A Roman Catholic Stewardship Church

18 mar. 2018 - 1:45pm, 6:00pm (Español) .... 6:45pm Clase de Biblia. Rooms D-I. 7:00pm ... 7:00am Catholic Men's Fellowship Rooms C-D and I-J. 7:30am ...
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Fr. Thomas Paul K. Naval

Fr. Gregory Dick, O. Praem



Fr. Stephen Lesniewski

Fr. Joseph Young



Dan Diesel

Humberto Ramirez



A Roman Catholic Stewardship Church Our Mission With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we, the Roman Catholic Community of Santiago de Compostela aspire to proclaim in word and action the living Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Let us Reflect...


We are now at the fifth Sunday in our Lenten preparation. The focus of the readings turns our attention from the rules we read about during the third week to a new covenant, a new relationship between God and all of us. Jeremiah tells us of God's intention to enter our very hearts, the center of our life. The psalm asks for a "clean heart" so that we are ready to receive the joy of salvation. Hebrews tells us that Jesus too prayed, was made perfect, and became the source of eternal salvation. In John, Jesus explains the contradiction that this new relationship involves: death becomes life. God gives everything to us, including forgiveness. God holds back nothing from us, giving us even the beloved Son, Jesus.

Saturday Vigil Sunday Daily (Mon-Sat) First Friday National Holidays

5pm 7am, 8:30am, 10:15am, 12pm, 1:45pm, 6:00pm (Español) 8am (Rosary following Mass) 8am 8am


4pm-5pm 3:30pm-4:30pm

PERPETUAL ADORATION: First Friday Benediction

8am-7:45am Saturday 8am




6pm 8am, 6pm, 7:30pm (Español)


8:30am-1pm, 2pm-8:30pm 9am-12pm, 1pm-5:30pm

PARISH OFFICE PHONE NUMBERS: Business Manager Communications/Scheduling Hispanic Ministries Maintenance Music Ministry R.C.I.A. Religious Education Youth Ministry

x224 x236 x239 x237 x229 x231 x230 x233

21682 LAKE FOREST, LAKE FOREST, CA 92630 • OFFICE: 949-951-8599 • FAX: 949-951-2687 SDCCATHOLIC.ORG

March 18, 2018

Fifth Sunday of Lent

Sunday/Domingo, March 18

Saturday/Sábado, March 24

6:30am 6:30am 8:00am 8:00am 9:00am 2:00pm 3:00pm 4:00pm 5:30pm

7:00am 7:30am 8:00am 8:00am 9:00am 10:00am 12:00pm 3:00pm 3:30pm 4:00pm 4:00pm 4:30pm 4:30pm

Welcome Table Donuts Children’s Liturgy RCIA Library Open Youth Ministry Baptisms (English) Confirmation Children’s Liturgy

Plaza Plaza Room A Rooms B-C and Santiago Library Rooms B-C Church Rooms B-C Room A

Monday/Lunes, March 19 8:00am 9:00am 4:00pm 5:30pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm

Daily Mass Library Open Religious Education St. Vincent de Paul

Church Library Rooms A-K Library Spiritual Ex. St. Ignatius Santiago Penance Service Church Santo Rosario Chapel

Catholic Men’s Fellowship

Divine Mercy Daily Mass Burrito Ministry Church Decorating Divine Mercy Quinceañera Kyrie Music Confessions Town Hall Mtg. Holy Land Crafts Welcome Table Children’s Liturgy

Rooms C-D and I-J Rooms C-J Church Kitchen Church Kitchen Church Church Church Rooms B-K Plaza Plaza Room A

Schedule Subject to Change

Tuesday/Martes, March 20 8:00am 1:30pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm

Daily Mass Home School Formación en la Fe Cub Scouts Confirmation Sp. Ex. St. Ignatius Coro Cristo Rey

Church Rooms A-C Church Room A Rooms B-G Chapel Mtg. Room Church Library

Wednesday/Miércoles, March 21 8:00am 8:30am 6:00pm 6:00pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm

Daily Mass English Bible Study Lenten Mass Children’s Choir Junta de Catequistas Friends in Faith BSA Troop 604 Ensemble Ministry English Bible Study Knights of Columbus

Church Kitchen, Rooms E-H and Santiago

Church Rooms J and K Room D and I Rooms B and C Room A Church Kitchen, Rooms E-H Santiago

