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blanco independent school district

... and school-related activities, including school-sponsored travel, and for any .... parent cannot produce any document that explains the absence or they present.
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BLANCO INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 2019-2020 STUDENT-PARENT HANDBOOK STUDENT CODE OF CONDUCT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF ELECTRONIC DISTRIBUTION My child and I are responsible for reading, understanding, and abiding by the Student Code of Conduct and the Blanco ISD Student-Parent Handbook which includes Student Accident Insurance information, the Internet Acceptable User Policy and Consent. I understand that I am responsible for accessing the information electronically at unless otherwise noted.

I accept responsibility for accessing the Student-Parent Handbook and the Student Code of Conduct by visiting the Web address listed above. I understand and consent to the responsibilities outlined in the District's Code of Student Conduct. I also understand and agree that my child will be held accountable for the behavior and consequences outlined in the Code of Student Conduct at school and at school-sponsored and school-related activities, including school-sponsored travel, and for any school-related misconduct, regardless of time or location. I understand that any student who violates the Student Code of Conduct is subject to disciplinary action, up to and including referral for criminal prosecution for violations of law. _____________________________________________________ Student's Name (Please Print) Grade _____________________________________________________ Date Parent/Guardian Name (Please Print)

NOTICE TO STUDENTS AND PARENTS REGARDING DRUG-FREE SCHOOLS The Blanco Independent School District believes that student use of alcohol and illicit drugs is both wrong and harmful. Consequently, the district has established a code of student conduct that prohibits the use, sale, possession, and distribution of alcohol, illicit drugs, and drug paraphernalia, by students on school premises or as part of any school activity, regardless of its location. Compliance with this code of conduct is mandatory, and students shall be disciplined if they are found to have violated this code of conduct. The District's policies and its Discipline Management Plan provide a range of disciplinary sanctions for alcohol and drugrelated offenses. Students may be suspended for up to three school days or expelled for a period of time not to exceed one calendar year; in addition, they may be referred to appropriate law enforcement officials for criminal prosecution. Procedural requirements for the imposition of suspension and expulsion are set out in the district's policies at FOA, FOA(L), FOD, and FOD(L). The principal of your school will be glad to provide you access to or a copy of these policies. Depending on the nature and severity of a drug or alcohol-related offense, a student may be required to complete an appropriate rehabilitation program either in lieu of or in addition to other school discipline. The principal or counselor of your school can provide you with information about rehabilitation and re-entry programs that are available in our community or within reasonable access of our community. "My child and I have read the district's notice regarding drug-free schools and understand that my child will be subject to school discipline and possibly to criminal prosecution if he/she is found to have violated the district's code of student conduct, which prohibits the use, possession, sale, or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol on school premises or at any school activity."


I understand that Blanco ISD is not responsible for payment of any medical expenses associated with a student’s injury, and I have been made aware of the optional, low-cost accident insurance that the district makes available for parents. Blanco ISD does provide student accident insurance for students participating in any school sponsored UIL event in grades 7-12.


Blanco ISD policy allows students to have access to the Internet for educational purposes. Your signature on the acknowledgment form of this handbook indicates that you have read and agree to all rules governing the usage of Blanco ISD computer facilities.


Texas law requires parent notification of the following: The Texas school attendance law requires that a student between the ages of 6 and 18, or if enrolled in pre-kindergarten or kindergarten, to attend school each school day for the entire class period of instruction. If a student is absent from school for 10 or more days or parts of days within a 6-month period or 3 or more days or parts of days within a 4-week period, the parent and/or student are subject to legal prosecution.

_____________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature Date

_______________________________________ Student Signature Date


​2019 – 2020 Formulario de manual de padres de estudiante Reconocimiento de la distribución electrónica

Mi hijo(a) y yo somos responsables de leer, entender y cumplir con el Manual de Padres y Estudiantes de Blanco ISD, que incluye información sobre el Seguro de Accidentes de Estudiantes, el Código de Conducta del Estudiante, la Política de Usuario Aceptable de Internet y el Consentimiento. A mi hijo(a) y mí se nos ha ofrecido la opción de recibir una copia en papel o acceder electrónicamente a He elegido:

Acepte la responsabilidad de acceder al Manual del Estudiante-Padres y del Código de Conducta del Estudiante visitando la dirección Web mencionada anteriormente. Yo entiendo y consiento las responsabilidades descritas en el Código de Conducta Estudiantil del Distrito. También entiendo y estoy de acuerdo en que mi hijo/a será responsable por el comportamiento y las consecuencias descritas en el Código de Conducta Estudiantil en la escuela y en actividades patrocinadas por la escuela y relacionadas con la escuela, incluyendo viajes patrocinados por la escuela y por cualquier mala conducta relacionada con la escuela, independientemente de la hora y el lugar. Entiendo que cualquier estudiante que viole el Código de Conducta del Estudiante está sujeto a medidas disciplinarias, hasta e incluyendo la remisión para procesamiento criminal por violaciones a la ley.

