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The Early Childhood ISSUE # 29


A Publication of Child Care Resource & Referral

FALL 2009

It’s Holiday Time! Even though the temperatures outside screams anything but fall, the holiday season is fast upon us. Beginning with Halloween and ending with New Year’s Day, the holidays become a time of fun, celebration, and food. While the holidays tend to encourage people to indulge in calorie-laden feasts, this doesn’t mean we have to temporarily put nutrition on the back burner. There are ways we can enjoy the holidays without compromising our health.

Here are some healthier options for celebrations: • Give out non-food items!

Celebrations at your center or home don’t always have to include food. Instead of indulging on holiday treats, think treasures! Some examples include stickers, funky pencils or erasers, nerf balls, temporary tattoos, collectable cards. A recent study looked at whether children (ages 3-14 yrs) would choose toys or candy if offered both options on Halloween. They found that children were just as likely to choose the toys as the candy; meaning that children will not be disappointed receiving a toy instead of candy for Halloween or any other holiday.

The Early Childhood Bulletin has a NEW look! Child Care Resource and Referral in conjunction with several other early care and education programs strive to make the information provided in the Early Childhood Bulletin useful by providing information about upcoming professional development opportunities available to you.

• Play Games!

The Bulletin is intended to: • Be a comprehensive and useful tool • Make it easier to identify community trainings available by county • Identify who to contact when registering for community trainings and/or events

Board games or outdoor games offer an entertaining, and fun solution to making the holidays more eventful. One example could be themed relay races that encourage children to become more active.

If you ever have an idea, question, or suggestion about the Early Childhood Bulletin please contact Child Care Resource and Referral at www.azchildcare.org or (520) 325-5778 or 1-800-308-9000.

ARTICLE CONTINUES ON PAGE: 3 Graciously Submitted by: Alisa Arce, Nutrition Education Program Manager, United Way of Tucson and Southern Arizona



The Early Childhood Bulletin 2009-09-15 11:31:21 AM


Educación y Cuidado de la Temprana Edad ISSUE # 29

A Publication of Child Care Resource & Referal

FALL 2009

¡Se acercan los días festivos! La temporada de días festivos se acerca, aunque la temperatura no se parezca nada a la temperatura de invierno. Comenzando en Halloween y terminando en Año Nuevo, con la temporada de días festivos comienza un tiempo de gozo, celebración y comida. Los días festivos tienden a estimular a la gente a comer de grandes banquetes y comidas con alto contenido de calorías, pero eso no significa que tengamos que olvidarnos de la buena nutrición. Hay maneras en las que podemos disfrutar los días festivos sin comprometer nuestra salud.

A continuación le damos opciones para una celebración más saludable: • ¡Regale algo que no sea comida!

En las celebraciones en su centro u hogar no siempre se deben incluir alimentos. ¡En vez de ofrecer antojitos de temporada, piense en ofrecer otra cosa! Algunos ejemplos incluyen calcomanías, lápices con borradores, pelotas blandas, tatuajes temporales, o tarjetas de colección. Un estudio reciente a niños (entre los 3 y 14 años) que escogerían entre juguetes o dulces si les ofrecieran las dos opciones en Halloween. El estudio encontró que los niños escogerían tanto juguetes como dulces; lo que significa que si los niños reciben juguetes en vez de dulces, no se sentirán decepcionados en Halloween o en ningún otro día festivo.

¡El Boletín tiene un nuevo aspecto! Recursos y Referencias para el Cuidado de Niños, en conjunción con otros programas de Educación y Cuidado a Temprana Edad, se esfuerzan para hacer que la información en el Boletín sea útil, así como otra información de desarrollo profesional y oportunidades disponibles para usted. El propósito del Boletín es el siguiente: • Ser una herramienta comprensiva y de provecho • Facilitar e identificar entrenamientos en la comunidad y en su condado •Identificar a quien contactar para registrarse en los eventos y entrenamientos de la comunidad

• ¡Hagan Juegos!

Los juegos de mesa o juegos al aire libre ofrecen mucho entretenimiento, y es una solución para hacer de los días festivos algo más memorable. Un ejemplo es hacer carreras de relevo las cuales incitan a los niños a ser más activos.

Si tiene ideas, preguntas o sugerencias para el Boletín de Educación y Cuidado a Temprana Edad, favor de contactar a Recursos y Referencias para el Cuidado de Niños, al 520-325-5778, al 1-800-308-9000 o visitar nuestro sitio de Internet al azchildcare.org

Artículo continúa en la página: 3 Amablemente presentado por: Alisa Arce, Nutrition Education Program Manager, United Way of Tucson and Southern Arizona



The Early Childhood Bulletin 2009-09-15 11:31:22 AM

ARTICLE/ARTICULO ARTICLE CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1: • Be crafty and creative! If you do decide to serve food, make it nutritious and themed. Put low sugar cereal in a decorative bag or apply holidaythemed stickers Not only will the children think these nutritious foods are a little special, but they will enjoy eating them too. .

Here are some more examples of nutritious treats to consider: • • • •

Fresh fruit topped with low fat whipped topping or yogurt Angel food cake topped with fresh fruit Pudding made with 1% or fat free milk Homemade applesauce

What are our options in terms of traditional holiday food?

If you’re going to do the traditional thing at your home or center, make sure to control your portion size and quantity eaten. Serve food on smaller plates or eat less of the treat to reduce the amount of calories and fat you are consuming. Here are some good ideas: • Allow children a small amount (one piece) of the treat . Candy bars, such as Snickers, come in miniature sizes now; which have 45 calories and 2.1 grams of fat. • For adult staff, consider small amounts (no more than 1 oz) of dark chocolate. Dark chocolate (at least 70% cacao) is rich in anti-oxidants, substances which help prevent disease. • Throw away the holiday treats that come to the center that children don’t necessarily eat - like fruitcake. If it’s not around they and you are less likely to eat it. Feel bad about throwing food out? Isn’t it the thought that counts? • Cut cupcakes or cookies in half. You can save the treat for later or for another day. Recipe on page 23.

Party it up! Have foods that are fun but not too sweet!

Artículo continuado de la página: 2

• ¡Use su creatividad!

Si decide servir comidas, sirva comidas nutritivas y que contengan un tema. Ponga cereal bajo en azúcar en bolsitas y pegue calcomanías con el tema de temporada en las bolsitas. Los niños pensaran que estas comidas son nutritivas y especiales, y también disfrutaran comiéndolas.

Aquí le damos algunos ejemplos de antojitos nutritivos: • • • •

Fruta fresca con crema batida o yogurt encima Pan de Ángel con fruta fresca encima Pudín hecho con leche del 1% de grasa Salsa de manzana hecho en casa

¿Cuáles son nuestras opciones en términos de comida tradicional durante los días festivos?

Si ha decidido hacer lo tradicional en su centro u hogar, asegúrese de controlar el tamaño de las porciones y cantidades que van a comer. Sirva en platos más pequeños, o coma menos antojitos para reducir la cantidad de calorías y grasa que va a consumir. Aquí le damos unas ideas: • Permita que los niños coman en pequeñas cantidades (1 pieza) de golosina. Barras de chocolate, como Snickers, que ahora vienen en tamaño miniatura, la cual contiene 45 calorías y 2.1 gramos de grasa. • Para los empleados adultos, considere cantidades mas pequeñas (no mas de 1 onza) de chocolate obscuro (al menos un 70% de cacao) es rico en antioxidantes, y substancias que previenen enfermedades. • Tire toda la comida que llega al centro que los niños no se comen necesariamente como el pastel de fruta. Si no hay, no van a comer. ¿Se siente mal por tirar la comida? Los resultados son los que cuentan. • Corte las galletas y los panecitos a la mitad. Y así puede guardar el resto de los antojitos para otro día. Receta en la página 23.

¡Haga la fiesta! ¡Sirva comidas divertidas pero no muy dulces!



The Early Childhood Bulletin 2009-09-15 11:31:22 AM


Please REGISTER IN ADVANCE to attend the training and to ensure the training is still being offered.


Favor de REGISTRARSE CON ANTICIPACION para asegurar su participación y asegurar que el entrenamiento aun se esta ofreciendo.


p. 5 - 6


p. 6 - 7


p. 7


p. 7 - 8


p. 8 - 9


p. 9 - 19


p. 20


p. 21 - 23


p. 1, 2, 3, 24


p. 25 - 29

The Early Childhood Bulletin is a quarterly publication of Child Care Resource & Referral. The trainings, articles, and announcements in this publication are submitted by the community. If you have questions or would like to register for a training, please contact the agency listed in each training, article, or announcement. El Boletín de Educación y Cuidado a Temprana Edad es una publicación trimestral de Recursos y Referencias para el Cuidado de Niños. Los entrenamientos, artículos y anuncios en esta publicación son presentados por la comunidad. Si tiene preguntas o quisiera registrarse para alguno de los entrenamientos, favor de contactar a la agencia enlistada en cada uno de los entrenamientos, artículos o anuncios. WWW.AZCHILDCARE.ORG Fall 09.indd 4


The Early Childhood Bulletin 2009-09-15 11:31:22 AM

Community Trainings/Entrenamientos en la Communidad

Please REGISTER IN ADVANCE to attend the training and to ensure the training is still being offered.

COCHISE COUNTY City: Benson Length: 7 hrs

October 17, 2009 Cost: $0


City: Sierra Vista Length: 3 hrs

November 06, 2009 Cost: $0

1:00 pm

Arizona Infant Toddler Institute Session Six (S.T.E.P.S.)

Arizona Infant Toddler Institute - Advanced Session Three

This curriculum is based on five key elements that lead to healthy brain development: Security, Touch, Eyes, Play, and Sound. Children need to feel secure and loved; to be touched, cuddled, and held; to receive visual and sound simulation; and have opportunities to play frequently throughout the day to develop a healthy foundation or neural pathways that allows them to reach their greatest potential.

This workshop will focus on creating positive partnerships with families. We will explore the challenges of working with the feelings of caregivers and parents.

Trainer: Pamela Webb Location: Call for location information How to Register: 1-877-733-1270 or Email: [email protected] Agency: Child & Family Resources, Inc City: Sierra Vista November 05, 2009 Length: 3 hrs Cost: $0

Trainer: Jackie Garner Location: Call for location information How to Register: 1-877-733-1270 or Email: [email protected] Agency: Child & Family Resources, Inc City: Sierra Vista Length: 2 hrs

This school age workshop will address some of the challenging behaviors exhibited by children ages 5-12. You will learn strategies for dealing with bullying, aggressive behavior and children who are defiant toward adults.

6:00 pm

Trainer: Marisa Joy Williams Location: ChildTime 1299 N. 7th St How to Register: 1-866-9TRAIN9 or Email: [email protected] Agency: Easter Seals Blake Foundation

In this workshop, participants will learn about and be able to understand the key elements of developing an effective learning environment for infants and toddlers.

