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April 25 - Decatur ISD
25 abr. 2017 - May 12- 1:30 Air Evac/Care Flight lands at Young! May 15- No School ... Don't forget that in order for your child to get the AR Reading Award.
What’s Cooking at Young? April 25, 2017 Are you interested in serving on the PTO Board? Want more information about this? Please call Kristi Mercer (940) 594-9972. She will be happy to answer all of your questions! The new board will be voted in on May 9th. Everyone is welcome to attend!
Mark Your Calendars: April 28- Jump Rope for Heart Awards during Fly
May 1- Chess Tournament 5:00 May 4- Adventure Dash in P.E.
May 5- Punt, Pass and Kick in P.E. Talent Show Permission Slips Due
May 8- 3rd and 4th Math STAAR
5th Grade Math STAAR for
On May 8th, 9th and 10th there will be free breakfast for any kiddo who is taking a STAAR test. Please note the dates of STAAR testing on the Calendar section. Please be aware that the building will be closed to visitors on STAAR testing days.
May 9- 3rd and 4th Reading STAAR 5th Grade Reading STAAR for Retesters
Kinder Field Trip to the PD and FD
May 10- 5th Science STAAR
Mark Your Calendars Continued: May 22- Kinder End of Year Celebration- 6:00
May 23- 1st Grade Awards 8:15 5th Grade Awards 9:00
May 24- 2nd Grade Awards 8:15 4th Grade Awards 9:00 1:00 EARLY RELEASE
May 25- Report Cards Go Home LAST DAY OF SCHOOL 1:00 EARLY RELEASE
Math 30- Summer School Starts!
May 11- 3rd Grade Field Trip around Decatur
May 12- 1:30 Air Evac/Care Flight lands at Young!
May 15- No School
May 16- Battle of the Books 8:30 Talent Show Run-Through 2:30
May 17- Talent Show 1:00
May 18- Field Day- Free Hot Dogs! May 19- 5th Grade Science Day at Sheriffs' Posse Grounds Dunk Tank in P.E. No FLY Friday
Don’t forget that in order for your child to get the AR Reading Award at the end of the year, they will need to meet the following goals: Kinder- 15 points 1st- 25 points 2nd- 25 points 3rd- 50 points 4th- 50 points 5th- 50 points
What’s Cooking at Young? April 25, 2017
¿Está interesado en servir en la Junta de PTO? ¿Desea obtener más información al respecto? Por favor llame a Kristi Mercer (940) 594-9972. Ella estará encantada de responder a todas sus preguntas! La nueva junta directiva será votada el 9 de mayo. ¡Todos son bienvenidos a asistir! Los días 8, 9 y 10 de mayo habrá desayuno gratis para cualquier niño que esté tomando un examen STAAR. Tenga en cuenta las fechas de las pruebas STAAR en la sección Calendario. Tenga en cuenta que el edificio estará cerrado a los visitantes en los días de pruebas STAAR.
Mark Your Calendars: April 28- Jump Rope for Heart Awards during Fly
May 1- Chess Tournament 5:00 May 4- Adventure Dash in P.E.
May 5- Punt, Pass and Kick in P.E. Talent Show Permission Slips Due
May 8- 3rd and 4th Math STAAR
5th Grade Math STAAR for Retesters
May 9- 3rd and 4th Reading STAAR 5th Grade Reading STAAR for Retesters
Kinder Field Trip to the PD and FD
May 10- 5th Science STAAR
Mark Your Calendars Continued: May 22- Kinder End of Year Celebration- 6:00
May 23- 1st Grade Awards 8:15 5th Grade Awards 9:00
SUNDAY. Golf. 17:00 Golf Intro. Biking. Tours. 10.00 Mountain Bike 20K. Tour. Pre-book in Cycle Centre until 18.00 the day before. 10.00Road Bike 40K. Tour. healthy-meals-for-kids/10-surprisingly-healthy-snacks-for-kids. Salud y Nutrición Consejos Que ...
están dispuestos a aprender y a lograr en la escuela depende también del apoyo de los padres y las .... ificante", por lo que engañar a nuestro cerebro en.
Tenga en cuenta que todas las clases se dan en inglés y que todas las actividades y uso de las instalaciones deportivas son bajo su propia responsabilidad.
90 minutes Sign up in SB. Dance Aerobics at MC1. Foam Roller sign up in SB. The legendary Mountain Walk witn Henrik Leth meet at Tc6. Yoga €5. 90 minutes. Fun Class At Mc1. Yoga €5. 90 minutes. Body Combat at MC1. 11.00. Mobility Flow at MC1. Social
reunión anual de liderazgo de TISD diseñada para que los líderes tengan tiempo .... positivas a la oficina, Treasure. Tower (Título I SW: 2,5,10) (Grupo objetivo:.
Tenga en cuenta que todas las clases se dan en inglés y que todas las actividades y uso de las instalaciones deportivas son bajo su propia responsabilidad.
3 abr. 2018 - stamped. Cards will be given out at the. Town Green every Wednesday. Enter your card into a raffle to win a prize at the end of the month!
SUNDAY. Golf. 17:00 Golf Intro. Biking. Tours. 10.00 Mountain Bike 20K. Tour. Pre-book in Cycle Centre until 18.00 the day before. 10.00Road Bike 40K. Tour.
hace 6 días - ... or other non-weather appropriate clothing. Students have been told that they will have their hoodie taken away if they bring them to school.
E-mail addresses are not listed. Addresses are listed as ... are kept in good shape. Web Site: Francis Morgan – 299-2302 ...... Parch Frederick. 6. 520 668 4294.
Para divertirse descubriendo la geometría juntos: • Busquen formas. Con su hijo, observen su casa y mencionen las formas que vean: una mesa redonda, un.
16 abr. 2019 - April. Reminder. Monday, April 1 – Friday, April 5, 2019–. Spring Break – No School. April 15 –May 31, 2019-. Smarter Balanced State Testing ...
send you a taxi if you have not made a reservation. Phone: 703-228-6300. Firmar la hoja de asistencia usted mismo todos los días. Hacer una reservación para.