Bulletin 2019 05 12.pub

12 may. 2019 - Praise and Worship in Song. Adoration ..... You are loved with an everlasting Love! ... our Ministry, you are fulfilling the commandment to love.
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Fourth Sunday of Easter May. 12, 2019 Year


Volume 5 Number 24

SETON Sunday News Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Church - A Missionaries of the Holy Spirit Community

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Fourth Sunday of Easter, 5/12/2019

FOURTH WEEK OF EASTER The Readings this week: Sun., May 12:

Acts 13: 14, 43-52; Rev 7: 9, 14B-17; Jn 10: 27-30

Mon., May 13: Acts 1: 1-18; Jn 10: 1-10 Tue., May 14:

St. Matthias Acts 1: 15-17, 20-26; Jn 15: 9-17

Wed., May 15:

Acts 12: 24—13:5A; Jn 12: 44-50

Thu., May 16:

Acts 13: 13-25; Jn 13: 16-20

Fri., May 17:

Acts 13: 16-33; Jn 14: 1-6

Sat., May 18:

Acts 13: 44-52; Jn 14: 7-14

Sun, May 19:

Acts 14: 21-27; Rev 21: 1-5A; Jn 13: 31-33A, 34-35


Welcome, Visitors! If you are a visitor to St.

Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish, we want you to know how welcome you are—whether you have come from another part of the country, from across the world, or simply from another parish. For more information about the parish, or to register, visit our Office, call us at 425-481-0303 or visit our website for Online Parish Registration at www.easbothell.org/registration-1



Administration Fr. Gerardo Alberto, M.Sp.S., Pastor Fr. Jose Ugalde, M.Sp.S., Vicar Fr. Jesus Sanchez, M.Sp.S., Vicar Shannon Everist, Administrator Veronica Mendez, Parish Secretary Office Hours: Mon. Wed, Thu, and Fri. 8:30 am - 5:30 pm

Closed on Tuesdays Mass Times: Mon, Wed, Thu, Fri and Sat. 9 am Tuesday: Service of the Word with Holy Communion - 9am Saturday vigil - 5:00 pm Sunday: 9 am, 11 am, 1 pm (Spanish) & 5 pm Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday - 3:30 - 4:30 Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Mon — Fri, 10 am — 9 pm

How to reach us: Phone: (425) 481-0303 Fax: (425) 485-8510 2316 180th St S.E., Bothell, WA 98012 P.O.Box 12429, Mill Creek, WA 98082 Web Site: www.easbothell.org [email protected]

Vision Statement

FAITH FORMATION OFFICE Phone: 425-481-9358

Be Engaged! Be Empowered! Be Extraordinary! Be Holy! Belong! Be a faith community that is inviting to all!

Hours Monday thru Friday: 9am - 5pm; and during classes

Officers and Councils The Pastoral Council Gerry Apin, Paul Gallagher, Francis Irudayaraj, Laura Keegan, Jim Krieger, Marco Olivares, Amy Walsh The Finance Council Richard Carlson, Bill Dunnigan, Bill Santos, Shannon Everist, Fr. Gerardo Alberto, Fr. Jose Ugalde The Seton Sunday News Bulletin Fr. Gerardo Alberto, MSpS, publisher Marcia Gimenez, associate publisher Eduardo Cardona, associate publisher

Stephanie Moran Faith Formation Director Roberto Pérez Youth Ministry Coordinator Eduardo Cardona Bilingual Administrative Assistant

Index Amazing Parish Calendar of Events Conchita Daily Readings Directory Happening Ignite Youth Ministries Pastor’s Reflection Sección en Español Vocation Awareness


MyParish app


9 4 5 2 11 10 8 3 4y6 7

Fourth Sunday of Easter, 5/12/2019 | SETON Sunday News | 3

PASTOR’S Reflection


reaking Open the Word of God:

My brothers and sisters, in today's Gospel, we hear Jesus say: "My sheep listen to my voice and follow me". In this passage of Chapter 10 of the Gospel of John, Jesus was speaking of His divine title as the Good Shepherd. Earlier in the same chapter, Jesus had said: "I am the Good Shepherd, the Good Shepherd gives his life for his sheep." And, who are Jesus’ sheep? In Chapter 10, Jesus said, "I have other sheep that do not belong to this fold, I must bring them, and they will listen to my voice, there will be one flock, one shepherd." This means that the sheep that do not belong to this fold are our protestant brothers and sisters in Christ. The road to eternal life is the same for both: that we hear in Jesus the voice of God and respond with faith. Then there will be one flock, one shepherd. In his own words, Jesus said: "They sent me only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel." During today's first reading from the Acts of the Apostles, we heard that some people of the house of Israel rejected the grace of God. Consequently, Paul and Barnabas expressed themselves boldly, saying: "It was necessary that the word of God be first told to you. Since you reject it and judge yourself unworthy of eternal life, now we turn to the Gentiles. So the Lord has commanded us, saying: I have set you to be a light for the Gentiles, so that you may bring salvation to the ends of the earth. When the Gentiles heard this, they rejoiced and praised the word of the Lord; and as many as had been destined for eternal life became believers. "(Acts 13: 46-8) St. Paul's letter to the Galatians reveals:" There are no Jews or Greeks, there are no longer slaves or free, There are no men and women, because you are all one in Christ Jesus. And if you belong to Christ, then you are a descendant of Abraham, heir according to the promise. "(Galatians 3: 28-29, Colossians 3:11) Therefore, there is only one Pastor for all. There is only one flock, to which all the sheep belong. There is only one Church where the fullness of grace for the salvation of all is found. Those who seek the Spirit of Truth with sincerity of heart, listen to the voice of Jesus and follow him accordingly. St. Paul addressed the Gentiles to preach the salvation of God through Jesus Christ, it is important to keep in mind that Paul, who was also a member of the Jewish community, had spent much time preaching the Good News to his people. Unfortunately, many of them were not open to the grace of God and rejected the truth. The rejection of the Jewish nation to Christ as the Messiah should not be regretted. Because it is through this rejection that salvation

came upon us as Gentiles. Jesus is the true Light of the world. At the same time, in today's second reading from the Book of Revelation, we listen to those "who have come out of the great trial; they have washed their clothes and bleached them in the blood of the Lamb." The white garments represent all Christians who have been chosen by God. In other words, those who wear the white garments are the living saints who form the fullness of the mystical Body of Christ. "There will come a time when we will no longer hunger or thirst. The sun will no longer hit us, nor its scorching heat. The Lamb will be our Shepherd and He will guide us to the springs of the water of life. And God will wipe every tear from our eyes." "When that day comes to each and every one of us, we will remember the fulfillment of the prophecy we have heard today." We will remember that our salvation came through the Lamb of God. And at that moment, we will perceive the fullness of the mystery as to when and how we first heard the Good Shepherd's voice and followed it.


alking together as brothers and sisters:

Dear brothers and sisters, may the grace of the Lord be with each one of you throughout this week, as you continue to hear the voice of the Good Shepherd. May each of you, members of this great family of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, each day recognize the voice of the Good Shepherd who calls you to follow him to his Kingdom. Fr. José Gerardo Alberto, MSpS

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Fourth Sunday of Easter, 5/12/2019

Monday, May 13 Good Samaritans


St. 6

Clase de Biblia



Pastoral Council



Women’s Fellowship



Rosary for Life






Youth Room



Cascade Serra Club





St. 2

Luz y Vida Gpo de Oración


Seton House




St. 6

Tuesday, May 14

EL Comité de Guadalupe le hace una cordial invitación a su Cena Baile Anual 2019 Venga a disfrutar una noche con su pareja, disfrute de una deliciosa cena acompañada del Mariachi Colima y para bailar el Grupo los Romers. Haga sus reservaciones de mesa y compra de boletos con los miembros del comité de Guadalupe o en la oficina parroquial. (No habrá cuidado de niños). Oh, María, tú que creaste a tu divino hijo con la guía del Espíritu Santo, intercede por todos los jóvenes, especialmente por aquellos que enen dudas sobre su vocación. Que la luz de la gracia atraviese sus corazones para que respondan al llamado de tu hijo, especialmente a aquellos a quienes él les invita al sacerdocio y a la vida consagrada Amen. Venga y acompáñenos usted y su Familia, a celebrar la Santa Misa en nuestros Cementerios Católicos. La Misa en Español será celebrada en el Cementerio de Holyrood el próximo Sábado 18 de mayo a las 10.30 AM. Acompáñenos a pedir por nuestros difuntos, que descansen en Paz.