City: Sierra Vista November 06, 2009 Length: 3 hrs Cost: $0

City: Sierra Vista December 12, 2009 Length: 2 hrs Cost: $0

Biting among infants and toddlers can be upsetting for all those concerned. We will explore why children bite and what we can do about it. We will also discuss how to talk to parents of the child who has been bitten as well as the parents of the child who is biting.

In this workshop, participants will learn about and be able to understand the key elements of developing an effective learning environment for infants and toddlers.

Trainer: Marisa Joy Williams Location: ChildTime 1299 N. 7th St How to Register: 1-866-9TRAIN9 or Email: [email protected] Agency: Easter Seals Blake Foundation

Trainer: Jackie Garner Location: Call for location information How to Register: 1-877-733-1270 or Email: [email protected] Agency: Child & Family Resources, Inc

Fall 09.indd 5

10:30 am

Reality Bites

9:00 am

Arizona Infant Toddler Institute - Advanced Session One


8:30 am

Dealing With Challenging Behavior

Arizona Infant Toddler Institute - Advanced Session One

Trainer: Jackie Garner Location: Call for location information How to Register: 1-877-733-1270 or Email: [email protected] Agency: Child & Family Resources, Inc

December 12, 2009 Cost: $0


The Early Childhood Bulletin 2009-09-15 11:31:22 AM

Community Trainings/Entrenamientos en la Communidad

Please REGISTER IN ADVANCE to attend the training and to ensure the training is still being offered.



City: Sierra Vista December 12, 2009 Length: 2 hrs Cost: $0

1:00 pm

City: Sierra Vista December 16, 2009 Length: 2 hrs Cost: $0

1:00 pm

Why Won’t They Sleep? Naptime Strategies

I Feel You: Effects of Vicarious Trauma

This workshop will discuss the difficulties facing teachers when they try to put children down for nap. We will discuss the recommended hours of sleep for children and what teachers can do to make this transition easier for all.

In order to support children who witness violence, child care providers need to feel supported in their work. They need to feel that both their physical and emotional safety is important to their coworkers and supervisors.

Trainer: Marisa Joy Williams Location: ChildTime 1299 N. 7th St How to Register: 1-866-9TRAIN9 or Email: [email protected] Agency: Easter Seals Blake Foundation City: Sierra Vista December 16, 2009 Length: 2 hrs Cost: $0

8:30 am

Create a Special Place for Me Come discover more about the best teaching/caring techniques for children. Children will drive the curriculum and teachers will learn how to provide for more open-ended activities and child choice.

Trainer: Marisa Joy Williams Location: Johnson & Johnson 3803 S. Highway 92 How to Register: 1-866-9TRAIN9 or Email: [email protected] Agency: Easter Seals Blake Foundation City: Sierra Vista Length: 2 hrs

December 16, 2009 Cost: $0

10:45 am

Participants will learn about the benefits of block play and its influences on child development. Various articles will be shared regarding block play. Participants will have opportunities to experiment themselves with various types of blocks while brainstorming what children are learning through play.

Trainer: Marisa Joy Williams Location: Johnson & Johnson 3803 S. Highway 92 How to Register: 1-866-9TRAIN9 or Email: [email protected] Agency: Easter Seals Blake Foundation

Fall 09.indd 6


City: Safford Length: 2 hrs

October 17, 2009 Cost: $0


9:00 am

How Children Learn Participants will learn to define development, developmental domains, and factors that affect development. We will learn more about multiple intelligence theory and the importance of play.

Trainer: Lourdes Lopez-Escobar Location: First United Methodist Church 1020 S. 10th Ave How to Register: 1-866-9TRAIN9 or Email: [email protected] Agency: Easter Seals Blake Foundation

Block Play


Trainer: Marisa Joy Williams Location: Johnson & Johnson 3803 S. Highway 92 How to Register: 1-866-9TRAIN9 or Email: [email protected] Agency: Easter Seals Blake Foundation

City: Safford Length: 2 hrs

October 17, 2009 Cost: $0

11:15 am

The Ages & Stages of Art Children’s artistic development is sequential and each stage builds upon one another. This workshop will discuss the stages at which art development occurs from the scribble stage to the three dimensional drawing stage and the typical ages at which these developmental changes occur.

Trainer: Marisa Joy Williams Location: First United Methodist Church 1020 S. 10th Ave How to Register: 1-866-9TRAIN9 or Email: [email protected] Agency: Easter Seals Blake Foundation

The Early Childhood Bulletin 2009-09-15 11:31:22 AM

Community Trainings/Entrenamientos en la Communidad

Please REGISTER IN ADVANCE to attend the training and to ensure the training is still being offered.

GRAHAM COUNTY City: Safford Length: 2 hrs

October 17, 2009 Cost: $0


City: Clifton Length: 2 hrs

November 7, 2009 Cost: $0

10:00 am

Early Language & Literacy Learning

Flannel Boards Galore

Long before any formal instruction, the foundation for language and literacy development begins at birth and is a dynamic process, whereby both are interrelated and develop concurrently. Teachers will discuss how early language and literacy develop from birth and examine how young children acquire early language and literacy.

Participants will learn how to teach and tell stories through the use of flannel boards in this workshop. Participants will get a hands-on experience in making and using flannel boards in their classrooms.

Trainer: Lourdes Lopez-Escobar Location: First United Methodist Church 1020 S. 10th Ave How to Register: 1-866-9TRAIN9 or Email: [email protected] Agency: Easter Seals Blake Foundation City: Thatcher Length: 3 hrs

November 13, 2009 Cost: $0

Trainer: Lourdes Lopez-Escobar Location: Teddy Bear Haven 400 Chase Creek How to Register: 1-866-9TRAIN9 or Email: [email protected] Agency: Easter Seals Blake Foundation City: Clifton Length: 2 hrs

9:00 am

How and when do children learn how to share? This workshop reviews the social side of development for children ages 1-6, and looks at solutions for grabbing, yelling and crying as they relate to sharing.

In this workshop, participants will learn about and be able to understand the key elements of developing an effective learning environment for infants and toddlers.

City: Thatcher Length: 3 hrs

November 13, 2009 Cost: $0

Trainer: Marisa Joy Williams Location: Teddy Bear Haven 400 Chase Creek How to Register: 1-866-9TRAIN9 or Email: [email protected] Agency: Easter Seals Blake Foundation


City: Parker Length: 2 hrs

1:00 pm

6:00 pm

We will discover how mathematics learning builds on the curiosity and enthusiasm of the children and grows naturally from their experiences. This workshop will focus on ways and activities to make mathematics learning for preschoolers active, rich in language and fun.

In this workshop, participants will be able to determine the effective ways of promoting language development during each of the three ages of infancy.

Trainer: Jackie Garner Location: Call for location information How to Register: 1-877-733-1270 or Email: [email protected] Agency: Child & Family Resources, Inc

Fall 09.indd 7

October 1, 2009 Cost: $0

Building Blocks to Math

Arizona Infant Toddler Institute - Advanced Session Two


12:15 pm

Sharing: What’s Mine is Mine

Arizona Infant Toddler Institute - Advanced Session One

Trainer: Jackie Garner Location: Call for location information How to Register: 1-877-733-1270 or Email: [email protected] Agency: Child & Family Resources, Inc

November 7, 2009 Cost: $0

Trainer: Joy Gallagher Location: Gingerbread House 1005 S. Mohave Ave. How to Register: 1-866-9TRAIN9 or Email: [email protected] Agency: Easter Seals Blake Foundation


The Early Childhood Bulletin 2009-09-15 11:31:22 AM

Community Trainings/Entrenamientos en la Communidad

Please REGISTER IN ADVANCE to attend the training and to ensure the training is still being offered.

LA PAZ COUNTY City: Parker Length: 2 hrs

October 2, 2009 Cost: $0


Far Ago & Long Away-Why Read Aloud? There are many positive effects of reading aloud to young children. Current research now indicates, “The single most important activity for building the knowledge required for eventual success in reading is reading aloud to children.” This workshop focuses on techniques for reading aloud, choosing books to read, and reading books that reflect the culture and home language of the children.

Trainer: Joy Gallagher Location: Gingerbread House 1005 S. Mohave Ave. How to Register: 1-866-9TRAIN9 or Email: [email protected] Agency: Easter Seals Blake Foundation October 3, 2009 Cost: $0

Trainer: Joy Gallagher Location: Lake Havasu Library 1770 N. McCulloch How to Register: 1-866-9TRAIN9 or Email: [email protected] Agency: Easter Seals Blake Foundation

Trainers: Patty Merk & Detza Van Bogaert Location: 101 E. Beale St. How to Register: Contact Cassie at (520)648-0808 Agency: University of Arizona Cooperative Extension

8:00 am

What Do You Do With The Mad You Feel? Children aren’t born with self-control. They learn it gradually as they grow from infants to toddlers to preschoolers-and beyond. They learn it best with the help if adults who have a strong loving relationship with them.

Trainer: Joy Gallagher Location: Lake Havasu Library 1770 N. McCulloch How to Register: 1-866-9TRAIN9 or Email: [email protected] Agency: Easter Seals Blake Foundation

Fall 09.indd 8

12:30 pm

Understanding the cultures of the children and families we serve requires more than words and good intentions. The journey toward cultural competence requires the willingness to experience, learn from those experiences, and act.

8:00 am

Integrative approach to teaching early brain development and concepts of child development. This workshop is a two-day training and participants must attend both dates. The second date is October 17, 2009.


Trainer: Joy Gallagher Location: Lake Havasu Library 1770 N. McCulloch How to Register: 1-866-9TRAIN9 or Email: [email protected] Agency: Easter Seals Blake Foundation

The Many Colors of Us

Brain Builders for Life: Prenatal to Age Three

City: Lake Havasu October 31, 2009 Length: 2 hrs Cost: $0

10:00 am

Less Stress = More Success Stress is widely acknowledged to be a problem of our times, and early childhood care giving, while joyful and satisfying, is one of the most stressful types of work.

City: Lake Havasu October 31, 2009 Length: 2 hrs Cost: $0


City: Kingman Length: 16 hrs

City: Lake Havasu October 31, 2009 Length: 2 hrs Cost: $0


City: Lake Havasu November 20, 2009 Length: 7 hrs Cost: 0

9:00 am

Arizona Infant Toddler Institute - Session Three This training focuses on the cognitive development of infants and toddlers including language development and communication, culture and discoveries of infancy. Trainer: Barbara Milner Location: Call for location information How to Register: 1-877-733-1270 or Email: [email protected] Agency: Child & Family Resources, Inc.

The Early Childhood Bulletin 2009-09-15 11:31:22 AM

Community Trainings/Entrenamientos en la Communidad

Please REGISTER IN ADVANCE to attend the training and to ensure the training is still being offered.



City: Bullhead City November 21, 2009 Length: 2 hrs Cost: $0

8:00 am

City: Bullhead City November 21, 2009 Length: 2 hrs Cost: $0

12:30 pm

Getting Along with Co-Workers

What Do You Do With The Mad You Feel

This workshop will discuss personalities we encounter in the workplace and the do’s and don’ts of professional communication. We will discuss what to do when gossip spreads, working with people who like to take the credit for work you do, complaining staff and other issues we face when interacting with our coworkers.

