April 2

Lectors: C. Murphy, M.A. Roberts. Sacristan: K. ... Greeters: C. Hetchler, K. Kopesky, P. O'Gorman ..... raising from the dead that we all hope to experience, but it.
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Fifth Sunday of Lent

APRIL 2, 2017

St. Joseph Campus: 1310 Mainstreet, Hopkins St. John Campus (Parish Office): 6 Interlachen Road, Hopkins 55343 Phone: (952) 935-5536 Website: www.stgabrielhopkins.org Fax: (952) 938-2724 CONTACTS Parish Office .................... (952) 935-5536

CELEBRATION OF MASSES St. Joseph Campus Saturday ................................. 4:30pm Sunday ..................................... 8:30am Tue & Thu................................. 7:00am Morning Prayer & Rosary Mon, Wed, & Fri .................... 7:00am

St. John Campus Sunday .. 10:30am & 1:00pm (Hispanic) Wed, Fri & Sat ....................... 8:00am

SACRAMENTAL LIFE Eucharistic Adoration Chapel: Perpetual Adoration open 24 hours at St. Joseph Campus Baptism: Contact the office 2 months prior to Baptism to schedule the required preparation conference. Matrimony: Contact priest 12 months in advance of desired date.

Reconciliation (Private) St. Joseph Campus Saturday ............................... 3:30pm St. John Campus Saturday ......................... 8:30-9:30am Sunday .................................. 12:30pm


Contact Fr. Jim Liekhus . ................................... (952) 935-5536

Communion or BeFriender Visit

Contact the Parish Office ............................... (952) 935-5536

Parish Registration

Contact the Parish Office at ............................... (952) 935-5536

Bulletin Deadline Fridays at 12:00pm except for holidays (10 days before the date of bulletin publication.) email to: [email protected]

Parish Staff Pastor Fr. James Liekhus [email protected] Deacons Deacon Darrel Branch [email protected] Deacon Francis Tangney (952) 935-8530 [email protected] Business Administrator Beth Schorle [email protected] Director of Worship & Music Katie Schafer [email protected] Office Manager Martha Krawczak [email protected] Director of Youth Formation Cindy Novak [email protected] Pre-School Coordinator Kathleen Esh (952) 933-7610 [email protected] Custodian Ricardo Torres [email protected] Pastoral Council Members

Bridget Kanowitz Lynn Cases Luis Becerra Edali Mendez Therese Otten

Ed Bennett Bill Johnson Paul O’Gorman Jeff Ward

Notre Dame Academy www.nda-mn.org 13505 Excelsior Blvd Mtka MN 55345 Ginger Vance. Principal (952) 358-3500 email: [email protected]

Parish News LITURGICAL MINISTERS FOR APRIL 8/9 4:30 Mass at St. Joseph Campus Extraordinary Ministers: M. Banker, J. Jelinek, B. Johnson, L. Raphael, D. Specken, J. Specken, A. Tangney Lectors: C. Murphy, M.A. Roberts Sacristan: K. Jamison Greeters: S. Ebnet, M. Harrigan, R. Harrigan Servers: Katrina J. Usher: B. Johnson 8:30 Mass at St. Joseph Campus Extraordinary Ministers: A. Ames, M. Beckering, B. Clemen, J. Clemen, B. Lauzon, H. Lodermeier, R. Pantila Lectors: P. Bell, B. Kok Sacristan: P. Weinbender

10:30 Mass at St. John Campus Extraordinary Ministers: M. Dickinson, R. Fox, M. Goergen, B. McBride, A. Pravinata, G. Schiefert, M. Schiefert, G. Sicheneder, V. Sperrazza, B. Tangney, B. Tautin Lectors: S. Behnken, B. Martinka Sacristan: B. Tautin Greeters: C. Deinema, E. Deinema, M. Mayaka, J. Murungi, L. Williams, T. Williams Servers: Henry D., Hugh D., Peter M. Usher: W. Dunkley, B. Rottach Nursery: J. Milbert, K. Nordaune

DECORATING FOR PALM SUNDAY AND EASTER Volunteers are needed to help transform our sanctuaries from somber Lent to joyful Palm Sunday and then glorious Easter. If you would like to help, please join us at St. Joseph campus on Saturday, April 8 at 9:00am to decorate for Palm Sunday and on Saturday, April 15 at 9:00am to decorate for Easter.

