20th Sunday in Ordinary Time
August 19, 2018
St. Joseph Campus: 1310 Mainstreet, Hopkins St. John Campus (Parish Office): 6 Interlachen Road, Hopkins 55343 Phone: (952) 935-5536 Website: www.stgabrielhopkins.org Fax: (952) 938-2724
Unless you eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood you do not have life within you ~ John 6:53 Les aseguro que si ustedes no comen el cuerpo del Hijo del hombre y beben su sangre, no tendrán vida. ~ Juan 6:53
CONTACTS Parish Office…….…….. CELEBRATION OF MASSES St. Joseph Campus Saturday…………....4:30 p.m. (English) Sunday…………..….8:30 a.m. (English) Tue & Thu……………....…….7:00 a.m. Morning Prayer & Rosary Mon, Wed, & Fri….............…..7:00 a.m. St. John Campus Sunday………..…… Wed, Fri & Sat (English)……...8:00 a.m.
SACRAMENTAL LIFE Eucharistic Adoration Chapel: Perpetual Adoration open 24 hours at St. Joseph Campus Baptism: Contact the office 2 months prior to Baptism to schedule the required preparation conference. Matrimony: Contact priest 12 months in advance of desired date. Reconciliation (Private) St. Joseph Campus: Saturday….3:30 p.m. St. John Campus: Saturday…...…………...8:30-9:30 a.m. Sunday ……………………..12:30 p.m.
Anointing: Communion or BeFriender Visit Contact the Parish Office ……………………......(952) 935-5536 Parish Registration Contact the Parish Office at: ……………………........(952) 935-5536 Bulletin Deadline Fridays at 12:00 p.m., ten days before the bulletin date, except for holidays. email to: bulletin@stgabrielhopkins.org
Parish Staff Pastor Fr. James Liekhus frjliekhus@stgabrielhopkins.org Deacons Deacon Darrel Branch dbranch@stgabrielhopkins.org Deacon Francis Tangney (952) 935-8530 ftangney@stgabrielhopkins.org Parish Business Administrator Steve Bonello sbonello@stgabrielhopkins.org Bookkeeper Mary Karen Keneally mkkeneally@stgabrielhopkins.org Director of Worship & Music Katie Schafer kschafer@stgabrielhopkins.org Ministry Coordinator Sheila Przesmicki sprzesmicki@stgabrielhopkins.org Director of Youth Formation Cindy Novak cnovak@stgabrielhopkins.org Pre-School Coordinator Kathleen Esh (952) 933-7610 kesh@stgabrielhopkins.org Custodian Ricardo Torres rtorres@stgabrielhopkins.org Pastoral Council Members Rhonda Pantila Ed Bennett Karen Fish Bill Johnson Luis Becerra Paul O’Gorman Edali Mendez Jeff Ward Therese Otten Notre Dame Academy www.nda-mn.org 13505 Excelsior Blvd Minnetonka, MN 55345 Ginger Vance, Principal (952) 358-3500 email: gvance@nda-mn.org
Worship LITURGICAL MINISTERS FOR AUGUST 25/26 4:30 p.m. Mass at St. Joseph Campus Extraordinary Ministers: R. Bechir, J. Holland C. Murphy, J. Specken, D. Specken, Deacon F. Tangney, P. Torvik Lector: C. Carlson (1), A. Tangney (2) Sacristan: W. Hoops Greeters: R. Harrigan, M. Harrigan, J. Vesovich Servers: Usher: K. Jamison, B. Johnson 8:30 a.m. Mass at St. Joseph Campus Extraordinary Ministers: R. Boyer, M. Erpelding, R. Pantila, C. Romportl, Deacon F. Tangney, B. Tangney Lector: P. Bell (1), M. Beckering (2) Sacristan: J. Brannan Greeter: D. Hemker, C. Hetchler, S. Tangney Servers: R. Ebnet Usher: P. Ames, C. Hetchler 10:30 a.m. Mass at St. John Campus Extraordinary Ministers: K. Cambre, B. Davies, G. DeLander, M. Dickinson, R. Fox, M. Goergen, J. Hartnett, B. Hunke, S. Kessler, R. Kessler, V. Sperrazza Lectors: S. Goergen (1), V. Vonhof (2) Sacristan: K. Davies Greeters: E. Bennett, J. Fish, S. Loeffler, E. Orton, P. Orton, S. Zettel Servers: Rose C., Stella C., Julius K. Usher: G. Dunkley, M. Dunkley, W. Dunkley D. Noll, M. Noll, B. Rottach, M .K. Rottach
Returning our gifts to God and His Church St Gabriel the Archangel's Sunday Giving This information has been removed for the online version Please contact the Parish Business Administrator with any questions (952) 935-5536 ACH and Credit Card giving is available Visit our website for Online Giving options or call the parish office at (952) 935-5536. The Parish office is closed on Fridays during the summer. It is open Monday—Thursday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Please pray For those in nursing homes, the families of the sick, caregivers, the military and their families, and for the following: Dale Baggio, Nancy Bishop, Fr. Ralph Goman, Jimmy Gominsky, Justin Keyes, Andrew Loo, Jane McDonald, Jim McSherry, Sandy Muschenheim, Marty Noll, Jim Roberts, Ranee Sulfridge, Cheryl Tatum, Debra Thompson, Clyde Tschimperle, Joanne Urbanski and Mary Ann Weldon To add a name to the list, please notify the Parish Office. Because of the length of the list, names will be published for one month unless otherwise requested. Thank you.