Angry feelings are a natural part of being human; nevertheless, we don’t have to hurt anyone or ruin anything when we are angry. Children aren’t born with self-control. They learn it gradually as they grow from infants to toddlers to preschoolers and beyond.

Trainer: Joy Gallagher Location: Little Scooter Preschool 2750 Miracle Mile How to Register: 1-866-9TRAIN9 or Email: [email protected] Agency: Easter Seals Blake Foundation City: Lake Havasu November 21, 2009 Length: 7 hrs Cost: 0

Trainer: Joy Gallagher Location: Little Scooter Preschool 2750 Miracle Mile How to Register: 1-866-9TRAIN9 or Email: [email protected] Agency: Easter Seals Blake Foundation


9:00 am

City: Tucson Length: 2 hrs

Arizona Infant Toddler Institute - Session Four

City: Bullhead City November 21, 2009 Length: 2 hrs Cost: $0

Children who are 1 and 2 years old enjoy singing, dancing, and playing. We will discuss the types of activities that are appropriate for this age group. We will discuss ways to interact positively with children and how to build a caring relationship with them.

Trainer: Lourdes Lopez-Escobar Location: Easter Seals Blake Foundation 616 N. Country Club Rd. How to Register: 1-866-9TRAIN9 or Email: [email protected] Agency: Easter Seals Blake Foundation

10:00 am

City: Tucson Length: 14 hrs

Where The Wild Things Are: 5 Personalities Most children fall into 5 basic personality types that stem from inborn physical characteristics. Providers can fit their style with each child’s unique personality and help each child build on strengths, master deficits, and embrace life with confidence and skills. (3-12 years)

Fall 09.indd 9

October 02 & 03, 2009 Cost: $0

9:00 am

Arizona Infant Toddler Institute - Session Three This two-day session is geared towards Directors or Owners of child care programs. Participants will engage in handson activities that provide opportunities to learn through reinforcement, the skills and techniques they need to provide the best quality of care for infants and toddlers.

Trainer: Joy Gallagher Location: Little Scooter Preschool 2750 Miracle Mile How to Register: 1-866-9TRAIN9 or Email: [email protected] Agency: Easter Seals Blake Foundation


6:30 pm

Activities for Infants and Ones

The focus of this training is learning ways to provide culturally responsive care for infants and toddlers. Participants will also discuss ideas for a positive interaction with parents.

Trainer: Barbara Milner Location: Call for location information How to Register: 1-877-733-1270 or Email: [email protected] Agency: Child & Family Resources, Inc

October 1, 2009 Cost: $0


Trainer: Pamela Webb & Barbara Milner Location: Call for location information How to Register: 1-877-733-1270 or Email: [email protected] Agency: Child & Family Resources, Inc.

The Early Childhood Bulletin 2009-09-15 11:31:23 AM

Community Trainings/Entrenamientos en la Communidad

Please REGISTER IN ADVANCE to attend the training and to ensure the training is still being offered.


PIMA COUNTY City: Tucson Length: 2 hrs

October 5, 2009 Cost: $20

6:30 pm

City: Tucson Length: 2 hrs

October 8, 2009 Cost: $0

6:30 pm

Infant, Toddler and Brain Development - (Equipo de

Building Blocks to Science

traducción disponible.) How can you encourage healthy brain development in children? Learn the ages and stages of brain development and the care giving factors that impact healthy brain development in children.

Participants will learn different science related activities they can do in their classrooms. Participants will work on projects themselves and bring ideas back to their centers with them. We will also discuss different areas of science, why it is an important and often forgotten subject and ways to make science learning fun for all.

Trainer: Renee Hartje Location: Sentinel Building; Pantano Room 320 N. Commerce Park Loop, How to Register: Call 520-620-1241, Ext. 100 or email [email protected] Agency: Microbusiness Advancement Center

City: Tucson Length: 2 hrs

October 5, 2009 Cost: $0

6:30 pm

Playing Dr. or Signaling Abuse Sexual curiosity and behaviors of young children range from questioning to “playing doctor” to imitating adult sexual behavior. Providers may be concerned by any of these behaviors if they are caught off guard or unprepared to respond.

Trainer: Lourdes Lopez-Escobar Location: Easter Seals Blake Foundation 616 N. Country Club Rd. How to Register: 1-866-9TRAIN9 or Email: [email protected] Agency: Easter Seals Blake Foundation City: Tucson Length: 2 hrs

October 6, 2009 Cost: $0

6:30 pm

How Children Learn Participants will learn to define development, developmental domains, and factors that affect development. We will learn more about multiple intelligence theory and the importance of play.

Trainer: Marisa Joy Williams Location: Easter Seals Blake Foundation 616 N. Country Club Rd. How to Register: 1-866-9TRAIN9 or Email: [email protected] Agency: Easter Seals Blake Foundation


Trainer: Lourdes Lopez-Escobar Location: Easter Seals Blake Foundation 616 N. Country Club Rd. How to Register: 1-866-9TRAIN9 or Email: [email protected] Agency: Easter Seals Blake Foundation City: Tucson Length: 2 hrs

October 13, 2009 Cost: $0

6:30 pm

Stop, Look, Listen: Recognizing Red Flags Learn the warning signs of potential problems in children, how to talk to families about these concerns, and about available resources in your community.

Trainer: Marisa Joy Williams Location: Easter Seals Blake Foundation 616 N. Country Club Rd. How to Register: 1-866-9TRAIN9 or Email: [email protected] Agency: Easter Seals Blake Foundation City: Tucson Length: 2 hrs

October 15, 2009 Cost: $0

6:30 pm

Movin’On: Effective Transitions “Transition” is a time during the schedule when children move from one activity to another. Often transitions are difficult for young children, and children with special needs may require creative solutions. Learn more about effective transitions and how to use them throughout your day.

Trainer: Lourdes Lopez-Escobar Location: YMCA-Mulcahy 5085 S. Nogales Hwy How to Register: 1-866-9TRAIN9 or Email: [email protected] Agency: Easter Seals Blake Foundation


The Early Childhood Bulletin 2009-09-15 11:31:23 AM

Community Trainings/Entrenamientos en la Communidad

Please REGISTER IN ADVANCE to attend the training and to ensure the training is still being offered.

PIMA COUNTY City: Tucson Length: 2 hrs

October 15, 2009 Cost: $0


City: Tucson Length: 2 hrs

October 20, 2009 Cost: $0

4:00 pm

The Amazing Brain

Dealing With Stress

Find out more about current brain research and amazing brain facts. Let’s talk about the implications of this research for child care centers and preschool environments.

Stress in an emotional response to the demands of life. This class will help child care providers learn how to deal with the stress and help parents learn ways to reduce their stress and their children’s stress.

Trainer: Marisa Joy Williams Location: Easter Seals Blake Foundation 616 N. Country Club Rd. How to Register: 1-866-9TRAIN9 or Email: [email protected] Agency: Easter Seals Blake Foundation City: Tucson Length: 2 hrs

October 19, 2009 Cost: $0

6:30 pm

Secure Attachments Caregivers must enhance their skills in nourishing each child’s secure relationships with them in the child care setting. The caregivers’ special responsive attentiveness to the needs and tempos of the very young are very important in the emotional lifeline of secure attachment.

Trainer: Lourdes Lopez-Escobar Location: Easter Seals Blake Foundation 616 N. Country Club Rd. How to Register: 1-866-9TRAIN9 or Email: [email protected] Agency: Easter Seals Blake Foundation City: Tucson Length: 2 hrs

October 19, 2009 Cost: $20

6:30 pm

Practical Ideas for Challenging Behaviors- (Equipo de traducción disponible.)This workshop will discuss how to respond to the challenges behaviors of young children quickly and effectively, benefitting every child in your setting. This workshop is geared for children ages 3 and up.

Trainer: Renee Hartje Location: Sentinel Building; Pantano Room 320 N. Commerce Park Loop How to Register: Call 520-620-1241, Ext. 100 or email [email protected] Agency: Microbusiness Advancement Center


Trainer: Carol Weigold Location: Casa de los Niños 1101 N. 4th Ave. (Speedway & 4th Ave) How to Register: 520-624-5600 Ext. 401 or Email: [email protected] Agency: Casa de los Niños City: Tucson Length: 2 hrs

October 20, 2009 Cost: $0

6:30 pm

Observation, Assessments, Language and Literacy Through observing our world, we can find out about how things work, what we want to model, and the possible consequences of our actions. The same is true for how we learn about young children and plan curriculum that meets their individual needs. Observing children in their natural environments give teachers insight in to the learning potential for each child.

Trainer: Marisa Joy Williams Location: Easter Seals Blake Foundation 616 N. Country Club Rd. How to Register: 1-866-9TRAIN9 or Email: [email protected] Agency: Easter Seals Blake Foundation City: Tucson Length: 2 hrs

October 20, 2009 Cost: $12

6:45 pm

School-Age Conflict Resolution and Group Management This workshop is designed to help staff in school-age programs learn the basics of effective group management; from taking control of the group to natural/logical consequences and skills and methods for use in conflict resolution.

Trainer: Lisa Rice Location: Child & Family Resources, Inc. 2800 E. Broadway Blvd. How to Register: Email: lrice@innovativelearningaz. com, 520-982-4032 or www.innovativelearningaz.com Agency: Innovative Learning Solutions


The Early Childhood Bulletin 2009-09-15 11:31:23 AM

Community Trainings/Entrenamientos en la Communidad

Please REGISTER IN ADVANCE to attend the training and to ensure the training is still being offered.

PIMA COUNTY City: Tucson Length: 2 hrs

October 22, 2009 Cost: $0


City: Tucson Length: 2 hrs

The Role of Meaningful Experiences in Supporting Early Language and Literacy

City: Tucson Length: 2 hrs

October 24, 2009 Cost: $0

October 24, 2009 Cost: $17

8:30 am

Explore experiments, games and crafts that will make you say, “I can’t wait to try these activities with my class! Special focus given to Science Inquiry Stadards!


October 26, 2009 Cost: $0

6:30 pm

For young children, behaviors are a natural way to convey meaning because they often lack the words to articulate their feelings and thoughts. They need patient listeners who can appropriately interpret their behavioral cues, respond to them empathetically, and provide opportunities for them to safely explore their feelings and express their emotions.

Trainer: Marisa Joy Williams Location: Easter Seals Blake Foundation 616 N. Country Club Rd. How to Register: 1-866-9TRAIN9 or Email: [email protected] Agency: Easter Seals Blake Foundation City: Tucson Length: 2 hrs

October 27, 2009 Cost: $0

6:30 pm

Multiculturalism in Children’s Art

Tumbleweed & Pumpkins, Pre-K to Grade 3

Trainer: Meg Balaconis Location: Jonathan’s Educational Resources 3100 N. Stone How to Register: 520-628-1108 Agency: Meg Balaconis, Megascience

Trainer: Marisa Joy Williams Location: Easter Seals Blake Foundation 616 N. Country Club Rd. How to Register: 1-866-9TRAIN9 or Email: [email protected] Agency: Easter Seals Blake Foundation

Using Language & Literacy in Guiding Behavior

8:30 am

We will look at basic stages of infant and toddler development, new brain research, and how this information can help practitioners better care for young children.

