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CATCH Summertime MVP Calendar

today, only drink water and milk. ... Ask your parents to use parking spaces further away when you go out today ... have an adult initial the box when you're done.
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CATCH Summertime MVP Calendar Parents and Guardians, Summer is a great time to encourage your child to be a CATCH MVP - someone who: Moves and stays active, Values healthy eating, and Practices healthy habits! This calendar has many healthy ideas for kids to try and complete each day of the summer. Start the calendar on the first Sunday of the summer and work your way through each day. There are three months worth of activities to last all summer! Try to be a CATCH MVP every day. The tasks are easy to accomplish and fun!

Coordinated Approach To Child Health R28_CATCH Summertime MVP Calendar

Spend 15 minutes stretching with your family after dinner.

Try to find 2 different GO foods in your house and give them a try.

Put fresh fruit in your cereal or on a piece of toast.

Get 10 hours of sleep tonight.

Make up your own obstacle course.

Ask your parents to use parking spaces further away when you go out today.

Have a piece of fruit with your breakfast.

Go to a park with your family or friends.


Make a healthy afternoon snack with at least 2 healthy ingredients.

have an adult initial the box when you’re done.

The CATCH Home Team Calendar is a voluntary daily activity conducted outside of school. Try to complete each daily task,

Do a chore around the house like vacuum, dust or mop.

Eat 5 servings of fruit and/or vegetables.


Take a 20 minute walk with a family member.

Move & stay active – Value healthy eating – Practice healthy habits

Draw a picture of your favorite game and post it in your room.

To quench your thirst today, only drink water and milk.

Invent your own game and invite your friends or family to play it with you.

Play Ball! Bounce, throw or kick a ball against a wall.

Make a list of your favorite GO foods and post it on the refrigerator.

Help your family cook a healthy dinner.

Do push-ups, sit-ups or stretch when commercials are on TV.

Spend less than 1 hour playing video games.

Find your heart rate, before and after you play.

Drink 8 cups of water today.

With an adult, make plans to spend a day at the pool or lake.

Spend less than 2 hours watching TV.

Go the whole day without drinking a soda.

Eat a vegetable you have not tried before.

Play outside for at least 30 minutes.

Draw a picture of your favorite GO food and place it on the refrigerator.




Eat at least 1 piece of fruit.


How many times can you toss and catch a ball without it bouncing?


Be A CATCH Summertime MVP!

Spend 15 minutes stretching with your family after dinner.

Teach yourself to juggle. Start with plastic bags then try it with balls.

Put fresh fruit in your cereal or on a piece of toast.

Make a new list of your favorite GO foods and post it on the refrigerator.

Teach someone your favorite game from PE class.

Help your family cook a healthy dinner.

Do a chore outside like sweeping, mowing or gardening.

Get 10 hours of sleep tonight.

Try to find 2 different GO foods in your house and give them a try.

Invent your own game and invite your friends or family to play it with you.

have an adult initial the box when you’re done.

The CATCH Home Team Calendar is a voluntary daily activity conducted outside of school. Try to complete each daily task,

Make a fruit salad with at least 3 different colors of fruit.

How many times can you toss and catch a ball without it bouncing?

Take a 20 minute walk with a family member.

Spend less than 1 hour playing video games.

To quench your thirst today, only drink water and milk.

Spend less than 2 hours watching TV.



Move & stay active – Value healthy eating – Practice healthy habits

Have a piece of fruit with your lunch.

Make up your own obstacle course.

Write a short poem or a song about the importance of being healthy.

Drink 8 cups of water today.

Create a game using a clean sock and a laundry basket– be careful!

Stretch or do yoga for 10 minutes before you go to bed.

Go the whole day without drinking a soda.

Play outside for at least 1 hour.


Eat 5 servings of fruits and/or vegetables.


Eat at least 1 piece of fruit.


Play outside for at least 30 Minutes.


Be A CATCH Summertime MVP!

Do push-ups, sit-ups or stretch when commercials are on TV.

Play Ball! Bounce, throw or kick a ball against a wall.

Make a healthy afternoon snack using at least 2 healthy ingredients.

