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BAPTISM GODPARENT COVENANT As a Godparent, your role is to
You are called to reflect with your ... You may not be the parent of the person being baptized; you ... Name of parish and city where Baptism is to take place: ... Estoy activo en la Iglesia Católica, regularmente acudo a Misa los domingos y me.
BAPTISM GODPARENT COVENANT As a Godparent, your role is to be an example to the godchild. You are called to reflect with your godchild the meaning of life of Catholic discipleship. The Code of Canon Law (Church Law) specifies the requirements for serving as a Godparent (Canon 874). You may not be the parent of the person being baptized; you must be at least 16 years old; you must be fully initiated (Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist); if married, be in valid Catholic marriage; and live a life of active faith in the Catholic Church. I understand the requirements of being a Baptism godparent and I state that I was baptized: at ______________________________________________________________Church in __________________________________________________________ (City and State) and Confirmed: at ______________________________________________________ Catholic Church in _________________________________________________________ (City and State)
My godchild’s name is:___________________________________________________ Name of parish and city where Baptism is to take place: _______________________________________City____________________________ I am active in the Catholic Church, regularly attend Mass on Sunday and strive to live my faith. Please print your Name_________________________________________________________________
CONVENIO PADRINO DE BAUTISMO Como Padrino, su papel debe representar un ejemplo para el ahijado. Usted es llamado a reflexionar junto con el niño que será bautizado el significado de la vida como discípulo católico. El Código de la Ley Canónica (Ley de la Iglesia) especifica los requerimientos para fungir como Padrino (Ley 874). Usted no puede ser el padre de la persona que será bautizada; usted debe tener al menos 16 años de edad y estar completamente iniciado en la Iglesia (Bautizo, Confirmación y Primera Comunión). Sí usted es casado, debe haber contraído matrimonio por la Iglesia y haber vivido activamente su fe en la Iglesia Católica. Estoy enterado de los requerimientos para ser padrino de Bautismo y declaro que fui bautizado:
En la Iglesia ___________________________________________________________ de
________________________________________________________ (Ciudad y Estado) y Confirmado: en la Iglesia Católica ______________________________________________________
________________________________________________________ (Ciudad y Estado).
El nombre de mi ahijado es: _________________________________________________ Nombre de la parroquia y ciudad donde se va a llevar a cabo el Bautismo: _______________________________________________________________________ Estoy activo en la Iglesia Católica, regularmente acudo a Misa los domingos y me esfuerzo por vivir mi fe.
Por favor escriba su Nombre_________________________________________________________________
CONFIRMATION SPONSOR COVENANT As a Confirmation sponsor, your role is to be an example to your Confirmation candidate. You are called to reflect with the candidate on the meaning of a life of Catholic discipleship. The Code of Canon Law (Church Law) specifies the requirements for serving as a sponsor at Confirmation (Canon 893) are the same as those for godparents at Baptism (Canon 874): You may not be the parent of the person being confirmed; you must be at least 16 years old; you must be fully initiated (Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist); if married, be in valid Catholic marriage; and live a life of active faith in the Catholic Church. I understand the requirements of being a Confirmation sponsor and I state that I was baptized: at ______________________________________________________________Church in __________________________________________________________ (City and State) and Confirmed: at ______________________________________________________ Catholic Church in _________________________________________________________ (City and State)
My candidate’s name is:_________________________________________________ Name of parish and city where Confirmation is to take place: _____________________________________________________City_______________ I am active in the Catholic Church, regularly attend Mass on Sunday and strive to live my faith. Please print your Name_______________________________________________________________
CONVENIO PADRINO DE CONFIRMACION Como padrino de Confirmación, su papel debe constituirse en un ejemplo para la persona que será confirmada. Usted es llamado a reflexionar junto con el candidato sobre el significado de la vida como discípulo católico. El Código de la Ley Canónica (Ley de la Iglesia) especifica los requerimientos para fungir como padrino de Confirmación (Ley 893), los cuales son similares a los padrinos de Bautismo (Ley 874). Usted no puede ser el padre de la persona que va a confirmarse; usted debe tener al menos 16 años de edad y estar completamente iniciado en la Iglesia (Bautizo, Confirmación y Primera Comunión). Sí usted es casado, debe haber contraído matrimonio por la Iglesia y haber vivido activamente su fe en la Iglesia Católica. Estoy enterado de los requerimientos para ser padrino de confirmación y declaro que fui bautizado: En la Iglesia ___________________________________________________________ de
________________________________________________________ (Ciudad y Estado) y Confirmado: en la Iglesia Católica ______________________________________________________
________________________________________________________ (Ciudad y Estado). Mi candidato es__________________________________________________________ Nombre de la parroquia y ciudad donde se va a llevar a cabo la Confirmación: _______________________________________________________________________ Estoy activo en la Iglesia Católica, regularmente acudo a Misa los domingos y me esfuerzo por vivir mi fe.
Por favor escriba su Nombre_________________________________________________________________
(City and State). Confirmed: at. Catholic Church in. (City and State) ... Name of parish and city where Baptism is to take place: I am active in the Catholic Church, ...
This document sets out "Your Rights as a Customer" for the purchase of ... all associated charges, and obtain your authorization to place those charges on your bill. ... If you prefer to read your own meter, please contact the TDSP in your area for .
congregation on the day of your baptism/membership presentation. ... of the congregation can be a scary thing for many people, we believe it will make our ...
Complaint Resolution: Prior to initiating any formal dispute resolution process, we both agree to try to resolve any dispute .... de carga crítica. Para ser designado como cliente industrial de carga crítica, el cliente deberá notificar al TDU. La el
you who can play a similar role now in your Confirmation as your sponsor? DEEPER QUESTIONS (for your child to answer with your help). 1. Have you seen a ...
while serving on active duty. ⢠Is or ever has been in foster care. ⢠The child of a police officer, firefighter, or emergency medical responder seriously injured or ...
be taken in order to avoid disconnection. ... authorized release of proprietary customer information to law enforcement agencies, energy assistance agencies, ...
Energy cannot resolve your issue to your satisfaction, you are entitled to file a complaint with the PUCT. Mailing Address: Public Utility Commission of Texas PO Box 13326 Austin, Texas 78711-3326. Toll Free: 1.888.782.8477 Fax: 512.936.7003 TTY: 512
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otherwise the Chronic Condition Residential Customer designation is effective for 90 days. ... Tara Energy does not support the practice of slamming and.
your satisfaction, you are entitled to request a management review of your issue with Champion Energy. .... business on the day the bill is due you will have ten (10) days from the date of the disconnection notice to pay your account balance. .... of
You have the right to choose your REP – A retail electric provider (“REP”) .... If your service has been disconnected, you have the right to have it restored – If your ...
If Champion Energy's customer care center fails to resolve the issue to .... Before any new charges are included on your electric bill, Champion Energy or any ...
SMP 10.28.2016. Cliente residencial de atención crítica o afección crónica cliente residencial : Usted tiene derecho a solicitar la designación como una "crítica.
family sports, and daily routines. Activities like these will contribute to your child's academic achievement at school. 14. DROP IN ON. AFTER SCHOOL OR.
Remember, when parents get involved and stay involved, all ... about your child's day. Know what ... your child prepared for school each day with pens, pencils ...
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If you register via phone or mail, there is a registration fee not to exceed five dollars per term. Payment can be made by MasterCard, Visa, money order or check.
If you are on an electric service product other than a prepaid electric service product you may have the right to receive a level or average payment plan – REPs ...
informes de crédito con respecto a la parte disputada de la factura. El cliente debe .... municipalidad o de la cooperativa de electricidad. x. Existe evidencia del ...