City: Tucson Length: 2 hrs

Sometimes it may feel as if the children take charge and have more influence on the dynamics of the room then you do. In this workshop we will discuss the role of the teacher and how to manage the classroom and the children in your care.

City: Tucson Length: 2 hrs

Roll, Sit, Crawl, Walk: Stages of Development

Trainer: Marisa Joy Williams Location: Easter Seals Blake Foundation 616 N. Country Club Rd. How to Register: 1-866-9TRAIN9 or Email: [email protected] Agency: Easter Seals Blake Foundation

10:45 am

Who’s In Charge

Young children who connect new experiences with those that already hold meaning to them are better able to absorb and make sense of new information. When teachers of young children support early language and literacy through meaningful experiences they give children the confidence, competence, and motivation to learn.

Trainer: Lourdes Lopez-Escobar Location: Easter Seals Blake Foundation 616 N. Country Club Rd. How to Register: 1-866-9TRAIN9 or Email: [email protected] Agency: Easter Seals Blake Foundation

October 24, 2009 Cost: $0

This workshop will discuss the accurate representation of cultures in our classroom settings. We will discuss and experiment with different multicultural art aspects including art projects, music, literature and dance.

Trainer: Marisa Joy Williams Location: Easter Seals Blake Foundation 616 N. Country Club Rd. How to Register: 1-866-9TRAIN9 or Email: [email protected] Agency: Easter Seals Blake Foundation


The Early Childhood Bulletin 2009-09-15 11:31:23 AM

Community Trainings/Entrenamientos en la Communidad

Please REGISTER IN ADVANCE to attend the training and to ensure the training is still being offered.

PIMA COUNTY City: Tucson Length: 2 hrs

October 29, 2009 Cost: $0


City: Tucson Length: 2 hrs

November 5, 2009 Cost: $0

6:30 pm

Science for School Agers

Flannel Boards Galore

Participants will learn about inquiry skills, Arizona content standards and activities to do with students. This will be a hands-on workshop with activities. Participants will also have the opportunity to discuss the role that science plays in their classrooms and ways to build on what children are learning.

Participants will learn how to teach and tell stories through the use of flannel boards in this workshop. Participants will get a hands-on experience in making and using flannel boards in their classrooms.

Trainer: Lourdes Lopez-Escobar Location: Easter Seals Blake Foundation 616 N. Country Club Rd. How to Register: 1-866-9TRAIN9 or Email: [email protected] Agency: Easter Seals Blake Foundation Ciudad: Tucson 2 de noviembre, 2009 Duración: 2 hrs Costo: $0

6:30 pm

Cualquier persona puede ser una victima de la violencia doméstica. No importa su género, orientación sexual, edad, trasfondo racial o cultural, educación, cuánto dinero tienen, o sus creencias religiosas. Maestros necesitan estar conscientes de que pueden tener niños en su salon de clases que hayan sido expuestos a la violencia doméstica.

City: Tucson Length: 2 hrs

November 3, 2009 Cost: $0

Fall 09.indd 13

8:00 am

Trainer: Darcy Dixon and Evelyn Whitmer Location: 1951 E. Roger Rd. How to Register: Contact Cassie at (520) 648-0808 Agency: University of Arizona Cooperative Extension 9 de noviembre, 2009 Costo: $0

6:30 pm

Usted Esta Seguro Aqui 6:30 pm

How and when do children learn how to share? This workshop reviews the social side of development for children ages 1-6, and looks at solutions for grabbing, yelling and crying as they relate to sharing.


November 7, 2009 Cost: $0

Integrative approach to teaching early brain development and concepts of child development. This workshop is a two-day training and participants must attend both dates. The second date is November 14, 2009.

Ciudad: Tucson Duración: 2 hrs

Sharing: What’s Mine is Mine

Trainer: Marisa Joy Williams Location: Easter Seals Blake Foundation 616 N. Country Club Rd. How to Register: 1-866-9TRAIN9 or Email: [email protected] Agency: Easter Seals Blake Foundation

City: Tucson Length: 16 hrs

Brain Builders for Life: Prenatal to Age Three

Que Es la Violencia Doméstica

Entrenador: Lourdes Lopez-Escobar Locación: Easter Seals Blake Foundation 616 N. Country Club Rd. Para Registrarse: 1-866-9TRAIN9 o Email: [email protected] Agencia: Easter Seals Blake Foundation

Trainer: Lourdes Lopez-Escobar Location: Easter Seals Blake Foundation 616 N. Country Club Rd. How to Register: 1-866-9TRAIN9 or Email: [email protected] Agency: Easter Seals Blake Foundation

El proveedor de cuidado temprano puede ser el adulto afectuoso y cariñoso que hace una diferencia en las vidas de aquellos niños que están experimentando dificultades en casa. La identificación temprana de dificultades causadas por estar expuestos a la violencia doméstica puede resultar en una intervención y apoyo más temprana y eficaz para niños pequeños y familias.

Entrenador: Lourdes Lopez-Escobar Locación: Easter Seals Blake Foundation 616 N. Country Club Rd. Para Registrarse: 1-866-9TRAIN9 o Email: [email protected] Agencia: Easter Seals Blake Foundation


The Early Childhood Bulletin 2009-09-15 11:31:23 AM

Community Trainings/Entrenamientos en la Communidad

Please REGISTER IN ADVANCE to attend the training and to ensure the training is still being offered.

PIMA COUNTY City: Tucson Length: 2 hrs

November 10, 2009 Cost: $0


City: Tucson Length: 2 hrs

November 14, 2009 Cost: $0

10:45 am

Just Breathe: Childhood Asthma & Allergies

Understanding ADHD

Asthma and allergies can be frustrating, disruptive, and frightening conditions. Providers can learn to manage symptoms and help children gain control as wel;l as, a balance between medical information and personal involvement.

He’s always so busy. She just can’t settle down. The diagnosis of ADHD may not apply to all children. Let’s find out how a diagnosis is made along with teaching techniques and discipline strategies.

City: Tucson Length: 2 hrs

Ciudad: Tucson Duración: 2 hrs

Trainer: Marisa Joy Williams Location: Easter Seals Blake Foundation 616 N. Country Club Rd. How to Register: 1-866-9TRAIN9 or Email: [email protected] Agency: Easter Seals Blake Foundation November 12, 2009 Cost: $0

6:00 pm

Trainer: Marisa Joy Williams Location: Easter Seals Blake Foundation 616 N. Country Club Rd. How to Register: 1-866-9TRAIN9 or Email: [email protected] Agency: Easter Seals Blake Foundation

26 de noviembre, 2009 Costo: $0

6:30 pm

Say What? Including Children with Speech

Aprendiendo a Escuchar, Aprendiendo a Ayudar

Every child communicates. Eye signals, brief gestures, and five-word sentences are all important signals of the child’s needs and interests. Children who have developmental delay or disabilities frequently need more assistance to develop effective language and communication skills.

La forma más efectiva de ayudar a los niños a manejar la violencia en sus vidas es cuando los adultos trabajan juntos en equipo para ayudarlos. Los padres no lo pueden hacer por sí solos, ni tampoco los maestros ni los consejeros. Si los niños tienen adultos en sus vidas que trabajan juntos para responder y ser sensibles a sus necesidades, podrán manejar en una forma major los efectos de haber presenciado la violencia.

Trainer: Lourdes Lopez-Escobar Location: Easter Seals Blake Foundation 616 N. Country Club Rd. How to Register: 1-866-9TRAIN9 or Email: [email protected] Agency: Easter Seals Blake Foundation City: Tucson Length: 2 hrs

November 14, 2009 Cost: $0

8:30 am

Getting Along with Co-workers This workshop will discuss personalities we encounter in the workplace and the do’s and don’ts of professional communication. We will discuss what to do when gossip spreads, working with people who like to take the credit for work you do, complaining staff and other issues we face.

Trainer: Marisa Joy Williams Location: Easter Seals Blake Foundation 616 N. Country Club Rd. How to Register: 1-866-9TRAIN9 or Email: [email protected] Agency: Easter Seals Blake Foundation


Entrenador: Lourdes Lopez-Escobar Locación: Easter Seals Blake Foundation 616 N. Country Club Rd. Para Registrarse: 1-866-9TRAIN9 o Email: [email protected] Agencia: Easter Seals Blake Foundation City: Tucson Length: 2 hrs

November 16, 2009 Cost: $25

6:30 pm

Sign with Baby Tucson Educational Seminar Learn the benefits of using sign language as an early communication mode from infants on up to preschool age and beyond; how and when to start signing with your child, and how to incorporate sign vocabulary into every day activities.

Trainer: Libby Quinn Location: Khalsa Montessori, River Campus 3701 E River How to Register: [email protected] or 520-591-9183 www.signwithbabytucson.com Agency: Libby Quinn - Independent Trainer


The Early Childhood Bulletin 2009-09-15 11:31:23 AM

Community Trainings/Entrenamientos en la Communidad

Please REGISTER IN ADVANCE to attend the training and to ensure the training is still being offered.

PIMA COUNTY City: Tucson Length: 2 hrs

November 17, 2009 Cost: $0


Child Abuse- It’s Everybody’s Problem This presentation will discuss the warning signs present in the child, causes of child abuse and neglect and the mandated reporting guidelines in Arizona.

Trainer: Carol Weigold Location: Casa de los Niños 1101 N. 4th Ave.(Speedway & 4th Ave) How to Register: (520) 624-5600 Ext. 401 or Email: [email protected] Agency: Casa de los Niños City: Tucson Length: 2 hrs

November 17, 2009 Cost: $0

6:30 pm

Promoting Gender Equity Come discuss issues, ideas and practical suggestions for fostering cooperation between the sexes and promoting gender equity and self esteem in the early childhood classroom. Trainer: Marisa Joy Williams Location: Easter Seals Blake Foundation 616 N. Country Club Rd. How to Register: 1-866-9TRAIN9 or Email: [email protected] Agency: Easter Seals Blake Foundation City: Tucson Length: 2 hrs

November 17, 2009 Cost: $12

6:45 pm

Building Relationships with Parents and Families in School-Age Programs Learn strategies and methods to create positive relationships with parents and families; the foundation for strong, ongoing partnerships between families and school-age programs. Trainer: Lisa Rice Location: Child & Family Resources 2800 E. Broadway Blvd. How to Register: Email: lrice@innovativelearningaz. com, 520-982-4032 or www.innovativelearningaz.com Agency: Innovative Learning Solutions


City: Tucson Length: 2 hrs.

