A Polish Expedition composed of four climbers

A Polish Expedition composed of four climbers, Wojsznis,. Szcepansky, Osieckj, and Parysky, made a number of climbs along the Chilean-Argentine frontier in ...
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A P o lish E x p e d itio n composed of four climbers, W ojszn is, Szcepansky, O sieckj, and Parysky, made a number o f climbs along the Chilean-Argentine frontier in the Province of Catamarca, among them, O jo del Salado (6 8 7 0 m .), Nevado Picis (6 7 8 0 m .), Nevado T res Cruces (6 6 2 0 m .), and Cerro Nacimiento (6 4 9 0 m .).