With an adult, make plans to spend a day at the pool or lake.


Eat a healthy breakfast.

Free Day! You make your own healthy choice.

Get 10 hours of sleep tonight.

Free Day!

You make your own healthy choice.

To quench your thirst today, only drink water and milk.

Go to a park with your family or friends.

Find your heart rate, before and after you play.

Try to find 2 different GO foods in your house and give them a try.

Play outside for at least 1 hour.

You make your own healthy choice.

Move & stay active – Value healthy eating – Practice healthy habits

have an adult initial the box when you’re done.

You make your own healthy choice.

Free Day! Free Day! Free Day! You make your own healthy choice.

Invent your own game and plan on sharing it with your PE teacher.

Ask your parents to use parking spaces further away when you go out today.

Have a piece of fruit with your breakfast.


Draw a picture of your favorite game and post it in your room.

Eat 5 servings of fruits and/or vegetables.

Bounce, throw or kick a ball against a wall.

Play ball!


Go the whole day without drinking a soda.

Do a chore around the house like vacuum, dust or mop.

Drink 8 cups of water.


The CATCH Home Team Calendar is a voluntary daily activity conducted outside of school. Try to complete each daily task,

Eat a piece of fruit with your lunch.

Stretch or do yoga for 10 minutes before you go to bed.

Help your family cook a healthy dinner.

Make a healthy afternoon snack using at least 2 healthy ingredients.

Make up your own obstacle course.

Spend less than 2 hours watching TV.


Take a 20 minute walk with a family member.


Spend less than 1 hour playing video games.

Try a new fruit you have not tried before.


With an adult, make plans to spend a day at the pool or lake.


Be A CATCH Summertime MVP!

Pasa 15 minutos estirándote con tu familia después de la cena.

Busca 2 differentes comidas GO en tu casa y pruébalas.

Has un dibujo de tu juego favorito y ponlo en tu cuarto.

Ayúdale a tu familia a cocinar una cena saludable.

Con un adulto, planea un día en la piscina o el lago.

Dibuja tu comida GO favorita y ponlo en tu refrigerador.


Encuentra tu ritmo de corazón antes y después de jugar.

Come un vegetal que no has probado.


Pon fruta fresca en tu cereal o en un trozo de pan tostado.

completar cada tarea diaria, pídele a un adulto que ponga sus iniciales en la caja cuando hagas cada tarea.

El Calendario del Equipo de Casa CATCH contiene actividades diarias voluntarias realizadas afuera de la escuela. Trata de

Has un quehacer en la casa como aspirar o limpiar los muebles o el piso.

Has una lista de tus ¡Juega pelota! comidas GO favoritas y Bota, tira o patea una ponla en tu refrigerador. pelota contra una pared.

Toma 8 vasos de agua hoy.

Juega afuera por lo menos 30 minutos.



Come una fruta con tu desayuno.

Duerme 10 horas esta noche.

Has tu propia pista de obstáculos.

Has un bocadillo saludable para el medio día usando por lo menos 2 ingredientes saludables. Cuando salgan a la tienda, pídele a tus padres que se estacionen lejos de la entrada.

Ve a un parque con tu familia o amigos.


Camina por 20 minutos con tu familia.

Come 5 porciones de fruta y/o vegetales.

Muévete y se activo – Valora el comer saludable – Practica hábitos saludables

Para satisfacer tu sed hoy, toma solamente agua y leche.

Inventa tu propio juego e invita a tus amigos o familia a jugar contigo.

Has lagartijas o abdominales durante los comerciales en la TV.

Pasa menos de 2 horas mirando la televisión.

Pasa todo el día sin tomar un refresco o soda.

Pasa menos de 1 hora jugando videojuegos.

Come por lo menos 1 pedazo de fruta.


¿Cuántas veces puede tirar y atrapar un balón sin botarlo?


Se un CATCH MVP este verano

Pasa 15 minutos estirándote con tu familia después de la cena.

Enséñate a hacer malabares. Empieza con bosas de plástico luego intenta con pelotas.

Pon fruta fresca en tu cereal o en un trozo de pan tostado.

Has una lista nueva de tus comidas GO favoritas y ponla en tu refrigerador.