Eucharistic Adoration will truly Change your Life!! The only certainty in life is the Love of God.

the times for which we need adorers are below.

We need volunteers to adore Our Lord on:

Monday, 11:00 pm Tuesday, 11:00pm Please consider joining our Wednesday, 2:00am community of adorers and Friday, 12:00am, 2:00am commit to one hour with Saturday, 3:00am our Lord. For information or to register to Come pray at the Chapel adore Our Lord, please call Barb: anytime (Chapel closed Midnight (952) 933-8423, Luis Becerra: (612) Saturday–Noon Sunday), but if you 600-6821, or Roberta: (952) 935are able to commit to a weekly hour, 1774 or [email protected]


Download Our New Parish App

Greeters: C. Hetchler, K. Kopesky, P. O’Gorman Servers: Iris C.. Usher: P. Ames

Registration forms are at both campuses. Adult and teen volunteers, or those with any questions, please ** HOLYWOOD STUDIOS ** Summer's contact Kathleen Esh at (952) 933Biggest Blockbuster! August 7-11 from 7610 (pm hours) or 9:00am - 3:00pm at St. Joseph [email protected]. All parish campus. New - Early bird deadline to children, NDA students and children in register is May 1. Cost goes up after our community are welcome - invite that and registrations accepted only if friends! space is available. So, register now! -


Parish News Dear Parishioners,

Please pray for those in nursing homes, the families of the sick, caregivers, the military and their families, and for the following: Rose Archer, Arlene Beers, Angeles Beltran, Nancy Bishop, Dr. Dennis Clifford, Mark Clifford, Jim Cole, Colleen Dickinson, Helen Eisel, Lucy Erhard, April Evans, Lyle Franke, George Fraser, Adrian Vela Garay, Fr. Ralph Goman, Ed Glassgow, Jimmy Gominsky, Lu Gragert, Ted Hagert, Amy Hennen, Rose Hennen, Dave Hesse, Bridget Higgins, Mary Jace, Jacob Jelinek, Lucille Jones, Luke Julien, Mary Lou Keller, Barb Kok, Gail Krieg, Ann Marie Larson, Ron Loeffler, Maria de Jesus Cuevas Lopez, Theresa Lucken, Pat Malinowski, Lisa McGlasson, Sandy Muschenheim, Anna Ames Phillips, Vicente Pulido, Bernie Reid, Mary Ann Roberts, Eugene Rohrbeck, Mardie Rydell, Marcella Samuelson, Loraine Schwinn, Mary Seurer, Viola Smetana, Sandy Sperrazza, Ranee Sulfridge, Dario Vizcarra Tapia, Olivia Turmes, Janelle VanLith, Geri VanLith, Mrs. John Vilipski, Matt Waters To add a name to the list, please notify the Parish Office. Because of the length of the list, names will be published for one month. Should you wish this extended, call the Parish Office. Thank you.

Have you ever wondered about the holy oils that we use for baptisms, confirmations, and anointing of the sick? What kind of oil is that? Can you buy it? If not, then where do you get it? The oil that we use is simply olive oil that has been blessed, although the sacred chrism that is used for confirmations, ordinations and baptisms also has balsam mixed with it to give it its sweet fragrance. While you can obviously buy olive oil at any grocery store, but you can’t buy holy oil. All of the holy oil that will be used in the archdiocese for the upcoming year is blessed in large containers by the archbishop at the Cathedral during a Mass in Lent, and distributed to all the parishes and hospital chaplains. That Mass is called the Chrism Mass, and it will be celebrated on Thursday, April 6, at 7:00pm. All of the clergy are highly encouraged to attend this Mass, and indeed it would benefit all of the faithful to come celebrate this important Mass of our local Church. Come get a sense of the larger local Church by participating in this archdiocesan Mass. Fr. Liekhus

Spring Cleaning Please join us for the Spring Cleaning of the St John Campus for Holy Week and Easter. Bring rags and buckets and a willing spirit! We will meet in the community room on Saturday, April 8, after mass for coffee and doughnuts and then begin cleaning. Any time commitment is welcome. Thanks for your help in making our church welcoming for Easter.

