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5 unity

VIRTUE OF THE MONTH: PEACEFULNESS. 26 AUGUST 2013 ... open-minded to the potential they have ... is the bond of understanding, friendship and love.
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26 AUGUST 2013

ACCLAIM Academy Newsletter

Unidad Unity La unidad nos ayuda a trabajar y a vivir en paz. Cuando practicamos la unidad, nos sentimos conectados a todo y a todos. La unidad trae la armonía, como la música de una orquesta con diferentes instrumentos. La unidad viene cuando apreciamos a las personas. La felicidad de una persona da felicidad a todos. El dolor de una persona causa pena a todos. El honor para una persona es causa de honor para todos. Estoy unido a la gente. Aprecio las diferencias, no voy a diseminar prejuicios. Me gusta promover la paz.

Unity is the bond of understanding, friendship and love that brings people together. It help us work and live peacefully with one another. When we practice unity, we become connected to everyone and everything. We are all unique in the way we look, think and act. Without unity, these differences scare people and drive them apart. When we come together in unity, we learn amazing things from people who have different experiences and thoughts than us. With unity we work together to accomplish more than any one of us could by ourselves.

Dress Up Day jueves, el 29 de Agosto

Estudiantes ganen el privilegio de participar en Dress Up Day por estar en uniforme cada día, todo el día, todo el mes. Miércoles, estudiantes que lo merecen recibirán una nota avisando a sus padres que pueden vestirse en ropa no-uniforme el jueves. Reglas de vestimenta, puestos para asegurar que estudiantes están practicando la modestia y el auto disciplina, incluyen: • Lleve camiseta con manga • Lleve zapato de punta cerrada • El chor, falda o vestido tiene que estar suficiente largo para llegar al punto del dedo con los brazos extendidos. • No se permite pantalones apretados de estilo “skinny” o “stretchy” ni pantalones rotos con agujeros. Si estudiantes no siguen estas reglas tendrán que llamar a casa para que alguien les trae uniforme antes de que regresen a clase.

Reportes de Calificaciones se mandarán a casa jueves, 8/29

Revisan el reporte de calificaciones de su hijo que se llevará a casa hoy. Si su hijo está sobresaliendo, celebran los éxitos. Si su hijo esta teniendo problemas hablan con ellos, hablan con el maestro, buscan recursos en el Internet. Hagan unas metas junto con su hijo y enfocan en ellas estas últimas cuatro semanas.

Día de Trabajadores lunes, el 2 de septiembre no habrá clases

Christopher Yao Though only in his teens, Christopher Yao has big plans. Working with Kids Change the World and Kids Change America, organizations that he helped found and run, he aspires to empower “a generation of young community doers.” Christopher has organized local fundraisers and helped create educational programs worldwide. He seeks to “unite, enable, and inspire” youth everywhere so they become open-minded to the potential they have for enacting change both within their communities and the world at large.

Dress Up Day Thursday, August 29th

Students earn Dress Up Day by being in uniform all day, every day, all month. Wednesday, students who have earned it will receive a Dress Up Notice so parents know they have permission to wear non-uniform clothes Thursday. Rules for appropriate dress, in place to help students practice modesty and self-discipline, include: • Wear shirts with sleeves • Wear closed toed shoes • Shorts, skirts and dresses must be long enough to reach the tip of the fingers when arms are hanging down. • No skinny, stretchy or torn jeans If a student arrives at school without appropriate dress, they will call home for a school uniform to be brought before they can return to class.

Progress Reports go home Thursday, August 29th

Review the Progress Report sent home with your child this Thursday. If you child is doing well, celebrate the success! If your child is struggling, talk to them, talk to their teacher, search the Internet where you can find many excellent resources. Make goals together, and keep focused on these goals the next four weeks.

Labor Day Monday, September 2 No classes