_____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________ Nombre de estudiante (Favor de escribir) Nivel de grado Nombre de padre/tutor(a) (Favor de escribir) Fecha AVISO A LOS ESTUDIANTES Y PADRES CON RESPECTO A LAS ESCUELAS SIN DROGAS El Distrito Escolar Independiente de Blanco cree que el uso de alcohol y drogas ilícitas por parte de los estudiantes es malo y dañino. Por consiguiente, el distrito ha establecido un código de conducta estudiantil que prohíbe el uso, venta, posesión y distribución de alcohol, drogas ilícitas y parafernalia de drogas, por parte de los estudiantes en las instalaciones escolares o como parte de cualquier actividad escolar, independientemente de su ubicación. El cumplimiento de este código de conducta es obligatorio y los estudiantes serán disciplinados si se descubre que han violado este código de conducta. Las políticas del Distrito y su Plan de Manejo Disciplinario proveen una variedad de sanciones disciplinarias para delitos relacionados con el alcohol y las drogas. Los estudiantes pueden ser suspendidos por hasta tres días escolares o expulsados por un período de tiempo que no exceda un año civil; además, pueden ser remitidos a los funcionarios de aplicación de la ley apropiados para el enjuiciamiento criminal. Los requisitos de procedimiento para la imposición de suspensión y expulsión se establecen en las políticas del distrito en FOA, FOA (L), FOD, y FOD (L). El/la directora/a de su escuela estará disponible proporcionarle acceso o una copia de estas políticas. Dependiendo de la naturaleza y gravedad de una droga o delito relacionado con el alcohol, un estudiante puede ser requerido para completar un programa de rehabilitación apropiado en lugar de o en adición a otra disciplina escolar. El director o consejero de su escuela puede proveerle información sobre programas de rehabilitación y reingreso que están disponibles en nuestra comunidad o dentro del acceso razonable de nuestra comunidad. "Mi hijo(a) y yo hemos leído el aviso del distrito con respecto a las escuelas libres de drogas y entendemos que mi hijo(a) estará sujeto a la disciplina escolar y posiblemente a procesamiento criminal si se descubre que ha violado el código de conducta estudiantil del distrito, que prohíba el uso, posesión, venta o distribución de drogas ilícitas y alcohol en las instalaciones escolares o en cualquier actividad escolar”.


Entiendo que Blanco ISD no es responsable del pago de los gastos médicos asociados con la lesión de un estudiante, y he sido informado/a del seguro de accidentes opcional y de bajo costo que el distrito pone a disposición de los padres. Blanco ISD provee seguro de accidente estudiantil para los estudiantes que participan en cualquier evento UIL patrocinado por la escuela en los grados 7-12. TECNOLOGÍA ESTUDIANTIL Y CONSENTIMIENTO DE INTERNET Y POLÍTICA DE USO ACEPTABLE La política de Blanco ISD permite a los estudiantes tener acceso a Internet con fines educativos. Su firma en el formulario afirma que recibio de este manual indica que ha leído y está de acuerdo con todas las reglas que rigen el uso de las instalaciones informáticas de Blanco ISD. AVISO INICIAL DE ASISTENCIA

La ley de Texas requiere que los padres notifiquen lo siguiente: La ley de asistencia escolar de Texas requiere que un estudiante entre las edades de 6 y 18 años, o si está matriculado en un pre - kínder, a asistir a la escuela cada día escolar durante todo el período de instrucción. Si un estudiante está ausente de la escuela por 10 o más días o partes de días dentro de un período de 6 meses o 3 o más días o partes de días dentro de un período de 4 semanas, el padre y / o estudiante están sujetos a procesamiento legal. ___________________________________ Firma de padre/tutor(a) Fecha

_______________________________________ Firma de estudiante Fecha


I hereby give consent for my son/daughter to travel with the coach/sponsor/representative of any school-sponsored field trip or University Interscholastic League event. This will serve as permission for any School-sponsored trip for the 2019-2020 school year. In the event of illness or accident, the district’s representatives may obtain any Medical assistance they deem necessary. Furthermore, in case of an emergency, I give the district’s representatives permission to act on my behalf to ensure the safety of my child.