Loaves and Fishes on Monday, April 17, 2017 Sign-up in the foyer at St. John campus to help prepare the meal at St. Joseph campus at 3:00pm or to set-up, serve or clean-up after the meal. CLEAN-UP HELP IS NEEDED FROM 5:30 TO 6:30pm Monetary donations may be sent to St. Gabriel’s parish office, attention Loaves and Fishes. For more information contact Deacon Darrel and Chris Branch at (952) 929-8695.


Parish News

Weekly Calendar


Sunday, April 2 8:30am MaryAnn Dillenburg 10:30am Jim Carlock 1:00pm People of the Parish Tuesday, April 4 7:00am †Cecile & Jerry Dohan Wednesday, April 5 8:00am † ob Ruff Thursday, April 6 7:00am Spencer Nelson Friday, April 7 8:00am †Joseph & Rosa Doan Saturday, April 8 8:00am †Sister Maureen 4:30pm †Chuck Lodermeier Sunday, April 9 8:30am †Arnold Nelson 10:30am †Ray Ferrian 1:00pm People of the Parish


10:15am 10:30am 10:30am 11:30am 5:30pm

ACCL-A Community Caring for Life-asks that we pray the fourth decade of the Sorrowful Mysteries this week, the Crowning with Thorns, with this USCCB Respect Life Intention. The Carrying of the Cross: For all who labor under burdens that seem too great to bear-due to illness, age, poverty, cruelty or injustice-that our prayers and aid will lighten their crosses.

Returning our gifts to God and His Church St Gabriel the Archangel's Sunday Giving

This information has been removed for the online version Please contact the Parish Business Administrator with any questions (952) 935-5536

ACH and Credit Card giving is available. Visit our website for Online Giving options or call the parish office at (952) 935-5536.

Hospitality Sunday Social Hall, St. Joseph campus Children’s Ministry (grades 1-4) Music Rm, Café, Gym, St. John campus Nursery St. John campus Preschool Preschool Rm, St. John campus Hospitality Sunday Community Rm, St. John campus Loaves & Fishes Meal Social Hall, St. Joseph campus

Monday, April 3 9:30am

3:00pm 5:30pm 6:45pm 7:00pm 7:00pm



Sunday, April 2


5:30pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm

Small Group Conference Rm, St. John campus Loaves & Fishes Meal Social Hall, St. Joseph campus RCIA Conference Rm, St. John campus Holy Spirit Prayer Group Library, St. Joseph campus Small Group Cindy’s Foyer, St. John campus

Wednesday, April 5 5:00pm

Thursday, April 6 6:00pm BeFriender Meeting Library & Lower Elevator Lobby, St. Joseph campus 6:30pm Small Group Leo’s Den., St. John campus 6:30pm Choir Rehearsal Church, St. John campus

Friday, April 7 7:00pm

Small Group Community Rm, St. John campus Legion of Mary Library, St. Joseph campus Loaves & Fishes Meal Social Hall, St. Joseph campus Small Group Library, St. Joseph campus Boy Scouts Leo’s Den., St. John campus Small Group Upper Elevator Foyer, St. Joseph campus AA Café, St. John campus

Tuesday, April 4 9:30am

Middle School/High School Faith Formation Music Rm, Café, Gym, Leo’s Den, St. John campus 7:00pm Penance Service Church, St. John Campus

Stewardship Committee Conference Rm, St. John campus

7:00pm 7:00pm 8:00pm

WMYA Sports Night Gym., St. John campus Little Flowers Social Hall, St. Joseph campus Stations of the Cross Church, St. Joseph campus Nocturnal Adoration Chapel, St. Joseph Campus

Saturday, April 8 8:30am

5:30pm 7:00pm

Church Cleaning St. John campus Loaves & Fishes Meal Social Hall, St. Joseph campus Hispanic Community Prayer Group Community Rm,. St. John campus

Sunday, April 9 Palm Sunday 10:15am 10:30am 10:30am 5:30pm 6:00pm

Children’s Ministry (grades 1-4) Music Rm, Café, Gym Nursery St. john campus Preschool Preschool Rm, St. John campus Loaves & Fishes Meal Social Hall, St. Joseph campus Confirmation Prep Community Rm, St. John campus


