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Campaign Finance Statement
If statement is filed on behalf of a Contributing Lobbyist, the Lobbyist must sign here. not exceed two hundred and fifty dollars ($250.00) and this report is, to the ...
William Penn House. #1806 1919 Chestnut St. City State Zip Code (Plus ..... 9602 Martin Luther King Highway. City State Zip Code (Plus 4). Lanham MD 20706.
2 7 91 Southampton rd . ity State Zip Code (Plus 4). Philadelphia PA 19154. iFuii Name of Contributing Committee MO_ DAY YEAR. Sprinklerfitters LOCE'l 692 ...
Committee To Elect Anthony Clark From 03/31/2015 To 05/04/2015. TOTAL for the Reporting Period (2) $ 0. Contributions Received from Political Committees ...
DAY | YEAR. William & Thomas ina Todd, SR 2 7 ||2 () 1.5 || 3 1. () () . () (). Mailing Address ...... Cash withdrawal - petty Cash. To Whorn Paid. Wilson Alexander.
une 3, 1937 (P.L. 1333, NO.320) as. -. Sworn to and subscribed before me this. 22:7-2227. 222 Z&. My ommiss, expiroTARIAL SEAL -. ANE'Sion, Ngay Public.
Street Address: 794 Penllyn Pike Suite 100. City: 1 Zip Code: Blue Bell 19422—1669. X. TYPE OF. REPORT. Name of Office Sought by Candidate: District Office ...
Mailing Address. 5813 Thomas Ave. City. Philadelphia ..... Thomas J Fluehr 4 6 2015 $ 200.00. Mailing Address ..... 6713A Mitchell Street. City State Zip Code ...
FullName of Contributor MO. DAY YEAR. Bruce Michelson $250.00. Mailind Address ... Albert Littlepage $100.00. Mailind Address. 1801 S 17th St. City State Zip ...
Two TENTYEART] tº-ºº: |Ful Name of contributor ... |Fuſſ Name of contributing Committee Two TDAYTYEART. Local 32BJ .... Chris Jazz Cafe. Mailing Address.
John McLaughlin S 1 OO. OO ailing Address. 2219 Dixie Drive ty tate Zip Code (Plus 4 ill Name of Contributor Mo. DAY YEAR. Zarella Law Office LLC S 250. OO.
580S. AY Area Code Daytime Telephone Number. Department of State Bureau of Commissions, Elections and Legislation. 210 North Office Building Harrisburg, ...
Full Name of Contributor. Kevin M Casey. Mailing Address. 150 Brick Mill Rd ... S326.92. Full Name of Contributor. James Michael D'innocenzo. Mailing Address.
31 jul. 2003 - Justicia (5.2%), el resto laboran en una diversidad muy grande de empresas. Distribución de la Cartera por Proyecto. Quintas de Monticello.