Alpamayo, Kitaraju, Pilanco and Loyaqjirka. On

We placed Base Camp on the lake Jankarurish on August 9. We placed high camps in the north col of Alpamayo and at the foot of the north face of Kitaraju.
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A lpam ayo, Kitaraju, Pilanco and Loyaqjirka. On August 6 Juan Ignacio Lorente, Angel Rosen, Juan R am ón A rrúe, Ricardo G allardo, Quique de Pablos, Luis M aría Sáenz de Olazagoitia, José U rbieta, Felipe U riarte, M artín Zabaleta, Rafael C hávarri, Juan José San Sebastián, Federico Colom ina and I, Spaniards, and G licerio H enostroza and V italiano A lvarón, Peruvians, left Colcas for the Q uebrada de los Cedros. We placed Base Cam p on the lake Jankarurish on A ugust 9. W e placed high camps in the north col of A lpam ayo and at the foot of the north face of K itaraju. U riarte, Zabaleta, Pablos, Olazagoitia, U rbieta, C hávarri and Lorente climbed K itaraju by its north face. On August 20 H enostroza and A lvarón on one rope and San Sebastián and I on the other climbed A lpam ayo by its north ridge. L ater Zabaleta, U riarte, Pablos and C hávarri climbed the southwest face of A lpam ayo. Despite m uch bad w eather, other climbs were m ade: Pilanco and Loyaqjirka. A ttem pts on Santa C ruz and A basraju failed. E

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Federaci ón Vasca de la M ontaña, Spain