Father Jim Livingston will celebrate a Healing Mass on Tuesday, August 21st, at 7:00 p.m. at St. Gabriel - St. Joseph Campus, 1310 Mainstreet, Hopkins. Please join us for the Rosary and Mass. An opportunity for individual blessings follows Mass. Direct questions to Barb at (952) 933 -8423. “Watch carefully then how you live, not as foolish persons but as wise…” Ephesians 5:15 A wise person recognizes that all we have and all we are comes from God. A wise person thanks God continually throughout the day for all His many blessings. A wise person realizes that God has blessed us for a reason and that He wants us to help Him build His kingdom of earth.
Outreach THE GIFT OF GRACE The gift of grace increases as the struggles increase. —St. Rose of Lima
St. Gabriel the Archangel Council of Catholic Women General Meeting Mark your calendar for Tuesday, September 11th, 7PM St. John Campus - Community Room Join us for Pizza, Salad and conversation. RSVP: Janet @ 952 933-2085 or jlkrawczak@hotmail.com
Sign up in the foyer at St. John campus or the Mainstreet entrance at St. Joseph campus, to help prepare the meal at St. Joseph campus at 3:00pm or to set up, serve or clean up after the meal. CLEAN-UP HELP IS NEEDED FROM 5:30 TO 6:30pm. Monetary donations may be sent to St. Gabriel’s parish office, attention Loaves and Fishes. For more information contact Deacon Darrel and Chris Branch at (952) 929-8695.
Weekly Calendar Sunday, August 19 5:30 p.m.. Loaves & Fishes Meal Social Hall, St. Joseph campus
Monday, August 20 5:30 p.m. Loaves & Fishes Meal, Social Hall, St. Joseph campus 6:00 p.m. Prayer Shawl Ministry Conference Room, St. John campus 6:30 p.m. Fall Festival Meeting Social Hall, St. Joseph campus 7:30 p.m. AA Cafeteria, St. John campus
Tuesday, August 21
5:30 p.m. Loaves & Fishes Meal Social Hall, St. Joseph campus 7:00 p.m. Rosary Church, St. Joseph campus 7:30 p.m. Healing Mass Church, St. Joseph campus 7:00 p.m. Holy Spirit Prayer Group Library, St. Joseph campus 8:00 p.m. Tuesday Basketball Gym, St. John campus
Why I joined the parish I walked away from the Church in my late teens, approximately 1975. It was quite popular then to do “your own thing.” Much to my parents’ credit, they left it to the Lord to steer me back to Him! The Lord works in mysterious ways! No calendar involved! 42 years is nothing to the Almighty. To me, hmmm, I wish He’d worked faster. Coming back has felt like a warm embrace. Thank you St. Gabriel’s!
Come to Me all who labor and are burdened… Jesus continues to ask us to come to Him.
Miracles happen in Adoration. Please consider joining our community of a rers and commit to one hour with our r Adorers are needed for the following hours:
Sunday at 2 p.m., 7 p.m. and 11 p.m., Monday at 12 a.m. midnight Tuesday at 11 p.m., Saturday at 10 a.m., 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. For information or to register to adore Our Lord, please call Barb: (952) 9338423 Luis Becerra: (612) 600-6821, or Roberta: (952) 935-1774, r ee s@ tma c m Wednesday, August 22 7:00 p. m.
Pastoral Council Meeting Conference Room, St. John Campus
Thursday, August 23 7:00 p.m.
