check bulletin for any changes or Special Holiday Mass .... tremendous opposition from citizen lobbyists. While there was a sea of ...
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CATHOLIC CHURCH May 19th, 2019

Office Hours Mondays-Friday 8:00am to 4:00pm

Saturday Masses 7:30am ~ Chapel 4:00pm ~ English Vigil ~ Church

Sunday Masses 8am, 12 Noon & 7pm ~ English 6am, 10am, 2pm & 5pm ~ Spanish

Daily Masses 7:30am Mondays through Saturdays Chapel of St. Joseph 7:00pm Thursday Spanish Mass

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Mondays 12:00NN to 3:30pm Tuesday ~ Friday 8:00am to 3:30pm

English Confessions Saturdays, from 2:30pm to 3:30pm Spanish Confessions, Thursdays, 4:30pm to 6:30pm ****Please check bulletin for any changes or Special Holiday Mass schedules.

Telephone: ( 702)458-2211 Fax: (702)458-0966

Fr. Steve Hoffer, Pastor Fr. Tony Udoh MSP,Parochial Vicar Deacon Gene Krzeminski Deacon Dan Maier

4490 Mountain Vista Street ● Las Vegas, Nevada 89121

Sunday, May 19th 6:00am 8:00am 10:00am 12 Noon 2:00pm 5:00pm 7:00pm

Carlos A. Arce Anguiano + Pro-Populo Filomeno R. Moya + Sam Abramo + Multiple Intentions See/Below Neri Marroquin + Mother’s Day Novena

Monday, May 20th 7:30am

Mother’s Day Novena


Fr. Steve Hoffer 14th Anniversary

Tuesday, May 21st Wednesday, May 22nd 7:30am

Margie Delaney, Sp. Intention

Thursday, May 23rd 7:30am

Sun. May 19

3pm Young Adults 6pm Sp. Prayer and Life

Mon. May 20

6pm Sp. Char. Prayer Group 6pm Youth Group

Tue. May 21

7:15pm Boy Scouts

Wed. May 22

7:15pm Char.PG

Thu. May 23

4:30pm Spanish Confessions 7pm Spanish Mass

Fri. May 24

No Activities

Sat. May 25

2:30 English Confessions

Sun. May 26

3pm / Young Adults

Mon. May 27

Office Closed

Leonila Valdecanas +

June 7th, 2019 through Labor Day, we begin our Summer Hours.

Friday, May 24th 7:30am

Juan Amodeo Figueroa +

Saturday, May 25th 7:30am 4:00pm

Alma Chavez, Sp. Intention Harry Meyers +

Monday ~ Thursday ~ 8am ~ 4pm Friday Office Hours from 8am ~ 12noon

Collection for

Sunday, May 26th 6:00am 8:00am 10:00am 12 Noon 2:00pm 5:00pm 7:00pm

Jose Sanchez + MSGR. Franzinelli + Manuel Jara, Sp. Intention Sam Abramo + Juana Marquez + Multiple Intentions Pro-Populo

Multiple Intentions Sunday May 19th, 2019 @ 2:00pm Leonardo Freire + Coversion De Los Pecadores


May 11th &12th, 2019 Total $11,978.00

Saturday 4:00pm Sunday 6:00am Sunday 8:00am Sunday 10:00am Sunday 12 Noon Sunday 2:00pm Sunday 5:00pm Sunday 7:00pm

$ 2,054.00 $ 577.00 $ 1,989.00 $ 2,041.00 $ 1,793.00 $ 1,598.00 $ 1,125.00 $ 801.00

May the Lord continue to Bless you!

Dear Parishioners, As you read this, I am either preparing to leave or have left to Medjugorje. I am leading a pilgrimage of 16 to visit the sites around Medjugorje, which Pope Francis officially approved as a pilgrimage site (before it was for private visitations). I will be celebrating mass and hearing confessions there. I will be celebrating my 14th Anniversary of Ordination to the priesthood on May 21st and the 3rd Anniversary of Msgr. Ben’s death over there. I will pray for you and your intentions and ask you pray for me. I urge you to follow the instructions in bulletin and voice your opposition to S.B. 179. This bill, if approved would remove parental notification for minors wanting to have an abortion and would increase abortion in Nevada. Please act now!! Pray for Rogelio Molina who will be ordained a transition deacon on May 22nd at Holy Spirit. Next year he will be ordained a priest. Pray for an increase in vocations to the priesthood and religious life. I am praying for you and your families while I am on pilgrimage. May our Risen Lord continue to bless you and your families!! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Queridos Parroquianos, Mientras lees esto, me estoy preparando para irme o me he ido a Medjugorje. Estoy liderando una peregrinación de 16 para visitar los sitios alrededor de Medjugorje, que el Papa Francisco aprobó oficialmente como sitio de peregrinación (antes de que fuera para visitas privadas). Estaré celebrando Misa y escuchando confesiones allí. Celebraré mi 14º Aniversario de Ordenación al Sacerdocio el 21 de Mayo el 3er. Aniversario del fallecimiento de Monseñor Ben. Oraré por ti y por tus intenciones y te pediré que ores por mí. Le insto a que siga las instrucciones en el boletín y exprese su oposición a S.B. 179. Este proyecto de ley, si se aprueba, eliminaría la notificación de los padres para los menores que desean tener un aborto y aumentaría el aborto en Nevada. ¡Por favor actúe ahora! Ore por Rogelio Molina, quien será ordenado Diácono de Transición el 22 de Mayo en el Espíritu Santo. El año que viene será ordenado Sacerdote. Oremos por un aumento de las vocaciones al Sacerdocio y la Vida Religiosa. Estoy orando por usted y sus familias mientras estoy en peregrinación. ¡Que nuestro Señor Resucitado continúe bendiciéndoles a usted y a sus familias!