Easter Sunday

April 16

Tuesdays and Thursdays, Wednesdays 8:30am St. Joseph campus, and Fridays 30 minutes before Mass 10:30am and 1:00pm (Hispanic) Saturdays one hour after morning St. John campus Mass, St. John campus Ushers are needed Penance Service April 5 for Holy Week at St. 7:00pm St. John campus John campus: Holy Holy Thursday April 13 Thursday at 7:00pm St. John campus (bilingual) 7:00pm, Good Friday at 7:00pm and Good Friday April 14 Saturday Easter Vigil at 8:00pm . 7:00pm St. John campus (bilingual) Ladies to attend Cross during Good Easter Vigil April 15 Friday Adoration, also. Signup sheets are on the table in the foyer. 8:00pm St. John campus (bilingual)


Parish News 5th Sunday of Lent (April 2, 2017)

life. In the vision the dry bones represent the whole house of Israel. The prophet has these bones saying “our hope is (Ez 37:12-14; Rom 8:8-11; Jn 11:1-45) lost, and we are cut off.” So the restoration of the dry bones represents a more general restoration than simply The idea of the resurrection of the dead was promised in the reading from Ezekiel, but resurrection from the dead. It represents hope for the the fulfillment of that promise came with Jesus. hopeless. This restoration is intended as a source of comfort And so we see Jesus raising Lazarus to physical here and now, not just a promise of a life to come. life after Lazarus was dead for four days. We For more information or to sign up for a small group contact Karen Fish at (952) 239-1949. see the reaction of his sisters, Martha and Mary. But we see almost nothing about the Reflection Questions: man Lazarus himself, other than that he came out of the tomb when called. Was Lazarus thankful? We presume so,  There are many characters in this long story of the raising of Lazarus. There is Jesus who sets off to teach a but the gospel does not focus much on him as a person. lesson. There is Thomas who fatalistically expects they When Jesus sees the tomb of Lazarus, he weeps. Jesus will all die in Judea. There is Martha who comes out to knew, even before he traveled to Bethany, that he would meet Jesus. There is Mary who stays home and comes out raise Lazarus from the dead. So why is he weeping? It could later. There are the Jews who wondered at Jesus be that Jesus feels sorry for his beloved friend Lazarus weeping. There is Lazarus himself. Take each one of having to endure physical death twice instead of once like these characters and discuss the story from their most people. Presumably Lazarus eventually died again, perspective. What were their thoughts and feelings? Can sometime later. This raising from the dead was not a final we identify with any or all of them? raising from the dead that we all hope to experience, but it  In the second reading, Paul promises the Romans life does prefigure that final resurrection. Jesus explains the through the Spirit of Christ because that Spirit dwells in purpose of this event earlier when he said “This illness is not them already. What signs do we see in our lives and the to end in death, but is for the glory of God, that the Son of lives of those around us of the Spirit of Christ dwelling in God may be glorified through it.” Jesus is using Lazarus's them? death to lead Martha, Mary, and his disciples to a belief in  In contrast to Paul's promise of resurrection, which is a resurrection even more significant than the one conditioned upon having the Spirit of Christ indwelling, experienced by Lazarus – a resurrection without any death the promise of resurrection in the first reading from afterwards. Ezekiel is unconditional. Why do you suppose there is this The selection from Ezekiel comes after the vision of the difference? dry bones which God covers with flesh and brings back to

DIVINE MERCY DVD JESUS, I TRUST IN YOU is the title of the DVD we will show April 22 in the social hall at St. Joseph campus at 6:30pm. Attend the 4:30pm Mass, then Loaves & Fishes! The DVD will begin at 6:30pm. Father Donald Calloway will share insights about the Diary of St. Faustina and Divine Mercy. (1 hour.) We will then pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet as this will be the eve of Divine Mercy Sunday. Questions contact Kathleen Esh –(952) 9337610 or [email protected].


