Case Statement

are blessed to be under the patronage of the Apostle of Mercy. .... It also speaks to the Archdiocese's faith in us and its support of the great things ... Parish-wide Activities/events .... hearts, so we may be generously open to you, to one another.
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My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Encourage the souls with whom you come in contact to trust in My infinite mercy. Oh, how I love those souls who have complete confidence in Me – I will do everything for them.- Diary of St. Faustina, 294


hese are words spoken by Jesus to St. Faustina over 80 years ago. We are blessed to be under the patronage of the Apostle of Mercy. We have the example, charisms and virtues of St. Faustina from which to draw inspiration. We also have the blessing to rely on her intercession before God. But, with St. Faustina, we have more – we have the message of Christ’s mercy. But, “Trust in My Mercy” is not only a message. It is Our Mission. It is our mission to make known the mercy of Christ and the fullness of life he offers us. It is our mission to make His mercy alive our hearts, our families and to those around us. As Jesus told St. Faustina to write, I am convinced that He is calling us to build a community of faith where His mercy will radiate. And He is already blessing us. Within the first year, we have rapidly grown to more than 1,400 registered families. We have not only packed our Sunday Eucharistic Celebration, we filled it with joy and with God’s abundant grace and love.

We are so blessed and are growing so fast that we need to begin building a parish hall to provide space for our worship, to educate our children, to minister to those in need and to grow as a community. In this vain, I ask you to read and consider the information you will find in this case statement. I believe we have formed a good plan to meet our current needs and prepare for the growth we will surely experience.

We have a goal of raising $5 million toward the first phase of construction through the Christ’s Mercy, Our Mission Capital Campaign and I ask that you join me in making the best pledge you can - the one you believe God is asking you to make - to help us reach this goal. Jesus said to St. Faustina, “Oh, how I love those souls who have complete confidence in Me – I will do everything for them.” I am convinced that we can never outdo God’s generosity. I invite you, together with me and the families in our parish, to place our trust in Christ as we pray over the sacrifice we can make to allow His good works to happen for us and through us.

Every day I feel so blessed to serve with you in this part of the Archdiocese as we build Saint Faustina Community. I thank you for your generosity and your goodness, and I pray that God bless you and your loved ones. Yours In Christ, Fr. Dat Hoang Pastor

Es nuestra misión de dar a conocer la Misericordia de Cristo y la plenitud de la vida que nos ofrece. Es nuestra misión de hacer que su misericordia viva en nuestros corazones, nuestras familias y para todos los que nos rodean. Estamos tan bendecidos y estamos creciendo tan rápido que tenemos que comenzar a construir un salón parroquial para proveer el espacio necesario para nuestra adoración, educar a nuestros hijos, ministrar a los necesitados y para seguir creciendo como comunidad. Tenemos la meta de recaudar $ 5.000.000 a la primera fase de construcción a través de la Misericordia de Cristo, Es nuestra Misión en Campaña Capital y les pido que se unan a mí para hacer la mejor promesa que usted puede – Sí, es esa que usted cree que Dios le está pidiendo que haga - ayúdenos a alcanzar este objetivo.

We are blessed to be under the patronage of the

Well, we have a lot of good problems:

• As of the publishing of this booklet, we have over 1,450 registered families at St. Faustina.

• The weekend Masses are standing-room-only and overflowing into the halls at Hubenak Elementary. The daily Masses also are overflowing. • The parish office/warehouse often is overbooked to the point we have to “borrow” space from the business next door to have meetings and trainings.

• The office is constantly teeming with activity as individuals and families are coming and going to register with the parish, enroll in Faith Formation, pick up materials for ministries, volunteer, or spend time with Fr. Dat and Deacon Abadejos for counseling and sacramental preparation. • Attendance at “Youth Nights” is greater than anything that could have been wildly expected and the warehouse is at maximum capacity. • More than 1,000 children and youths are registered for faith formation and there is no setting to hold classes.

