Easter Sunday Apr. 21, 2019 Year
Volume 5 Number 21
SETON Sunday News Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Church - A Missionaries of the Holy Spirit Community
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OCTAVE OF EASTER The Readings this week: Sun., Apr 21: Easter Sunday Acts 10: 34A, 37-43; 1 Cor 5: 6B-8; Jn 20: 1-9
Mon., Apr 22:
Acts 2: 14, 22-33; Mt 28: 8-15
Tue., Apr 23:
Acts 2: 36-41; Jn 20: 11-18
Wed., Apr 24:
Acts 3: 1-10 Lk 24: 13-35
Thu., Apr 25:
Acts 3: 11-26; Lk 24: 35-48
Fri., Apr 26:
Acts 4: 1-12; Jn 21: 1-14
Sat., Apr 27:
Acts 4: 13-21; Mk 16: 9-15
Sun, Apr 28:
Acts 5: 12-16; Rev 1: 9-11A, 12-13, 17-19; Jn 20: 19-31
Welcome, Visitors! If you are a visitor to St.
Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish, we want you to know how welcome you are—whether you have come from another part of the country, from across the world, or simply from another parish. For more information about the parish, or to register, visit our Office, call us at 425-481-0303 or visit our website for Online Parish Registration at www.easbothell.org/registration-1
Administration Fr. Gerardo Alberto, M.Sp.S., Pastor Fr. Jose Ugalde, M.Sp.S., Vicar Fr. Jesus Sanchez, M.Sp.S., Vicar Shannon Everist, Administrator Veronica Mendez, Parish Secretary Office Hours: Mon. Wed, Thu, and Fri. 8:30 am - 5:30 pm
Closed on Tuesdays Mass Times: Mon, Wed, Thu, Fri and Sat. 9 am Tuesday: Service of the Word with Holy Communion - 9am Saturday vigil - 5:00 pm Sunday: 9 am, 11 am, 1 pm (Spanish) & 5 pm Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday - No Confessions Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Mon — Fri, 10 am — 9 pm
How to reach us: Phone: (425) 481-0303 Fax: (425) 485-8510 2316 180th St S.E., Bothell, WA 98012 P.O.Box 12429, Mill Creek, WA 98082 Web Site: www.easbothell.org
[email protected]
Vision Statement
FAITH FORMATION OFFICE Phone: 425-481-9358
Be Engaged! Be Empowered! Be Extraordinary! Be Holy! Belong! Be a faith community that is inviting to all!
Hours Monday thru Friday: 9am - 5pm; and during classes
Officers and Councils The Pastoral Council Gerry Apin, Paul Gallagher, Francis Irudayaraj, Laura Keegan, Jim Krieger, Marco Olivares, Amy Walsh The Finance Council Richard Carlson, Bill Dunnigan, Bill Santos, Shannon Everist, Fr. Gerardo Alberto, Fr. Jose Ugalde The Seton Sunday News Bulletin Fr. Gerardo Alberto, MSpS, publisher Marcia Gimenez, associate publisher Eduardo Cardona, associate publisher
Stephanie Moran Faith Formation Director Roberto Pérez Youth Ministry Coordinator Eduardo Cardona Bilingual Administrative Assistant
Index Amazing Parish Calendar of Events Conchita Daily Readings Directory Happening Ignite Youth Ministries Pastor’s Reflection Sección en Español Vocation Awareness
MyParish app
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Easter Sunday The Resurrection of the Lord , 4/21/2019 | SETON Sunday News | 3
PASTOR’S Reflection
reaking Open the Word of God:
Dear brothers and sisters, the message of today’s First Reading presents to us Saint Peter as the First Pope. We don’t usually think of Peter as the First Pope. Rather, we think of him as Saint Peter. But in reality, it is he who received the keys of the Kingdom of God and, he was in fact, the first pontiff of the Catholic Church. As the spiritual leader of Christ’s Church which was beginning here on earth, St. Peter took his place of authority and began to speak to those who had gathered at Cornelius’ house.