to do, especially sorting and pricing. · There are even sit down jobs for those who cannot stand for a long May 4: from 9:30am–8:00pm, time. May 5: from 9:30am–5:00pm, · Men are needed to work with the May 6: from 9:30am–12:00pm hardware and furniture areas. We take everything except: TV sets, · Another opportunity to volunteer, large stereo sets, consoles, computers, especially men, is for set up on Friday, carpeting, microwaves, appliances, April 22 and teardown at 12:00pm on baby car seats (not allowed to sell Saturday, April 30. them), old tires and wheels, large · Food donations are always very windows, box springs and mattresses, much appreciated from Saturday until water beds, used toilets, toxic Friday. It takes a lot of food to feed chemicals/paint and hide-a-beds. all the people needed to run the sale. Furniture must be in good condition. If you have questions or if you Pick up is available Monday through need items picked up, please call Wednesday morning. Suzanne at (952) 938-2401 or Janet WE ARE ALWAYS LOOKING FOR at (952) 935-5151 or during the week MORE VOLUNTEERS!! of the sale, call the social hall (952) There are a variety of jobs for all 938-8968.


Youth Formation, School & Parish News FAITH FORMATION NEWS FIRST EUCHARIST PREPARATION FOR CHILDREN IN 2ND GRADE AND OLDER Preparation classes for children and youth who would like to celebrate the Sacrament of First Eucharist will be held on four Sundays in April (Apr. 2, 9, 23, and 30) from 6:007:30pm at the St. John campus. You must be registered before then in order to participate. First Eucharist will be celebrated at the 10:30am Mass on May 7. Please keep our children and their families in your prayers as they prepare for this joyful sacrament! Contact Cindy Novak for more information (952-540-4762, [email protected]). LAST CONFIRMATION SESSION AND REHEARSAL APRIL 9 Our last Confirmation prep session will be on Sunday, April 9, 6:00pm in the Community Room at St. John. Part of the session will be spent rehearsing—sponsors, you DO have a role to play! Candidates should come with their sponsor, if possible. FAITH SERVICE CAMP FOR MIDDLE SCHOOL YOUTH

July 17-21, 8:30am-4:00pm Current 5th – 8th grade youth are invited to put their faith into action by serving others for a week this summer. Each day we will spend the morning doing various service projects such as Feed My Starving Children, helping at Senior Centers, working at a food shelf, doing environmental clean-up, assisting at low-income housing organizations, and so on. In the afternoons we will enjoy some fun recreational activities as a group. These might include a beach day, movies, messy games, and more! On our last day (7/21), we will enjoy a trip to Valley Fair after our service project and will have a later pick-up time. Save the dates and pick up registration materials from the back

of the church, the parish office, or on the website. Register by June 1 for the Early Bird discount rate! Let your friends know too because they’re welcome to join us! Contact Cindy for more information ([email protected] or 952-540-4762). SR. HIGH YOUTH PEER MINISTERS NEEDED FOR FAITH SERVICE CAMP (current 10th grade and older)

July 17-21, 8:30-4:00pm; additional training dates TBD Do you like helping your younger peers learn new skills and be successful in challenging undertakings? Are you friendly and welcoming to others? Would you like to sharpen some of your own leadership skills this summer? If you answered yes to any of these questions, consider being a Peer Minister for our middle school Faith Service Camp this July. You will be helping with small groups of middle school youth while they work at service projects and enjoy some fun recreational activities. Be a role model and friend and make a difference in someone’s life! Training will be provided prior to the camp and is mandatory. Pick up application materials from the back of the church, the parish office, or download them from the website. Contact Cindy for more information ([email protected], 952540-4762). MIDDLE SCHOOL AND HIGH SCHOOL PARENTS, JOIN US THIS WED. APRIL 5 Parents of our middle school and high school youth are invited to join your student at this week’s ministry session. To prepare for Holy Week, we will be viewing and discussing a film that parallels the sacrifice Jesus made for all of us. We will meet in the Community Room at St. John at 6:00pm and finish at 7:15pm. You are encouraged to attend the Reconciliation Service that will be taking place in the church following our class.

Information Sessions Tuesday, April 11 at 10:00am and 6:30pm

Please join us to learn how a Catholic education can benefit your child.

 See our NEW preschool programs!  Visit Kindergarten  Tour our school Transfer discounts are available for1st-8th grade students. Notre Dame Academy is a place where every child can believe, achieve and belong. Questions? Contact Joann Meyer @ [email protected] or (952) 358-3507.



