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3rd Grade Spanish 2nd Grade Spanish

In October, third grade students will begin learning about the country of Boliv- ia. Students will learn about the cul- ture of this country while learning the.
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Francis X. Hegarty Elementary School Island Park School District Señora Rotella FLES Spanish Teacher ¡Hola!

October 2018  2nd Grade  3rd Grade  4th Grade

2nd Grade Spanish Yo estoy—I am Tú estás—You are Él o Ella está—he or she is Nosotros estamos—we We will also learn to use the verb comprar—to buy. are Ellos están—they are En el mercado, yo compro la comida.— In the market I buy the food.

This month in second grade we will be discussing the country of Nicaragua in Central America. Students will learn about different types of markets in Nicaragua. Through this students will learn words for different foods:

El queso—cheese Las papas fritas—french fries

La galleta—cookie La leche—milk

Next, students will learn to conjugate the verb estar—to be.

3rd Grade Spanish In October, third grade students will begin learning about the country of Bolivia. Students will learn about the culture of this country while learning the language at the same time!

This month our focus will be on people in the community. Students will learn vocabulary to describe different community members such as: la maestra– teacher la policía— police officer

el médico —doctor. Students will also learn to use the verb trabajar-to work.

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FLES Spanish Newsletter

3rd Grade Spanish (continued) El médico trabaja en el hospital.—The doctor works in the hospital. La maestra trabaja en la escuela.—The teacher works in the school. El músico trabaja en el estudio.—The musician works in the studio.

learn to conjugate the verb ir– to go. Yo voy—I go Tú vas—you go Él o Ella va– he or she goes Nosotros vamos—we go Ellos van—they go Ustedes van—you all go

Also this month, students will

4th Grade Spanish In October, fourth grade students will review the verb ser—to be. This is one of the most useful verbs in Spanish! Students will learn to use this very important verb in every form. Yo soy—I am Tú eres—you are Él es—he is Ella es—she is Nosotros somos—we are Ellos son—they are

Next, students will review words associated with the rooms of a home and be introduced to common items found within a house. La silla –chair La mesa—table La ventana—window La almohada—pillow La puerta—door Students will then be able to describe these items using the

verb ser– to be. Mi silla es grande.—My chair is big. Las almohadas son cómodas. —The pillows are comfortable.