AF01 - Eastern Mixed Agriculture and Forest Zone AF02 - Eastern Agro-Pastoral and Forest Zone AF03 - Southeastern High-Migration, Forest-Product and Livestock Zone AF04 - Eastern Semi-Arid Agriculture Zone AF05 - Eastern Intensive Irrigated Agriculture Zone AF06 - Eastern Cross-Border Trade and Labor Zone AF07 - Eastern Deep-Well Irrigated Agriculture Zone AF08 - Kabul and Logar Irrigated Zone AF09 - Southern Intensive Irrigated Vegetable and Orchard Zone AF10 - Southern Semi-Arid Agro-Pastoral Zone
Updated: February 9, 2011
AF11 - Northern Kandahar Agriculture and Livestock Zone AF12 - South-Central Mixed Farming Zone AF13 - Western Intensive Irrigated Agriculture Zone AF14 - Western Semi-Arid Agro-Pastoral Zone AF15 - West-Central Highland Agro-Pastoral Zone AF16 - Western and Southern Cross-Border Trade and Labor Zone AF17 - Northeastern Highland Agro-Pastoral Zone AF18 - Takhar-Badakshan Mixed-Agriculture Zone AF19 - Kunduz-Baghlan High Cereal Production Zone AF20 - Northwest Agro-Pastoral Zone
400 Kilometers
AF21 - Northern Rainfed Mixed Farming Zone AF22 - Northern Intensive Irrigated Agriculture Zone AF23 - Amo River Irrigated Cereals and Oilseed Zone AF24 - East-Central Vineyard, Cereal and Horitculture Zone AF25 - East-Central Orchard and Agriculture Zone AF26 - East-Central Mountainous Agro-Pastoral Zone AF27 - South-Central Mountain Wheat, Dried Fruit and Livestock Zone AF28 - Southeastern Zabul Rainfed Cereals and Orchard Zone AF29 - Helmand Intensive Irrigated Wheat and Cash Crop Zone