Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church

17 jun. 2018 - organizational and computer skills. The director interviews, hires ... possible. Space is limited. HOST FAMILY IS NEEDED for Catholic student.
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Diocese of Charleston

Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church (Corner of Hwy 17 & Moore Drive)

11th Sunday in Ordinary Time June 17, 2018

5 Saint Teresa Drive Charleston, S.C. 29407 (843) 556-0801 // (843) 556-2851 Fax (843) 766-2128 School One Family, One Parish, One Church

Coming Events! Parish Weekly Calendar (p. 1) News (p. 2) Blessed Sacrament Catholic School Happenings (p. 4) Noticias Parroquiales en Español (p. 5) The Third Rail (p.7) This bulletin & additional parish information is available at & social media

Blessed Sacrament Catholic School: A Ministry of Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church 843-766-2128


CLERGY OF THE PARISH Served by: Most Rev. Robert E. Guglielmone, Bishop of Charleston Very Rev. Joseph V. Romanoski, V.F., Pastor Rev. Jose Gabriel Cruz Rodriguez, Parochial Vicar James Moore, Permanent Deacon Kurt Herbst, Permanent Deacon Jerry White, Permanent Deacon

PARISH MASS SCHEDULE Saturday: 5:00 PM Vigil Sunday: 9:00 AM 11:00 AM (Sign Language Interpreter) 1:30 PM (en Español) 5:00 PM (Life Teen Mass) Weekday Masses Monday—Friday 6:30 AM Thursday 8:00 AM School Mass Confession (and by Appointment) Saturday: 3:30 PM & following 5pm Mass Domingo: 12:30 PM (en Español)

SUNDAY: 10:00 AM

June 17 Happy Father's Day! Books Change Lives - Family Life Center


June 18 Books Change Lives - Commons

7:30 PM

Men's Group - Family Life Center

TUES: 6:30 PM

June 19 Stewardship - Commons

7:00 PM

Young Adults Group - Family Life Center

WED: 7:00 PM

June 20 Financial Peace University - Parish Hall

THURS: 6:30 PM

June 21 Baptism Class - Hall


June 22


June 23

SUNDAY: 10:00 AM

June 24 Books Change Lives - Family Life Center K of C Pancake Breakfast - Parish Hall

PARISH NEWS The Knights of Columbus will have their next PANCAKE BREAKFAST on Sunday, June 24, at 10:00 a.m. in the parish hall. All proceeds from donations will benefit Veterans on Deck ( Veterans on Deck is a nonprofit sailing program serving the military community in and around Charleston. The program is free and open to any active duty or veteran service members, offering several opportunities on a weekly basis to go sailing with fellow members of the Armed Forces. BLESSED SACRAMENT YOUTH MINISTRY SUMMER EVENTS: Kickball: Wednesday, June 20 - This will be a night of integration between our young adult Catholic community and the high school ministry. Time to spend together with a little bit of healthy competition. 6:00-8:00 p.m. BSCS Teen Room. Movies and Morality: Wednesday, June 27 - At movies and morality we will be watching different movies and discussing how certain themes in the movies apply to our lives. We have some great movies in the lineup this year! 6:00-8:00 p.m. Teen Room.

FLOWERS FLOWERS IN THE CHURCH are in loving memory of Maureen Calder Bolchoz (19th Anniv., June 16) with love from Eileen, Bernie and family. FLOWERS IN THE CHAPEL are in loving memory of "What a Guy!" You are always in our hearts, from your living wife, Margie, your children, your grandchildren and your great-granddaughter. FLOWERS: We need flowers next weekend. If you wish to order flowers, please call Alice Bolchoz (843766-7202) to reserve a date by the Sunday evening prior to publica PLEASE WELCOME to our Blessed Sacrament family Nora Therese Beatovich, daughter of Joseph and Christina Beatovich, and Matthew Tran, son of Trieu and Ngoc Tran, who were baptized into the faith June 10, 2018. PLEASE REMEMBER IN PRAYER, the recently deceased, especially Diana Bealer,



Bl essed

Sacrament Church.

FORMED is the name of a parish resource for evangelization and faith formation. Blessed Sacrament Church is providing this online resource for our parishioners. To log in, go to or download the app for free. FNJHKY.

The access code is

At that point, you can set up your own

account and password.

CELEBRATING SACRAMENTS Baptism: You must be registered and attending Mass weekly at Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church for at least three months prior to the sacrament. Baptisms are not celebrated during Lent. Baptism Class: (for child’s parents and godparents) Class is held in the parish hall on the third Thursday of each month at 6:30 p.m. Both parents and godparents must attend. Call the parish office to pre-register for the class. First Communion: Preparation occurs in the first and second grades. Registration for Religious Education for those not attending a Catholic school takes place in August. Confirmation: Preparation usually occurs in the seventh and eighth grades. Adults are asked to call the parish office. Marriage: You must be registered and attending Mass weekly at Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church for at least three months prior to preparing for the sacrament. Couples are asked to meet with the priest and begin formal preparation at least six (6) months before their tentative marriage date. Please contact the parish office prior to making any social plans. Anointing of the Sick: The sacrament is celebrated individually upon request.

