bemus Papam

Gran salto de fe de una dentista desde el tratamiento de los dientes en El Salvador hacia la enseñanza del catecismo en Kansas. Karla Melgar abandonó la.
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bemus Papam

Celebran mitin de inmigr (Photo by ANSA/Maurizio Brambatti)

rge Bergoglio llamado para 

The new Pope: Jorge Bergoglio

 ?     % Argentinean called to lead Catholic Church 7 [[Q       By Lilia Garcia Jimenez    V    fter the second day of the conclave e Bergoglio. Él será conocido gathering, 115 Cardinals elected cisco I. 2A> the new leader of the Catholic Church: 2A>


Gran salto de fe de una dentista desde el       tratamiento de los dientes en El Salvador leap of faith from hacia la enseñanza del catecismo en Kansas t r e a t i n g t e e t h arla Melgar abandonó la in El Salvador to Odontología para emigrar y teaching catechism +   +  (  + +  %")5 in Kansas


 #  &  +    fueron heredados de sus padres—Rosa & ;*

By Edie R. Lambert

arla Melgar K abandoned dentistry to emigrate and raise a family. Faith was the vehicle.  strong belief is inherited from her parents, Rosa and Jose, and 6A>

ra por terminar el GED

pre un diploma de preparatoria que o solamente algunas secciones arrollo dde Educación General

Race is on to finish GED

Organización protesta en contra de las propuestas antiinmigración de Kansas

Immigration ra

Organization prote

os inmigrantes indocumentados en Kansas K a n s a s a n t i - i m están preocupados por dos propuestas relacionadas con la inmigración que están siendo proposals impulsadas por el secretario de Estado Kris Kobach. By Lilia Garcia Jimenez Movido por sus preocupaciones, Acción ndocumented immig             are concerned about            related proposals being pus las propuestas – SB 140 y HB 2192 – podrían of State Kris Kobach. afectar al estado si son aprobadas.     




Una portadora de la antorcha para preparar a la juventud para los roles de liderazgo del mañana


a fundadora de Latinos    - $  /5655!7    8* : &  ) por los antiguos sabios que propusieron que la %  7   7 la bondad y la


A torchbearer for pri    By Edie R. Lambert

atinos of Tomorrow L Cristal Perez-Toray ancient sages who posited th

goodness and unity are the greatness and there truly are sions of leadership. The g a favorite tome – If Aristo Motors. “It’s one of the books that to go into youth developmen A trailblazer at every post      her sense of service, commu and expresses her love of Je

“Helping people know and build (a) relationship with God and seeing kids discover God through the experience they have in catechesis,” are the best parts of her job, Melgar said, “and seeing families come together at church.” Sometimes, the most rewarding moments come from a summons to Melgar’s faith. A youngster,       !     "  the sacrament. He didn’t believe in God, he told Melgar. “I understood why he felt that,” Melgar said. “He was exploring.”         !  active in the church. “To see the change in that youth was very powerful,” Melgar said. Melgar’s parents and her two brothers live in rla y sus dos hermanos viven en San Salvador, where Melgar was born and raised. ella nació y se crió. Sus cuatro Her four children attend Holy Cross School. Asked whether she plans to return to dentistry  >&  5       w ) someday, Melgar said: “I’m happy with what I’m V =& +   doing. I don’t know what God has for me to do I *  F    ) in the future.”

iente tan familiar desde el 2008 5      &  &  s y ver a los niños descubrir a Dios  F     Fk7 su trabajo, comentó, “y ver a las     k5   '  #  de la fe de Karla. Recientemente,             5 I  )  5 =)  F* ) 5 { 5 %  #  & " '   5  ?% + &  k7

alk: Chavez

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ay una lenta F* stado.   … las nales "'% … para do se I    '   ?   ! F

patriot Simon Bolivar. Others think there is no way of comparison with Bolivar. News reports state that around 50 percent of the people in Venezuela have suffered because of Chavez’s death and the other 50 percent have been respectful, but are happy because they think support for the Chavez movement (Chavismo) will die. We at Dos Mundos recently asked our readers if they thought Chavez’s death would improve the situation in Venezuela or make it worse. Here are their answers. “Here’s my theory: I believe he died before it was made known – maybe a few days, maybe a week – but either way, it was covered up. In that way, the Cuban government, along with the Socialist Union Party in Venezuela, can plan their next move. You’ll see in the next few months. It’s already set in action, if all goes according to Fidel. “(Because of) Castro’s schemes, things for Venezuela will become even sadder.” – Gresia Cabrera – “I think it is good he has died, but it is going to take some time for Venezuela to improve…. For now, (the) people who loved him are victimizing him. I think in the future there are better things to come.” – Marta Ramirez –

“In Venezuela, there is a violent uncertainty because no one knows who is going to be the head of state. The National Assembly omitted once … constitutional laws when they allowed Chavez to swear … (in for) the presidency when he was in Cuba. No one knows if Diosdado Cabello or Nicolas Maduro will take on the presidential chair that Chavez left two months ago (due to his illness)       / “The opposition in Venezuela is waiting for new n en presidential elections within the next (few) days.

 7      ! denciales nuevas en los próximos the National Assembly. These days have been days  '      of national mourning – and the country has been  I  5  )  "   paralyzed.”  W &   ) "    k5 – Carlos Beltran – – Carlos Beltrán –

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/   %            "       _   & _  5 -         /  6       &7 ayudó a iniciar el Senado Estudiantil y sirvió como embajadora estudiantil.  +         +) 5           % &    $ &       ^  5 =/           F        7   F     k7 5 =    +  ‘la universidad de la vida’. Me volví en mi propia %  k5   7           & F     5   +     %   [} $5