These aren’t just good problems, these are GREAT problems – and they deserve to be addressed and met head-on. Aunque muchos feligreses les gustaría ver nuestra iglesia construida primero, esto no nos permitiría nuestra necesidad de tener; espacio para la adoración, clases para proporcionar formación en la fe, las oficinas de nuestro clero y personal, lugares para nosotros celebrar reuniones y ministrar a los necesitados. La construcción del salón de la parroquia es el primer compromiso, ya que este cubrirá todas las necesidades antes mencionadas.



Have you ever heard the expression, “That’s a good problem.”? Typically, it means good things are happening but, nonetheless, there are needs the “good things” present.

Although many parishioners would like to see our church built first, it would not address the needs listed above. In addition to worship space, we also need faith formation classrooms, administrative offices and space to have meetings and run our parish ministries. The building of the parish hall is the best compromise as it will accommodate all the previously mentioned needs at a cost that is considerably less than building a church.

The parish hall (with property improvements) will include: • Mass seating for 1,500

• Banquet seating for 500 (in the nave when converted for social use) • Sacristies and a reconciliation room • 10 administrative offices

• 17 meeting rooms for faith formation and ministries (adult and children) • A small conference room

• A small commercial kitchen

• 555 parking spaces and sidewalks providing access to the parish hall.

La Arquidiócesis ha estado de acuerdo en prestar los fondos necesarios para que podamos proceder de inmediato a la construcción del salón parroquial. Este es un testimonio de la vitalidad de la parroquia y la rapidez con que estamos creciendo. También habla de la fe de la Arquidiócesis en nosotros y su apoyo de las grandes cosas que suceden en Santa Faustina.

Paying for the Project

The current estimate for the cost of Phase 1 construction is $12.4 million. The Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston has agree to lend the necessary funds to allow us to immediately proceed toward building the parish hall. This is a testament to the vibrancy of the parish and how fast we are growing. It also speaks to the Archdiocese’s faith in us and its support of the great things happening at St. Faustina. In planning how we can pay for the project, the Finance Council presented to the Archdiocese a detailed schedule for what the building project will cost, the parish revenues that can be dedicated toward the project, and the amount the parish would raise through a capital campaign. A general illustration of the finances is below.


Apostle of Mercy

Land Site Preparation & Building Construction


Saint Faustina Cash Reserves on 6/30/15 ADGH Building Loan (15 Year Note) Excess Cash Reserves (Fiscal 2016 thru 2020) Phase 1 Capital Campaign Less: ADGH Building Loan Repayment (Fiscal 2017 thru 2020) Less: ADGH Capital Campaign Assessment

Projected Net Surplus/(Deficit) at 6/30/20

$3,400,000 $9,018,000


$1,000,000 $8,100,000 $5,514,000 $5,000,000

$(2,260,000) $(500,000) $16,854,000


Celebration Goal | $5 million

• Purchase of 9 acres • Construction of the parish hall • Site preparation and infrastructure installation Anticipated parish church construction startup 2022.

Challenge Goal | $6.5 million

• Celebration goal build out and acceleration of building the parish church by one year Anticipated parish church construction startup 2021

Victory Goal | $8 million

• Celebration goal build out and acceleration of building the parish church by two years Anticipated parish church construction startup 2020

Hemos establecido múltiples, metas escalonadas para la Fase 1. El cumplimiento de estos objetivos será garantizar un futuro brillante para la comunidad parroquial de Santa Faustina:

Meta de Celebración | $5 millones

• Compra de 9 acres • Construcción del salón parroquial • Instalación de preparación y la infraestructura del Sitio. Iglesia Parroquial - Inicio anticipado de construcción 2022.

Objetivo en Desafío | $6.5 millones

• Nivel 1 construir y la aceleración de la construcción de la iglesia parroquial en un año. Iglesia Parroquial - Inicio anticipado de construcción 2021.

Meta Victoriosa | $8 millones

• Nivel 1 construir y la aceleración de la construcción de la iglesia parroquial en dos años.