because she missed the presence of Jesus. She missed that ardent desire to be close to the living body of Jesus, to follow him, to listen to him, to feel loved, to be understood and to be forgiven of his sins. Mary Magdalene was not the only one who had these feelings. All the disciples of Jesus felt that way. That is why they reacted as they did when they heard Saint Peter said: "You know the message of God sent to some say that Jesus was no longer in his grave, that he had the people of Israel, preached by Jesus Christ." For many been resurrected, or that he was appearing here and there to centuries, the people of God had waited for the coming different disciples. Messiah who would bring peace to the world to reconcile human beings with God. Peter affirmed that this had happened through Jesus Christ. Through Jesus, God the Father had fulfilled all his promises found in the Old Testament. Peter in the presence of all, affirmed that he and the rest of the Lord’s disciples were witnesses of all that Jesus alking together as brothers and sisters: had done in Judea and Jerusalem. What was said about Jesus Dear brothers and sisters, today when you were not fabricated stories. It was the truth. Jesus’ disciples had lived by his side and witnessed everything he had done return home, think of these words "Jesus is alive!" Think and said. Peter testified that Jesus really was crucified and of the words: "Jesus is the Lord of all" He is your Lord and that he had died on the Cross. But God raised him from the He is my Lord and the Lord of all others, those who are dead on the third day. And, after His glorious resurrection, present and those who are not. Remember the spiritual Jesus appeared to many of the disciples who were chosen by God as witnesses. Now, when Jesus appeared to the disciples, hunger that you experienced so many times in your life, in it was not in a dream or in a vision. It was also not the Spirit those moments when you wished that the Lord Jesus of Jesus who appeared to the disciples because a spirit can not could be so close to you and then He gently approached eat or drink. It was the Lord Jesus himself, who had risen you. You felt His warmth, His joy and His peace. Let the from the dead. Holy Spirit awaken you so you can relive those moments, In today's first reading, Peter ended by saying that all the not just for a day or two, but all the days of your life until Old Testament prophets spoke about the coming of Jesus. In the time comes to present yourself before the Lord Jesus their inspired writings, they testified that those who believe in in person. Jesus would receive forgiveness of sins in His Name. Jesus Fr. José Gerardo Alberto, MSpS gave the authority to forgive sins in his name to his disciples.
In today's Second Reading taken from the Letter of St. Paul to the Colossians, we hear that if we have been resurrected with Christ, we should look for the things that are above where Christ dwells in heaven. We must put our mind and heart in spiritual things, not in worldly things. Having been born again through the Sacrament of Baptism, we are called by God to nourish our souls with spiritual things. We are called to grow spiritually in the virtues and fruits of the Holy Spirit, so that we can be gradually transformed by the grace of God the Father, to become more like His Son Jesus Christ. In today's Gospel we hear that Mary Magdalene needed Jesus. She cried when she realized that his body had disappeared, believing that someone had stolen it. She cried
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Acompáñenos a rezar la Coronilla de la Divina Misericordia el Domingo 28 de Abril a las 2:30pm. Escucharemos también meditaciones del Diario de Santa Faustina.
Debido al Feriado de Pascua, las oficinas estarán cerradas el lunes de Pascua, 22 de abril. La Oficina de Formación en la Fe abrirá el martes a las 10am y la Oficina Administrativa el miércoles a las 8:30am. ¡El personal de la Parroquia les desea una bendecida Pascua de Resurrección! El Padre Gerardo y la comunidad de St. Elizabeth Ann Seton queremos extender nuestra gratitud al comité de decoración por el maravilloso trabajo que realizaron en la decoración durante cuaresma y Pascua. También queremos expresar nuestro agradecimiento a las personas que contribuyeron con Flores o su tiempo. Las clases de catecismo para primaria y prescolar han concluido por ahora. Agradecemos a todos los voluntarios que entregaron su tiempo y talento para ayudar a nuestros niños a acercarse a Jesús. Oremos por los niños que se preparan a recibir algún sacramento, las clases han terminado, pero el caminar de ellos en la fe continúa.
