ALDESA CONSTRUCCIONES S.A. Madrid, 14/01/2008 To Whom it ...

ALDESA CONSTRUCCIONES S.A.. Obra: c/ Salvador Dalí s/n. Arequipa, 1 2ª - Esc.1. Oficina: c/ Marie Curie 19, Edificio Autocampo II, Oficina 1.8. Tlfno 91 ...
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Obra: c/ Salvador Dalí s/n Oficina: c/ Marie Curie 19, Edificio Autocampo II, Oficina 1.8 Tlfno 91 499.97.92 Fax 91 499.97.90 28529 Rivas Vaciamadrid

ALDESA CONSTRUCCIONES S.A. Arequipa, 1 2ª - Esc.1 Tlfno 91 764.55.45 Fax 91 764.00.49 28042 Madrid

Madrid, 14/01/2008

To Whom it May concern, It is a pleasure to recommend Daniel Marina Alcántara. He has got an excellent performance working as Construction Project Manager. It is proved that he is able to be a great value to your company. I know Mr. Marina Alcántara for 6 months in my capacity as Chef Construction Manager. He worked for me very hard and efficient and I am able to rank him as the best. He has got an excellent skill because of his communication and intelligence to resolve problems. His high performance in our company would be the same or higher in yours, so I am sure he will be a positive asset to your company. Sincerely yours,

Javier Agudiez