Próximamente La inscripciones para las clases de Catecismo, comenzaran el primer domingo del mes de junio 2019.

Praise and Worship in Song Adoration Youth Bible Study Wednesday, May 15 Stavros Thursday, May 16

Friday, May 17 Rosary Saturday, May 18 Sacramentors Sunday, May 19 KofC Pancake Breakfast, after 9 and 11 Mass


Edge and Life Teen


Seton House

Confirmation Rehearsal



Ministerio Pro-Vida de SEAS TERCER MES – Desarrollo del bebé del programa parroquial de Adopción Espiritual Su bebé está muy activo en el vientre ahora -- aunque su madre no lo va a sentir por otro par de meses. Si el vientre de la madre tuviera una ventana, podría usted ver a su bebé adoptado espiritualmente entrecerrar los ojos, tragar y mover la lengua. El o ella puede hacer un puño apretado si se le toca la palma de su manita. Está respirando el líquido amniótico, lo que continúa hasta el nacimiento, aunque obtiene el oxígeno que necesita a través del cordón umbilical. El bebé por el que está orando pesa una onza.

El Siguiente desayuno de Pancakes por los Caballeros de Colón será el 19 de Mayo 2019. Venga a socializar y apoyar a las organizaciones no lucrativas que los Caballeros de Colón apoyan. Seminaristas, Sn Vicente De Paul, Chamarras para niños, etc… Esperamos verlos a todos allí.

Fourth Sunday of Easter, 5/12/2019 | SETON Sunday News | 5

Blessed The Beatification of Concepcion Cabrera, Conchita, took place last May 4th at the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe. On Friday there was a Conference describing her life as Laywoman, Mystic and Apostle, and on Sunday a Concert about her life. Bishops, priests and lay people from all over gathered to celebrate this joyous occasion.

Image to the right is a Cross created to house the relics of Concepcion Cabrera consisting of a bandage with her blood. The words on the arms read “Cruz de Jesús” Cross of Jesus. El Papa Francisco al final de la audiencia general del Miércoles 8 de mayo ha anunciado la beatificación de Conchita con esta palabras: "El sábado pasado, en la ciudad de México, fue proclamada Beata María de la Concepción Cabrera, madre de familia, que dio testimonio del valor salvífico de la Cruz de Cristo, inspirando la fundación de varias instituciones religiosas y laicas. ¡Damos gracias a Dios por este valiente testimonio suyo! Un aplauso a la Beata Concepción Cabrera!

Cruz—relicario con una venda con sangre de la Beata Concepcion Cabrera.

Pope Francis concluded his general audience on Wednesday May 8 announcing Conchita’s Beatification with the following words: "Last Saturday, in Mexico City, Cncepcion Cabrera was declared Blessed, she was a laywoman, mother, who gave witness of the savific value of Christ’s Cross, and inspired the foudnation of several institutions for religious and lay people. Let us give thanks to God for her brave witness. Let’s have a round of applause for Blessed Concepcion Cabrera!