Highlights of the First Year Parish Office Opens July 2014

First Mass

Aug., 16, 2014

Rectory Opens Oct. 10, 2014

Move into New Parish Office April 9, 2015

Mass in Spanish June 7, 2015

First Daily Mass June 25, 2015

Registered Families 1,450

Baptisms 38

Marriages 5

RCIA Registrants 25

Confirmation Registrants 35

Children Registered in Faith Formation 1000+

Youth Night Attendees 125+

Active Ministries Establish in First Year 23

Parish-wide Activities/Events 6

methods of giving Selecting the best gift plan depends on one’s personal finances and goals. As tax laws are always changing, and each individual’s situation is unique, donors are encouraged to consult with financial advisors to determine which method of contributing is most beneficial. Gifts made by cash or check are common and are certainly appreciated, but the following methods of giving provide increased advantages and flexibility for the donor and St. Faustina toward reaching the campaign goal.


Pledges are commitments of payments to be made over time. We are asking all of our families to consider making a three-year commitment in support of the Christ’s Mercy, Our Mission Capital. Payments on the pledges are deductible for income tax purposes as provided by law. Pledges are obligations made in good faith, but not legally binding. You can fulfill your pledge using envelopes or The link for can be found on the St. Faustina website under the “GIVE” tab or you can go to St. Faustina’s parish code is TX676. Appreciated Securities and Other Financial Instruments

Appreciated stock gifts offer advantageous tax savings. Corporate Matching Gifts

A matching gifts program through your employer or board membership may allow you to increase the value of your gift. Many companies match charitable gifts of employees, retirees or board members. The following are just a few of the many local corporations and businesses that have matching gift programs. Check with your employer to see if there is a matching program available to increase your gift to the campaign. There are other ways to include St. Faustina in planned charitable giving that will benefit you as well as St. Faustina. Some of the most common options are as follows • Bequests • Gift Annuities • Life Insurance • Trusts

Donors are encouraged to consult with financial advisors to determine the most beneficial contribution method. Donor Recognition

Donations to the Christ’s Mercy, Our Mission campaign will be recognized in a permanent display at the entrance of the parish hall and in publications. Conpromisos

Las promesas son compromisos de pagos a realizar a través del tiempo. Estamos pidiendo a todas las familias de considerar la posibilidad de un compromiso de tres años en apoyo de la Misericordia de Cristo, en nuestra Misión Capital. Los pagos de las promesas son deducibles para efectos del impuesto sobre la renta conforme a lo dispuesto por la ley. Las promesas son obligaciones de buena fe, pero no es jurídicamente vinculante. Usted puede cumplir con su promesa utilizando sobres o El enlace para se puede encontrar en el sitio web de Santa Faustina en la pestaña " DAR " o usted puede ir a Código de la parroquia de Santa Faustina es TX676.

Pledging Versus a One-time Gift

Most gifts to a campaign come through pledges or one-time donations. Please consider the following testimony regarding pledging versus a one-time gift.

My family has been a part of two different campaigns with two different parishes over the years - as we’ve moved a couple of times with my job. At the first parish, early in our marriage, my wife and I gave a one-time gift. It felt like we gave a lot toward the campaign; especially, for the income we were making between our jobs. At the second parish, we were asked to consider “making a pledge rather than giving a onetime donation.” It didn’t seem, when we were asked, that there was much of a difference between the two, but there was…and is.

When we gave the one-time gift for the first campaign it hurt the wallet a bit. It put a little dent in our checking account, but it was done. When we made the pledge for the second campaign it was more about considering how we (and, then, with our kids) would have to change something or do without some things for a while, to make a sacrifice while we were fulfilling the pledge.

More than anything, when we pledged, versus making a one-time donation, we felt more invested in the project and what was going on at the parish. It wasn’t a “one and done and move on” thing. I believe making a pledge is a more thoughtful process. It means taking inventory of what we have and what we have been blessed with and giving back to God – not giving once and be done, but giving continuously like He gives to us.

