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9 sept. 2018 - the Franciscan Missionary Brothers of North America in ... try or parish office to sign your high school student up for ..... Medical Alert System.
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Fr. Thomas Paul K. Naval

Fr. Gregory Dick, O. Praem



Fr. Stephen Lesniewski

Fr. John Block



Dan Diesel

Ricardo Barraza



A Roman Catholic Stewardship Church Our Mission With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we, the Roman Catholic Community of Santiago de Compostela aspire to proclaim in word and action the living Gospel of Jesus Christ. Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time Reflection The poor often believe in God with more sincerity than those who possess much more in the way of material goods. Worrying about what you will eat each day and how you will pay the heating bill or the rent is a great hardship. Yet in the Psalm we are assured, "When the just cry out, the LORD hears them, and from all their distress he rescues them. The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and those who are crushed in spirit he saves." In these times, we can be disheartened when we see those among the rich and powerful who constantly try to get richer while cynically depriving the poor of the very necessities of life. But "the LORD confronts the evildoers, to destroy remembrance of them from the earth." This refers to those who, as in our own time, walk away from Jesus in disbelief because they can't understand what is of the Spirit and not of the flesh. They can only understand the things of the flesh; they care only for their own flesh and not that of those whom they should love and care for as part of the Body of Christ. We, too, need to take care lest we fall into the same trap.

MASS SCHEDULE: Saturday Vigil Sunday Daily (Mon-Sat) First Friday National Holidays

5pm 7am, 8:30am, 10:15am, 12pm, 1:45pm, 6:00pm (Español) 8am (Rosary following Mass) 8am 8am


4pm-5pm 3:30pm-4:30pm

PERPETUAL ADORATION: First Friday Benediction

8am-7:45am Saturday 8am




6pm 8am, 6pm, 7:30pm (Español)


8:30am-1pm, 2pm-8:30pm 9am-12pm, 1pm-5:30pm

PARISH OFFICE PHONE NUMBERS: Business Manager Communications/Scheduling Formation Assistant Maintenance Music Ministry Religious Education and Hispanic Ministries R.C.I.A. Youth Ministry

x224 x236 x225 x237 x229 x239 x231 x233

21682 LAKE FOREST, LAKE FOREST, CA 92630 • OFFICE: 949-951-8599 • FAX: 949-951-2687 SDCCATHOLIC.ORG

August 26, 2018

Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time

Sunday/ Domingo, August 26 6:30am

8:00am 8:30am 9:00am 9:30am

Welcome Table Donuts Eagle Scouts Children’s Liturgy RCIA Library Open Life Touch Portraits


August 26th– September 1st Room A Santiago Library Room C and J

Monday/Lunes, August 27 8:00am 9:00am 5:00pm 6:00pm

Daily Mass Library Open Religious Education Spiritual Ex. Of St. Ignatius

Church Library Room B and C Room A

Tuesday/Martes, August 28 8:00am 12:00pm

Daily Mass Blood Drive

Church Room C and J

Wednesday/ Miércoles, August 29 8:00am 9:30am 2:00pm 7:00pm

Daily Mass Bible Study Book Club Crafts for Christ Formación en la Fe

Church Santiago Library Room B and K

Thursday/ Jueves, August 30 8:00am 6:00pm 6:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm

Daily Mass Compañia Espiritual RCIA Religious Education Santiago Minstrels

Church Chapel Mtg. Room Room B and K Room D, E, F Room A

Friday/Viernes, August 31 8:00am 9:00am 4:00pm 5:00pm 6:00pm

Daily Mass Al-Anon Confessions Grupo de Crochet Ministros de la Eucaristia

Church Room I Church Library Church

Saturday/ Sábado, September 1 7:00am 8:00am 8:30am 3:00pm 3:30pm 4:30pm 4:30pm

Catholic Men’s Fellowship Daily Mass Burrito Ministry Kyrie Music Ministry Confessions Welcome Table Children’s Liturgy

Santiago Church Kitchen Room A Church Plaza Room A

Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Saturday

(7am) (8:30am) (10:15am) (12pm) (1:45pm) (6pm) (8am) (8am) (8am) (8am) (8am) (8am) (5pm)

Angela Kattapuram Rene Ramirez Evelyn Soehner †  Felicitas Javier †  Jose and Hortencia Rodriguez Familia Rodriguez Emeterio Ospina †  Lee Evans †  Ruth and Robert Harvey †  Carina Galang †  Sancho Santiago Angelina Arevalo Rosemarie Caschetta † 