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Fourth Sunday of Easter, 5/12/2019




editando la Palabra de Dios

Mis hermanos y hermanas, en el Evangelio de hoy, escuchamos a Jesús decir: "Mis ovejas escuchan mi voz y me siguen". En este pasaje del Capítulo 10 del Evangelio de Juan, Jesús estaba hablando de Su título divino como el Buen Pastor. Anteriormente en el mismo Capítulo, Jesús había dicho: "Yo soy el Buen Pastor. El Buen Pastor da su vida por las ovejas". Y "¿Quiénes son las ovejas de Jesús?" En el mismo Capítulo 10, Jesús dijo: "Tengo otras ovejas que no pertenecen a este redil. También debo traerlas, y escucharán mi voz. Habrá un solo rebaño, un solo pastor". Esto significa que las ovejas que no pertenecen a este redil son nuestros hermanos y hermanas separados en Cristo. El camino a la vida eterna es el mismo para ambos: que escuchen en Jesús la voz de Dios y respondan con fe. Entonces habrá un rebaño, un pastor. En sus propias palabras, Jesús afirmó: "Me enviaron sólo a las ovejas perdidas de la casa de Israel". Durante la primera lectura de hoy de los hechos de los apóstoles, escuchamos que algunas personas de la casa de Israel rechazaban la gracia de Dios. En consecuencia, Pablo y Bernabé se expresaron audazmente, diciendo: “Era necesario que la palabra de Dios fuera dicha primero a ustedes. Ya que ustedes lo rechazan y se juzgan a sí mismos como indignos de la vida eterna, ahora nos dirigimos a los gentiles. así que el Señor nos ha ordenado, diciendo: “Te he puesto para ser una luz para los gentiles, para que puedas llevar la salvación a los confines de la tierra. Cuando los gentiles oyeron esto, se alegraron y alabaron la palabra del Señor; y tantos como habían sido destinados a la vida eterna se hicieron creyentes” (Hechos 13: 46-8). La carta de San Pablo a los Gálatas nos revela: “Ya no hay judíos ni griegos, ya no hay esclavos ni libres, ya no hay hombres y mujeres, porque todos ustedes son uno en Cristo Jesús. Y si ustedes pertenecen a Cristo, entonces usted es descendiente de Abraham, heredero según la promesa” (Gálatas. 3: 28-9; Colosenses. 3:11). Por lo tanto, sólo hay un Pastor para todos. Hay un solo rebaño, al que pertenecen todas las ovejas. Hay una sola Iglesia donde se encuentra la plenitud de la gracia para la salvación de todos. Aquellos que buscan el Espíritu de la Verdad con sinceridad de corazón, escuchan la voz de Jesús y lo siguen en consecuencia. San Pablo se dirigió a los gentiles para predicar la salvación de Dios a través de Jesucristo, es importante

tener en cuenta que Pablo, quien también era miembro de la comunidad judía, había dedicado mucho tiempo a predicar la Buena Nueva a los suyos. Desafortunadamente, muchos de ellos no estaban abiertos a la gracia de Dios y rechazaron la verdad. El rechazo de la nación judía a Cristo como el Mesías no debe ser lamentado. Porque es a través de su rechazo que la salvación vino sobre nosotros como gentiles. Jesús es la verdadera Luz del mundo. Al mismo tiempo, en la segunda lectura de hoy del Libro del Apocalipsis, escuchamos a aquellos “que han salido de la gran prueba; han lavado sus ropas y las han blanqueado en la sangre del Cordero”. Las vestiduras blancas representan a todos los cristianos que han sido elegidos por Dios. En otras palabras, los que visten las vestiduras blancas, son los santos vivos que forman la plenitud del Cuerpo místico de Cristo. “Llegará un momento en que ya no tendremos hambre ni sed. El sol ya no nos golpeará, ni su calor resultará abrasador. El Cordero será nuestro Pastor y Él nos guiará a los manantiales del agua de la vida. Y Dios limpiará cada lágrima de nuestros ojos”. “Cuando ese día llegue a todos y cada uno de nosotros, recordaremos el cumplimiento de la profecía que hemos escuchado hoy”. Recordaremos que nuestra salvación vino a través del Cordero de Dios. Y en ese momento, percibiremos la plenitud del misterio en cuanto a cuándo y cómo escuchamos por primera vez la voz del Buen Pastor y la seguimos.


aminando juntos como hermanos:

Estimados hermanos y hermanas, que la gracia del Señor esté con cada uno de ustedes a lo largo de esta semana, mientras continúan escuchando la voz del Buen Pastor. Que cada uno de ustedes miembros de esta gran familia de Sta. Elizabeth Ann Seton, puedan cada día reconocer la voz del Buen Pastor que los llama a seguirlo hacia su Reino. P. Gerardo Alberto, MSpS

Fourth Sunday of Easter, 5/12/2019 | SETON Sunday News | 7


Vocation Awareness

Our Particular (or Secondary) Vocation: Four Options for a Catholic Man What I am referring to us our secondary vocation is the sense in which we usually hear the word vocation used. The secondary vocation refers to the particular state in life in which we are called to fulfill our primary vocation of holiness. This particular vocation normally will have the following characteristics. It has been pre-determined or pre-destined by God It involves a permanent commitment It involves sacrificing oneself to serve God and others It is recognized by the church as a vocation Its purpose is to help other people get to heaven For a Catholic man in the Roman Rite (which is the majority of Catholics in the world), there are basically four options:

 Holy Marriage  Holy Orders  Religious Life  Generous Single Life in Christ

Every Catholic man is being called by God to at least one of these four states in life. I say “at least” because some states in life can overlap; for instance, most permanent deacons are married. In some Eastern rites of the Catholic Church, a priest can be married. However, for a Catholic man in the Roman rite whom God is calling to become a diocesan priest, there is ordinarily only one particular state in life: holy orders and life of cheerful celibacy. From the Book “To Save a Thousand Souls” Fr. Brett A. Brannen

This week please pray for Chad Hill from Puyallup, WA. Chad is a seminarian with the Archdiocese of Seattle and he is studying Theology II at Mount Angel Seminary. SEE PRAYER ON PAGE 10 for English and Page 4 in Spanish For information on becoming a Religious Priest Missionary of the Holy Spirit or a Diocesan Priest contact one of the following people: Serra Club: Arthur Adams Priests:

Fr. Gerardo Alberto, M.Sp.S. Fr. Jesus Sanchez , M.Sp.S. Fr. Jose Ugalde, M.Sp.S.

8 | SETON Sunday News |

Fourth Sunday of Easter, 5/12/2019

- Y O U T H

G R O U P S -

High School Youth Group @ Youth Room, Downstairs | 6pm — 8:15pm DATES: May 19th End of the Year Celebration Seton House

Middle School Youth Group @ Social Hall | 6pm — 8:15pm DATES: May 19th End of the Year Celebration Seton House

- C O N F I R M A T I O N MONDAY May 13






YEAR 1: May 19th OF SEATTLE La Red y Pastoral Juvenil GOD

Y o u t h

N e w s

May 17-19, 2019 Camp Hamilton in Monroe Cost: $75 Register: tinyurl.com hispanicyacamp19

Contact the Youth Minister: Roberto Perez Phone: 425.481.9358 Ext. 312 Email: [email protected]

Youth Ministry QR Code

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton


Fourth Sunday of Easter, 5/12/2019 | SETON Sunday News | 9

With the Heart of Jesus Faith Formation Registration Coming Soon

In the Eucharist we find all the good of the Church. In it we have the certainty that God is faithful to His promise and stays with us until the end of time. In our visits and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, we experience the closeness of the good shepherd, the tenderness of His love, the presence of a faithful friend. We all experience this large support in our lives provided by faith and our personal and intimate dialogue with the Lord in the Eucharist. Come Adore Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament Monday through Friday from 10am to 9pm.

Women's Fellowship— On Tuesday May 14th, We will be studying the Parable Seats at the Feast and The Heavenly Feast pt 1, Matthew 22:1-14 & Luke 14:724 on DVD with the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal! All women welcome and Child Care is available! Contact Mary Christie 425-776-3967 for more information

Bible Study: There is no meeting of Psalms on Tuesday, May 14. Our last session will be May 21

Use Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) to set up your automatic weekly offering to St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church. Funds given to our home parish are used for parish projects and for the upkeep of our facilities. You may set up for EFT by contacting the Parish Office or through our parish website. (www.easbothell.org/online-giving)

Come pray the Rosary for Life with fellow parishioners. All are welcome. We meet by the image of the Immaculate Conception every Tuesday at noon.