Thursday/Jueves, March 22 8:00am 3:00pm 5:00pm 6:00pm 6:45pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 7:00pm

Daily Mass VITA

Church Room K Quinceañera Rehearsal Church Compañia Espiritual Chapel Mtg. Room Clase de Biblia Rooms D-I Landings Santiago Chorale Ministry Church RCIA Room C Minstrels Room A Catholic Men’s Fellowship Room J

Friday/Viernes, March 23 7:00am 8:00am 9:30am 9:30am 1:00pm 5:00pm 5:30pm 6:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm

Christian Men In Commerce Daily Mass Al-Anon Divine Mercy Mtg. Lenten Dinners Grupo de Crochet Stations of the Cross Formación en la Fe Junta de Padres Viacrusis

Room A Church Room J Room A Rooms D-I, Kitchen Library Church Rooms B-C , J-K Room A Church

March 18th-March 24th Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Saturday

(7am) (8:30am) (10:15am) (12pm) (1:45pm) (6pm) (8am) (8am) (8am) (8am) (8am) (8am) (5pm)

Sanchez Miramontes Family Purisima Enriquez † Marie Johann † Abraham Caneba † Alex Rivero † Steven Kaifesh Socorro Garcia † Michael Castellon Aurora Facturan Josefino Goco † Rebecca Andrade Oscar Mugol Maria Madeiros †

Prayers for the Sick Ofelia Alvizo, Christopher Bohmfalk, Sylvia Bumgarden, Burgos Family, Betty Burgos, Matthew Burgos, Mr. Caschetta, Castro Family, Antonia Cortes, Cherie Deeble, Carrie Dubeau, Duran Family, Marta and Mike Fowler, Andy Gallegos, Louie D. Garcia, Michael S. Garcia, Kathy Goebel, Bea Gougeon, Rev. Dave Gruver, John Gutierrez, Mary Jane Haas, Andy Heidesch, Robert Holohan, Kay Kenson, Frank LaFranco, Takoa Last, Merrick Long, Guadalupe Meza, Jesus Meza, Karim Moftakhar, Viridiana Muñoz, Mary Odierna, Sara Ornelas, Jose Ortiz, Lumi Palacio, Erika Pena, Lino Protomartir, Sr. Bertha Rafael, Cyrus Rhee, Ed Rodriguez, Rachel Ruelas, Rose Ruiz, Ilda Sánchez, Luke Siglar, Doris Sinclair, Diane Smith, Solikhin Irene Sullivan, James Swistak, Gartha and Charlotte Tagge, Norma Valdivieso.

Please note: In order to keep the list current, names will remain on the list for six weeks. Please resubmit after that time by contacting: [email protected]. PICTURE(S) ON FRONT COVER Picture (T to B): 1. 5th Sunday of Lent Artwork 2. Lent Reflection 3. Lent Artwork.

March 18, 2018

Fifth Sunday of Lent

últimos cuatro o cinco años, ha asumido la responsabilidad desde el Servicio de Altar para Adultos, Ministro de la Eucaristía, Sacristán, Ministro de Duelo, participación en el Programa de Confirmación y Divina Misericordia, miembro activo de dos Grupos del Rosario y una alegre ayuda para cualquiera en necesitad. No debió haber sido fácil porque también era una esposa amorosa, madre de cuatro hijos, una mujer de We will have tears in our eyes, have negocios que cuidaba no solo de su familia sino sadness in our hearts and a space in our que también ayudaba significativamente a su lives but we will be comforted that we were suegra.

Funeral Mass and Celebration of Life but she lives on in our memories encouraging us to also open ourselves like she did to be buoyed by the Holy Spirit. When we do so we are lifted up to always have the smile on our hearts that radiates to our faces and enlightens the people we meet. JMJ March 18, 2018 My Dearest Parish Family, God be with us always. “I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains just a grain of wheat; but if it dies, it produces much fruit.” These words of our Lord Jesus became so real for us here at Santiago de Compostela at the recent experience of the death of Ann Palacio.

part of her life as she was part of ours and nothing can take that away. She loved her parish family and loved serving. We can however, always dig into the well of memories to be challenged or inspired by the testimony of life she has given. Let us be reminded of what we have heard many times: “the true measure of one’s life is not in the letters that follows our name but in how much we have touched the lives of others.” Need I say more? God bless and take care.

