Angel Rubio

Departamento de Mecánica de Medios Continuos y. Teoría de Estructuras. Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Carlos Santiuste. HONOR CODE CERTIFICATE. Verify the authenticity of this certificate at. CERTIFICATE. HONOR CODE. Angel Rubio successfully completed and received a passing grade in. MMC.1x: Caer o No ...
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Carlos Santiuste

Departamento de Mecánica de Medios Continuos y Teoría de Estructuras Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

Carlos Delgado Kloos

Angel Rubio successfully completed and received a passing grade in

MMC.1x: Caer o No caer. El secreto de las estructuras. a course of study offered by UC3Mx, an online learning initiative of Universidad Carlos III de Madrid through edX.

HON OR COD E CE RTI F I CATE Issued May 4th, 2015

Verify the authenticity of this certificate at

Vicerrector de Estrategia y Educación Digital Universidad Carlos III de Madrid