Open enrollment for the year 2019-2020 will begin the first Sunday of June 2019.

Rachel’s Corner

Hope and Healing After Abortion Your courage will be rewarded. Everything is confidential and healing. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.” -Testimonial Do you wonder what it used to be like before the decisions that led to abortion? Did you ever think you would carry the pain and regret of that loss? Join the women and men of Project Rachel for a Rachel’s Vineyard retreat, and rediscover the part of you that you thought was gone forever. Call for a compassionate, confidential conversation. English: (206) 920-6413 Español: (206)-450-7814 Email [email protected] or visit us online at www.ccsww.org/projectrachel. Project Rachel is a program of Catholic Community Services. You are loved with an everlasting Love!

Vigil Mass Multicultural Celebration Saturday June 8 / 5pm

https://www.seattlearchdiocese.org/Stewardship/MobACA/ MobDonate.aspx

10 | SETON Sunday News |

Fourth Sunday of Easter, 5/12/2019

Fridays in May May 17 7pm Rosary Service for our Blessed Mother

May 24

7pm Rosary Service for our Blessed Moth

May 31

7pm Rosary Service for our Blessed Mother

Save the Date Come and Join us for a Night of Fun, Dance and Good Food. Live performances by Mariachi Colima and The Romers. Make your Table reservation and purchase tickets with any member of the Guadalupe Committee or the Parish Office.

SEAS Pro-Life Ministry MONTH THREE – Developing Baby Spiritual Adoption Program Your baby is quite active in the womb now - - although her mother will not feel her for another couple of months. If her mother’s womb had a window, you could watch your spiritually adopted baby squint, swallow and move her tongue. She can make a tight fist if you touch her palm. She is breathing amniotic fluid which continues until birth, although she obtains the oxygen her body needs through the umbilical cord. The baby you are praying for weighs one ounce.

In this Easter season, we celebrate Jesus’ care and love for us, and we reflect on His words, “This is my commandment: love one another as I have loved you…This is how all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” By your generous gifts to the Society of St.Vincent de Paul during the Lenten Season, and your continuing support of our Ministry, you are fulfilling the commandment to love one another as Jesus has loved you. We are so blessed to be supported by such a loving parish family, and we are honored to share your loving gifts with our neighbors in need.

Prayer Shawl Ministry SEAS Prayer Shawl Ministry is touching the lives of the suffering and grieving, as well as many of your family members and friends who find themselves alone and isolated from their Church family. A huge thank you to all who have knit or are knitting/crocheting shawls of beauty bringing comfort, support, and blessings to so many. Thanks, too, for your generous donations of yarn to help the ministry. Please submit names and addresses of family or neighbors who might enjoy a Prayer Shawl for comfort and blessings.

The Next Knights of Columbus’ Pancake Breakfast will be Sunday May 19th 2019 Come out and socialize and support the Knights of Columbus charitable organizations, such as seminarians, St Vincent DePaul, Coats for Kids etc… we hope to see you there. BULLETIN ARTICLE DEADLINE / DÍA DE PLAZO PARA EL BOLETÍN Parish groups/Grupos parroquiales: Submit your articles/requests to [email protected], two weeks prior to the Sunday desired. Dirijan sus peticiones a [email protected]. dos semanas antes del Domingo que desean publicarlo.