Love and prayers, In the past years, she has been a much welcome addition to our engaged disciples and stewards. During the last four to five years, she has taken responsibility starting from Adult Altar Serving, Eucharistic Fr. Thomas Paul K. Naval Minister, Sacristan, Lead Bereavement Minister, involvement in the Confirmation Program & Divine Mercy, active member of two Rosary Groups and a joyful helping hand to anyone in need. It must not have been easy because she was also a loving wife, mother of four, a business woman who took care not just of her family’s but also helped significantly her mother in law. In his announcement of his wife’s death; Ray mentioned the following: “My wife’s greatest joy in life was to help people: the less fortunate, the need, those in sorrow, those with grief and pain. With great intuition, she set the foundation for the healing of her family through this difficult JMJ time through her ministries. 18 de marzo de 2018

Her legacy will continue in our hearts and through everyone’s lives she has touched.” Mi Querida Familia Parroquial, In her passing, she not only touched the lives of people with whom she met and served in our parish community but also the lives of the people who will benefit from the vital organs she donated. In a very real sense, her gift of having the generosity to offer this to those in need is indeed lifegiving. This brings to mind her literal incarnation of the Gospel passage proclaimed this weekend.

Dios esté con nosotros siempre. "Te digo, a menos que un grano de trigo caiga al suelo y muera, sigue siendo solo un grano de trigo; pero si muere, produce mucho fruto ". Estas palabras de nuestro Señor Jesús se hicieron tan reales para nosotros aquí en Santiago de Compostela en la reciente experiencia de la muerte de Ann Palacio.

En su anuncio de la muerte de su esposa; Ray mencionó lo siguiente: "La alegría más grande de mi esposa en la vida fue ayudar a las personas: los menos afortunados, las necesidades, los dolientes, los que tenian tristezas y un pesar. Con gran intuición, ella sentó las bases para la curación de su familia a través de este momento difícil a través de sus ministerios. Su legado continuará en nuestros corazones y en la vida de todos que ha tocado ". En su fallecimiento, ella no solo tocó las vidas de las personas con las que se encontró y sirvió en nuestra comunidad parroquial, sino también las vidas de las personas que se beneficiarán de los órganos vitales que donó. En un sentido muy real, su don de tener la generosidad de ofrecer esto a los necesitados es realmente vivificante. Esto trae a la mente su encarnación literal del pasaje del Evangelio proclamado este fin de semana. Ella fue sepultada ayer después de su misa fúnebre y celebración de la vida, pero ella vive en nuestros recuerdos alentándonos a abrirnos también a nosotros mismos como lo hizo para ser alentados por el Espíritu Santo. Cuando lo hacemos, nos levantamos para tener siempre la sonrisa en nuestros corazones que irradia a nuestros rostros e ilumina a las personas que conocemos. Tendremos lágrimas en los ojos, sentiremos tristeza en nuestros corazones y un espacio en nuestras vidas, pero seremos consolados de que fuimos parte de su vida ya que ella era parte de la nuestra y nada puede quitar eso. Ella amaba a su familia parroquial y le encantaba servir. Sin embargo, siempre podemos excavar en el pozo de los recuerdos para ser desafiados o inspirados por el testimonio de la vida que ella ha dado. Recordemos lo que hemos escuchado muchas veces: "la verdadera medida de la vida no está en las letras que siguen a nuestro nombre, sino en cuánto hemos tocado la vida de los demás". ¿Necesito decir más? Dios lo bendiga y cuide. Con amor y mis oraciones,

En los últimos años, ella ha sido una adición muy bienvenida a nuestros discípulos y administradores comprometidos. Durante los Fr. Thomas Paul K. Naval She was laid to rest yesterday after her

March 18, 2018

Fifth Sunday of Lent

For these gifts we are grateful: Sunday Offertory (3/11/18) Sunday Offertory:

$ 15,604.77

Average Weekly WeShare:



$ 21,945.90 Total Budgeted Sunday Offertory:

$ 22,350.00



Building Fund:



2nd Collection - CHM



Cornelia Santos, entered into Eternal Life on February 24, 2018. Her Funeral Mass was held on Saturday, March 17, 2018. Ann Palacio, entered into Eternal Life on March 4, 2018. Her Funeral Mass was held on Saturday, March 17, 2018. Duane Castillo, entered into Eternal Life on March 5, 2018. Her Funeral Mass will be held on Monday, March 12, 2018.