Monday, April 22 Office is Closed Service of the Word with Holy Communion Tuesday, April 23 Women’s Fellowship
Rosary for Life
Adult Faith Formation
Youth Room
St. 7
St. 2
Luz y Vida Gpo de Oración
Seton House
St. 6
Liturgical Catechesis
Praise and Worship in Song Adoration Youth Bible Study Wednesday, April 24 Beta in Christianity Thursday, April 25 Blood Drive St. Vincent de Paul
Friday, April 26 Saturday, April 27
Sunday, April 28 Kof C Pancake Breakfast after 9am, 11am Masses RCIA English
St. 4
RICA Spanish
St. 7
Divine Mercy Chaplet and Adoration Edge and Life Teen
2:30pm Hall
CLASES PREMATRIMONIALES El 14, 15 y 22 de junio tendremos nuevamente clases prematrimoniales para parejas que están en proceso de casarse por la Iglesia: ya sea para bodas individuales o para la boda comunitaria que será el 3 de agosto, 2019. Ofrecemos también estas clases a parejas casadas por el civil o por la Iglesia; es una oportunidad para conocer más sobre el Sacramento del Matrimonio. Tendremos espacio solamente para 30 parejas. Para más información, por favor llamar al P. José Ugalde (425) 481-0303 ext. 304
Easter Sunday The Resurrection of the Lord , 4/21/2019 | SETON Sunday News | 5
Lay Woman, Mystic, and Apostle BEATIFICATION MASS MAY 4 at the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico City We will watch the Mass in the Fellowship Hall as broadcast by EWTN at 1pm on Saturday May 4. Join us at 12:45pm.
La Misa será transmitida en directo desde la Basílica. Nos reuniremos en el Salón Parroquial a participar de este evento histórico. Te esperamos a las 9:30am. Transmisión en español.
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editando la Palabra de Dios
Estimados hermanos y hermanas, el mensaje de la Primera Lectura de hoy que nos ha presentado a San Pedro como el Primer Papa. Muy poco pensamos en Pedro como el Primer Papa. Más bien, pensamos en él como San Pedro. Pero en realidad, es él quien recibió las llaves del Reino de Dios y, de hecho, fue el primer pontífice de la Iglesia Católica. Como líder espiritual de la Iglesia de Jesucristo que se estaba estableciendo en la tierra, San Pedro tomó su lugar de autoridad y comenzó a hablar a los que se habían reunido en la casa de Cornelio. San Pedro dijo: “Ustedes conocen el mensaje de Dios enviado a la gente de Israel, predicado por Jesucristo”. Durante muchos siglos, el pueblo de Dios había esperado al Mesías venidero quien traería paz al mundo para reconciliar al ser humano con Dios. Pedro afirmó que esto había sucedido a través de Jesucristo. A través de Jesús, Dios Padre había cumplido todas sus promesas que se encuentran en el Antiguo Testamento. Pedro en presencia de todos, afirmó que él y los discípulos del Señor fueron testigos de todo lo que Jesús había hecho en Judea y en Jerusalén. Lo que se dijo acerca de Jesús no fueron historias inventadas. Era la verdad. Los discípulos de Jesús vivieron a su lado y fueron testigos de todo lo que había hecho y dicho. Pedro testificó que Jesús realmente fue crucificado y que había muerto en la Cruz. Pero Dios lo resucitó de entre los muertos al tercer día. Y, después de Su gloriosa resurrección, Jesús se apareció a muchos de los discípulos que fueron elegidos por Dios como testigos. Ahora, cuando Jesús se apareció a los discípulos, no fue en un sueño o en una visión. Tampoco fue el Espíritu de Jesús quien se apareció a los discípulos porque un espíritu no puede comer ni beber. Era el mismo Señor Jesús, que había resucitado de entre los muertos. En la primera lectura de hoy, Pedro terminó diciendo que todos los profetas del Antiguo Testamento hablaron sobre la venida de Jesús. En sus escritos inspirados, testificaron que aquellos que creen en Jesús recibirían el perdón de los pecados a través de Su Nombre. Jesús dio la autoridad para perdonar los pecados en su nombre a sus discípulos. En la Segunda Lectura de hoy tomada de la Carta de San Pablo a los Colosenses, escuchamos que si hemos sido resucitados con Cristo, debemos buscar las cosas que son
