CAASPP Individual Score Reports

also highlight students' strengths in key areas for both ELA and mathematics. ELA results will include information about the students' performance in the areas of ...
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CAASPP Individual Score Reports California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress sample student score reports.

California’s New Student Score Reports In the fall, parents of students in grades 3–8 and 11 will be mailed individual student score reports for the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP). These reports will include detailed information about their child’s performance on new, computer-based tests in English language arts/literacy (ELA) and mathematics, which replaced the former paperbased exams. Students will receive an overall score for each subject, ranging from 2,000 to 3,000. Overall scores will be reported within one of four levels: standard not met, standard nearly met, standard met, and standard exceeded. Specific scale score ranges by content area and grade can be found on the Smarter Balanced Scale Score Ranges Web page. These new reports will also highlight students' strengths in key areas for both ELA and mathematics. ELA results will include information about the students' performance in the areas of reading, writing, listening, and research. Reports of mathematics results will include information about student's performance in problem solving, using concepts and procedures, and in communicating mathematical reasoning. The student's performance in these key area for each subject will be reported using the following three indicators: below standard, at or near standard, and above standard. Here are some helpful links to provide you with further information: •

Sample CAASPP Student Score Report (PDF)

Understanding CAASPP Student Score Reports Videos

Understanding Your Child’s Score Report (English)

(Posted Jun-2015; 03:38)

Explains the new CAASPP Student Score Report for 2015. •

Entendiendo el Reporte de Calificaciones Individual de CAASPP del Estudiante (PostedJun-2015; 04:34) Este vídeo le ayudará a usted y a su hijo a aprender sobre el nuevo “Reporte de Calificaciones del Estudiante” de California y de los resultados de los exámenes estandarizados de fin de año.

Questions: California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress Office |[email protected] | 916-445-8765