Alma Belen Partida-‐Ortega, Sandra Nora González-‐Díaz, Alfredo Arias-‐Cruz, Alejandra Macías-‐Weinmann, Olga Patricia Monge-‐Ortega, Lissette Ramos-‐Valencia, Carlos Macouzet Sánchez, Jesús Arturo Ibarra-‐Chávez, Cindy de Lira-‐Quezada, Rosa Ivett Guzmán-‐Avilán Autonomous University of Nuevo Leon, University Hospital "Dr. José Eleuterio González", Regional Center of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, Monterrey, Nuevo León, México.
Asthma patients show lower exercise tolerance. The 6 minutes walk test (6MWD) assesses the functional capacity (FC). Physical activity elevates scores on the physical self-‐perception questionnaire (PSPQ).
METHOD Six to seventeen year old girls and boys were included in two groups: asthmatic patients and healthy subjects. PSPQ was applied and Vital signs and peak expiratory flow were measured at the beginning and the end of 6MWD.
RESULTS Fifty-‐eight patients were included. 55.2% were male and mean age was 10.6 ± 3.1 years. In the asthmatic group, the distance walked was 456.31 ± 48.73 meters for boys, and 455.74 ± 61.29 meters for girls (p=0.28). In the control group, the distance covered was 465.98 ± 58.04 for boys, and 471.43 ± 51.95 meters for girls (p=0.35). There was no difference in the meters walked between asthma and control groups (p=0.23). We did not find association between the body mass index (BMI) with the distance walked (p=0.53), and the Pearson correlation p = -‐0445. In boys, the FC was positively associated with general physical self-‐perception and PSPQ variables: fitness, physical attractiveness, and strength (p=0.02 and p=0.04 respectively).
Comparison of distance traveled by patients with asthma in different studies.
CONCLUSIONS There was no significant difference in the distance covered between the two groups. The main impact factor was the BMI with an inverse relationship to the distance traveled. Boys have a best physical self-‐perception that is positively associated with FC.
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