PARISH REGISTRATION The parish welcomes all newcomers and invites you to register. Registration forms are available in the parish office, at the back of the church on the right side and at Those seeking to receive the sacraments of Baptism, First Communion, Confirmation and Matrimony must be registered, active members of Blessed Sacrament Parish for at least three (3) months prior to being able to celebrate these sacraments. Once a child from our parish family finishes High School, we ask that he/she registers individually as an adult member of the parish, and we encourage him/her to participate as fully engaged stewards of the parish. The criteria for “Active Parishioner Status” is as follows: *Weekly participation in worship through attendance at a weekend Mass evidenced by your weekly envelope in the offertory, *and active involvement in a parish or school ministry, * and participation in Grateful Sacrificial Giving. Children Envelopes are mailed to registered children grades 1st-12th grade. Children, especially receiving a sacrament, will need to use their envelopes. If your child is not receiving envelopes, PLEASE call the office. Boxed envelopes are available for children K-3 to K-5, call the office to pick them up. Godparents/Sponsors must be registered for at least three (3) months prior to being a Godparent/Sponsor and must be fully initiated into the Catholic Church. If married, he/she must have been married in the Catholic Church. For details go to Call the parish office to request a sponsor letter. You should call at least 2 weeks prior to needing the letter. An active parishioner of Blessed Sacrament Church may be entitled to a REDUCED TUITION RATE AT BLESSED SACRAMENT CATHOLIC SCHOOL AND/OR BISHOP ENGLAND HIGH SCHOOL.

CHILD PROTECTION SERVICES Diocesan Office of Child Protection (843) 261-0430 Diocesan Victim Assistance Coordinator (843) 856-0748


BSCS students are on summer vacation, but the school office is open each day from 7:30 to 12:00 noon. School supply lists and summer assignments are on the webpage ( The summer math workbook for rising 1st graders is in the school office for pick-up.

Before school dismissed on June 1st, the 5 year olds were asked what they wanted to be when they grew up. These were their answers from one K5 class: Mother Zookeeper Librarian Beautician (2) Nurse Soldier (3)

Mechanic Cowboy Teacher (2) Police Officer (3) Doctor Engineer

Movie star Singer Barber Firefighter Baker

As much as times change - especially in the eyes of adults - the dreams of children have not. Some of the "occupations" are those of their parents. Thank you, God, for these children and their families. (Jesus) said to them, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these." (Mark 10:14)

CELEB RAND O LOS SA CRA ME NTOS La familia debe estar inscrita y activa (uso de sobres en la ofrenda) en la Parroquia Blessed Sacrament por lo menos 3 meses antes de la solicitud. Bautizos de Infantes: Para recibir información y formularios llamar a la Sra. Blanca Gunnells: (843) 475-5252. Bautizos Niños a partir de 5 años: Los niños en edad escolar deben recibir preparación para el sacramento, ya sea en la escuela católica o en la Educación Religiosa. Primera Comunión: Las inscripciones comenzarán a mediados de Julio 2018. Niños a partir del 1er grado. Son dos años de preparación. Confirmación: Las inscripciones comenzarán a mediados de Julio 2018. Chicos a partir del 7.º grado. Son dos años de preparación. Matrimonio: La pareja debe hacer cita con el sacerdote 6 meses o más antes de la fecha. Contacto: Sra. María de la Luz (843) 557-1450. Reconciliación: Las Confesiones se llevan a cabo los domingos a la 12:30pm o puede hacer cita con el Padre Gabriel. Las confesiones en inglés son los sábados a las 3pm. NOTICIAS DE LA PARROQUIA



Las Fotografías de la Celebración de la Confirmación del día 2 de mayo ya están disponibles. Visite la página de Internet: El plazo para comprar las fotos es hasta el 1.º de julio. Para mayor información, por favor comuníquese con Josie Strong: Teléfono: (843) 568-7323 Website: Email: [email protected] FOTOS DE LA PRIMERA COMUNIÓN EN ESPAÑOL Hoy se entregarán en la puerta principal de la iglesia a la salida de la Misa en español. REVIVE TU FE, Sintoniza nuestra radio de la Diócesis de Charleston. Puedes encontrarla por Facebook, Internet o Descarga la aplicación gratis en tu teléfono.