November 18, 2009 Cost: $20

6:30 pm

Childcare Management & Organization-(Equipo de traducción disponible.) Your childcare business should not only be a rewarding experience with children, but a profitable experience as well. Learn how to organize your financial records, record keeping techniques, track expenses and income, and make other sound business decisions. Trainer: Jerone Davis Location: Sentinel Building; Pantano Room 320 N. Commerce Park Loop How to Register: Call 520-620-1241, Ext. 100 or email [email protected] Agency: Microbusiness Advancement Center

City: Tucson Length: 2 hrs

November 19, 2009 Cost: $0

6:30 pm

The ABC’s of Behavior According to behavioral theory, behavior, whether appropriate or inappropriate, is learned as children react to their environment and the people in it. Acceptable behavior continues if it is reinforced, and unacceptable behavior can be eliminated if it is not reinforced. (0-5 years)

Trainer: Marisa Joy Williams Location: Easter Seals Blake Foundation 616 N. Country Club Rd. How to Register: 1-866-9TRAIN9 or Email: [email protected] Agency: Easter Seals Blake Foundation City: Tucson Length: 2 hrs

November 19, 2009 Cost: $25

6:30 pm

Sign with Baby Tucson Educational Seminar In an interactive seminar, learn the benefits of using sign language as an early communication mode from infants on up to preschool age and beyond; how and when to start signing with your child, and how to incorporate sign vocabulary into every day activities.

Trainer: Libby Quinn Location: Northwest Hospital Women’s Center, 6060 N Fountain Plaza Dr. (Event Center) How to Register: [email protected] or 520-591-9183 www.signwithbabytucson.com Agency: Libby Quinn - Independent Trainer


The Early Childhood Bulletin 2009-09-15 11:31:23 AM

Community Trainings/Entrenamientos en la Communidad

Please REGISTER IN ADVANCE to attend the training and to ensure the training is still being offered.

PIMA COUNTY City: Tucson Length: 2 hrs

November 21, 2009 Cost: $17


City: Tucson Length: 2 hrs

November 24, 2009 Cost: 0

4:00 pm

Homemade Holiday Gifts! Pre-K to Grade 3

Alternatives to Spanking

Make presents from paper plates, fabric, candle wax, and recycleable containers! Surprise yourself and share a favorite craft. Teachers design amazing gifts on a very low budget, so join us for this hand-on workshop to learn more about makeable gifts!

Help parents find effective alternatives to discipline. When children misbehave often parents get angry. The focus of this class is for child care providers to learn positive guidance techniques and non-violence as a means of effective discipline with young children.

Trainer: Meg Balaconis Location: Jonathan’s Educational Resources 3100 N. Stone How to Register: 520-628-1108 Agency: Meg Balaconis, Megascience Ciudad: Tucson 23 de noviembre, 2009 Duración: 2 hrs Costo: $0

6:30 pm

Manejo del Enojo: Formas de Manejar el Conflicto en el Salón de Clases Una forma clave de romper el ciclo del abuso y la violencia es enseñarles a los niños las formas apropiadas y aceptables de manejar su enojo. El hecho de enseñarles nuevas formas de negociar y positivamente romper el ciclo.

Entrenador: Lourdes Lopez-Escobar Locación: Easter Seals Blake Foundation 616 N. Country Club Rd. Para Registrarse: 1-866-9TRAIN9 o Email: [email protected] Agencia: Easter Seals Blake Foundation City: Tucson Length: 2 hrs

November 23, 2009 Cost: $0

6:30 pm

This workshop will be a hands-on workshop. The importance of focusing on the process of creating vs. the end product will be a focus of this workshop. The participants will be able to make a take their projects and hopefully take away some new ideas for creative ideas.


City: Tucson Length: 2 hrs

November 24, 2009 Cost: $0

6:30 pm

What is Domestic Violence Anyone can be a victim of domestic violence no matter their gender, sexual orientation, how old they are, what their racial or cultural background may be, what type of education they have, how much money they have, or what their religious beliefs may be. Teachers must be aware that they may care for children who have been exposed to domestic violence.

Trainer: Marisa Joy Williams Location: Easter Seals Blake Foundation 616 N. Country Club Rd. How to Register: 1-866-9TRAIN9 or Email: [email protected] Agency: Easter Seals Blake Foundation

Hands On Art Projects for Preschoolers

Trainer: Marisa Joy Williams Location: YMCA-Mulcahy 5085 S Nogales Hwy How to Register: 1-866-9TRAIN9 or Email: [email protected] Agency: Easter Seals Blake Foundation

Trainer: Carol Weigold Location: Casa de los Niños 1101 N. 4th Ave. (Speedway & 4th Ave) How to Register: (520) 624-5600 Ext. 401 or Email: [email protected] Agency: Casa de los Niños

Ciudad: Tucson Duración: 2 hrs

30 de noviembre, 2009 Costo: $0

6:30 pm

Yo Siento lo Que Usted Está Sintiendo Para poder apoyar a niños necesitan sentirse apoyados en su trabajo. Necesitan sentir que su seguridad fisica y emocional son importantes para sus supervisores y compañeros de trabajo.

Entrenador: Lourdes Lopez-Escobar Locación: Easter Seals Blake Foundation 616 N. Country Club Rd. Para Registrarse: 1-866-9TRAIN9 o Email: [email protected] Agencia: Easter Seals Blake Foundation


The Early Childhood Bulletin 2009-09-15 11:31:23 AM

Community Trainings/Entrenamientos en la Communidad

Please REGISTER IN ADVANCE to attend the training and to ensure the training is still being offered.

PIMA COUNTY City: Tucson Length: 2 hrs

December 1, 2009 Cost: $0


City: Tucson Length: 2 hrs

December 3, 2009 Cost: $0

6:30 pm

High Quality, Low Cost Activities

Cultural Influences on Language and Literacy

Share ideas on how to provide activities and learning experiences from recycled or inexpensive materials for all ages of children.

In this session providers will discuss the importance of examining their teaching practices and reflect on how tier culture may influence the ways that they teach and support young children’s early language and literacy.

Trainer: Lourdes Lopez-Escobar Location: YMCA - Mulcahy 5085 S. Nogales Hwy How to Register: 1-866-9TRAIN9 or Email: [email protected] Agency: Easter Seals Blake Foundation City: Tucson Length: 2 hrs

December 1, 2009 Cost: $0

6:30 pm

City: Tucson Length: 2 hrs

You are Safe Here! The early education teacher or early care provider may be the caring adult who makes a difference in the lives of children experiencing difficulties at home. Early identification of difficulties caused by exposure to domestic violence can lead to earlier and more effective support and intervention for young children and families.

Trainer: Marisa Joy Williams Location: Easter Seals Blake Foundation 616 N. Country Club Rd. How to Register: 1-866-9TRAIN9 or Email: [email protected] Agency: Easter Seals Blake Foundation City: Tucson Length: 2 hrs

December 2, 2009 Cost: $20

6:30 pm

Designing Cost-Effective Programs and Services(Equipo de traducción disponible.)Your service strategy

has a major influence on the unique features of your childcare business. Learn how to develop a service overview, create a schedule of operations, and plan well-balanced routines that contain developmentally and individually appropriate activities.

Trainer: Jerone Davis Location: Sentinel Building; Pantano Room 320 N. Commerce Park Loop How to Register: Call 520-620-1241, Ext. 100 or email [email protected] Agency: Microbusiness Advancement Center


Fall 09.indd 17

Trainer: Lourdes Lopez-Escobar Location: Easter Seals Blake Foundation 616 N. Country Club Rd. How to Register: 1-866-9TRAIN9 or Email: [email protected] Agency: Easter Seals Blake Foundation December 5, 2009 Cost: $0

8:30 am

Welcome to Holland Parents go through various emotional feelings when they are confronted with the fact that they have a child with special needs. You become part of a team to support children and their families. Learn the valuable tools and resources to assist you in being part of that team.

Trainer: Marisa Joy Williams Location: Easter Seals Blake Foundation 616 N. Country Club Rd. How to Register: 1-866-9TRAIN9 or Email: [email protected] Agency: Easter Seals Blake Foundation City: Tucson Length: 2 hrs

December 5, 2009 Cost: $0

10:45 am

Create a Special Place for Me Come discover more about the best teaching/caring techniques for children. Children will drive the curriculum and teachers will learn how to provide for more open-ended activities and child choice.

Trainer: Marisa Joy Williams Location: Easter Seals Blake Foundation 616 N. Country Club Rd. How to Register: 1-866-9TRAIN9 or Email: [email protected] Agency: Easter Seals Blake Foundation


The Early Childhood Bulletin 2009-09-15 11:31:23 AM

Community Trainings/Entrenamientos en la Communidad

Please REGISTER IN ADVANCE to attend the training and to ensure the training is still being offered.

PIMA COUNTY City: Tucson Length: 2 hrs

December 7, 2009 Cost: $0


City: Tucson Length: 2 hrs

December 8, 2009 Cost: $0

6:30 pm

Sticks and Stones May Hurt Your Bones

Learning to Listen, Learning to Help!

Everyday, children are teased, intimidated, harassed and hurt by others. Bullying can be a problem for the bully, the bullied and for you! In this workshop we will discuss research, explanations, prevention, and solutions that may help you in the classroom.

Children learn to cope with violence in their lives when adults can work together. Parents cannot do the job alone; neither can teachers, nor counselors. If children have adults in their lives who work together to be responsive and sensitive to their needs, they will be better able to cope with the effects of witnessing violence.

Trainer: Lourdes Lopez-Escobar Location: Easter Seals Blake Foundation 616 N. Country Club Rd. How to Register: 1-866-9TRAIN9 or Email: [email protected] Agency: Easter Seals Blake Foundation City: Tucson Length: 2 hrs

December 7, 2009 Cost: $25

6:30 pm

City: Tucson Length: 2 hrs.

Sign with Baby Tucson Educational Seminar In an interactive seminar, learn the benefits of using sign language as an early communication mode from infants on up to preschool age and beyond; how and when to start signing with your child, and how to incorporate sign vocabulary into every day activities.

Trainer: Libby Quinn Location: Khalsa Montessori, River Campus 3701 E River How to Register: [email protected] or 520-591-9183 or www.signwithbabytucson.com Agency: Libby Quinn - Independent Trainer City: Tucson Length: 2 hrs

December 8, 2009 Cost: $0

4:00 pm

Talking with your children doesn’t have to be so hard! This class will help parents learn strategies to improve communication with their children and develop a respectful relationship.


December 9, 2009 Cost: $20

6:30 pm

Creating a Parent Handbook- (Equipo de traducción disponible.) The Parent Handbook is used for communicating your business vision and policies to parent customers. Learn how to create a concise, thorough handbook that includes the necessary information, rules and procedures for parents to gain a precise understanding of their children’s environment.

Trainer: Jerone Davis Location: Sentinel Building; Pantano Room 320 N. Commerce Park Loop How to Register: 520-620-1241, Ext. 100 or email [email protected] Agency: Microbusiness Advancement Center City: Tucson Length: 2 hrs

Communicating With Respect

Trainer: Carol Weigold Location: Casa de los Niños 1101 N. 4th Ave.(Speedway & 4th Ave) How to Register: (520) 624-5600 Ext. 401 or Email: [email protected] Agency: Casa de los Niños

Trainer: Marisa Joy Williams Location: Easter Seals Blake Foundation 616 N. Country Club Rd. How to Register: 1-866-9TRAIN9 or Email: [email protected] Agency: Easter Seals Blake Foundation

December 10, 2009 Cost: $25

6:30 pm

Sign with Baby Tucson Educational Seminar Learn the benefits of using sign language as an early communication mode from infants on up to preschool age and beyond; how and when to start signing with your child, and how to incorporate sign vocabulary into every day activities.

