Name, first & middle; last only if different from above: Escriba solo los que viven ... Other than English/. Idioma Habla. Email Address/Correo Electrónico. Head of ...
Registration Form / Formulario de Inscripcion Family Last Name: Apellido: Street Address (if different from mailing address)
Mailing Address: Direccion:
City: Ciudad:
State: Estado:
ZIP: Codigo Postal:
Home Phone:
Male Cell/Work Phone
Female Cell/Work Phone
Telefono de casa:
Telefono Celular del hombre:
Telefono Celular de la Mujer:
Family’s Primary E-mail address
Parish of Previous Registration (Church Name & Location) Registro Previo:
Correo Electronico de la familia:
* If you have not done so, please inform your former parish immediately that you are no longer members there. *Si no lo ha hecho, por favor informe su antigua parroquia inmediatamente que no son miembros allí.
Do you have any special needs or situations that you wish to call to our attention? ¿Tienes necesidades especiales? Please indicate or just place a “check mark” [] here: ________
________________________________________________ _________________________and we will contact you personally.
DO YOU WISH TO RECEIVE / QUIERES: Offertory Envelopes? Sobres de Ofertorio? YES/SI____ NO____ The Catholic Review (Catholic newspaper)? YES/SI____ NO____
Members of the Household (continue on back if needed/otro lado) Name, first & middle; last only if different from above: Escriba solo los que viven con usted: Incluya el apellido si es diferente Head of Household:
Sacraments Received & Dates if known/ Los Sacramentos y La Fecha
Name, first & middle; last only if different from above: Escriba solo los que viven con usted: Incluya el apellido si es diferente
Date of Birth/
Fecha de Nacimiento
Origen Etnico
Reconciliation/ El Sacramento de la Reconciliacion
Language Spoken if Other than English/ Idioma Habla
First Communion/ Primero Comunion
Date of Birth/
Fecha de Nacimiento
Origen Etnico
Confirmation/ Confirmacion
Language Spoken if Other than English/ Idioma Habla
Email Address/Correo Electrónico
Marital Status or Anniversary/ Sacramento Del Matrimonio
Email Address/Correo Electrónico
Sacraments Received & Dates if known/ Los Sacramentos y La Fecha
Reconciliation/ El Sacramento de la Reconciliacion
First Communion/ Primero Comunion
Confirmation/ Confirmacion
Marital Status or Anniversary/ Sacramento Del Matrimonio
Name, first & middle; last only if different from above: Escriba solo los que viven con usted: Incluya el apellido si es diferente
Sacraments Received & Dates if known/ Los Sacramentos y La Fecha
Name, first & middle; last only if different from above: Escriba solo los que viven con usted: Incluya el apellido si es diferente
Sacraments Received & Dates if known/ Los Sacramentos y La Fecha
Name, first & middle; last only if different from above: Escriba solo los que viven con usted: Incluya el apellido si es diferente
Sacraments Received & Dates if known/ Los Sacramentos y La Fecha
Date of Birth/
Fecha de Nacimiento
Origen Etnico
Reconciliation/ El Sacramento de la Reconciliacion
First Communion/ Primero Comunion
Date of Birth/
Fecha de Nacimiento
Origen Etnico
Reconciliation/ El Sacramento de la Reconciliacion
Date of Birth/
Fecha de Nacimiento
Origen Etnico
Confirmation/ Confirmacion
Language Spoken if Other than English/ Idioma Habla
First Communion/ Primero Comunion
Reconciliation/ El Sacramento de la Reconciliacion
Language Spoken if Other than English/ Idioma Habla
Confirmation/ Confirmacion
Language Spoken if Other than English/ Idioma Habla
First Communion/ Primero Comunion
Confirmation/ Confirmacion
Email Address/Correo Electrónico
Marital Status or Anniversary/ Sacramento Del Matrimonio
Email Address/Correo Electrónico
Marital Status or Anniversary/ Sacramento Del Matrimonio
Email Address/Correo Electrónico
Marital Status or Anniversary/ Sacramento Del Matrimonio
*Please pick up an additional form if space is needed for more family members. *Por favor llene una forma adicional si se necesita espacio para más miembros de la familia.