de arriba donde Cristo mora en el cielo. Debemos poner nuestra mente y corazón en cosas espirituales, no en cosas mundanas. Habiendo nacido de nuevo a través del Sacramento del Bautismo, estamos llamados por Dios a alimentar nuestras almas con cosas espirituales. Estamos llamados a crecer espiritualmente en las virtudes y en los frutos del Espíritu Santo, para que podamos ser gradualmente transformados por la gracia de Dios Padre, para llegar a ser más semejantes a Su Hijo Jesucristo. En el Evangelio de hoy escuchamos que María Magdalena necesitaba a Jesús. Ella lloró cuando se dio cuenta de que su cuerpo se había desaparecido, creyendo que alguien lo había robado. Ella lloró porque extrañaba la presencia de Jesús. Ella extrañaba ese ardiente deseo de estar cerca del cuerpo vivo de Jesús, seguirlo, escucharlo, sentirse amada, ser comprendida y ser perdonada de sus pecados. María Magdalena no fue la única que tuvo estos sentimientos. Todos los discípulos de Jesús se sintieron así. Es por eso que reaccionaron como lo hicieron cuando escucharon a algunos decir que Jesús ya no estaba en su tumba, que había resucitado, o que estaba apareciendo aquí y allá a diferentes discípulos.
aminando juntos como hermanos:
Estimados hermanos y hermanas, hoy que regresan a casa, piensen en estas palabras "¡Jesús está vivo!" Piensa en las palabras: “Jesús es el Señor de todos” Él es tu Señor y Él es mi Señor y el Señor de todos los demás, los que están presentes y los que no lo están. Recuerda el hambre espiritual que experimentaste tantas veces en tu vida, en aquellos momentos en que deseabas que el Señor Jesús pudiera estar tan cerca de ti y suavemente se acercó a ti. Sentiste su calor, su gozo y su paz. Deja que el Espíritu Santo te despierte para que puedas revivir esos momentos, no sólo por un día o dos, sino todos los días de tu vida hasta que llegue el momento de presentarte ante el Señor Jesús en persona.
P. Gerardo Alberto, MSpS
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Vocation Awareness
What is a Vocation in the First Place?
Mankind’s Search for Happiness and Holiness
Is a vocation about happiness or holiness? Well, both. But I think that most young people are motivated by a desire for happiness, at least in the beginning of their search to know the will of God. All people desire happiness. They want to be fulfilled. This is a desire which God has placed deep within the heart. Yet one of the most common errors people make is to let their lives become consumed by a search for perfect happiness on this earth. It is not to be found here. The perfect happiness we all search for, that we yearn for in our hearts, is only to be found in heaven. This does not mean that we cannot enjoy some degree of happiness here on earth, just not the definitive happiness and fulfillment that we deeply desire. The Irish have a saying, “A bad start is a quick finish.” It is important to start the search for happiness with clear thinking. Having a realistic expectation from the beginning about what this world can and cannot offer protects a person from supreme disappointment and despair in later years. As a priest friend of mine used to say in times of difficulty, “This is as good as it gets around these parts.” I emphasize in this book that every vocation is about serving others. God made us for this reason. He desires that we love others more than ourselves and live selflessly. This is the secret to happiness. This is holiness, when a person learns how to serve others and makes this the consuming concern of his life, he is happy. From the Book “To Save a Thousand Souls” Fr. Brett A. Brannen
“The only ones among you who will really be happy are those who have sought and found a way to serve.” Albert Schweitzer
O Jesus, Our Eternal Pastor, Deign to look with merciful eyes Upon this part of your loving flock. Lord, we need a large number of priests, and men and women consecrated to the religious life. Multiply vocations, And sanctify more and more our priests, And those consecrated in the religious life.