MINISTERIO DE JÓVENES Miércoles, 20 de junio Kickbol ʹ Esta será una noche de integración entre el grupo de jóvenes adultos de la comunidad y los chicos de bachillerato (high School) . Es un empo para comparr con un poquito de competencia sana. 6:00pmͲ8:00pm. 


¿Crees que eres un buen papá?¨


“La fantasía de creerse un buen padre sin ser un buen esposo Pongamos algunos ejemplos prácticos:

1. ¿Cómo le enseño a que sea justo, generoso, sincero y leal si es que no cubro las necesidades materiales y emocionales de la madre por egoísta o perezoso? ¿O si en lugar de estar con la familia, mis únicas dos horas diarias fuera de la oficina las paso en el gimnasio? ¿O si soy infiel? ¿O mentiroso? O simplemente, la abandoné porque se me acabó el amor y me conseguí otra mujer …hasta nuevo aviso. 2. ¿Cómo le enseño fortaleza, perseverancia, paciencia, flexibilidad, comprensión y optimismo si me corro de los problemas familiares saliendo todos los fines de semana con los amigotes y regreso con un par de cervezas de más? ¿Les enseño esos valores si vivo amenazando con el divorcio a mi esposa si es que no me deja tranquilo con “mi libertad”? ¿O si lanzo un grito y me molesto porque mi mujer se equivocó en cómo me gusta el huevo frito? 3. ¿Cómo le enseño a ser ordenado, responsable y respetuoso si es que soy incapaz de levantar una media para llevarla a la ropa sucia? Ni qué decir de apoyo en las labores domésticas y de crianza. 4. ¿Cómo le enseño humildad si soy incapaz de reconocer un error o pedir perdón a mi esposa? O perdonarla. 5. ¿Cómo le enseño a ser una persona de fe si es que no cumplo con ningún precepto de la Iglesia? 6. ¿Cómo pretendo que llegue a ser feliz, si con mi ejemplo le estoy enseñando todo lo que NO debe hacer para alcanzar esa felicidad? Además, a todos estos objetivos morales (…) [no se olviden del] tiempo – no me sirve de nada ser un ejemplo de virtudes si los que se ganan con él son sólo mis compañeros de trabajo. Los padres (y Madres) educan con lo que dicen, pero mucho más con lo que hacen. Las palabras mueven, mientras que el ejemplo arrastra.” hps://catholicͲ Pero no estamos solos, nuestro Padre está esperando que le pidamos Su ayuda.


Francisco Onate-Vargas

Jimmy Touzeau

Michael Cellars

Rafael Ghattas

Pedro Silva

Tom Drury

Matthew Curley

Matthew Bauer

Nicholas Shiver

Alexander Foley

Michael Ghattas

Charles Foyle

Bruce Barnett

Will Frei

Sebastian Barbosa-Garcia

Patrick Judd

Erik Roman

Justin Damask

Reyes Palomares

Mario Aguilar



Blessed Sacrament Catholic School is hiring a DIRECTOR FOR THE AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAM. The program includes BSCS students in K3-8th grade. The hours are 2:00-6:30pm, Monday through Friday during the school year. Salary is based on credentials and experience. The applicant needs to have (1) at least 6 months of experience in a licensed child care facility, (2) an Associates Degree or higher, (3) two letters of recommendation from a current or previous employer in child care, and (4) reliable transportation. The position requires good organizational and computer skills. The director interviews, hires, trains, supervises, and evaluates the Extended Day team; plans and maintains the team's work schedules; assists in completion of payroll and budgetary guidelines for the program; and works closely with school staff for the overall function of the after school program. Applicants, please contact Mrs. Katharine Murphy at [email protected], and provide an up-to-date resume.

PRAY FOR THE SICK OF OUR PARISH (POR LOS ENFERMOS DE NUESTRA PARROQUIA): Steven Autrey, Prima Bernados, Jerry Burn, Emma Carothers, John Carothers, Stacy Clingman, Elizabeth Park Coale, Alexis Cooper, Barry Corothers, Patti Currie, Kevin Daborbor and mother, Rachel Darling, Maureen Donegan, Michael Fortune, Martha Fox, Scott Fox, Veronica Garcia, Jimmy Gillespie, Gloria Giusto, Joseph Gorman, Sr., Matt Hoisington, A.J. Holmes, Jon Jacob, Peggy Joseph, Charlene Kerr, Frank Kerr, Sally LaTorre, Jim Leard, Betsy Long, Beatrice McCulloch, Vermell Meadors, Dawna Medders, Terry Meeks, Robert Melendez, Joseph Miller, Barbara Miller, Mary Mitchum, Tobie Mitchum, Miriam Moya, Tim Nagle, Connie Panko, Tommy Penninger, John Pinto, Terri Twomey Quinn, Perry Reardon, Jacob Richardson, Joel Rivera, Patty Runey, Amanda Shealy, Margaret Shieder, Susan Stokes, Aydrea Toomer, Dr. Lou Verroi, Damian Wofford, Myle Wright, Charlotte Young and Cooper Zeigler.

