Aggregate Totals

Rank Club. Tech. Free. Total Behind. 1. Colombia. COL Argoti Hatiusca, Valeria. Guerrero Trujillo, Santiago. 63,5700 64,2333. 127,8033. 1 of 1. Licensed to: ...
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XVI Campeonato Sudamericano Juvenil de Natacion Artistica Iquique-CHILE Report Created ju. 4 abr. 2019 18:55

Aggregate Totals Rank Club Colombia 1

Tech COL

Argoti Hatiusca, Valeria Guerrero Trujillo, Santiago

CTS SynchroMM v1.5.3 Licensed to: Federación Chilena de Deportes Acuáticos

1 of 1


63,5700 64,2333

Total Behind 127,8033