This week please pray for Br. Jesus Romo, M.Sp.S. He is a Brother in formation with the Missionaries of the Holy Spirit. Originally from Kent, WA, he is taking Philosophy classes at Mt Angel Seminary in Oregon.
We ask you all this through the Immaculate Virgin Mary of Guadalupe, your sweet and holy Mother. Jesus give us priests according to your heart. Jesus, savior of all people, save them, save them! For information on becoming a Religious Priest Missionary of the Holy Spirit or a Diocesan Priest contact one of the following people: Serra Club: Arthur Adams Priests:
Fr. Gerardo Alberto, M.Sp.S. Fr. Jesus Sanchez , M.Sp.S. Fr. Jose Ugalde, M.Sp.S.
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- Y O U T H
G R O U P S -
High School Youth Group @ Youth Room, Downstairs | 6pm — 8:15pm DATES: April 28th | May 5th | May 19th
Middle School Youth Group @ Social Hall | 6pm — 8:15pm DATES: April 28th | May 5th | May 19th
- C O N F I R M A T I O N TUESDAY April 16 April 30 May 7 May 14
MONDAY April 15 April 29 May 6 May 13
THURSDAY April 25 May 2 May 9 May 16
WEDNESDAY April 17 May 1 May 8 May 15
YEAR 1: April 28th | May 5th | May 19th YEAR 2: April 28th | May 5th
OF SEATTLE In partnership with La Red y Pastoral Juvenil GOD
Y o u t h
N e w s
April 26-28, 2019 Camp Hamilton in Monroe Cost: $75 for youth, $45 for chaperones
Contact the Youth Minister: Roberto Perez Phone: 425.481.9358 Ext. 312 Email:
[email protected]
Youth Ministry QR Code
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
Easter Sunday The Resurrection of the Lord , 4/21/2019 | SETON Sunday News | 9
With the Heart of Jesus
In the Eucharist we find all the good of the Church. In it we have the certainty that God is faithful to His promise and stays with us until the end of time. In our visits and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, we experience the closeness of the good shepherd, the tenderness of His love, the presence of a faithful friend. We all experience this large support in our lives provided by faith and our personal and intimate dialogue with the Lord in the Eucharist.
let light shine out of darkness ...
Come Adore Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament Monday through Friday from 10am to 9pm.
Women's Fellowship -4/23- Easter Week-No Meeting due to the Hall set up-WILL PRAY ROSARY AT 12:00 noon
Bible Study: Though we are now celebrating the joy of Easter, our Bible study turns us toward Psalms of Suffering and Lament, which teach us how to wrestle with God in our struggles and obtain his blessing (Session 8, featuring Psalms 13 and 88). All adults are invited to read, discuss, and view a DVD presentation on Tuesday, April 23, 7:00pm, in the Fellowship Hall.
Divine Mercy Chaplet and Meditations Join our faith Community in a celebration of Divine Mercy on the Second Sunday of Easter (Divine Mercy Sunday), April 28th at 2:30pm
Eucharist to the Homebound Are you or a family member or friend hungry to be nourished by the Body of Christ but unable to attend Mass on a regular basis? Our parish has specially trained volunteers eager to visit you on a weekly basis, bring Communion to you, to pray with you and share their faith with you. If you are interested in having a visitor, contact the parish office at 425.481.0303 and arrangements can be made.
Come pray the Rosary for Life with fellow parishioners. All are welcome. We meet by the image of the Immaculate Conception every Tuesday at noon.
Can there be Spirituality in Suffering? Are you willing to be an Apostle?
The JOURNEY BEGINS on May 1 - 6:30 p.m. Stavros is a 7 week program that meets once a week For informa on, Jim:
[email protected]; Marcia:
[email protected]
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Catholic Daughters and Knights of Columbus are sponsoring two scholarships for $500.00 each!
The scholarship applications will be available to pick up at the Faith Formation Office on April 15, 2019. The applications will also be available on the youth website. They are due on May 5, 2019. Please use the check list on the application to make sure that you have all the necessary information for your scholarship application. Don't forget to sign it. You can turn them into the Faith Formation Office. If you have questions you can call Carol Scholle 425-8765014 or Kim Fitzgerald: 425-478-3266. Thank you!