Budgeting Your Pledge Over Three Years Total Initial 10% Gift Investment Balance Monthly Quarterly Annual $500,000 $50,000 $450,000 $12,500 $37,500 $150,000 $250,000 $25,000 $225,000 $6,250 $18,750 $75,000 $100,000 $10,000 $90,000 $2,500 $7,500 $30,000 $75,000 $7,500 $67,500 $1,875 $5,625 $22,500 $50,000 $5,000 $45,000 $1,250 $3,750 $15,000 $36,000 $3,600 $32,400 $900 $2,700 $10,800 $24,000 $2,400 $21,600 $600 $1,800 $7,200 $21,000 $2,100 $18,900 $525 $1,575 $6,300 $15,000 $1,500 $13,500 $375 $1,125 $4,500 $12,000 $1,200 $10,800 $300 $900 $3,600 $9,000 $900 $8,100 $225 $675 $2,700 $6,000 $600 $5,400 $150 $450 $1,800 $3,600 $360 $3,240 $90 $270 $1,080 $1,800 $180 $1,620 $45 $135 $540

Make known the mercy of Christ

Campaign Prayer Merciful and Loving God! We give you thanks for the abundant love and blessings you have given us. We give you thanks for calling us together to lay the foundation and to build your kingdom in this part of the world.

For you are the Potter and we are the clay. Mold our hearts Lord, that we may be a community that lives and radiates your Mercy. Help us to build a place that truly reflects your glory, a refuge where souls may find rest in the sweetness of your Love.

We consecrate to you all that we do, all that we are, that we may grow according to your Holy Design. Bless and expand our hearts, so we may be generously open to you, to one another and to all whom you send to us. Give us your inspired wisdom and courage to be good stewards of Your many gifts. Draw us together in unity and love, and fashion us as your holy people, a temple with Christ as our Cornerstone.

Through the intercession and inspiration of Saint Faustina, may we tell the world of your Mercy. We offer you these prayers as we proclaim with faith and confidence: “Jesus, I trust in You!” Amen.

Oración para Campaña Misericordioso y Dios de amor! Te damos gracias por la abundancia de amor y bendiciones que Tu nos has dado. Te damos gracias por llamarnos juntos para formar las bases y construir tu reino en esta parte del mundo.

Porque tú eres el Alfarero y nosotros somos el barro. Moldea nuestros corazones Señor, para que podamos ser una comunidad que viva e irradie tu misericordia. Ayúdanos a construir un lugar que realmente refleje tu gloria, un refugio donde las almas puedan encontrar descanso en la dulzura de tu amor.

Nosotros nos consagramos a Ti, todo lo que hacemos, lo que somos, para que podamos crecer de acuerdo a tu diseño santo. Bendice y engranda nuestros corazones, para que podamos ser generosamente abiertos a Ti, a los unos con los otros y todos aquellos que tú nos envía. Danos tu inspirada sabiduría y el coraje para ser buenos administradores de tus muchos regalos. Atráenos juntos en unidad y amor y fórmanos como tu pueblo santo, un templo con Cristo como nuestra piedra angular.

Y que a través de la intercesión y la inspiración de Santa Faustina podamos anunciarle al mundo tu gran Misericordia. Te ofrecemos estas oraciones como proclamación de nuestra fe y confianza: "Jesús, en ti confío!" Amén.

St. Faustina Parish PO Box 1099 Fulshear, Texas 77441 (832) 222-9250

campaign leadership Clergy / Parroquia Clero Fr. Dat Hoang, Pastor Deacon Ernie Abadejos

Campaign Cabinet / Líderes de la Capana

Rey and Blanca Croson German and Kathy Digoy John and Brenda Gillespie Chad and Kari Greenway Patrick and Rosie Hearn Thomas and Jennifer Hoeferlin John and Leanne James Daniel and Katherine Martin Anthony J. and Angela May Michael and Veronica Mullenix Juan Carlos and Maria Jimena Navas Juan and Sylvia Palomares Blake and Jamie Piazza Jerry and Jo Portele Eddie and Marilyn Rios Elizabeth Roberts Chuck and Sharon Tortorich Scott and Jenny Wallace Dominic and Michelle Zamora

Campaign Counsel / Consejero de la Campaña Dominic Felix The Steier Group

Building Committee / Comité de Construcción Cliff Aldrich Angelica Batac Marcus Bollom Jo Engelhart Russ Poppe Richard Stolleis Stephen Tennis