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beeville independent school district 2019-2020 school

1 may. 2019 - ... by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended; Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972; and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation.
602KB Größe 4 Downloads 0 vistas

1st Grade

2nd Grade

3rd Grade

4th Grade

5th Grade

6th – 12th Grades

1 pkg. #2 Pencils 1 primary journal

#2 Pencils (4pkgs.) 2 pkgs. wide ruled notebook paper 2-8oz. bottles glue

#2 Pencils (4pkgs.) 2 pkgs. wide ruled notebook paper 1-8oz. bottles glue

#2 Pencils (3pkgs.) 2 pkgs. wide ruled notebook paper 2-8oz. bottles glue

#2 Pencils (2pkgs.) 2 pkgs. wide ruled notebook paper 1-8oz. bottles glue

#2 Pencils (2pkgs.) 2 pkgs. wide ruled notebook paper 1-8oz. bottles glue

8-Jumbo Glue Sticks 2-Boxes 24 count Crayons 1-Set Watercolors

4 Glue Sticks 2-Boxes 24 count Crayons 2 Red checking pens

4 Glue Sticks 2-Boxes 24 count Crayons 2 Red checking pens

2 Large Glue Sticks 1 Box 24 count Crayons 2 Red checking pens

2 Large Glue Sticks 1 Box 24 count Crayons 2 Red checking pens

#2 Pencils (4pkgs.) * 2 pkgs. wide ruled notebook paper 1 Pkg. Mechanical Pencils 4 Large Glue Sticks 1 Box 24 count Crayons

1 Box Colored Pencils 1-$1 Earbuds School Box

1 Box Colored Pencils 1-$1 Earbuds 1 zippered pencil pouch 1 Pkg. Pencil top erasers 1 Block Eraser 1 pkg. Expo Markers 1 Box Washable Markers Scissors-Blunt Tip 3 Boxes Facial Tissue 1 Pkg. Multi-color construction paper 1 Pkg. Manilla Paper

1 Box Colored Pencils 1-$1 Earbuds 1 zippered pencil pouch 1 Pkg. Pencil top erasers 1 Block Eraser 4 Blk. Expo Markers 1 Box Washable Markers Scissors-Blunt Tip 2 Boxes Facial Tissue 1 Pkg. Multi-color construction paper 1 Pkg. Manilla Paper 2 Composition notebooks 6 vinyl folders w/brads & pockets

1 Box Colored Pencils 1-$1 Earbuds 1 zippered pencil pouch 1 Pkg. Pencil top erasers 1 Block Eraser

1 Box Colored Pencils 1-$1 Earbuds 1 zippered pencil pouch 1 Pkg. Pencil top erasers 1 Block Eraser

1 Box Washable Markers Scissors-Blunt Tip 2 Boxes Facial Tissue 1 Pkg. Multi-color construction paper 1 Pkg. Manilla Paper 2 Composition notebooks 6 vinyl folders w/brads & pockets

1 Box Washable Markers Scissors-Blunt Tip 2 Boxes Facial Tissue 1 Pkg. Multi-color construction paper 1 Pkg. Manilla Paper 5 Composition notebooks 5 vinyl folders w/brads & pockets

Antibacterial Wipes 1 Box Ziploc bags Boys – gallon Girls – quart 3 - Spiral notebooks, 70 sheets

Antibacterial Wipes 1 Box Ziploc bags Boys – gallon Girls – quart 3- one subject spiral notebook

2-8oz. bottles glue 12-2oz Glue Sticks 2-Boxes 24 count Crayons

Mat – Pre K Only School Box 1 Pkg. Pencil top erasers 1 Block Eraser Markers -1 Box Wide Tip Washable Scissors-Blunt Tip 3 Boxes Facial Tissue 1 Pkg. Multi-color construction paper 1 Pkg. Manilla Paper

6 vinyl folders w/brads & pockets

Antibacterial Wipes 1 Box Ziploc bags Boys – gallon Girls - quart 4-spiral notebooks

1 Pkg. Pencil top erasers 2 Block Erasers 4 dry erase markers 1 Box Washable Markers Scissors-Blunt Tip 3 Boxes Facial Tissue 1 Pkg. Multi-color construction paper 1 Pkg. Manilla Paper 1-1 ½” binder w/pockets 5 vinyl folders w/brads & pockets 1-backpack (no wheels)

4 vinyl folders w/brads & pockets Green, red, blue & orange

Antibacterial Wipes 1 gallon & 1 quart boxes freezer Ziploc bags 4 - Spiral notebooks, 70 sheets

Antibacterial Wipes 1 Box Ziploc bags Boys – gallon Girls - quart 4 - Spiral notebooks, 70 sheets

*1 pkg. Pens-Black/ Blue

2 Red checking pens 2 Box Colored Pencils *1 pencil bag 1 Pkg. Pencil top erasers 1 Block Eraser 1 Box Washable Markers Scissors, Pointed 1 Pkg. Index Cards *1-USB Flash Drive *5 Composition notebooks *8 Folders w/ Brads & Pockets

1 pkg. sheet protectors

Antibacterial Wipes 1 Box Ziploc bags boys – gallon girls – quart 5 - Spiral notebooks, 70 sheets

Antibacterial Wipes 1-Box-Gallon Baggies

*3- one subject spiral 1-3 subject spiral

*DENOTES GRADES 9-12 ONLY Hints: Purchase only the supplies that are listed. Replenish the student's supplies as they are needed. Label student's name on all supplies. Purchase supplies with wholesome type pictures rather than violent ones. All pencils purchased should have #2 lead. Some campuses may require additional supplies; please ask your child's teacher. It is the policy of the Beeville ISD not to discriminate on the basis of age, race, religion, color, national origin, sex or handicap in its vocational programs, services or activities as required by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended; Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972; and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended. Beeville ISD no descrimina por motivos de edad, raza, religion, color, origen natal, sexo o necesidades especiales (incapacidades) en sus programas, servicios o actividades vocacionales, tal como lo requieren el Tίtulo VI de lay Ley de Derechos Civiles de 1964, segύn enmienda; el Tίtulo IX de las Emmiendas de la Educaciόn, de 1972, y la Secciόn de la Ley de Rehabilitaciόn de 1973, segύn enmienda.

Updated: 5/01/2019