Prayers for the Sick Maria Abundez, Ofelia Alvizo, Burgos Family, Matthew Burgos, Ofelia Burgos, Ariel Camo, Mr. Caschetta, Castro Family, Alexandre Cisneros, Patricia Coyne, Cherie Deeble, Donna Dorn, Carrie Dubeau, Duran Family, Patrick Farrell, Marlene Ford, Marta and Mike Fowler, Louie D. Garcia, Michael S. Garcia, Rita Geronikalaou, Kathy Goebel, Rev. Dave Gruver, John Gutierrez, Mary Jane Haas, Andy Heidesch, Emma Herrera, Robert Holohan, Marie Ingoglia, Mirasol Junio, Frank LaFranco, Takoa Last, Rosalia Leonicio, Serena Madison, Maria Luisa Maldonado, Teresa Maldonado, Maria del Refugio Martinez, Monique Mathot, Adelita Meza, Guadalupe Meza, Jesus Meza, Karim Moftakhar, Ligaya Nerona, Mary Odierna, Jose Ortiz, Lumi Palacio, Erika Pena, Veronica Quinio, Cyrus Rhee, Delia Rodriguez, Bianca Romano, Rachel Ruelas, Rose Ruiz, Ilda Sánchez, Rev. Kenneth A. Schmit, Luke Siglar, Doris Sinclair, Solikhin Family, Irene Sullivan, Carmen Tabaquero, Qunhua Zhao.

Please note: In order to keep the list current, names will remain on the list for six weeks. Please resubmit after that time by contacting: [email protected].

Schedule Subject to Change If changes need to be made, please contact our Scheduling Coordinator.


FACILITY SCHEDULING Attention all ministry leaders: In an effort to avoid any scheduling issues or conflicts, all requests for scheduling the church, parish hall, or any other of our facilities need to follow submission guidelines and send request to [email protected]. All forms can be found on our Parish Website under Ministry and Service.

PICTURE(S) ON FRONT COVER Picture (T to B): 1. Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary time reflection. 2. Solemnity of St. Monica and St. Augustine artwork.

In our desire to serve and accommodate our parish family’s demands for Mass Intentions, we are now open to receive three names per Mass. We hope that this will help us to remember our loved ones and their importance in our lives. The suggested donation for weekday Masses is $10 and weekend Masses is $15. For more information, please contact our Parish Office. Thank you for your generosity and contributions. To schedule a Mass intention please see the schedule below:  September 4th = October -December

Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time


Thank you for your generosity of heart to respond to the appeal of our Franciscan brother who is our assigned Missionary Cooperative Appeal for this year. This is a good chance for us to reach out to those who ordinarily we would not have the opportunity to touch their lives and help in their needs.

con ustedes el anuncio formal que recibí del Director del Personal de Clero de nuestra Diócesis que el Padre. Troy Schneider, que ha servido como vicario parroquial aquí en Santiago de Compostela, ha recibido su petición del Papa Francisco y ya no es un clérigo (un sacerdote). Esto significa que ya no puede funcionar como sacerdote de la Iglesia Católica.

The summer months went by really quick and now we are moving towards the last quarter of the year. I do hope that we as a parish family will move forward in our stewardship of the gift of discipleship that indeed we witness to the love and care of our Loving God and Father. Again my sincere thanks to all of you for giving me a reason to look forward to each and everyday to be of service to our parish family. God bless and take care.

En una nota positiva, me gustaría felicitar a los Caballeros de Colón por la exitosa oportunidad de compañerismo familiar que brindan a través de el Burger Bash el sábado pasado. También me gustaría agradecer a Diane Sixsmith por crear el maravilloso ambiente en el Salón Parroquial. El próximo martes 28 de agosto también están llevando a cabo una campaña de donación de sangre. Estoy seguro de que podrán aceptar a algunos donantes de sangre.

August 26, 2018 My Dearest Parish Family, God be with us always.

Thank you for the compassion, understanding and support you have expressed when the letter from Bishop Kevin W. Vann was read last Sunday and we prayed Psalm 51. We are blessed to have a spiritual father and shepherd who guides our Diocese through these challenging times. Love and prayers,