Parent’s/Guardian’s Signature

Emergency Telephone Number(s) Allergies or Medication:



Por la presente doy mi consentimiento a mi hijo / a ________________________ Para viajar con el entrenador / patrocinador / representante de cualquier viaje de campo patrocinado por la escuela o evento de la Liga Interscolástica de la Universidad. Esto servirá como permiso para cualquier viaje patrocinado por la Escuela para el año escolar 2019-2020.

En caso de enfermedad o accidente, los representantes del distrito pueden obtener  asistencia médica que consideren necesaria. Además, en caso de emergencia, doy  permiso a los representantes del distrito para que actúen en mi nombre para garantizar  la seguridad de mi hijo.  ________________________ Firma del Padre / Tutor

_____________________ Fecha

________________________________ Número (s) de teléfono de emergencia Alergias o Medicamentos: ______________________________


IT’S THE LAW! Unless specifically exempted by Section 25.086 a child who is at least six years of age, or who is younger than six years of age and has previously been enrolled in the first grade, and who has not yet reached the child’s 19th birthday shall attend school. -WHEN IS A STUDENT IN VIOLATION OF THE COMPULSORY ATTENDANCE LAW? A student who has 10 unexcused absences in a 6 month time period is determined to be in violation of the Compulsory Attendance Law. -WHAT HAPPENS IF A STUDENT/PARENT ARE IN VIOLATION OF THE COMPULSORY ATTENDANCE LAW? Parents are subject to a trial in a Civil Court for contributing to non-attendance under Section 25.093 TEC * If their student has 10 or more days of unexcused absences within a 6-month period, * This includes “parts of days”; arriving at or after 8:15am or departing at or before 3:10pm without valid documentation. Secondary students are also subject to referral to a truancy court under Section 65.003 (a) Family Code if they have: * 10 or more days of unexcused absences within a 6-month period, * This includes “parts of days”; arriving at or after 10 minutes from the tardy bell to class without valid documentation. -WHAT IS AN UNEXCUSED ABSENCE? An unexcused absence is an absence that does not fall within the state or district guidelines (see excused absences). An unexcused absences also occurs when the parent cannot produce any document that explains the absence or they present documentation that does not meet district criteria. -WHAT IS A VERIFIED OR ‘EXCUSED’ ABSENCE? The following are approved district absences (if documented): * Religious Holy Days * Required court appearances * Activities related to obtaining U.S. Citizenship * Serving as an election clerk * Health-Care appointments * Mental-Health or Therapy appointments * Students in Conservatorship of DFPS * Court-Ordered family visitations In addition, a junior or senior student’s absence of up to two days related to visiting a college or university will be considered an exemption, provided the student receives approval from the campus principal, follows the campus procedures to verify such a visit and makes up any work missed. Absences of up to two days in a school year will also be considered an exemption for a student serving as an early voting clerk, provided the student notifies his or her teachers and receives approval from the principal prior to the absences. As listed at Accommodations for Children of Military Families, Absences of up to five days will be excused for a student to visit with a parent, stepparent, or legal guardian who has been called for duty or, is on leave from or immediately returned from certain deployments.

FOR ADDITIONAL INFO, CALL BLANCO MIDDLE SCHOOL: BES: (830) 833- 4338 BMS: (830) 833- 5570 BHS: (830) 833- 4337

BISD Compulsory Attendance and Acknowledgement 2019-2020

Student’s Legal Name:




Address: Campus:


Student ID Number:

Social Security Number:


Please sign the acknowledgment form below, and return the signed original to your child’s school. If you have any questions, you may contact the school your child is attending.

Acknowledgement I have received information governing Compulsory Attendance. My signature is only an acknowledgement that I have received this notice. Name of Parent//Guardian (Please Print):

Home Phone:

Work Phone:

Signature of Parent/Guardian:

Signature of Student



This form is to be completed and returned to the campus upon receipt of Compulsory Attendance Acknowledgement form. The campus will maintain this form for future reference.