PSA 2018* Families Donated: ……………....…..…..………....195 Parish Goal: ….…..…..…..…..…..…..…..$128,000.00 Amount Pledged:…..…..…..…..…..…..…..$97,334.00 Amount Paid: …..…..…..…..…..…..…..…..$41,135.65 *Updated as of 3/9/2018 Acosta, Rebecca Adams, Edward Aguirre, Edgar Akagawa, Minoru Alexander, Cynthia Allen, Kenneth Almero, Ronaldo Alvarez, Natalia Alves, David Anderson, Marilyn Anderson, Robert & Elsie Avila, Carlos Banares, Berwin Banda, Jose & Francisca Bartetzko, Egon Bascos, Reynold & Jenny Bates, Ralph Beaver, Charles Bebenek, Jacek Benjamin, Johan Birtja, Robert Blaney, John Boncich, Joe & Elizabeth Boyd, Robert Branigan, Kathleen Breneman, Kenneth Briones, Catalina M. Budman, Steven Burgos, Shirley Bukirin-Druce, Brian Burke, Timothy & Stacey Cardinale, Jett Cardinale, Patrick Carpenter, Kenneth Carson, Lois Chalmers, James Changala, Joe

Ciuba, Robert Clark, Rita Darby, John De Pierro, Ann De Rosas, Miguel DeLorenzo, Matthew Diaz, Marie Dilao, Alex Dippel, Stephen Dixon-Merchant, Joe Dougherty, Garnet Duginger, Robert Dykes, Andrew Eggert, Stephen Elia, Stefan Escutia, Estela Farrell, Patrick Fishbeck, Deborah Fletcher, Michael Freund, Dennis Gaeta, Armando Gamarra, Alfred Ganley, Eugene Garcia, Arturo Gracia, Virgilio & Ruth Gentzler, Max Gevairgian, Dara Gibbons, Brian Gilkey, Glen Glenn, Tiara Glenn, Tytan Gonzalez, Robert Gordon, William Gougeon, R. Paul Gougeon, Richard Gourley, Kelly Gray, David

Gregg, Richard Grepo, German Gribbons, Leonard Grisafe, Thomas Gutierrez, Carmen Guzman, Hector Ham, Susan Heckman, Paul Hernandez, Enrique Holmes, Timothy Ibarra, Margarita Ingoglia, Marie Isaacs, Donald Jambon, Jean Jensen, John Jimenez, Guillermo Jourden, Richard Kagoo, Paul Kala, Maria Kattapuram, James Keele, David & Robyn Kehl, John Kennedy, Steven King, Barclay Klett, Michael Lacsina, Lorna Lamont, Barry Lamperis, James Larsen, Rosemarie Leleux, Jerry & Teresa Lim, Jaeyoun Lotz, Andre Louie, Timothy Maglalang, Damasceno Maimone, Samuel Malapit, Christopher Maldonado, Jose

Mannix, Richard Roberts, Emmett Mariano, Joel Roberts, William Matthews, Brandy Robles, Margaret Mattson, Mary Rudon, Norris McConahey, Hugh Salvacion, Isagani McCormack, Michael Santos, Yolanda McNally, Coleen Sauer, Patricia Meade, Cynthia Schwirzel, Horacio Medina, Lyanamar Scott, David Miedema, Terry & Saliann Seamar, Glenn Mojica, Lupita &Alberto Seastrom, Stephen Monterroso, Jose Shadron, Marcia Moore, Henry Shandrick, Stephan Morey, Richard Shillinglaw, Patricia Morgan, Robert Skenes, Craig Mullin, Kathie Slack, Florian Myron, Rosann Smith, Benjamin Narvaez, Ernest Smith, John Naval, Fr. Thomas Paul K. Soulsburg, Gary Nguyen, Nick Sparks, Ann Nicasio, Josephine Stegall, William Niekzqicki, Elizabeth Stewart, Matthew Niewinski, Virginia Stockton, Grant Ninomiya, Clyde Sullivan, Patrick Nothhelfer, George Tennant, Dina O’Sullivan, Carolyn Tunila, Ron Ojeda, John Valderrama, Steven Oremus, Adrian Van Eyke, Joan Osley, John Van Horik, Dennis Osmena Evanculla, Joyce Vega, Julio Pakulak, Jose Walker, Erika Palcsik, Susan Weir, Kristine Papac, Joseph Welch, Dave Phillips, Kathleen Willcuts, Merle Polanco, Edwin Williams, Alicia Polanco, Hugo Yaneza, Darwin Pomares, Juan Yannarella, Frank Quigley, TJ Zabala, Diego Quinn, Richard Rahall, Deem We thank all those who Randall, Stephen have made their 2018 PSA Renden, Sean Rice, Joe pledge. Once you have Riela, Sal made your initial Rivas, Jose & Teresa payment, it will take 2-3 Roa, German weeks to be processed.