Sincerely yours in Christ, Father Steve Hoffer Pastor of Holy Family


SB179 Will Be Voted Out of Committee SB179 - Unintended Consequences... SB179 deals with major changes in abortion law. It eliminates the definition and criminal penalty for abortions, paving the way for back alley abortions and DIY home abortion kits. It also eliminates requirement for age verification and coercion screening, thereby protecting abusers and making child sex-trafficking that much easier in Nevada. Women must currently be informed of the emotional risk that abortion can entail. SB179 eliminates this requirement. This bill does not help women.

Where is it in the process? SB179 has been amended and voted out of the senate. Nevada Right to Life was pleased that opposition to this bad bill was bipartisan. It was heard in Assembly HHS on Wednesday. There was tremendous opposition from citizen lobbyists. While there was a sea of purple (the abortion activists), many were paid and bussed in. Our people came on their own dime, wore their own choice of wardrobe and gave excellent, logical, and impactful testimony. It has been scheduled to be voted out of HHS committee Monday, May 13.

What's next? If SB179 passes out of committee tomorrow, it will then need to be voted on by the full Assembly by May 24. If the Assembly does so, it must then be signed by Governor Steve Sisolak. That gives us two places to kill the bill.

How do we stop this bill? 1. Please visit the legislative poll site and register your opposition to SB179 at https:// sure to pick SB179, amended version. 2. Please email all members of the Assembly HHS committee prior to 12:30pm tomorrow (Monday). Click link to email all. 3. Send an email to Assembly Majority Leader, Teresa Benitez-Thompson and Speaker Jason Frierson asking them to kill SB179. 4. Send an email to Governor Steve Sisolak and ask him to veto SB179 if it gets to his desk.


Holy Family School of Religious Study FIRST HOLY COMMUNION & CONFIRMATION Registrations for School Year 2019/2020

FOR RETURNING STUDENTS / Para Estudiantes que Regresan a Segundo Año

In the Parish Office on the following days: Tue 5/21 - Wed 5/22 - Thurs 5/23 - Fri 5/24 - Tue 5/28 - Wed 5/29 - Thurs 5/30 - Fri 5/31 9:00am–3:00pm Closed for lunch from 12:00 to 1:00pm FOR RETURNING AND NEW STUDENTS Para Estudiantes que Regresan Y Para Estudiantes de Nuevo Ingreso

In the Parish Office on the following days: Mon 6/10 - Tue 6/11 - Wed 6/12 - Thurs 6/13 - Mon 6/17 - Tue 6/18 Wed 6/19 - Thurs 6/20 - Mon 6/24 - Tue 6/25 - Wed 6/26 - Thurs 6/27 9:00am–3:00pm Closed for lunch from 12:00 to 1:00pm New students: To register for First Holy Communion please bring Birth and Baptismal Certificates. To register for Confirmation please bring Birth, Baptismal & Holy Communion Certificates ☼

Estudiantes de nuevo ingreso para registrarse para Primera Comunión favor de traer Acta de Nacimiento y de Bautismo. Para registrarse para Confirmación favor de traer Acta de Nacimiento, Bautismo y Primera Comunión. Registration Fee / Costo de Registración: 1st. Year of Communion »« 1er. Año de Comunión 1st. Year of Baptism 1st. Year of Confirmation 2nd. Year of Communion 2nd. Year of Baptism 2nd. Year of Confirmation

»« »« »« »« »«

Only cash will be accepted, no exceptions. »«

1er. Año de Bautismo

$80.00 $100.00

1er. Año de Confirmación 2o. Año de Comunión 2o. Año de Bautismo

$140.00 $120.00


2o. Año de Confirmación


Unicamente se aceptara efectivo, sin excepciones.

If you have any question please call the Office at 458-2211


Adoration Did any Holy Family parishioner lose a key? Don’t worry! We have a Risen Savior who opens not only locked doors, but the inner doors of love, joy and peace. Jesus dwells in our midst and remains always in St. Joseph’s Chapel just for us. Jesus is the one who supplies our ever need according to His kind wishes as He continually restores our strength in times of weakness, We all need to come before His presence where He waits and shares the whispering of our heart, and collects our tears. Genesis 28:15 “He is with you and will watch over you wherever you go” Let us go to Adoration.

