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Saturday, 22 of April, 2017. 9:30-12:00 @ Balsz School in the. Cafeteria 4309 E. Belleview St. Phoenix, AZ 85008. Contact: Judy Butzine, MSW.
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BALSZ PROMISE NEIGHBORHOOD YOUTH ADVISORY COUNCIL The Fifth Annual Community Wellness and Celebration Event

*Many FUN Art Making activities *Food and drink


from multiple social service agencies

*Dedication of the Peace Pole and Taiko Drumming by BALSZ NJHS youth!

*NJHS are the hosts presenting their trifold posters addressing everyone’s U.N. Human Rights * Health organizations will be on site to assist you with resources for your physical needs *Representative from Councilperson Gallego’s office & local Police Precinct Officers

Saturday, 22 of April, 2017

EVENT FREE to All Families!

9:30-12:00 @ Balsz School in the Cafeteria 4309 E. Belleview St. Phoenix, AZ 85008 Contact: Judy Butzine, MSW [email protected] BPN Youth Advisory Council Office: (602) 375-9553

Please come: Balsz School-National Junior Honor Society, NOAH, Fresh Start Women’s Resource Center, Cultural Arts Coalition, Southwest Human Development, Mountain Park Health Center, Desert Schools Credit Union, Griffith SchoolDestination Graduation, Valle del Sol, Saguaro Library and many more!


BALSZ PROMISE NEIGHBORHOOD YOUTH ADVISORY COUNCIL The Fifth Annual Wellness Celebration for the Community

Actividades de Arte

Recursos para la comunidad

Organizaciones de Apoyo

Dedicación de Poste de la paz Comida y Refrescos Narración de Cuentos & Libros Gratis

Actividades de Acondicionamiento Físico Musica de tambor japan

Sábado, 22 de Abril de 2017 ¡EVENTO FAMILIAR GRATIS!

9:30-12:00 Escuela Balsz en la Cafeteria 4309 E. Belleview Street Phoenix, AZ 85008 Contacto: Judy Butzine, MSW BPN Youth Advisory Council [email protected] 602 375-9553

Patrocinado por: Balsz School/National Junior Honor Society, Fresh Start Women’s Resource Center , NOAH, Cultural Arts Coalition, Desert Schools Credit Union, Southwest Human Development, Mountain Park Health Center, Griffith School-Destination Graduation, Valle del Sol, Saguaro Library y muchos más!