March 18, 2018

Fifth Sunday of Lent

Town Hall Meeting on the problems of underage drinking. Our teens will share the survey data results on both the top problems and the top contributing factors in underage drinking. They will offer some actions that parents, teens and the community can do to reduce these problems. Parents, teens and anyone interested, please join us for this thought provoking presentation by Santiago high school students after the 5pm mass from 6:30-8pm in the parish hall. Refreshments will be available. The Town Hall attendance by your parent or student will count for one faith sharing credit. CI classes are finished for this year.

ADULT CONFIRMATION Are you or someone you know a Baptized adult Catholic that for whatever reason was not confirmed? If you are 18 years of age or older and have a copy of your Baptismal Certificate come join us in an exciting seven-week program that focuses on the Sacrament of Confirmation, it’s close connection to Baptism and a more intimate understanding of Eucharist. You will need a practicing Catholic as a sponsor. Practicing Catholic=Baptized, Confirmed, and if Married, Married in a Catholic liturgy. Running parallel to this program is an identical program in Spanish.

Next CII Class #12 is: March 27th from 7:00pm-8:30pm Next Friday Night Live/Youth Group meeting is : March 25th in the Parish Hall from 2:00pm-4:00pm to finalize plans for the Four Corner Event. FNL Leaders get your paperwork in immediately!!! April 13th Spring Leader Training in the mountains. Next Class planning meeting is: March 18 th from 4:00pm-6:00pm in Youth Ministry Office, for class #10. CI Leaders from 2:00pm-3:00pm and for CII Leaders from 3:00pm-4:00pm. Confirmation Liturgy is Wednesday, April 18th. Students and Sponsors must be seated in the hall at 4:00pm. Family and visitors must be seated by 4:30pm in Church.

Registration will be Sunday, March 18th from 3:00 pm until 6:00 pm. The registration fee is $85.00 and proof of a Catholic baptism is required. The class meets on Thursday evenings from 7 until 9 o’clock; however, the first meeting April 5th will begin at 6:30 o’clock to accommodate late registrations. All subsequent Thursday evening meetings from April 12th through May 17st will begin at 7 and end at 9 o’clock. The program will end with a one-half day retreat from 8 until noon Saturday May 19th. The Sacrament of Confirmation will be celebrated on Pentecost Sunday May 20th. Given that this course is short and intense, you must attend ALL classes.

Questions? email [email protected] or call 949-951-8599 Ext. 231. Or simply show up on March 18th for registration. “Reggie, Ralph, and Jeremy three of our RCIA elect, helping to prepare the Friday night March 2nd potato fest!”

MARCH RE Classes: Classes are held March 19 th. Then we break for two weeks to enjoy our Holy Week and Easter Week. Classes resume on April 9th.

Santiago de Compostela Community, keep all of our Religious Education programs in your prayers. For all those receiving their Sacraments between March and May, that they truly understand the meaning and value of the sacrament receiving. May they continue growing in their faith and love for Christ. Amen.

Thank you RCIA students for all our your support and help!

An overview of Church History will be presented by Bible Study on March 21st and 28th. This will be followed by a presentation on Vatican Council II the 4th of April. What a fitting way to conclude our journey with Peter and Paul and others through the Acts of the Apostles!! All are welcome! End of the year celebration and pot luck will be held on Wednesday, April 11th. Meetings: Wednesdays from 9:00am-11:15am or 7:00pm-9:00pm in Santiago Parish Hall For further information contact Nancy 949-766-8126 or Barb 949-768-1170.