Without meaning to add more fuel to the fire but with the intention of being honest and clear in my communication with you as Pastor. I would like to share with you Fr. Thomas Paul K. Naval the formal announcement I received from the Director of the Clergy Personnel of our Diocese that Fr. Troy Schneider who has served as a parochial vicar here at Santiago de Compostela has been granted his petition by Pope Francis and is no longer a cleric (a priest). This means that he no longer can function as a priest of the Catholic Church. On a positive note, I would like to commend the Knights of Columbus on the successful family fellowship opportunity they provide through the Burger Bash and Ice Cream Sunday Dinner last Saturday. I also would like to thank Diane Sixsmith for creating the wonderful ambiance in the Parish Hall. This coming Tuesday August 28th they are also conducting a JMJ Blood Drive – I am sure they will be able 26 de agosto de 2018 to accept some walk-in blood donors. I am not sure if I have encouraged you to visit, pray and reflect on the Shrine for the Unborn Child that we have just recently installed right as you exit the Parish Hall on the way to the big parking lot. I am mentioning this because this weekend we have the Blessing of Expecting Parents and I do wish that we also remember to pray for those who have lost their child. Again we shall have the Relic of St. Gerald Majella in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel for the whole day for veneration and prayers.

August 26, 2018

Mi Querida Familia Parroquial, Dios esté con nosotros siempre. Gracias por la compasión, comprensión y apoyo que ha expresado cuando se leyó la carta del Obispo Kevin W. Vann el domingo pasado y rezamos el Salmo 51. Tenemos la bendición de tener un padre espiritual y un pastor que guía nuestra Diócesis en estos tiempos difíciles.

No estoy seguro si te he animado a visitar, orar y reflexionar sobre el Santuario para el Niño por Nacer que acabamos de instalar justo cuando salgas del Salón Parroquial en el camino al estacionamiento grande. Menciono esto porque este fin de semana tenemos a los padres de la Bendición de las Esperanzas y deseo que también recordemos rezar por aquellos que han perdido a sus hijos. Nuevamente tendremos la Reliquia de San Gerald Majella en la Capilla del Santísimo Sacramento durante todo el día para veneración y oraciones. Gracias por su generosidad de corazón para responder al llamamiento de nuestro hermano franciscano, que es nuestra Apelación Misionera Cooperativa asignada para este año. Esta es una buena oportunidad para que nos comuniquemos con aquellos que ordinariamente no tendrían la oportunidad de tocar sus vidas y ayudar en sus necesidades. Los meses de verano pasaron realmente rápido y ahora nos estamos moviendo hacia el último trimestre del año. Espero que como familia parroquial avancemos en nuestra mayordomía del don del discipulado, que de hecho demos testimonio del amor y el cuidado de nuestro Dios y Padre amoroso. De nuevo, mi más sincero agradecimiento a todos ustedes por darme una razón para esperar cada día y para estar al servicio de nuestra familia parroquial. Dios lo bendiga y cuide. Con amor y mis oraciones,

Sin significado para agregar más combustible al fuego, pero con la intención Fr. Thomas Paul K. Naval de ser honesto y claro en mi comunicación contigo como Pastor. Me gustaría compartir

Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time

August 26, 2018

For these gifts we are grateful: Sunday Offertory (8/19/18) Sunday Offertory:

$ 14,667.32

Average Weekly WeShare:

$ 5,365.70 $20,033.02

Total Budgeted Sunday Offertory:

$22,350.00 ($ 2,316.98)

Building Fund:



MISSION CO-OP SPECIAL COLLECTION TODAY The Missionary Cooperative Plan is the main source of income for many missionary groups/projects worldwide. Each summer, a missionary group is assigned to Parishes around the Diocese of Orange to do the appeal at all Masses. A second collection will take place today to help the Franciscan Missionary Brothers of North America in New York. Bro. Victor G. Stanislaus, CMSF will be speaking on behalf of the Franciscan Missionary Brothers. The collection is not just a donation; it is a way for Catholics to participate in the mission ministry we are called to. Please use envelopes designated for this cause. Thank you for your continuous generosity. PARISH OFFICE AND HALL CLOSURE August 28th Our parish offices and hall will be closed on August 28th all day due to a Parish Staff Day. Daily Mass is at 8am. Parish Offices and Hall will re-open on Wednesday, August 29th. If you have any questions, please contact the Parish Office. Thank you!

In Memoriam  Josefina Molina, entered into Eternal Life on August 12, 2018. Her Funeral Mass was held on Friday, August 24, 2018.

Fridays 4:00pm

Saturdays 3:30pm

“And when he had said this, he breathed on them and said to them, “Receive the holy Spirit. Whose sins you forgive them, and whose sings you retain are retained.” (John 20: 22-23)

Memorial Cards Unborn Child Memorial cards for an unborn child are found in the reception office. We invite you to place it in the Shrine for the Unborn Child that we have just recently installed right as you exit the Parish Hall on the way to the big parking lot. Take a moment to visit, pray and reflect on all those angels our Lord has wrapped around His arms.