Divine Mercy Prayer and Study Group Kathleen’s Office, St. Joseph Campus
Friday, August 24 Office Closed
Saturday, August 25 5:30 p.m. Loaves & Fishes Meal Social Hall, St. Joseph campus 7:00 p.m. Hispanic Community Prayer Group Community Room, St. John campus
Sunday, August 26 5:30 p.m. Loaves & Fishes Meal Social Hall, St. Joseph campus
MASS INTENTIONS Sunday, August 19 8:30 a.m. † Herbert Branch 10:30 a.m.† Robert Velner 1:00 p.m. People of the Parish Tuesday, August 21 7:00 a.m. † Marianne Martini Wednesday, August 22 8:00 a.m. † Linus Thell Thursday, August 23 7:00 a.m. † Leonard Urbanski Friday, August 24 8:00 a.m. † David Vanek Saturday, August 25 8:00 a.m. † Tom Weaver 4:30 p.m. † Charles Munster Sunday, August 26 8:30 a.m. † Philip Vassar 10:30 a.m. † Arthur Weisgram 1:00 p.m. People of the Parish
NURSERY MINISTRY TEAM MEMBERS NEEDED! We would like to begin offering the nursery ministry at the 8:30am Sunday Mass as well as the 10:30am Sunday Mass. Adult ministry team members are needed at both times. Please consider this important ministry! You are asked to serve approximately once a month between the end of Sept. and the end of May (about 8-9 times during the year). Teen helpers are also welcome! Families might like to serve together too. Sign up to help at the Mass you don’t usually go to so that you can still celebrate Mass as usual. Nursery Ministry Team members will need to be current on safe environment requirements. Contact Cindy to get started (952-540-4762, cnovak@stgabrielhopkins.org). ADULTS NEEDED FOR PRE-SCHOOL AND CHILDREN’S MINISTRY, SUNDAY MORNINGS Several adult leaders/assistants are needed on Sunday mornings for PreSchool (ages 3- K) and Children’s Ministry (grades 1-4). We start programming Sept. 30 and run through the end of Apr. No lesson planning required; all materials are provided. Help with games, crafts, music, etc. Contact Kathleen Esh (Pre-School)-kesh@stgabrielhopkins.org or 952933-7610 (pm hours); or Cindy Novak (Children’s Ministry) cnovak@stgabrielhopkins.org; 952540-4762.
RAFFLE TICKETS – 2ND SELLER DRAWING WINNERS CONGRATULATIONS! Our second Sellers drawing winners are Robert & Mina Harrigan, Martin & Darlene Noll and Tony & Toni Tallman! If you need more tickets, please contact the parish office. The third Sellers drawing is coming up on August 27nd. Hand in any and all sold tickets to be put in for the third drawing by August 26th. Blank tickets are available at the parish office. This will be our last Sellers drawing, don’t stop selling, our BIG drawing for BIG Bucks will be on Sunday, September 9th, 2018 at 4:30 p.m. under the Big Tent at the St. Joseph campus. Great Job Everyone!
Calling for Cakes & Soda for the Cake Walk Please bring your cakes and 2 liter soda bottles to the St. Joseph Social Hall starting at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday, Sept. 8 to be included in the 2018 St. Gabriel's Fall Festival Cake Walk on Sunday! LITTLE FLOWERS GIRL'S CLUB is beginning our 5th year! This year will be different but still very exciting! We welcome girls going into Grades 1 and up. Meetings are once a month at the St. John campus in the Preschool Room. Each Patron Saint Badge is earned as a Group - one example is Gabriel and we will learn about media and communications in ways that share seeing the world around us in a Catholic Context. We see everything with a Catholic world view with God and our faith everywhere. Badges have exciting projects and fun! Registration Forms are at Campus Main Entryways. SIGN UP! kesh@stgabrielhopkins.org Kathleen Esh. Please know that Virtus compliant assistants are appreciated! Our first session is Friday, Sept. 14th, 7:00-8:30 p.m.
