Airport 04: Exchanging Money Hi! How are you today? Todayʼ’s lesson is about “E x c h a n g in g M o n e y . ” Letʼ’s make learning English fun! Objetivo de la lección:cambiar dinero en el aeropuerto
Exercise 1 | Vocabulary and Expressions (Vocabulario y Expresiones) D ire ctio n s : Listen and repeat. Escucha y repite después de tu profesor. V o ca b u la ry and E x p re ssio n s
M e a n in g
W h e re ca n I e x ch a n g e m y m o n e y ?
¿Dónde puedo cambiar mi dinero?
m o n e y e x c h a n g e
Punto de cambio
C a n I s e e th e e x c h a n g e ra te ?
¿Puedo ver la tasa de cambio?
C o u ld y o u in c lu d e s o m e s m a ll c h a n g e ? C a n I h a v e a re c e ip t?
¿Podría añadir cambio pequeño? ¿Me puede dar recibo?
Exercise 2 | Dialogue(Turno de conversar) D ire ctio n s : Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher. Lee el diálogo en voz alta con tu profesor.(En negrita, las palabras estudiadas en el ejercicio 1) Scene: Mr. Thomas is looking for a place to exchange his money. M r. T h o m a s : Excuse me, could you tell me w h e re I c a n e x ch a n g e m y m o n e y ? A irp o rt c le rk : Sure. Itʼ’s over there. Can you see a signboard? There is a branch of China Bank and they can exchange money. M r. T h o m a s : Oh, yes. Thanks. (At the m o n e y e x c h a n g e c o u n te r) M r. T h o m a s : Can I exchange my money to Hong Kong dollars? B a n k c le rk : Certainly. May I know your currency? M r. T h o m a s : US dollars. C a n I s e e th e e x c h a n g e ra te ? B a n k cle rk : Sure, the rate is here. How much would you like to change? M r. T h o m a s : $1000, all to Hong Kong dollars. C o u ld y o u in c lu d e s o m e s m a ll c h a n g e in it? B a n k cle rk : Sure, thatʼ’ll be 785 HKD. Here you are. M r. T h o m a s : Thanks. C a n I h a v e a re c e ip t, too? B a n k cle rk : Hereʼ’s the receipt, thank you very much!
Exercise 3 | Filling the Blanks(Rellenar los espacios)
D ire ctio n s : Fill in the blanks below. Have a role play with your teacher. Rellene los espacios que se muestran a continuación. Haz turnos con tu profesor representando los personajes.(En negrita, las palabras estudiadas en el ejercicio 1) Scene: A traveler is looking for a place to exchange his money. T ra v e le r : Excuse me, where can I money? A irp o rt c le rk : There is a exchange corner over there. (At the money exchange corner) T ra v e le r : Hi, Iʼ’d to exchange money. B a n k cle rk : What is your currency? T ra v e le r : Philippine Pesos. Iʼ’d like to my P10,000 into dollars. What is the exchange ? B a n k cle rk : This is the rate. So the amount would be $220.60 T ra v e le r : Iʼ’d like to have some 1 dollar bills. Is it okay? B a n k cle rk : No , here are the bills and 60 cents. T ra v e le r : Thanks.
Exercise 4 | Free Conversation(Conversación libre) D ire ctio n s : Take turns with your teacher in answering the questions Haz turnos con tu profesor para responder las preguntas. 1. Do you have your currency changed in advance before going on a trip, or after you get to the destination? 2. Have you ever exchanged your money in a not so good rate? If so, on what occasion? 3. Which do you use more often when traveling, cash or credit card? Why? 4. Are you sometimes confused by using a different currency while traveling? 5. Do you collect foreign money?
Passenger : Should I a delay because of this bad weather? Cabin attendant : So far, the flight is due to arrive at the Hong Kong International Airport on time.
Fiets mee en krijg direct na aankomst de beste indruk van Málaga. Ontdek alle hoogtepunten met een Nederlandse gids! Kijk op: MAlAgA ...
Lección 04: Yo, Nosotros/as, Tu, El, Ella, Ello, Ellos/as. Reading (Turno de Leer). I am a student. (Soy un estudiante.) We are students. (Somos estudiantes.).
erchillendi odit, ute pra conemolor aut et, am quia quia volorro optate se re id ut et resequam, volut estrum quodignihil in nis aborundit, optat reici nus. Thomas ...
Letʼ's make learning English fun! Objetivo de la lección:responder ... Have you had any bad experiences with your baggage at the airport? 3. What would your ...
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There was a traffic accident. Fue un accidente de tráfico。 He/she left the scene (of the crime). Él/ella abandonó la escena del crimen. I need an interpreter.
(Estás bailando.) They are sleeping well. (Ellos están durmiendo bien.) ... 5) She is speaking Chinese. (Ella está hablando chino.) 6) He is drinking green tea.
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Grammar Focus (Paso a la Gramática). ❖ Los adverbios colocados antes del verbo expresan la característica, situación, ... 9) We go home very late on Friday.
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Con el caso cerrado, coloque la parte superior del lado Unibody abajo sobre una superficie plana.. Presione el lado ranurado de la liberación de la puerta de ...