Mon. 12Noon to 3:30pm Tues. through Friday 8am to 3:30pm. *Schedule to change during the Summer*

Dates of Distribution / Fechas de Distribución: May / Mayo: 21st and 23rd, 2019 For the month’s of May and June the hours will be/ Para los meses de Mayo y Junio el horario será:

From / De: 10:30 — 12Noon

ADORACION DEL SANTISIMO SACRAMENTO ¿Algún feligrés de la Sagrada Familia perdió una llave? No te preocupes Tenemos un Salvador resucitado que abre no solo las puertas cerradas, sino también las puertas interiores del amor, la alegría y la paz. Jesús mora entre nosotros y permanece siempre en la Capilla de San José, solo para nosotros. Jesús es el que abastece nuestra necesidad siempre de acuerdo con sus deseos amables, ya que Él continuamente restaura nuestra fuerza en los momentos de debilidad. Todos debemos venir ante Su presencia, donde Él espera y comparte los susurros de nuestro corazón y recoge nuestras lágrimas. Génesis 28:15 "Él está contigo y te cuidará dondequiera que vayas" Vayamos a la Adoración.

Tiempos de Adoración: Lunes 12pm — 3:30pm Martes a Viernes de 8am a 3:30pm.

Pray for Fr. Steve and all the pilgrims who are traveling to Medugorje this week. Remember them in your intentions and prayers, pray for a safe journey .

2019 Catholic Stewardship Appeal When making your pledge to the CSA, please remember the Diocese is responsible for recording payments and issuing statements for CSA. The Diocese encourage all donors to mail their CSA contributions directly to the Diocese. You will be receiving statements from the Diocese each month and not Holy Family. DO NOT place your payments in the Sunday Collections. Holy Family will not be responsible for cash payments put into the Sunday Collection basket as payment to CSA. **************************************** Al hacer su promesa al CSA, recuerde que la Diócesis es responsable deregistrando pagos y emitiendo estados de cuenta para CSA. La Diócesis alienta a todos los donantes a enviar por correo sus contribuciones de CSA directamente a la Diócesis. Recibirá declaraciones de la Diócesis cada mes y no de Sagrada Familia. NO coloque sus pagos en las Colecciones Dominicales. Holy Family no será responsable de los pagos en efectivo ingresados en la cesta de la colección del Domingo como pago a CSA.

We want to congratulate Fr. Steve Hoffer On the Anniversary of his Ordination of Priesthood. Thank you for many years of Generous service to the people of God. May the Lord continue to bless you with many more years of service. 6

YOUNG WOMEN OF THE DIOCESE OF LAS VEGAS ASK ABOUT CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS OF THE AMERICAS What are the spiritual benefits of belonging to CDA? Young Women who join Catholic Daughters are those who feel called to prayer and service. Joining gives members a chance to work with others who feel the same call and who share the same beliefs and values.

Come join us and serve god in charities you would like to participate in. Let’s see what god is asking you to do. - While finishing High School or beginning College, you too can serve the Lord while attending to your studies. - CDA offers Leadership opportunities and membership opportunities to learn how to step out in faith to do God’s work. - You can also participate in doing small things or one event and be part of our prayer team throughout the year. - You may already be active in your church. CDA fits in with your service very well. Court Ave Maria, at St. Anne’s Parish Catholic Church, 1901 S. Maryland Parkway (at St. Louis Ave) Court Our Lady of the Rosary, at Holy Family Catholic Church, 4490 Mountain Vista St. (at Harmon Ave) Court Our Lady of the Valley, at St. Viator Catholic Community, 2461 E. Flamingo Rd (at Eastern Ave)

For more information visit website:

Contact Membership Chair Eileen Quinn Text: 702-917-1277; Email: [email protected]

The Department of Faith Formation invites you to deepen your understanding of Catholic teaching at our annual Diocesan Conference. This year’s Conference is taking place at the Texas Station. Friday, September 6, 2019 Opening Celebration ValLimar Jansen Saturday, September 7 2019 Keynote Speaker Julianne Stanz Closing Mass Bishop George Leo Thomas

Worldwide Marriage Encounter Trust the Lord, Jesus with your marriage. Jesus says “I give you a new commandment: Love one another.” Learn how to love your spouse. Participate in a Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekend on June 15—16 or Sept. 27—29 For more information call Wayne & Marcia at 702-283-2480 To apply go to our website

Register online: https://

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ El Departamento de Formación de Fe te invita a profundizar en las enseñanzas Católicas. Viernes 6 de Septiembre 2019 ValLimar Jansen Sábado 7 de Septiembre 2019 Conferencista Principal Julianne Stanz Misa de Clausura Bishop George Leo Thomas Habrá talleres en español disponibles.

Registrate aquí: https://

A Promise to Protect If you believe you have been abused or victimized by anyone representing the Catholic Church call Victim Advocate at 702-235-7723 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Una Promesa de Proteger Si usted cree que ha sido abusado o victimizado por cualquiera que represente a la Iglesia Catolics, llame al Defensor de la Victima al 702-235-7723