Trainer: Libby Quinn Location: Northwest Hospital Women’s Center, 6060 N Fountain Plaza Dr. (Event Center) How to Register: [email protected] or 520-591-9183 or www.signwithbabytucson.com Agency: Libby Quinn - Independent Trainer


The Early Childhood Bulletin 2009-09-15 11:31:24 AM

Community Trainings/Entrenamientos en la Communidad

Please REGISTER IN ADVANCE to attend the training and to ensure the training is still being offered.

PIMA COUNTY City: Tucson Length: 2 hrs

December 10, 2009 Cost: $0


City: Green Valley December 17, 2009 Length: 2 hrs Cost: $0

6:00 pm

Block Play

Far Ago and Long Away - Why Read Aloud?

Participants will learn about the benefits of block play and its influences on child development. Various articles will be shared regarding block play. Participants will have opportunities to experiment themselves with various types of blocks while brainstorming what children are learning through play.

Research indicates, “The single most important activity for building the knowledge required for eventual success in reading is reading aloud to children.” This preschool workshop focuses on techniques for reading aloud, choosing books to read, and reading books that reflect the culture and home language of the children.

Trainer: Marisa Joy Williams Location: Easter Seals Blake Foundation 616 N. Country Club Rd. How to Register: 1-866-9TRAIN9 or Email: [email protected] Agency: Easter Seals Blake Foundation City: Tucson Length: 2 hrs

December 14, 2009 Cost: $0

6:30 pm

Snacktivities: Eating Together Can Be Fun Snack time provides lots of opportunities for conversation, which helps promote conceptual, sensory, social and language development. In this workshop we will discuss various aspects related to snack time: cultural diversity, nutrition, hygiene, family style eating together and much more.

Trainer: Lourdes Lopez-Escobar Location: Easter Seals Blake Foundation 616 N. Country Club Rd. How to Register: 1-866-9TRAIN9 or Email: [email protected] Agency: Easter Seals Blake Foundation City: Tucson Length: 2 hrs

December 15, 2009 Cost: $0

6:30 pm

Anger Management: Conflict in The Classroom One of the keys to breaking the cycle of abuse and violence is teaching children what the appropriate and acceptable ways to deal with anger. Teaching children other ways to negotiate and have effective conflict resolution will help children deal with life’s challenges.

Trainer: Marisa Joy Williams Location: Easter Seals Blake Foundation 616 N. Country Club Rd. How to Register: 1-866-9TRAIN9 or Email: [email protected] Agency: Easter Seals Blake Foundation


Fall 09.indd 19

Trainer: Lourdes Lopez-Escobar Location: Los Ninos Del Valle 780 S. Park Centre Ave. How to Register: 1-866-9TRAIN9 or Email: [email protected] Agency: Easter Seals Blake Foundation City: Tucson Length: 2 hrs

December 21, 2009 Cost: $0

6:30 pm

It’s The Law: Requirements of the ADA Privately run child care centers, even small home based care, must comply with Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act. The ADA requires that child care providers make available to children and parents with disabilities equal opportunity to participate in child care programs and services.

Trainer: Marisa Joy Williams Location: Easter Seals Blake Foundation 616 N. Country Club Rd. How to Register: 1-866-9TRAIN9 or Email: [email protected] Agency: Easter Seals Blake Foundation City: Tucson Length: 2 hrs

December 22, 2009 Cost: $0

6:30 pm

I Feel You: Effects of Vicarious Trauma In order to support children who witness violence, child care providers need to feel supported in their work. They need to feel that both their physical and emotional safety is important to their coworkers and supervisors.

Trainer: Marisa Joy Williams Location: Easter Seals Blake Foundation 616 N. Country Club Rd. How to Register: 1-866-9TRAIN9 or Email: [email protected] Agency: Easter Seals Blake Foundation


The Early Childhood Bulletin 2009-09-15 11:31:24 AM

Community Trainings/Entrenamientos en la Communidad

Please REGISTER IN ADVANCE to attend the training and to ensure the training is still being offered.

SANTA CRUZ COUNTY City: Nogales Length: 2 hrs

October 2, 2009 Cost: $0


City: Nogales Length: 2 hrs

November 6, 2009 Cost: $0

12:30 pm

The Amazing Brain

Flannel Boards Galore

Find out more about current brain research and amazing brain facts. Let’s talk about the implications of this research for child care centers and preschool environments.

Participants will learn how to teach and tell stories through the use of flannel boards in this workshop. Participants will get a hands-on experience in making and using flannel boards in their classrooms.

Trainer: Lourdes Lopez-Escobar Location: Early Learning Center 652 N. Tyler Ave. How to Register: 1-866-9TRAIN9 or Email: [email protected] Agency: Easter Seals Blake Foundation Ciudad: Nogales 9 de octubre, 2009 Duración: 7 horas Costo: $0

9:00 am

Ciudad: Nogales 4 de deciembre, 2009 Duración: 2 hrs Costo: $0

AITI Sesión Tres El enfoque de este entrenamiento es el desarrollo cognitivo de los infantes y niños incluyendo el desarrollo del lenguaje y la comunicación, la cultura y los descubrimientos de la infancia.

Entrenador: Connie Espinoza Locación: Llame para mas información sobre el local Para Registrarse: 1-877-733-1270 o Email: [email protected] Agencia: Child & Family Resources, Inc Ciudad: Nogales 10 de octubre, 2009 Duración: 7 horas Costo: $0

Trainer: Lourdes Lopez-Escobar Location: Early Learning Center 652 N. Tyler Ave. How to Register: 1-866-9TRAIN9 or Email: [email protected] Agency: Easter Seals Blake Foundation

9:00 am

AITI Sesión Cinco Este entrenamiento enfoca en el cuidado “inclusivo” de los infantes y niños con necesidades especiales y la importancia de establecer relaciones entre los proveedores, las familias y los especialistas. También estableceremos que son las calidades de un ambiente “inclusivo.”

Creando un Lugar Especial Para Mi En un salón de desarrollo apropiado la maestra juega un papel crítico al apoyar el desarrollo y aprendizaje de los niños. El salón es una comunidad de aprendizaje en el cual la relación entre adultos y el grupo de niños apoyan el desarrollo y el aprendizaje. El currículo presentado debe de ser significativo y contextualmente relevante.

Entrenador: Lourdes Lopez-Escobar Locación: Early Learning Center 652 N. Tyler Ave. Para Registrarse: 1-866-9TRAIN9 o Email: [email protected] Agencia: Easter Seals Blake Foundation

Entrenador: Connie Espinoza Locación: llame para información sobre el local Para Registrarse: 1-877-733-1270 o Email: [email protected] Agencia: Child & Family Resources, Inc.


12:30 pm

“Each day of our lives we make deposits in the memory banks of our children” Charles R. Swindoll


The Early Childhood Bulletin 2009-09-15 11:31:24 AM

Community Trainings/Entrenamientos en la Communidad

Please REGISTER IN ADVANCE to attend the training and to ensure the training is still being offered.

YUMA COUNTY City: Yuma Length: 2 hrs

October 7, 2009 Cost: $0


City: Yuma Length: 2 hrs

October 14, 2009 Cost: $0

6:00 pm

Positive Discipline – Part 1

Positive Discipline – Part 2

This workshop is for providers, and/or center staff. The training will focus on how our self-concept and self-esteem impacts the children in our care.

Positive Discipline workshop for providers, parents, and/or center staff. The training will focus on how Culture, Norms, and Values help structure routines, rules, limits and consequences or the children under our care.

Trainer: Lorena Larios-Magaña Location: Child & Family Resources Inc. 201 S. 3rd Avenue How to Register: (928) 783-4003 or Email: [email protected] Agency: Child & Family Resources Inc. City: Yuma Length: 2 hrs

October 10, 2009 Cost: $0

9:00 am

The Ages and Stages of Art Children’s artistic development is sequential and each stage builds upon one another. This workshop will discuss the stages at which art development occurs from the scribble stage to the three dimensional drawing stage and the typical ages at which these developmental changes occur.

Trainer: Kelly Strachan Location: Happy Trails 11607 S. Fortuna Rd How to Register: 1-866-9TRAIN9 or Email: [email protected] Agency: Easter Seals Blake Foundation City: Yuma Length: 2 hrs

October 10, 2009 Cost: $0

11:30 am

Circle Time Circle time is a great way to start the program. But what are the right ways to conduct an effective circle time? Learn great techniques with this interactive workshop.

Trainer: Kelly Strachan Location: Happy Trails 11607 S. Fortuna Rd How to Register: 1-866-9TRAIN9 or Email: [email protected] Agency: Easter Seals Blake Foundation


Trainer: Lorena Larios-Magaña Location: Child & Family Resources Inc. 201 S. 3rd Avenue How to Register: (928) 783-4003 or Email: [email protected] Agency: Child & Family Resources Inc. City: Yuma Length: 2 hrs

October 21, 2009 Cost: $0

6:00 pm

Conflict Resolution This workshop for providers and/or child care center staff. We will focus on Conflict Resolution and our ability to communicate and solve problems with others. Especially how to teach children under our care to solve problems.

Trainer: Lorena Larios-Magaña Location: Child & Family Resources Inc. 201 S. 3rd Avenue How to Register: (928) 783-4003 or Email: [email protected] Agency: Child & Family Resources Inc. Ciudad: San Luis Duración: 2 hrs

7 de noviembre, 2009 Costo: $0

8:30 am

Ayudenme no soy muy creativa ¿Atascado en un carril? Este taller es diseñado para dar proveedores actividad e ideas de lección que ellos podrían hacer alrededor del año relacionado a vacaciones. Discutiremos diseñando unidades para el desarrollo apropiadas que cubren todas las áreas inclusive el arte, motor grueso y fino, la ciencia, leyendo y juego de bloque.

Entrenador: Anita De Robles Locación: Fernando Padilla Community Center 800 E. Juan Sanchez Blvd Para Registrarse: 1-866-9TRAIN9 o Email: [email protected] Agencia: Easter Seals Blake Foundation


The Early Childhood Bulletin 2009-09-15 11:31:24 AM

Community Trainings/Entrenamientos en la Communidad

Please REGISTER IN ADVANCE to attend the training and to ensure the training is still being offered.

YUMA COUNTY Ciudad: San Luis 7 de noviembre, 2009 Duración: 2 hrs Costo: $0

YUMA COUNTY 10:45 am

City: Yuma Length: 7 hrs

November 21, 2009 Cost: $0

9:00 am

Hace Mucho Tiempo en un Lugar Lejano

AITI Session Six (S.T.E.P.S.)