March 18, 2018

Fifth Sunday of Lent

2018 On June 1st, the Reception Office will starting scheduling July-September Mass intentions. The requested donation remains $10 per Mass. Prayers of the faithful request are also offered to parishioners. For more information, please contact our Reception Office. The schedule for quarterly start dates are as follows: • June 1st = July – September • September 1st = October -December

HOLY THURSDAY / JUEVES SANTO Lenten Penance Services Monday, March 19 @ 7:00 pm (English) Our Lady Queen of Angel 2046 Mar Vista Dr. Newport, CA 92660 th

Monday, March 19th @7:00 pm (English and Spanish) Santiago de Compostela 21682 Lake Forest Dr. Lake Forest, CA 92630 Wednesday, March 21 @ 7:00 pm (English) St Nicholas 24252 El Toro Rd. Laguna Woods, CA 92637 st

Tuesday, March 27th @ 7:00 pm (English) San Francisco Solano 22082 Antonio Pkwy Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688 Wednesday, March 28th @ 7:00 pm (English) Our Lady of Mount Carmel 1441 W. Balboa Blvd. Newport Beach, CA 92661 “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and put a new and right spirit within me.” Psalm 51: 10

SENIOR ACTIVITIES March 20th Lunch at Patsy’s Irish Pub on Jeronimo and Los Alisos. Meet there at 11:00am. To help coordinate the event and RSVP, you may contact Pearl 949-770-4939.


Morning Prayer


Mass of the Lord’s Supper (Bilingual)


Night Prayer (Parish Hall)


Oración de la Noche (Salon Parroquial)


Morning prayer


Solemn Liturgy


Solemn Liturgy


La Pasión del Señor


Morning Prayer


Oración de la Mañana


Vigil Mass / Misa de Vigilia (Bilingual)


Church / Iglesia Mass in English

Parish Hall ——————


Mass in English

Mass in English


Mass in English

Mass in English

12:00 noon

Mass in English



Misa en Español



Misa en Español


March 18, 2018

Fifth Sunday of Lent

Today is the Fifth Sunday of Lent, and in two weeks, we will celebrate Easter and the Resurrection of Christ. Do an honest check-in with yourself today on your Lenten spiritual journey so far. Only two weeks left! Lenten Dinners will be taking place every Friday during Lent in the parish Hall from 6:00pm to 8:00pm. Enjoy this dinner after the Stations of the Cross.




March 23rd



March 30th

Knights of Columbus

Soup and Salad

6PM Wednesday Evening Mass During Lent We are very blessed to have the opportunity for gathering to celebrate weekly evening Mass during Lent as part of our Easter preparation. Mass will be celebrated on Wednesdays at 6:00 pm followed by an evening of Prayer in the Chapel to pray Our Lady's Psalter (3 Rosaries), the Chaplet of Divine Mercy and Liturgy of the Hours. Please join us for Mass and Prayers!

PARISH OFFICES AND HALL CLOSURE Beginning Holy Thursday, our Parish Offices and Hall will be closed. Regular business hours and activities will resume on Tuesday, April 3rd.

• • • • •

Thursday, March 29th: Closing at 1:00pm Friday, March 30th: Closed Saturday, March 31st: Closed Sunday, April 1st: Closed Monday, April 2nd: Closed

WHAT IS DIVINE MERCY ? The Divine Mercy is not just about our devotion to God, it is about His love for us. God’s nature is love – a perfect love shared by the Persons of the Most Holy Trinity. Divine Mercy is the form God’s love takes when it flows from the Trinity to his creatures. Divine Mercy reveals itself when God, who is Love itself, love us. Celebrate the Feast of Divine Mercy at our parish this year in any or all of the following: 1. Participate in Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy, e.g., praying for the dead and feeding the hungry. The Divine Mercy team will host trips to the cemetery and orphanage. (Please flyer for details on venue/dates) 2. Attend the Divine Mercy Conference on Saturday, March 24, 2018. English session in the morning and Spanish session in the afternoon. Guest speakers: clergy from Prince of Peace Abbey and Fr Stephen Lesniewski 3. Novena starting Good Friday, March 30 until Saturday, April 7. English prayers at 8:30 am (after morning mass) and Spanish prayers at 7pm, both in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel 4. Holy Hour at 3:00pm on Divine Mercy Sunday, April 8 Exposition, Adoration, and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. Divine Mercy Chaplet and Praises and Confessions will also take place in the church until 4:30 pm “I demand of you deeds of mercy, which are to arise out of love for Me. Even the strongest faith is of no avail without works (Faustina Diary,742).

