ALLELE FREQUENCIES AND GENETIC ATTRIBUTES OF 24 AUTOSOMAL STR IN THE CHILEAN REGION OF BIO BIO Tellez J a and Pinto E a. Unidad de Genetica Forense, Departamento de Laboratorios, Servicio Medico Legal, Ministerio de Justicia, Gobierno de Chile, Concepcion, Chile We analyzed 24 autosomal STR loci using simultaneously PowerPlex® 21 System (Promega, Madison, WI) and GlobalFilerTM Express (Applied Biosystems®, Warrington, UK) among 291 unrelated individuals from Bio Bio (Chile). Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (HWE) was assessed using exact tests. After employing Bonferroni correction (0.05/23 = 0.002) for the number of loci analyzed, Penta E and D8S1179 loci were departed from HWE expectations. Combined Power of Discrimination and Power of Exclusion for this population using both commercial kits exceeded 0,9999999999. Results showed a matching probability of 8.611 x 10-30 for 24 autosomal STR loci. The most variable autosomal STR loci observed was SE33 (observed heterozygosity: 0.943, match probability: 0.011). This dataset for this population may now be used in evaluating the weight of DNA evidence for forensic applications such as in parentage/kinship testing, human identification and interpretation of DNA mixtures in our population.
about twice as much money as compared with those participants without a Val allele (P ¼ 0.01). Cooperativeness and the Val allele of COMT additively explained 14.6% of the variance in donation behaviour. Results indicate that the Val allele represent
31 ene. 2019 - The Catholic Diocese of Victoria in Texas and the ... de los sacerdotes que han servido en la Diócesis de Victoria y que han sido ... de María.
Vega G, de la Mora LM (2003) Mexico's Trade Policy: Financial Crisis and Economic Recovery. Confronting Development. Assesing Mexico's Economic and ...
feet), both by F. Arias, alone, January 1981, Cerro El Brujo and Cerro Nuseva. (both 4720 meters, 15,486 feet), were ascended by J. Contreras, E. Lagos and.
19 jun. 2017 - tecnología de imaginería médica”. De ahí la relación también con la aplicación industrial y el mundo de la empresa (Canós, Ramón y Mauri ...
Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), Ruben Echeverría, informed the Secretary that a number of international institutions and research universities were ...
DMCA. Copyrighted Work that you can Claim. Identification of genetic factors influencing chip color in diploid potato (Solanum spp.) Compendio Se construyó un mapa genético con una combinacion de isozimas, polimorfismos de restricción de la longitud
junto con los metadatos asociados a la definición formal de un proyecto de medición y ... cualquier proyecto de M&E [2]. .... Aurora & Borealis [8] y STREAM [9].
it could be also used in earlier stages as exploratory and development phases. The evaluation process generates elemental, partial, and global quality ...
12 nov. 1981 - México, Nigeria, Sri Lanka, Suecia y Yugoslavia.. proyecto de resolución. La A.samblea Generalt. Recordando gue en e1 Documento Final de ...
Acceso incomparable: nos asociamos con más de 30 proveedores lÃderes de resinas para servir a nuestros clientes con la selección más amplia de plásticos ...
DMCA. Copyrighted Work that you can Claim. The game of late capitalism: Gambling and ideology in The. Music of Chance. Abstract Examining Paul Auster's The Music of Chance alongside Jean Baudrillard's theory of chance and seduction, this essay sugges
of potential jobs, there is a zero-profit condition for a new job vacancy that can produce the most ... Once a job is created, however, the firm has no choice over its ..... Its effects in vacancy-unemployment space are to shift the Beveridge curve.
Latin American countries are indicated in bold and italics mg/capita mg/capita mg/capita. Islas Malvinas. 74.0000. Bulgaria. 2.0328. Brunei Darussalam. 0.2447.
This difference can be measured by the three-way interaction between stimulus type and attention to contingency. We predicted that animate-contingent stimuli ...
two of Flatland and a third for which A. Square has no name, but which the visitor, who we refer .... resident of Flatland far from these bumps would find that the interior angles of a ..... Ibilio: The Public's Library and Digital Archive. ibiblio.o
FOREWORD. Over the last five years, the IAEA, in cooperation with the Ministry of ...... 10 Numbers in parentheses refer to sector classification cells in the I–O table. ...... The Bank of Korea, A Manual of Input-Output Analysis (2004) (in Korean).
17 abr. 2014 - Claudio Grossman, Dean, American University. Washington College of Law. KEYNOTE: Carmen Ortiz, U.S. Attorney, District of Massachusetts.
The poets create the lyrics: García Lorca and Luis Rosales, among others. d. Anthology of anonymous verses. e. From bottom to top and from top to bottom: ...