Los estudios indican “Que la actividad mas importante para construir el conocimiento requerido para el éxito eventual en la lectura, es leer a los niños en voz alta” Este taller preescolar se enfoca en técnicas de lectura en voz alta, que libros escoger para leer, y en libros que reflejan la cultura y el lenguaje del hogar de los niños.

This curriculum is based on five key elements that lead to healthy brain development: Security, Touch, Eyes, Play, and Sound. Children need to feel secure and loved; to be touched, cuddled, and held; to receive visual and sound simulation; and have opportunities to play frequently throughout the day to develop a healthy foundation or neural pathways that allows them to reach their greatest potential.

Ciudad: Yuma 14 de noviembre, 2009 Duración: 3 horas Costo: $0

City: Yuma Length: 16 hrs

Entrenador: Anita De Robles Locación: Fernando Padilla Community Center 800 E. Juan Sanchez Blvd Para Registrarse: 1-866-9TRAIN9 o Email: [email protected] Agencia: Easter Seals Blake Foundation

9:00 am

AITI Sesión Avanzada Uno En este entrenamiento, los participantes aprenderán como establecer un ambiente efectivo. El uso de áreas claramente definidas es importante para el desarrollo cognitivo de los infantes y niños y apoya al los niños en su habilidad de hacer decisiones apropiadas.

Entrenador: Connie Espinoza Locación: llame para información sobre el local Para Registrarse: 1-877-733-1270 o Email: [email protected] Agencia: Child & Family Resources, Inc Ciudad: Yuma 14 de noviembre, 2009 Duración: 3 horas Costo: $0

Este entrenamiento demuestra las necesidades diferentes de los infantes y los niños en términos del desarrollo del lenguaje durante las diferentes edades de la infancia.

Fall 09.indd 22

8:00 am

Brain Builders for Life: Prenatal to Age Three Integrative approach to teaching early brain development and concepts of child development. This workshop is a two-day training and participants must attend both dates. The second date is December 12, 2009. Trainers: Darcy Dixon & Cathy Martinez Location: 2200 W. 28th Street, Suite 102 How to Register: Contact Cassie at (520)648-0808 Agency: University of Arizona Cooperative Extension

8:30 am

Los distintos colores de nosotros

AITI Sesión Avanzada Dos


December 5, 2009 Cost: $0

City: San Luis 5 de deciembre, 2009 Duración: 2 hrs Costo: $0

1:00 pm

Entrenador: Connie Espinoza Locación: llame para información sobre el local Para Registrarse: 1-877-733-1270 o Email: [email protected] Agencia: Child & Family Resources, Inc.

Trainer: Pamela Webb Location: Call for location information How to Register: 1-877-733-1270 or Email [email protected] Agency: Child & Family Resources, Inc.

Entender las culturas de los niños y de las familias que servimos, requiere mucho más que palabras y buenas intenciones. La jornada para tomar parte de diferentes culturas requiere de buena voluntad para experimentar, actuar y aprender de esas experiencias.

Entrenador: Anita De Robles Locación: Fernando Padilla Community Center 800 E. Juan Sanchez Blvd Para Registrarse: 1-866-9TRAIN9 o Email: [email protected] Agencia: Easter Seals Blake Foundation


The Early Childhood Bulletin 2009-09-15 11:31:24 AM

Community Trainings/ Entrenamientos en la Communidad Please REGISTER IN ADVANCE to attend and to ensure the training is still being offered.

YUMA COUNTY Cuiduad: San Luis 5 de deciembre, 2009 10:45 am Duración: 2 hrs Costo: $0 Balanceando el Trabajo y la Familia Este taller esta diseñado para ayudar a participantes a resolver creativamente los desafíos que tienen frente a ellos, y como deben de tratar de equilibrar su trabajo y sus vida personal.

Entrenador: Anita De Robles Locación: Fernando Padilla Community Center 800 E. Juan Sanchez Blvd Para Registrarse: 1-866-9TRAIN9 o Email: [email protected] Agencia: Easter Seals Blake Foundation City: Yuma Length: 2 hrs

December 19, 2009 Cost: $0

9:00 am

Physical Fitness In this workshop providers will learn about the childhood obesity epidemic. We will learn physical activities to do in the classroom to promote fitness and reduce childhood obesity. Exercises such as Yoga, Pilates and Dancing will be discussed and demonstrated.

Trainer: Christine Vega Location: Martin Luther King Center 300 S. 13th Ave How to Register: 1-866-9TRAIN9 or Email: [email protected] Agency: Easter Seals Blake Foundation City: Yuma Length: 2 hrs

December 19, 2009 Cost: $0

12:00 pm

“You gain strength, experience, and confidence by every experience where you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing you cannot do.”

Circle Time Circle time is a great way to start the program. But what are the right ways to conduct an effective circle time? Learn great techniques with this interactive workshop.

Trainer: Christine Vega Location: Martin Luther King Center 300 S. 13th Ave How to Register: 1-866-9TRAIN9 or Email: [email protected] Agency: Easter Seals Blake Foundation


~ Eleanor Roosevelt


The Early Childhood Bulletin 2009-09-15 11:31:24 AM

Recipes from Article on Page 1/ La receta viene del artículo en la página 2 Banana Pop or Banana on a Stick

Cheesecake Bites Ingredients:

• 4-8 oz Reduced fat cream cheese (sometimes called Neufchatel) • 1 – 2 T. Powdered sugar • Crushed nilla wafers, graham crackers or granola • Fruits – strawberries and bananas work best – but go ahead and be creative!


• Half a banana • Hershey’s chocolate syrup • Granola or nuts (for older children)


Peel banana and cut in half lengthwise and widthwise. Insert stick in bottom of banana. Pour chocolate syrup on a plate. Pour granola/nuts on a plate or wax paper. Roll banana in chocolate syrup, let excess drip off. Roll banana in granola/nuts. Eat and enjoy! You could also try freezing them.


Let cream cheese soften at room temperature. Thoroughly mix powdered sugar with cream cheese. Crush nilla wafers or grahams in a food processor or place in a plastic bag and crush with a can. Place crushed wafers or crackers on plate or wax paper Wash and hull strawberries. Peel bananas and cut into appropriate size pieces. Dip fruit into cream cheese mixture, then roll in crushed wafer, crackers or granola. Eat and enjoy!

Young children love to make things themselves, so encourage them to get involved in much of the cooking process as possible. Remember to always have children wash hands before they handle food.

Paletas de Plátano o Plátano en Palito

Bocadillos de Pastel de Queso



• 4-8 onzas de queso crema bajo en grasa (llamado también Neufchatel) • 1 a 2 cucharadas de azúcar blanca en polvo • Galletas molidas de vainilla, canela o granola • Fruta – las fresas o plátanos se recomiendan – pero use su creatividad.

• Medio plátano • Sirope de chocolate • Granola o nueces (para niños más grandes)


Pele el plátano a la mitad y luego a lo largo. Inserte un palillo por debajo del plátano. Ponga el sirope de chocolate en un plato. Ponga la granola o nueces en un plato o papel encerado. Enrolle el plátano en el chocolate y escurra el exceso. Enrolle el plátano en la granola o nueces. También puede poner los plátanos en el congelador. ¡A comer y disfrutar!


Deje que el queso se ablande a temperatura ambiente. Mezcle el queso y la azúcar. Muela las galletas en un procesador o coloque las galletas en una bolsita de plástico y muélalas con una lata. Coloque la galleta molida en un plato o en papel encerado. Lave las fresas y retire las hojitas. Pele los plátanos y córtelo en trocitos. Bañe los trozos de fruta en el queso y después enróllelos en la galleta molida o granola. ¡Y después a comer y disfrutar!

A los niños les encanta participar y hacer cosas ellos solos, anímelos e inclúyalos lo más posible mientras cocina. Y recuerde que los niños siempre se deben lavar las manos antes de tocar los alimentos.



The Early Childhood Bulletin 2009-09-15 11:31:24 AM


An exciting opportunity for Arizona’s early care and education workforce is unfolding! The T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood® ARIZONA Program, a comprehensive scholarship program, provides the early care and education workforce with needed opportunities for professional development. T.E.A.C.H. is administered by the Association for Supportive Child Care (ASCC) and funded by First Things First. T.E.A.C.H. links training, compensation, and commitment to improving the quality of early childhood care and education experiences for young children and their families. There are four (4) components to the T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood® ARIZONA Program: Educational scholarships – providing financial support for tuition and books, a travel stipend, and paid release time; Formal education – obtaining a set amount of college coursework leading to a credential or degree; Compensation – offering incentives in the form of a bonus and/or raise; and, Commitment - requiring a commitment to continue working at one’s current program for a specified period. Do You Need Help Paying for College? • Do you work in a licensed child care center or certified family child care home that is participating in Quality First? • Do you work at least 20 to 30 hours per week directly with young children, 0-5 years of age, or work as a director of a center that serves young children, 0-5 years of age? • Are you committed to remaining in the early childhood field? • Are you enrolled in an Early Childhood Education program (or related field) at your local community college or would you like to be? • Are you willing to make a commitment to continue working at your present place of employment for at least six months to one year? If you can answer YES to all the following questions you may be eligible to receive a scholarship from T.E.A.C.H. For more information, please contact Sharon Brady, T.E.A.C.H. Program Coordinator at (480) 829-0500 x 148 or via e-mail at [email protected] or Dawn Henry, Assistant Program Coordinator at (480) 829-0500 x 145 or via e-mail at [email protected] or call the toll-free number at 1-800-535-4599 and ask to be connected with the T.E.A.C.H. office.

Quality First is Arizona’s voluntary quality improvement and rating system for early care and education programs serving children birth through age five. The purpose of Quality First is to improve the quality of early care and education so young children can begin school safe, healthy and ready to succeed. If accepted, a regulated center or home will be identified as an early care and education provider committed to delivering a quality program to Arizona’s youngest children. Supports for participation include: □□ Financial incentives for three years to help reach quality milestones □□ Access to professional development and T.E.A.C.H. (Teacher Education and Compensation Helps) Early Childhood® Project scholarships □□ Access to child care health consultants, experts in child health issues □□ Coaching, individualized to provider needs □□ Observational assessments to obtain a baseline and measure quality improvements □□ Ability to use participation as a marketing tool with families looking for quality programs for their children □□ United Way of Tucson and Southern Arizona is providing coaching and financial incentives to Quality First participants in Pima, Cochise, Santa Cruz, Mohave, La Paz, and Yuma counties. United Way will deliver these services in partnership with Child & Family Resources, Easter Seals Blake Foundation, and Community Extension Programs. Central Arizona College is providing coaching and financial incentives to for Quality First participants in Graham and Greenlee counties. Quality First is an exciting opportunity for centers and homes to improve the quality of care provided to children with the support of financial incentives, coaching, child care health consultation and scholarships for program personnel. Apply Today! To complete a Quality First Application please visit: www.azftf.gov/qualityfirst Any questions? For more information contact Quality First at (602) 771-5000 or visit www.azftf.gov



The Early Childhood Bulletin 2009-09-15 11:31:28 AM



We have what you are looking for! A variety of books, c.d’s, and videos available for you free of charge.