Ensénale a alguien tu juego favorito de tu clase de educación física.

Ayúdale a tu familia a cocinar una cena saludable.

Inventa tu propio juego e invita a tus amigos o familia a jugar contigo.

Busca 2 diferentes comidas GO en tu casa y pruébalas.

¿Cuántas veces puede tirar y atrapar un balón sin botarlo?

Has un coctel de frutas usando por lo menos 3 colores diferentes de fruta.

completar cada tarea diaria, pídele a un adulto que ponga sus iniciales en la caja cuando hagas cada tarea.

El Calendario del Equipo de Casa CATCH contiene actividades diarias voluntarias realizadas afuera de la escuela. Trata de

Has un quehacer afuera como barrer o jardinería.

Duerme 10 horas esta noche.

Camina por 20 minutos con un miembro de tu familia.

Pasa menos de 1 hora jugando Videojuegos.

Para satisfacer tu sed hoy, toma solamente agua y leche.

Pasa menos de 2 horas mirando la televisión.



Muévete y se activo – Valora el comer saludable – Practica hábitos saludables

Come una fruta con tu almuerzo.

Has tu propia pista de obstáculos.

Escribe un poema o canción acerca de la importancia de ser saludable. healthy.

Toma 8 vasos de agua hoy.

¡Inventa un juego usando un calcetín limpio y un cesto de ropa sucia–tiene cuidado!

Estírate o has yoga por 10 minutos antes de dormir.

Pasa todo el día sin tomar un refresco o soda.

Juega afuera por lo menos 1 hora.


Come 5 porciones de fruta y/o vegetales.


Come por lo menos 1 pedazo de fruta.


Juega afuera por lo menos 30 minutos.


Se un CATCH MVP este verano

Has lagartijas o abdominales durante los comerciales en la TV.

¡Juega pelota! Bota, tira o patea una pelota contra una pared.

Has un bocadillo saludable para el medio día usando por lo menos 2 ingredientes saludables.

Con un adulto, planea un día en la piscina o el lago.


Come un desayuno saludable.

¡Día libre! Has tu propia opción saludable.

Busca 2 diferentes comidas GO en tu casa y pruébalas.

Duerme 10 horas esta noche.

¡Día libre! Has tu propia opción saludable.

Juega afuera por lo menos 1 hora.

Para satisfacer tu sed hoy, toma solamente agua y leche.

Ve a un parque con tu familia o amigos.

Has un dibujo de tu juego favorito y ponlo en tu cuarto.

¡Día libre! Has tu propia opción saludable.

Pasa todo el día sin tomar un refresco o soda.

¡Día libre! Has tu propia opción saludable.

Come 5 porciones de fruta y/o vegetales.

¡Juega pelota! Bota, tira o patea una pelota contra una pared.


completar cada tarea diaria, pídele a un adulto que ponga sus iniciales en la caja cuando hagas cada tarea.

El Calendario del Equipo de Casa CATCH contiene actividades diarias voluntarias realizadas afuera de la escuela. Trata de

Come una fruta con tu almuerzo.

Estírate o has yoga por 10 minutos antes de dormir.

Has un quehacer en la casa como aspirar o limpiar los muebles o el piso.

Camina por 20 minutos con un miembro de tu familia.


Muévete y se activo – Valora el comer saludable – Practica hábitos saludables

Encuentra tu ritmo de corazón antes y después de jugar.

Has tu propia pista de obstáculos.

Ayúdale a tu familia a cocinar una cena saludable.

Pasa menos de 2 horas mirando la televisión.

Toma 8 vasos de agua hoy.

Con un adulto, planes un día en la piscina o el lago.

Has un bocadillo saludable para el medio día usando por lo menos 2 ingredientes saludables.



Pasa menos de 1 hora jugando videojuegos.


Come una fruta que no has probado antes.


Se un CATCH MVP este verano

¡Día libre! Has tu propia opción saludable.

Inventa tu propio juego e invita a tus amigos o familia a jugar contigo.

Cuando salgan a la tienda, pídele a tus padres que se estacionen lejos de la entrada.

Come una fruta con tu desayuno.