Blood Drive in our Parish Hall April 25th, Thursday 1pm—7pm (closed 3-3:45pm) Call Marilyn or Roy Soto (360) 668-5447 Give the gift of life!
Rachel’s Corner
Hope and Healing After Abortion “All grace flows from mercy, …. Let no one doubt concerning the goodness of God; even if a person’s sins were as dark as night, God’s mercy is stronger than our misery. One thing alone is necessary; that the sinner set ajar the door of his heart, be it ever so little, to let in a ray of God’s merciful grace, and then God will do the rest.” - No. 1507 / Diary of Saint Faustina Are you ready to open the door of your heart just enough to invite God in so He can show you how His mercy is stronger than your post-abortive pain? Join us on a Rachel’s Vineyard™ Retreat and come alive again as you are warmed by the rays of His healing mercy. Call for a compassionate, confidential conversation. English: (206) 920-6413 Español: (206)-450-7814 Email
[email protected] or visit us online at www.ccsww.org/projectrachel. Project Rachel is a program of Catholic Community Services. You are loved with an everlasting Love!
Grief, Loss, Loneliness Have you, or do you know someone who has experienced a loss or is alone and would benefit from a parish member visit? Grief, loss and loneliness occur due to many life events, such as: death, divorce, loss of a job or independence. Elderly people who live alone and may no longer drive can feel isolated. The members of the Good Samaritan Ministry are here to serve. We visit those in need and bring hope and comfort by listening, praying and reading scripture. Please contact the Good Samaritan Ministry coordinator, Ann Marie Shields at:
[email protected] for more information.
Save the Date Come and Join us for a Night of Fun, Dance and Good Food. Live performances by Mariachi Colima and The Romers. Make your Table reservation and purchase tickets with any member of the Guadalupe Committee or the Parish Office.
The Next Knights of Columbus’s Pancake Breakfast will be Sunday April 28th 2019. Come out ,socialize and support the Knights of Columbus’ charitable organizations, such as our Seminarians, St. Vincent DePaul, Coats for Kids, we hope to see you there.
Heartfelt THANK YOU to our liturgical environment ministry members and all those volunteers who helped in planning and preparing our church for a prayerful, spirit filled Lenten Season and Easter. A special note of thanks to Niki Gagner for sharing her seamstress talents and Fr. Jose for all the time and energy he provided with his leadership, creativity and artistry. Core liturgical environment ministry members: Adela Badillo, Michelle Dang, Conchita Fernandez, Marianne Iwamoto, Nini Perez, Edna Semana. May the Risen Lord continue to bless each one for sharing so generously of their time and talents all for the glory of God!
BULLETIN ARTICLE DEADLINE / DÍA DE PLAZO PARA EL BOLETÍN Parish groups/Grupos parroquiales: Submit your articles/requests to
[email protected], two weeks prior to the Sunday desired. Dirijan sus peticiones a
[email protected]. dos semanas antes del Domingo que desean publicarlo.
