A lpam ayo, Kitaraju, Pilanco and Loyaqjirka. On August 6 Juan Ignacio Lorente, Angel Rosen, Juan R am ón A rrúe, Ricardo G allardo, Quique de Pablos, Luis M aría Sáenz de Olazagoitia, José U rbieta, Felipe U riarte, M artín Zabaleta, Rafael C hávarri, Juan José San Sebastián, Federico Colom ina and I, Spaniards, and G licerio H enostroza and V italiano A lvarón, Peruvians, left Colcas for the Q uebrada de los Cedros. We placed Base Cam p on the lake Jankarurish on A ugust 9. W e placed high camps in the north col of A lpam ayo and at the foot of the north face of K itaraju. U riarte, Zabaleta, Pablos, Olazagoitia, U rbieta, C hávarri and Lorente climbed K itaraju by its north face. On August 20 H enostroza and A lvarón on one rope and San Sebastián and I on the other climbed A lpam ayo by its north ridge. L ater Zabaleta, U riarte, Pablos and C hávarri climbed the southwest face of A lpam ayo. Despite m uch bad w eather, other climbs were m ade: Pilanco and Loyaqjirka. A ttem pts on Santa C ruz and A basraju failed. E
m il io
Federaci ón Vasca de la M ontaña, Spain