Fifth Sunday of Lent

March 18, 2018

FAMILY FROM BETHLEHEM Family from Bethlehem is selling on religious handcrafted items made from the olive wood March 24th and 25th. Proceeds from the sale of these items will go towards support of the Catholic families in the Holy Land because they are experiencing political strife due to the violence and discriminations towards them. Most of the families left their country to different parts of the world to look for a better life. Twenty years ago they were more than 40% of the whole population and now they are less than 1.2%. Please help support these families so they can stay in the land of our Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you in advance and God Bless You all.

CRAFTS FOR CHRIST All knitters and crocheters are invited to join us from 2:00pm-4:00pm on March 27th (last Tuesday of each month). We make scarves, hats, blankets etc. for the military, the homeless and Obria. We welcome yarn donations suitable for our projects. For more information, please call Joyce 949-581-8418 .

If your household income was less than $60,000 in 2017, you may be eligible to file your taxes for free! WHERE: Santiago de Compostela Catholic Church WHEN: Saturdays, April 17 th and 14th Time: 8:00am-1:30pm Thursdays, March 22 nd-April 12th Time: 3:00pm-8:00pm

To schedule an appointment, call the Parish Office: 949-951-8599. Space is limited, call early to ensure your appointment.

Intenciones de Misas 2018 El 1 de junio la oficina parroquial comenzara a calendarizar las intenciones de misa de julio a septiembre. La donación sugerida sigue siendo de $10 por Misa. También puede pedir que sus peticiones sean incluidas en la oración de los fieles. Para obtener más información, comuníquese con nuestra oficina parroquial. Las fechas de inicio trimestrales son las siguientes: • 1 de junio = julio a septiembre • 1 de septiembre = octubre a diciembre

ACTUALIZACION DE DATOS DE MIEMBROS DE LA PARROQUIA En el proceso de actualización de nuestra base de datos parroquial, actualice cualquier cambio en su información personal (numero de teléfono, correo electrónico, dirección, etc.). Aquellos miembros que no han contribuido con tiempo, talento, y tesoro en los últimos cinco anos, del 1 de Enero de 2012 al 31 de Diciembre de 2017, se desactivaran de nuestra base de datos. Para actualizar su información o si ha estado inactive pero desea seguir siendo miembro miembros de la parroquia, comuníquese con la oficina parroquial.

March 18, 2018

Fifth Sunday of Lent

Estados Financieros Las declaraciones de contribución del año 2017 que sean solicitadas, serán enviadas por correo electrónico o estarán disponibles en la oficina parroquial. Este es un buen momento para que actualice su información en nuestro Sistema parroquial. Dichos estados financieros, serán procesados solo si usted ha utilizado sobres semanales. Para solicitar su declaración de contribuciones comuníquese con la oficina parroquial al 949-951-8599 o por correo electrónico [email protected].

Hoy es el Quinto domingo de Cuaresma, y en dos semanas, celebraremos la Pascua y la Resurrección de Cristo. Haga un honesto analices consigo mismo hoy en su jornada espiritual de Cuaresma hasta ahora. Solo quedan don semanas! Las Cenas de Cuaresma serán todos los viernes de cuaresma en el Salón Parroquial de 6:00pm a 8:00pm. Disfrute esta cena después del Viacrusis.

Moneda Extranjera y Diezmo De vez en cuando recibimos dinero extranjera en nuestra colecta dominical. Desafortunadamente, este dinero no se puede depositar en nuestro banco. Dicho dinero tiene que ser desechado ya que no tiene valor aquí en los Estados Unidos, pero sabemos que tiene valor en otra parte del mundo, por lo que le pedimos que se abstenga de contribuir dinero extranjeroo. ¡Apreciamos su tiempo, talento, tesoro y donaciones en dólares de los EE.UU.!

FAMILIA DE LA TIERRA SANTA Familia de la Tierra Santa (Belén) estará vendiendo artículos religiosos el 25 de marzo, hechos a mano de madera de olivo. Los fondos recaudados de esta venta se utilizaran para poyar a las familias católicas en la tierra santa que están pasando por conflictos políticos, violencia y discriminación. La mayoría de las familias han ido de su país a diferentes partes del mundo, por esa razón ahora hay menos de 1.2% de Católicos en la tierra santa. Por favor ayúdenos a apoyar a estas familias para quedarse en la tierra de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo. Gracias de antemano y que Dios los bendiga.