August 26, 2018

Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time

Parent Meeting and Potluck Monday, September 10th 6pm-8pm Parish Hall Our Religious Education is having a Parent Meeting and Potluck for your and your families early this fall to kick off the exciting year ahead. Fr. Thomas will also be in attendance sharing a meal and his guidance/expertise. Our GOAL is to create an opportunity to meet one another and introduce our families. We will also learn about the year ahead and build relationships within our religious community. Plus, there’s food! Here is how you can contribute to our family-style meal: Last name A-J please bring a side dish/appetizer Las name K-S please bring a main dish Las name T-Z please bring a dessert *Don’t forget the labeled serving utensil, if needed.

We look forward to meeting you and your families soon! Dinner will take place from 6pm-7pm, parent presentation will be from 7pm-8pm.

2018-2019 Orientation: Thursday, August 30th 7pm in the Parish Hall A reminder to all families and persons registered in the RCIA program: our orientation meeting will be this coming Thursday, August 30th at 7pm in the Parish Hall. Hope to see you there! For information contact Gerardo Gomez [email protected] or 949-951-8599 x231.

Orientación 2018-2019: jueves 30 de agosto 7pm en el Salón Parroquial


Les recordamos a todas las familias y personas registradas en el programa de RICA que este miércoles, 30 de agosto tendremos nuestra reunión de orientación a las 7pm en el salón parroquial. Para mas información contactar a Gerardo Gomez [email protected] o 949-951-8599 x231.

ATENCIÓN EL AÑO ESCOLAR 2018-2019:  Las clases iniciaran el viernes, 14 de septiembre.  Para mas información, comuníquese con Lyanamar Medina ext. 239.  Más anuncios por venir.

Begins September 26th We invite you to join us on a journey through the Book of Genesis. Genesis is a story about beginnings...the universe, humans, joys, sorrows, successes and failures. Themes are complex yet universal. The writing is in styles and setting that are vastly different than what we experience. We will use THE LITTLE ROCK SCRIPTURE STUDY which takes us on a journey to foreign lands and cultures. It is the beginning! Some come begin with us. All are welcome! Classes are on: Wednesdays 9:00am-11:15am and 6:45pm-9:00pm For more information contact Nancy 949-766-8126 or Barb 949-768-1170

Registration for confirmation first and second year is ongoing now through August 31st. Please download the form from the website or stop by the youth ministry or parish office to sign your high school student up for preparation for confirmation. Confirmation Students: Please bring your parents to the Orientation for Confirmation: 1st year students (CI) on September 4th from 7pm-9pm or 2nd year students (CII) on September 11th from 7pm-9pm. Students will meet their adult and youth leaders and discuss safe environment. Parents will review the handbook and complete registration paperwork and sign up for the retreat for this year and the first service project for the year. Bring your calendar and check book if you want to sign your student up for the three day retreat. Next Friday Night Live/Youth Group meetings are: September 9th and September 23rd from 2pm-4pm in the Youth Ministry office. High School Student’s, please bring a friend and come check this group out if you are looking for fun, friendship and want to improve your leadership skills. Next Leader meeting is: September 9th from 12pm-2 pm in the youth ministry office.

August 26, 2018

Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time

SPECIAL BLESSING for Students and Teachers Blessing for students and teachers for the new school year.

ALL MASSES Loving God, Our creator, our savior, our companion, bless this journey of a new school year that we undertake today. Refresh our souls and renew our spirits as we embrace the beautiful ministry you have called us to. Lord, make our hearts pure as we prepare to return to school, and may you guide us to return with open hearts and minds eager to learn. We ask this in Your name, AMEN!

CRAFTS FOR CHRIST All knitters and crocheters are invited to join us on the last Tuesday of the month, during the month of August we will meet from 2:00pm-4:00pm on August 29th . We make scarves, hats, blankets etc. for the military, the homeless and Obria. We welcome yarn donations suitable for our projects. For more information, please call Joyce 949-581-8418 .

The Knights of Columbus will be hosting a Red Cross Drive on Tuesday, August 28th, from 1:30pm to 7:30pm in our Parish Hall. To Schedule your blood donation appointment, look for the blood drive sign up table after Mass or sign-up at and use sponsor code: SDCLF or contact Vince Vasquez (626) 272-6647 [email protected] “Save a life. Give blood!”

PARISH OFFICE AND HALL CLOSURE September 3, 2018 Our Parish Office and Hall will be closed on Monday, September 3rd in observance of Labor Day. Our regular office hours and activities will resume on Tuesday, September 4th. If you have any questions, please contact the Parish Office.