Please send 725 copies each week. Thank you The parish office is closed on Fridays from Memorial day until September. PLEASE HAVE THE BULLETINS TO ME ON THURSDAY! There is no one in the office to accept the package and distribute them to the 2 campuses.


Confesiones, domingos 12:30pm Santa Misa, domingos 1:00pm

Pastor: Rev. Padre James Liekhus (Padre Jim) 952-935-5536 www.stgabrielhopkins.org

V Domingo Cuaresma “A”

Principal Posición De Asistente De Guardería San Gabriel Arcángel está buscando un individuo motivado por nuestra principal posición de asistente de guardería. Experiencia previa en cuidado de niños preferido. Buenas habilidades de la comunicación y la capacidad para interactuar de manera adecuada con los niños desde la infancia hasta los seis años de edad es requerida. Debe tener la capacidad de crear y mantener un ambiente seguro, cómodo y divertido para los niños a través de la comunicación abierta con los padres o tutores. Debe ser mínimo de 21 años de la edad.

Adoración eucarístia perpetua Venga a rezar en la capilla en cualquier momento. (La capilla se cierra a la medianoche del sábado hasta el mediodia del domingo). Si usted puede comprometerse con una hora semanal, los horarios para los cuales necesitamos adoradores están a continuacion. Necesitamos voluntarios para adorar a Nuestro Señor: Lunes, 3:00 am Martes: 11:00pm Miércoles, 11:00pm Viernes, 1:00am, 2:00am y 9:00am Sábado, 3:00am Para mas información o registrarse para adorar a Nuestro Señor, por favor llame a Luis Becerra: (612) 4900081.

GRUPO DE ORACION Sábados 7:00pm

Catequesis de Padres de familia Bienvenid@s a la Santa Misa SÓLO JESÚS Debemos orar sin cansarnos, porque la salvación de la humanidad no depende del éxito material… sino sólo de Jesús.

2 de abril del 2017

UJIERES necesita

Ujieres se necesitan para la semana Santa en el campus de San Juan: Jueves Santo a las 19:00, viernes a las 19:00 y sábado Vigilia Pascual a las 20:00. Damas para asistir a la cruzan durante la adoración del Viernes Santo, también. Hojas de inscripción están sobre la mesa en el vestíbulo.

RESUMEN DEL MINISTERIO DE JESÚS El relato de cómo Lázaro revivió de entre los muertos es el relato más largo (además de la Pasión) en el Evangelio según san Juan. En él encontramos un resumen de la mayor parte del ministerio de Jesús. Vemos su naturaleza humana cuando se conmueve con la tristeza de Marta y de María y cuando él mismo llora frente a la tumba de Lázaro. Es la sabiduría de la Palabra de Dios hecha carne cuando le explica a sus seguidores que la muerte de Lázaro servirá como una señal de la gloria de Dios. Corona los milagros que obra en el Evangelio según san Juan (que comenzó con el milagro más “humano” de hacer más vino en la boda de Caná) reviviendo a Lázaro de entre los muertos; un “avance”, por así decirlo, de su propia muerte y resurrección por venir. Este retrato de Jesús nos recuerda, mientras estamos cerca del fin de nuestro viaje de Cuaresma, que él está con nosotros, nos conoce, nos comprende en cada momento de nuestra vida. Conoce la alegría de nuestras celebraciones humanas, conoce la tristeza de nuestro llanto. Mientras nos preparamos para caminar con él en los días de Semana Santa, tenemos fe de que –por Cristo– la gloria de Dios estará con nosotros a cada momento de nuestra vida y – con Cristo– en nuestra vida eterna. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc.

LECTURAS DE HOY Primera lectura — Abriré sus tumbas; pondré mi espíritu en ustedes para que tengan vida (Ezequiel 37:12-14). Salmo — Con el Señor hay misericordia y redención completa (Salmo 130 [129]). Segunda lectura — El Espíritu de vida mora en nosotros (Romanos 8:8-11). Evangelio — Yo soy la Resurrección y la Vida (Juan 11:1-45 [3-7, 17, 20-27, 33b-45]). Salmo responsorial: Leccionario II © 1976, Comisión Episcopal de Pastoral Litúrgica de la Conferencia del Episcopado Mexicano. Usado con permiso. Todos los derechos reservados.