23 de Marzo



30 de Marzo

Caballeros de Colon Sopa y Ensalada

Viacrucis Viernes de Cuaresma 7:00pm Español

OFICINAS Y SALON PARROQUIAL CERRADOS Empezando el jueves santo, nuestras oficinas y salón parroquial estarán cerrados. Nuestras oficinas reabrirán el martes, 3 de abril.

• • • • •

jueves, 29 de marzo: cerrado a la 1:00pm viernes, 30 de marzo: cerrado sábado, 31 de marzo: cerrado domingo, 1 de abril: cerrado lunes, 2 de abril: cerrado

March 18, 2018

Fifth Sunday of Lent

Camino a la Primera Comunión Fechas Importantes para Recordar Mayo 5, 9:00 am


Cambios en el calendario por Cuaresma: ∗ Viernes 23 de marzo: Solo tiene clases Primer Año ∗ Viernes 13 de abril: TODOS los grupos tienen clases a las 6 pm. ♥ Reunión para padres de Primer año (grupos E, F, G y H): marzo 23, 2018 a las 6:30 pm ♥ Les invitamos a participar de los Oficios y Servicios de Oración de Semana Santa. Acompañemos a nuestro Señor Jesús durante estos días de profunda oración de camino a la Salvación.

Noche de reflexión de Cuaresma “LO QUE NO ES RECONOCIDO NO PUEDE SER REDIMIDO”

Retiro de Primera Comunión. Al menos uno de los padres debe asistir al retiro.

Mayo 5, 1:30 pm Renovación de las Promesas Bautismales. Padres y padrinos están invitados a participar en esta ceremonia.

Mayo 17, 6 pm Ensayo para la Primera Comunión Mayo 19, 10 am Primera Comunión "La humanidad no conseguirá la paz hasta que no se dirija con confianza a Mi misericordia”.

DÍA DE REFLEXIÓN Y CONFERENCIA Marzo 24 9:00 am -3:30 pm

(diario de Santa Faustina,#300)


Presentada por: Diácono Humberto Ramírez

∗ Viernes Santo

Jueves 22 de marzo, 6:45 pm Salón Parroquial Adultos Solamente y Libre de Costo

8:30 pm ∗ Sábado 30 de marzo


al sábado 7 de abril 7:00 pm

Hace unos años, un conocido me comentó que en una ocasión se hizo un viacrucis en vivo en la ciudad de Mexicali BC. Entre las personas que se encontraban allí para presenciar la muerte y crucifixión de nuestro Señor, estaba una familia que llevó a uno de sus hijos el cual tenía Síndrome de Down. Me dijo que, durante la tortura, los laƟgazos, bofetadas, golpes, empujones, escupidas, y burlas, el niño estaba sufriendo muchísimo. En la primera caída de nuestro Señor, no aguantó tanto dolor, se salió de la línea, corrió y se abrazó de Jesús, lo cubrió con su cuerpo y llorando gritaba: ¡Ya no lo golpeen más! ¡Ya no lo golpeen más! ¡Para este niño lo que estaba pasando era real! Es normal que cuando un niño llora, los otros niños a su alrededor también lloren, incluso algunos adultos pueden tener esta misma reacción. Pero, me parece que, en estos Ɵempos y en nuestra cultura, nos hemos acostumbrado a ver tanta violencia, que nos hemos hecho inmunes al dolor ajeno. Hermano, hermana, te invito para que, en esta cuaresma, especialmente en la Semana Santa, reflexiones de una manera diferente la Pasión de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo y ruegues al Señor para que te de un nuevo corazón, uno que se conduela del dolor y la necesidad de nuestros hermanos. Aprovecho también para invitarte al viacrucis todos los viernes de Cuaresma a las 7:00 pm en nuestra parroquia.

¡Dios te bendiga! Diácono Humberto Ramirez


Adoración del Santísimo Sacramento

∗Coronilla de la Divina Misericordia

∗Confesiones (hasta las 4:30 pm)

Si en 2017 sus ingresos familiares fueron menos de $60,000, usted podría tener derecho a declarar sus impuestos gratuitamente! Santiago de Compostela Catholic Church 21682 Lake Forest Dr. Lake Forest, CA 92630 Sábados, Abril 7 y 14 Horario: 8:00am-1:30pm

Jueves, 22 de marzo al 12 de abril Horario: 3:00pm-8:00pm

Para hacer una cita comuníquese con la Oficina Parroquial: 949-951-8599. Citas serán limitada, llame lo mas pronto para asegurar su cita.


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