24 hour Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament 8am Friday thru 8am Saturday Holy Hour of Prayer 7pm Friday

August 26, 2018

Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA’S 

Do you enjoying writing?

If you would like to join a few other “would-be” scribes, this is your chance. The Santiago community Writers’ Ministry, with our focus on putting into prose or verse our inner poetry and prayers! We practice our writing skills in every genre: Poetry (all forms: from Sonnets to free verse, we write it all) Short Stories, Novellas, Novels Journaling or News writing Script writing (our current project? Scripts and Lyrics for a Musical Play)

FAMILY MASS Second Weekend of the Month  September 8th at 5:00pm or September 9th at 10:15am Celebrate the Eucharist as a family.

Monthly meetings on the first Thursday at 7pm in the Library. No pressure, just have a desire to listen, observe, then contribute. Here are a few simple requirements for our group: You enjoy writing, especially in verse or prose (beginners are welcome), you are willing to share your work, and you welcome charitable feedback. If you are interested, contact Ruthanne Inscore [email protected].

Mass with Anointing of the Sick Mass with Anointing of the Sick is celebrated on the second Saturday of every month (September 8th) during the 8am Mass. Come and experience the power of faith and the healing presence of God.

RECYCLING WE NEED YOUR RECYCLABLES The Knights need your help in collecting recyclables. Your recyclables are a gift to those in need. The “Lord” asks that we reach out to others and this can be your way to do so. We look forward to seeing all of you Saturday September 8th, 2018. Items to drop off:  Aluminum cans  Bi-Metal cans  All types of paper  Books, Magazines  Glass jars & bottles  Plastics (Water bottles, Milk bottles, etc.) Please rinse out all containers If you have questions bring it and we will let you know. We will be in the lower parking lot from 7:00am to 12:00pm rain or shine. You can also drop off any recyclables during the week in the drop off area. Just open the gate and leave them in the designated area at the end of the trailer. Look for the recycling sign.

RENEW YOUR PRAYER LIFE Would you like to learn how to have an intimate relationship with God? The same God who created the entire universe and everything in it. A God who loves us and desires only the best for each one of us. Santiago de Compostela’s Ignatian Ministry will be holding an information night for its upcoming 9 month Spiritual Exercise retreat. Come and see what it is all about.

Where: Santiago de Compostela Santiago Room

When: Monday, September 10th at 7:00pm Please contact Grant Stockton or Paul Shisbey for more information and to pre-register. Grant Stockton 714-350-9608 [email protected]

Paul Shisbey 949-215-6937 [email protected]

Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time

August 26, 2018

Rev. John G. Block was ordained to the Sacred Priesthood on December 18, 1964 for the Diocese of Miami Florida at the Church of Christ the King, Rome, Italy. He received a Licentiate in Sacred Theology in June 1964 and a Doctorate in Sacred Theology in June 1970 from the Gregorian University, Rome, Italy. He taught Theology at St Vincent De Paul Regional Seminary, Boynton Beach, Florida from July 1, 1971 to July 1,1980 at which time he was appointed Pastor of St Mark Parish, Boynton Beach. He became a member of the Diocese of Palm Beach, Florida upon its establishment on October 24, 1984. He was Pastor of St Mark Parish until August 1, 1997 at which time he moved to St Bonaventure Parish. He retired from the Diocese of Palm Beach on August 1, 2001. He is now our retired priest in residence here at Santiago de Compostela. Help us welcome him to our Parish Family!

Do you need to announce your ministry and activities in our Church bulletin? Please visit our website for submission guidelines. Articles must be submitted NO LATER than Wednesday 12:00pm, 11 (eleven) days in advance of the issue in which you will like it to appear. Send your request to [email protected]

Santiago Meal Ministry Santiago has a Meal Ministry that provides short term assistance to parishioners in need of meals due to illness or incapacity to cook. If you are in need or know of someone who is in need, please call Mary Ann McConahey at 949-770-3056 or email. Keep the information handy for future reference. We are here for you.

MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER We have two wonderful marriage encounter weekends coming up for you. One before the hustle and bustle of the holidays Sept. 21-23 and one between the holidays Nov. 2-4. The weekend will give you a chance to focus on each other and put that spark and romance back into your marriage that may have gone out. For more information visit our website at

St. Junipero Serra Catholic School

Scrip Program Support our Parish School, St. Junipero Serra Catholic Elementary School, with your everyday shopping by using scrip cards as your form of payment at a multitude of local merchants! It's easy, convenient and costs you nothing! Whether you have children attending our school or not, you can make a difference and help keep Catholic education affordable for our parish families. For more information, please visit our website at