1 छ. Mittelpunkts-Viskosität bei: Mean viscosity at: Viscosidad media a: Ё⚍㉬ᑺ: Dichte bei: Density of: Densidad a: ᆚᑺˈ˖. Bestellnummer für Behälter mit: Part number for can with: Número de pedido para recipientes con: 䅶䋻ো⫼Ѣ⊍ㆅˈᏺ˖. 95-665 735-91. Isop
8 sept. 2010 - positron ARRET: t. La prise de courant nmrate dolt _tre aliment#e en couram atternatif sous fi0 d 120 vo#s. 2. tntrodutsez ta fiche de p&lale.
Conexi6n de la mdquina a la red el_ctdca . ...... Intreduzcala clavija de toma de corriente(_) a la red(_). 4. ...... Sew about five stitches and raise the needle.
A l'aide da pouce et de l'htdex, embo_tez sotgneusement .... Tableau des gtoffes, aiguilles, f!ls et Iongueur da poiat ...... masquer an bord brat (coavertares, liege ...
Use only attachments recommended by the manufacturer as contained in this manual. 3. Never operate this sewing machine if it has a damaged cord or plug, if it ...
Coyer C: Contrast bottom, hat hand, and face applique. Instructions included for quilting fabric. M6857. A, B {Cut by Measurements Provided} - 45"** - 13a yds.
While in operation, always keep your eyes on the sewing area. ..... Use the blue needle to eliminate skipped stitches when sewing knits and synthetic fabrics.
5 x No.ll stretch fabric needles (BLUE). 5 x No.ll needles ... Deep groove pin-tuck foot. Hemmer foot (2 mm) ...... the flat side of the needle onto something flat (the.
WARNING – To reduce the risk of burns, fire, electric shock, or injury to persons: 1. Do not allow this machine to be used as a toy. Close attention is necessary ...
sewing machine from the electrical outlet immediately after using and before cleaning. 2. Always ...... e Disco de control de la tensión superior (página 24).
Standard. Normal. 下沉式. Submerged type. Modéle encastre. Vollversenkte Austellung ... The puller's feeding amount should be properly larger than feed dog's to procure even effect on sewn material. but if it ..... Solenoid's temperature.
6. Réglage de la pression du presseur ............... 8 Ajuste de la presion del pie del ..... Installation of the belt cover Installation of the eve guard (Option) \. Montage ...
When using your sewing machine for the first few times, place a waste fabric under ...... Los hilos y agujas delgados deber#.n utilizarse pare coser tejidos ligeros ...
The operate distance for back stitch switch or knee lifter switch too nigh (Normal is 80'C) too short. Solenoid out of function 1. Electric control system error. 2.
GARA UN FUNCIONAMIENTO CORRECTO) 6 ... 6. Ajuste de la presic'm del pie del prensatelas ....... 8. Ajuste de la anchura de la puntada ..... \—y\\ Eve guard.
Connection of wires (_900) i N Connect green wire with earth wire. Erdung ...... En este momento la barra de aguja debe quedar a 18~22 mm por encima de la ...
The full performance of your new sewing machine depends, above all, ..... If the reference line on the needle bar 0 is not as shown above, remove the face plate ...
en Canad_ cambia para algunos art_'culos. Para obtener lnformaci6n compteta, flame a ... rembourserons le prix total Ou encore un remboursement. calcuI6 au ...
t,]. C) ll!il~rif'f. Opt1onal parts. Fd~ J. ' P1eces opllonnelles. " . 1C". •r,... ( Jl d•"lf t-J i"'lB;aCtw.,~· a• (lp .en. P ~eces opuonner1es veUtllez 1nd1quer le no de modS:Je de ·Ia .... Un-normal worn out for t .... Garantie : Un an, ou 18 mois
This is a pneumatic-type needle cooler which prevents the thread breakage due to heat. It is particularly useful when sewing thicker materials and when sewing ...
Conexi6n de la m_quina a la red el_ctrica ... 3 Introduzca la clavija de toma de corriente (_)a la red (_) ...... 4., Sew about five stitches then raise the needle.
vestigar sobre películas viejas, canciones y cultura adolescente de todo el mundo, ...... tura, como una maniobra de fútbol americano capaz de acabar con una ...