¡Tenemos lo que usted busca! Una gran variedad de libros, videos y c.d.’s. sin cobro alguno.

Topics like…

En temas como… □□ Nutrición □□ Manualidades □□ Comportamiento □□ Seguridad □□ Necesidades Especiales □□ Curriculum □□ Lectura □□ Movimiento □□ Juegos y mas!

¡Venga a la librería de Recursos y Referencias para el Cuidado de Niños! Estamos localizados en Child & Family Resources, 2800 E. Broadway Blvd. en Tucson.

Try the Child Care Resource and Referral library! Located at Child & Family Resources 2800 E. Broadway Blvd. in Tucson.

□□ □□ □□ □□ □□ □□ □□ □□ □□

Nutrition Crafts Behavior management Movement Safety Curriculum Special needs Reading Games and more!

La Librería esta abierta de 8:00am a 5:00pm, Lunes a Viernes. Para mas información llame a Recursos y Referencias para el Cuidado de Niños al 325-5778 o al 320-4028.

The Library is open Monday thru Friday 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. For more information call Child Care Resource & Referral 325-5778 or 320-4028.

Child & Family Resources, Inc. DES Child Care Home Recruitment

Child & Family Resources, Inc. DES Child Care Home Recruitment

Practicas Apropiadas para el Desarollo del Niño (D.A.P.)

Developmentally Appropriate Practices Training (D.A.P)



(90 días o menos) Reserve su espacio llamando al (520) 323-4280 con Lupita Romero

(Certified 90 days or less) Reserve your space by calling Lupita Romero at 520-323-4280

Es de 8:30 A.M. – 4:30 P.M. en el cual recibirá 8 horas de entrenamiento

Training is scheduled from 8:30 A.M - 4:30 P.M. Provider will receive 8 hours professional development.

Fecha: Jueves, 15 de octubre Miércoles, 18 de noviembre

Dates: Thursday, October 29 Saturday, November 21

Atención: Este entrenamiento es solamente para Proveedoras Certificadas por D.E.S. para proveer cuidado de niños hogareño.

ATTENTION: This training is for DES Licensed Family Child Care Providers Only!



The Early Childhood Bulletin 2009-09-15 11:31:28 AM

Announcements/Anuncios Early Childhood

Southern Arizona Association for the Education of Young Children SAVE THE DATE!

24th Annual SAzAEYC Awards Brunch Coming Spring 2010. Join SazAEYC members and community leaders as they recognize excellence and outstanding service to young children through the Francis Miller Community Action Award, Nina Brannen Teaching Young Children Award, May Frobisher Teacher Education Award, Cecilia Avalos Parent Education Award and the SazAEYC Board Award. During the brunch, the recipient of the Tori Allen Scholarship, current scholars and Mini Grants Awards are also acknowledged. Watch for additional information coming January 2010. For more information or if you are interested in helping to organize this event, please contact Melissa Miller at (520) 293-2121 or [email protected]

□□ □□ Assist the student in transferring to a fouryear Early Childhood degree program, or □□ Prepare the student for direct-employment in the Early Childhood field. For more information, contact the

Center for Early Childhood Studies. Shanna Kukla, Program Manager (520) 206-5245 or [email protected] Donna Cohn, Program Coordinator (520) 206-5162 or [email protected]

Online Early Childhood Education Classes Start Every Monday! We never cancel classes!

Professional Career Pathway Project (PCPP) Earn College Credit for Early Care and Education (ECE) Courses offered at community colleges throughout Arizona For individuals employed as child caregivers in center-based programs, family child care providers or family group homes (preference will be given to DES certified providers) The PCPP Offers: √ Tuition for 1 to 6 credits per semester (Total 12 credits per school year) √ Textbook stipend for $10 per credit each semester √ For DES certified Family Child Care providers: -initial CDA assessment fee paid ($325) √ For DHS certified Family Group Home providers: -initial CDA assessment fee paid ($325) Contact: Shirley Burton, (520) 494-5077 or [email protected] Sponsored by Arizona Department of Economic Security (ADES) Child Care Administration (CCA)

Successfully completing the Rio Salado College Early Childhood coursework online, you can fulfill the requirements for: • National Credentialing (CDA and CCP) • Academic Certificate • Associate Degrees • Bachelor Degree Transfer Partnerships

Rio’s online Early Childhood Education coursework prepares Early Childhood Educators for: • Accreditation Education Criteria •Employment in the field of early care education • Meeting Arizona Department of Health and Safety (ADHS) and Department of Economic Security (DES) annual training requirements • CDA renewal and teacher certification professional development hours

To view class schedules and course description visit: www.riosalado.edu/earlychildhood For more information, contact Academic Advisement at 800-729-1197.


The Center for Early Child hood Studies Pima Community Colleges Early Childhood programs offer the newest developments in coursework to:


The Early Childhood Bulletin 2009-09-15 11:31:30 AM


The Business of Child Care

 

In this class you will:

    

Start or grow your childcare business. • Organize and manage your business • Complete a business plan • Identify your market • Learn cost-effective ways to reach your market • Discuss accounting concepts to keep your childcare business on a firm foundation • Create a parent handbook

      For more information about the work of the

Location: Sentinel Building, Sabino/Rillito Rooms 320 N. Commerce Park Loop Date: Saturdays, 9/19/09 - 12/12/09 8:00 am - Noon To Register: Call MAC at 520-620-1241, Ext. 100, or visit www.mac-sa.org

, please contact: Pauline Baker, [email protected] or Mimi Gray, [email protected]

Como Empezar, Hacer Crecer y Financiar su Propia Guardería

The Child Care Administration Contracts Unit is pleased to announce that a training will be provided on the contract and billing process to new child care providers or child care providers that would like a refresher course. This training is being offered in Tucson.

Gane ingresos para su familia. Aprenda como administrar su propia guardería.

Participantes aprenderán a:

• Organizar una guardería • Crear un manual para los padres • Definir su punto de mercado • Explorar estrategias promocionales • Discutir conceptos de contabilidad • Desarrollar un plan comercial

The Tucson child care contract training session will be held: Thursday, November 19, 2009 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Child & Family Resources, Inc. 2800 E. Broadway Blvd. Held in the Primrose & Poppy Rooms

Lugar: Sentinel Building, 320 N. Commerce Park Loop, Sabino/Rillito Rooms Fecha: 12 de Septiembre – 5 de Deciembre 8:00 am - Noon Registro: Llame a MAC 520-620-1241, Ext 100, o visita www.mac-sa.org


Register Now! Space is limited! Children are not allowed in the training; please make arrangements if child care is needed. If you are interested in attending, you must pre-register by calling 1-877-822-2322 or 602-542-4216.


The Early Childhood Bulletin 2009-09-15 11:31:30 AM


3rd Annual Birth to Five Mental Health Conference “Practices that Support Social and Emotional Development”

Project “Me Too!” NEWS FLASH

TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE IS BACK!                     

Easter Seals Blake Foundation is very happy to announce that effective July 1, 2009 we have been able to reinstate Technical Assistance (TA) thanks to our contract with the Arizona Department of Economic Security/Child Care Administration. This Technical Assistance is currently available without cost through Project “Me Too!” to all DHS/DES Licensed/Certified Child Care Centers and Homes in every county (with the exception of Maricopa who is served by our colleagues at Southwest Human Development). On-site consultations, along with telephone/ internet follow-up consultation, are services we are hoping providers will use again to enhance staff knowledge and skills.

The Arizona Head Start Association hosts the 3rd Annual Mental Health Conference in collaboration with our colleagues in early childhood, infant-toddler, preschool & child care services. Where: Desert Willow Conference Center Phoenix, Arizona 85040 When: October 22 & 23, 2009 7:30 am – 4:30 pm each day Cost: 1 day = $135.00 or 2 days = $210.00 Our Conference format is as follows: • All day long institutes (5 ½ hours each). • Concurrent Sessions (1 ¾ hour sessions).

Technical Assistance can assist providers with: 1. Individualized strategies to address classroom management issues. 2. Specialized plans to decrease challenging behaviors. 3. Development of inclusion plans to meet licensing regulations. 4. Mentoring for directors, teachers and providers.

To register please visit: www.ahsamhconf2009.myevent.com or Email: [email protected] or Call (928) 380-5103.

Please contact Project “Me Too!” at Easter Seals Blake Foundation for more information on how to receive Technical Assistance at your location. We can be reached on 1-866-9TRAIN9 or at email us at [email protected].

Listos para Leer

Ready to Read

A free workshop of the Pima County Public Library

Un taller presentado por la bibloteca Publica del Condado Pima

Learn About.... Infant Brain Development Why language and reading are so important for babies. What you can do to prepare children for reading success.

Temas: Dessarrollo cognitivo del niño. La importancia del lenguaje y lectura para los niños. Lo que puede hacer para preparar a los niños para que sean buenos lectores.

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 10, 2009 10:00 am - 3:00 pm

SABADO, el 10 de octubre 9:30 am - 2:30 pm

Miller Golf Links Library Meeting Room 9640 E. Golf Links Rd.

Biblioteca Valencia 202 W. Valencia

Call to Register! Mary Sanchez: 594-5509 or Chris Novak at 594-5364

Para inscribirse, llame a 520- 594-5390. La classe esta limitada a 40 personas.

Ready to Read is a collaboration of Pima County Public Library, Friends of the Pima County Public Library and Child & Family Resources, Inc.

Ready to Read is a collaboration of Pima County Public Library, Friends of the Pima County Public Library and Child & Family Resources, Inc.



The Early Childhood Bulletin 2009-09-15 11:31:31 AM

Child & Family Resources, Inc. 2800 E. Broadway Blvd. Tucson, Arizona 85716

Non-Profit Org. U.S. POSTAGE PAID Tucson, Arizona Permit No. 1040

Issue #29: FALL 2009 October, November, December

SUBMISSION DEADLINES FOR TRAINERS AND TRAINING ORGANIZATIONS To advertise community trainings in Cochise, Graham and Greenlee, La Paz, Mohave, Pima, Santa Cruz, and Yuma counties, please contact Michelle Saint Hilarie at Child & Family Resources, Inc. by calling (520) 320-4038, toll free at1-800-308-9000 or via email [email protected].

The deadline for articles and training submissions is November 2, 2009 for the January, February, and March 2010 Early Childhood Bulletin. The Bulletin is published quarterly by Child & Family Resources, Inc. CCR&R is Funded by the Arizona Department of Economic Security, Child Care Administration. Child Care Resource & Referral (CCR&R) is a program of Child & Family Resources, Inc. CCR&R can be reached at 520-325-5778 (Pima County) or 800-308-9000 (Statewide) or please visit our website at www.azchildcare.org. Child & Family Resources, Inc. 2800 E. Broadway Blvd. Tucson, AZ 85716 (520) 881-8940 www.childfamilyresources.org



The Early Childhood Bulletin 2009-09-15 11:31:35 AM