Fourth Sunday of Easter, 5/12/2019 | SETON Sunday News | 11 MINISTRIES & GROUPS Alpha, Roger Ditto and Lisa Nelson Altar Servers, Jane Baer and Veronica Cardona Apostleship of the Cross, Marcia Gimenez Beta, Dave Duclos and Jim Krieger Catholic Social Teachings Min, Jane Smoke/Karyn Sullivan Coffee & Donuts, Kelly Cooley EMEs, Ana May Apin and Cuquita Cardona Encuentro Matrimonial, Raquel y Antonio Ramírez Eucharistic Adoration, Kimie Mori Faith Formation for Adults, Julie Jones Funeral Committee, Marianne Iwamoto Good Samaritans, Ann Marie Shields Guadalupe Committee, Marco Olivares Homebound Ministers, Marianne Iwamoto Hospitality Team, Tony Fletcher Lectors, Niki Gagner and Elvira Hernandez Linens, Marcia Gimenez “Luz y Vida” Prayer Group, Jose & Angelica Velazquez Music Coordinator, Kathy Egashira Nimble Fingers, Jacqueline Auroux Pastoral Council, Paul Gallagher/Gerry Apin Prayer Shawl Ministry, Joan Kluck Prayer Team, Rolf Augustine Pro-Life Ministry, Karen Salvati Sacramentors, Scott Occhiuto Simbang Gabi, Gerry Apin Stavros, Jim Krieger and Marcia Gimenez Velankanni Community, Johnson Andrews & Benson Babu Women’s Fellowship, Mary Christie

COLLABORATORS IN MINISTRY Cascade Serra Club, Ken Christie Catholic Daughters, Kathy Taylor Knights of Columbus, Steve Mueller St. Vincent de Paul


Contact for all ministries [email protected] Mention the ministry in the subject line. CATHOLIC COMMUNITY SERVICES Counseling

425-257-2111 or 888-240-8572

Allstate Agency Gustavo Tejada

Our bulletin is published at no cost to the parish as it is supported by the ads on the back. Please consider using their services and tell them you saw their ad in our bulletin.

A Call to Share…

Financials will update next week.

Thank you...

PHONE/EMAIL DIRECTORY Staff and Clergy Alberto, Fr. Gerardo

[email protected]

425-481-0303 x306

Cardona, Eduardo

[email protected]

425-481-9358 x314

Egashira, Kathy

[email protected]


Everist, Shannon

[email protected]

425-481-0303 x303

Mendez, Veronica

[email protected]

425-481-0303 x301

Moran, Stephanie [email protected]

425-481-9358 x311

Perez, Roberto

[email protected]

425-481-9358 x312

Sanchez, Fr. Jesus

[email protected]

425-481-0303 x305

Ugalde, Fr. Jose

[email protected]

425-481-0303 x304

Volunteer for Hispanic Ministry Gimenez, Marcia

[email protected]

425-481-0303 x308

Please keep the sick among us in your prayers, especially: Salvador Andrada Louise Hundertmark Roberta Autron David Hurtado Tom Bender Rosemary Jesmer Jane Bentley Helen Johnston Shawna Boger Patricia Kramer Sharyl Buehler Alfredo Lazaga Cindy Burby Arcely Lazaga Rick Burns Christopher Leon Tom Burns Jennie Leyva Ian Bridges Maurilio Martínez Ruth Carpizo Omara Martínez Claire Carter Jim Moran Eulalia Castillo Sandra Noble Ed Crull Yolanda Noblezada Gary Darnell Scott Occhiuto Sharyl Davis Teresa Paris Alex De Leon Diaz Elamar Perez Saul Diaz Margaret Quigley Michael Quigley Billie Dougherty Ritzy Rafer Anna Epps Consuelo Ramirez Fran Fielden Teresita Ramos Bill Flanagan Arnold Rivera Annie Gillen Joyce Rosas Peter Gilmartin Florentine Ruhland Lupita Gonzalez Jesus Sanchez Sr. Richard Gross Ninfa Short Dee HolidayLeticia Solorzano Osborne

Fran Sphung Harry St Nicholas Adrienne Steuer Francis Sullivan James Sullivan Kaye Swartzell Michael Trupiano Alexa Vazquez Evelio Villalobos Vladimir Vozar Rosemary Wentz Barb West Tami Wyatt Beatrice Zorzi

May the Father bless you, the Son heal you and the Holy Spirit comfort you. Amen. To add/remove someone on this list, please contact Eduardo Cardona at (425) 481-9358 ext 314 or email at: [email protected] Si quisiera añadir/remover a alguien a esta lista, comuníquese a la oficina parroquial.