BISHOP ENGLAND HIGH SCHOOL ART CAMP will be held from 9:30 to 11:30 AM during the following weeks: June 18-22 (ages 8 -10), June 25-29 (ages 11-14), and July 9-13 (ages 11-14). Students will explore the theme of God’s wild kingdom with clay, acrylic paint, ink and watercolor. Cost is $90 per week. To register contact Amy Johnson [email protected].

SANCTUARY LIGHTS in the church are lit this week in loving memory of Deputy Joseph John Matuskovic with love from Mom and Dad.

Come celebrate your RELIGIOUS FREEDOM and the ANNIVERSARY OF HUMANE VITAE with Mass and dinner with our Bishop Guglielmone on June 30, 2018, at 4:00 p.m. at Cardinal Newman High School in Columbia, S.C. The cost is only $20 per person or $30 a couple. Please RSVP at [email protected] as soon as possible. Space is limited.

Sr. Mary Bernard (Vietnam), Charlton L. Butler, Gerard Carisio, Steve Carlier, Brian Cummings, Matthew Cummings, Lucas Darling, Bill Davis, Aaron Dufficy, Brandon Faia, Brittanie Ferreri, Melanie Graybill, Mathew S. Green, Joshua Henson, Greg Herrod, A.J. Holmes, Llavar Mack, Krystal Mason, Will McCarthy, Daniel Metts, Stanley Morgan, Michael Morrill, William Murphy, Paul Newbold, Brandon Pepper, Derek Pepper, James Robert Talmage Pinson, Nicholas Roberson, Josh Sims, Lane Vergeldt, Stephen Wathen and Lauren Young.

HOST FAMILY IS NEEDED for Catholic student from Germany for the coming 2018 Fall Semester. Please call Marie-Claude now at 1-800-467-8363 or go to the website




TODAY'S READINGS: Building the Culture of Life is a combination of our responsibility and God's responsibility. already

In Christ, God has




brought about the victory of life. This is the starting point both of the Church and of the pro-life movement.

And the Kingdom of Life is constantly

growing in the world and in the hearts of those who are open to it. The images, in the first reading and the Gospel, of constant growth under the hand of God, are meant to inspire confidence in God's plan for the ultimate triumph of life and of all that is good. We too share responsibility.

We will be

judged according to what we do (2nd reading). Either our actions will promote and defend life, or they will promote and defend death. God gives the growth, but we must constantly plant the seeds. This

MASS INTENTIONS (INTENCIONES DE LA MISA): Betty Albenesius, Stephen Albenesius, Ted Albenesius, Donna Mae Applen, Diana Bealer, Dorothy Lee Bazzle Bendt, Robert Bissey, Les Blyth, Richard Bomar, Marion L. (Mickey) Burn, Jr., Betty Carpenter (living), Thomas Figliorelli, Sr., Jane Finnerty, Joan & Edward Finnerty, Roy Fox, Demetrio & Filomena Gonzales, A. Patrick Hiott, Donald Hiott, Catherine B. Hurley, James J. Hurley, William Kenneth Johnson, Arthur P. Jones, Rebecca L. Jones, Brenda Kinard, Johnny Kinard, Mary Ann Lilienthal, Monique Lucas, Bernard Maginn, Patty & Mike Mikell, Beth Albenesius Mullen, Chuck Parker, Sr., Julie Hardy Santuk, Winfield & Marguerite Scott, Hugo Tezza, M/M Joseph M. Tezza (Wedding Anniv., June 10), George & Caronell Thomy, Lee & Ella Nora Welcker, Ron L. Welcker, and Lucille Zwingmann.

is the opportunity to exhort our people to practical action on behalf of the defense of life. When one life


is saved, that brings into the world all the good that individual will do, and all the children that individual will have. (


1 Kings (Reyes) 21:1-16 Matthew (Mateo) 5:38-42


1 Kings (Reyes) 21:17-29 Matthew (Mateo) 5:43-48


2 Kings (Reyes) 2:1, 6-14 Matthew (Mateo) 6:1-6, 16-18


Sirach (Siracides) 48:1-14 Matthew (Mateo) 6:7-15


2 Kings (Reyes) 11:1-20 Matthew (Mateo) 6:19:23


2 Chronicles (Cronicas) 24:17-25 Matthew (Mateo) 6:24-34


Isaiah (Isaias) 49:1-6 Luke (Lucas) 1:57-66, 80

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