Acopan Tepui, El Sendero De Los Indigenas.

Acopan Tepui, El Sendero De Los Indigenas. Ján Smoleň (Slovakia) and Ondra Beneš, Jiři. Lautner, and Tomáš Sobotka (Czech Republic) established El ...
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Acopan Tepui, El Sendero De Los Indigenas. Ján Sm oleň (Slovakia) and O ndra B eneš, Jiři Lautner, and Tom áš Sobotka (Czech Republic) e sta b lish e d El S e n d ero D e Los In d ig en as (7c/U IA A 9), on the east face o f Acopan Tepui from Jan 7—11. T he 425m route has 11 pitches: 3, 7a, 7c, 7c, 7b, 6b, 6a, 6 c + , 6b, 6 b + , 5. They clim bed ground-up with fixed ropes, no chipping, and freed all the pitches in redpoint style.

They placed 19 protection bolts and 11 at belays, and left five fixed pitons. El Sendero De Los Indigenas has a sport-alp in e character and requires Friends, nuts and long slings. V l a d o L in e k , J a m e s â k , S lo v a k i a