Office Use Only/Solo Para la Iglesia Date Registered:_______________________________
Offertory Envelope#:_________________________
Registered By:_________________________________
Date Envelope Assigned & Initials:______________ SJ01/17
St. Augustine Catholic Church. Date: / /. Office: 32 E ... Street Address (if different from mailing address). Home Phone: ... Name, first & middle; last only if different ...
Do you have any special needs or situations that you wish to call to our attention? ¿Tienes necesidades especiales? Please indicate or just place a “check mark” ...
church community so that we may serve the needs of all. Por favor ... Catholic Daughters/Jr Catholic Daughters. Knights of ... Vacation Bible School. Any other ...
17 jun. 2018 - If you need to bring your payment to the parish, year ago, we have seen the effect ... in loving memory of The Struna & Hofferle Families.
TOTUS TUUS 2018. Totus Tuus will be the week of July 8-12 for the Middle/High School Program and ..... Janet Lawrence Edgar Lopez/Oscar Lopez. Miércoles.
BE THE LIGHT OF CHRIST. Together in MISSION . St. Brigid Catholic Church .... das, Ivan Barradas, Judith Cruz-Felix,. Zulaymi DeLeon, Crystal Lynette Diaz,.
Director of Religious Edu. Mrs. Floy ... welcome the opportunity to share our time, talents and .... As a general rule, widespread location-sharing should be ...
9 jul. 2017 - Brigid Catholic Church declare our mission is to .... role model in their child's life by being committed to ... You should want your children to.
30 jul. 2017 - commitment 2017. Aids Ministry .... around you. Try to put yourself in their situation ... Develop a Servant׳s Heart: Putting others be- fore yourself ...
5 nov. 2017 - commitment 2017. Aids Ministry – $250. Altar Servers - .... discouraged. If they call you a saint you will not put yourself on a pedestal.
1 oct. 2017 - preparation through the Religious Education Program. ... Education, Mrs. Floy Hawkins to register. ... Website:
For Donald Osborne, Harry. Phelps, Lela Wilson. Happy Birthday Cesar Cruz,. From Jr. Lector Ministry. For Pearl Rivero, Bernadette. Ross, Grace Sampson ...
Do not book the reception hall until the ... Sick Calls: contact James Gibson: 323-545-8172. Visitas a .... 9:30 am – Women's Ministry Brunch, Hall. 9:45 am ...
16 oct. 2016 - of St. Brigid Catholic Church declare our mission is to know ... preserve the physical plant of St. Brigid. .... LaVonne Anderson, Lucia Anthony,.
ble horror related in the first reading, in which seven brothers are slain in front of their mother, who also is about to be killed, their faith in the life to come is remarkable. In the Gospel Jesus affirms life after death with unassailable logic.
3 jun. 2018 - helps to raise seed money for parish related programs and events such as: ... Call our Parish Office and ask us how. Unidos en Mision ayuda a ...
Dyllis Godoy,. Aline Heisser-Ovid, Tyrone Jackson,. Tereie Jamerson, ... Christian Kennard, Emma Lockhart,. Maria Matias,. Robert Mensey,. Marian Parent,.
Email: [email protected]. Website: ... foundation of our “Call to Stewardship”. St. Brigid is ... 7:00 am – Annual Health Fair – Parking lot. 7:00 am ...
22 oct. 2017 - 7:00 AM English. 8:30 AM Español. 10:30 AM Gospel .... That's how much you must love your neighbor, so that they can have those things and ...
25 feb. 2018 - Infant Baptism: Prep Class for Parents &. Godparents, 2nd Tuesday of the month; Baptism during Sunday Liturgy. Bautizos Infantiles: Clase de. Preparacion para Padres y Padrinos, 2 º Martes de cada mes con el Bautizo durante la Misa del