Easter Sunday The Resurrection of the Lord , 4/21/2019 | SETON Sunday News | 11 MINISTRIES & GROUPS Alpha, Roger Ditto and Lisa Nelson Altar Servers, Jane Baer and Veronica Cardona Apostleship of the Cross, Marcia Gimenez Beta, Dave Duclos and Jim Krieger Catholic Social Teachings Min, Jane Smoke/Karyn Sullivan Coffee & Donuts, Kelly Cooley EMEs, Ana May Apin and Cuquita Cardona Encuentro Matrimonial, Raquel y Antonio Ramírez Eucharistic Adoration, Kimie Mori Faith Formation for Adults, Julie Jones Funeral Committee, Marianne Iwamoto Good Samaritans, Ann Marie Shields Guadalupe Committee, Marco Olivares Homebound Ministers, Marianne Iwamoto Hospitality Team, Tony Fletcher Lectors, Niki Gagner and Elvira Hernandez Linens, Marcia Gimenez “Luz y Vida” Prayer Group, Jose & Angelica Velazquez Music Coordinator, Kathy Egashira Nimble Fingers, Jacqueline Auroux Pastoral Council, Paul Gallagher/Gerry Apin Prayer Shawl Ministry, Joan Kluck Prayer Team, Rolf Augustine Pro-Life Ministry, Karen Salvati Sacramentors, Scott Occhiuto Simbang Gabi, Gerry Apin Stavros, Jim Krieger and Marcia Gimenez Velankanni Community, Johnson Andrews & Benson Babu Women’s Fellowship, Mary Christie
COLLABORATORS IN MINISTRY Cascade Serra Club, Ken Christie Catholic Daughters, Kathy Taylor Knights of Columbus, Steve Mueller St. Vincent de Paul
Contact for all ministries
[email protected] Mention the ministry in the subject line. CATHOLIC COMMUNITY SERVICES Counseling
425-257-2111 or 888-240-8572
Edward Jones
Paul Dellino Parishioner & Joe Gogal Parishioner
Our bulletin is published at no cost to the parish as it is supported by the ads on the back. Please consider using their services and tell them you saw their ad in our bulletin.
A Call to Share… Sat. 5pm 9 am 11 am 1 pm 5pm
$3,019.00 $3,786.00 $4,240.00 $2,719.00 $3,757.00
Mid Week EFT Contributions Business Total Misc Holy Days
Total Offering Average Weekly Offerings of $30,000 are needed to run the parish
$1,492.25 $2,523.00 $1,000.00 $495.00 $31.00
Thank you...
PHONE/EMAIL DIRECTORY Staff and Clergy Alberto, Fr. Gerardo
[email protected]
425-481-0303 x306
Cardona, Eduardo
[email protected]
425-481-9358 x314
Egashira, Kathy
[email protected]
Everist, Shannon
[email protected]
425-481-0303 x303
Mendez, Veronica
[email protected]
425-481-0303 x301
Moran, Stephanie
[email protected]
425-481-9358 x311
Perez, Roberto
[email protected]
425-481-9358 x312
Sanchez, Fr. Jesus
[email protected]
425-481-0303 x305
Ugalde, Fr. Jose
[email protected]
425-481-0303 x304
Volunteer for Hispanic Ministry Gimenez, Marcia
[email protected]
425-481-0303 x308
Please keep the sick among us in your prayers, especially: Salvador Andrada Osborne Roberta Autron Louise Hundertmark Tom Bender David Hurtado Jane Bentley Rosemary Jesmer Shawna Boger Helen Johnston Sharyl Buehler Patricia Kramer Cindy Burby Alfredo Lazaga Rick Burns Arcely Lazaga Tom Burns Christopher Leon Ian Bridges Jennie Leyva Ruth Carpizo Jim Moran Claire Carter Lynn Mosman Eulalia Castillo Sandra Noble Ed Crull Yolanda Noblezada Gary Darnell Scott Occhiuto Sharyl Davis Teresa Paris Alex De Leon Diaz Elamar Perez Saul Diaz Margaret Quigley Michael Quigley Billie Dougherty Ritzy Rafer Anna Epps Consuelo Ramirez Fran Fielden Teresita Ramos Bill Flanagan Arnold Rivera Annie Gillen Joyce Rosas Peter Gilmartin Florentine Ruhland Lupita Gonzalez Jesus Sanchez Sr. Richard Gross Ninfa Short Dee Holiday-
Leticia Solorzano Fran Sphung Harry St Nicholas Adrienne Steuer Francis Sullivan James Sullivan Kaye Swartzell Michael Trupiano Fernando Varela Alexa Vazquez Evelio Villalobos Vladimir Vozar Rosemary Wentz Barb West Tami Wyatt Beatrice Zorzi
May the Father bless you, the Son heal you and the Holy Spirit comfort you. Amen. To add/remove someone on this list, please contact Eduardo Cardona at (425) 481-9358 ext 314 or email at:
[email protected] Si quisiera añadir/remover a alguien a esta lista, comuníquese a la oficina parroquial.