FAITH FORMATION REGISTRATION NOW AVAILABLE! Registration materials are now available for all faith formation programs for the 2018-19 program year. You can pick them up at the back of the church or download them from the website. Programs offered include: • Pre-School—ages 3- Kindergarten; meets on Sunday mornings, 10:30-11:30am, St. John campus • Children’s Ministry—grades 1-4; meets on Sunday mornings, 10:15-11:35, St. John campus • Middle School Ministry—grades 5-8; meets on Wednesday evenings, 6:00- 7:15pm, St. John campus • High School Ministry—grades 9-12; meets on Wednesday evenings, 6:00- 7:15pm, St. John campus • 1st Reconciliation/1st Eucharist—grades 2 and older; meets on 6 Sunday evenings throughout the year (2 in November, 4 in April); children must also be participating in regular faith formation through parish programs or a Catholic school • Confirmation—grade 10 and older; meets on 6 Sunday evenings throughout the year; youth must also be participating in regular faith formation through parish programs or a Catholic school Contact Cindy Novak for more information (952-540-4762, cnovak@stgabrielhopkins.org
UPCOMING VIRTUS SESSIONS AT ST. GABRIEL All parishioners are strongly encouraged to complete our safe environment trainings in order to continue our commitment to keep children and vulnerable adults safe. If you participate in a ministry that serves children, youth or vulnerable adults, you must be current on your safe environment requirements. These requirements include: background check, online Code of Conduct training, online Reporting Abuse training, and Virtus “Protecting God’s Children for Adults” training. If you are involved in the following ministries, please complete (or update) your requirements:
All Faith Formation ministries (nursery, Pre-School, Children’s Ministry, Middle School Ministry, High School Ministry, VBS, Faith Service Camp, Retreat teams, Steubenville, etc.) Liturgical Ministries such as Ushers, Greeters, Sacristans Families Moving Forward Loaves and Fishes Dinner at Your Door Children’s Games at the Fall Festival Befrienders, Care Center visitors, Communion visitors, etc.
We will host two (2) Virtus sessions at St. Gabriel this fall: Sat. Sept. 15, 1:00- 4:00pm, Social Hall, St. Joseph campus Wed. Sept. 19, 6:00- 9:00pm, Community Room, St. John campus Please register online (www.virtusonline.org) in order to attend. Contact Cindy with questions (952-540-4762, Cnovak@stgabrielhopkins.org).
August 19, 2018; 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time; Year B Proverbs 9:1-6, Ephesians 5:15-20, John 6:51-58 The Responsorial Psalm sums up the Gospel very well: “Taste and see the goodness of the Lord”! We must note in the Gospel that Jesus is addressing the crowds. Who makes up these crowds? Well, of course, the Apostles are a “crowd” of 12. Then the greater group of Jesus’ disciples are there. Also, there are the Pharisees, the Scribes and the Sadducees who follow Jesus everywhere to challenge him. To be sure, they are a crowd by themselves. We can assume that some Jews were there just to hear Jesus and some Gentiles, too. And as we read the gospel, we can consider ourselves as being there. As Jesus addresses the crowds, the apostles must have been confused, while the Pharisees would have been repulsed. The rest of the people would have been somewhere in between. As we hear these words, “Whoever eats my flesh and drinks blood has eternal life,” we must remember that Jewish law forbids the consumption of the blood of animals and certainly of humans! The reason was that they believed the spirit of the animal was in the blood. You certainly would not want to take in the animal’s spirit. But what many failed to see, and what we believe, is that Jesus wants his spirit within us. His spirit is the perfect spirit. It is what will give us eternal life. This gospel is a true foretelling of the Eucharist.
Place yourself in the crowd as Jesus told this. Could you see yourself accept his statement? Last week we discussed our acceptance (or not) of the Eucharist as the body and blood of Jesus. Whether you accept it, how does this affect your approach to Communion? How do you share your acceptance/belief (or lack thereof) with others?
Do you agree that Jesus was foretelling the Last Supper?
• •
For more information or to sign up for a small group, contact Karen Fish at 952-239-1949
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Confesiones, domingos 12:30pm Santa Misa, domingos 1:00pm
Pastor: Rev. Padre James Liekhus (Padre Jim) 952-935-5536
Vigésimo Domingo del tiempo ordinari
Club de niñas “Flores Pequeñas” Estamos comenzando nuestro quinto año! Este año será diferente pero aún muy ¡emocionante! Damos la bienvenida a las niñas que entran en primer grado para arriba. Las reuniones son una vez al mes en el Campus de S. John en la sala preescolar. Cada insignia de un Santo Patrón se gana como un Grupo. Un ejemplo es San Gabriel, el Patrón de las comunicaciones. Vamos a aprender sobre los medios y las comunicaciones de una manera que comparten ver el mundo que nos rodea en un contexto católico. Vemos todo con una perspectiva del mundo católico con Dios y nuestra fe en todos lados. ¡Todas las insignias tienen proyectos emocionantes y divertidos! Formularios de registro están en ambos Campus en las entradas principales. ¡REGÍSTRATE AHORA! Comenzamos nuestras Sesiones, viernes, 14 de septiembre, 7:00-8:30 pm. También necesitamos Asistentes Bilingües que cumplan con Virtus: agregue su nombre al Formulario de inscripción y Kathleen se comunicará con usted. PRUEBA Y VE La sabiduría a menudo se le identifica con Cristo y con el Espíritu Santo. Ambos están presentes en las lecturas de hoy, uno como metáfora y otro como doctrina. “Aquel que le falte juicio (sabiduría), vengan, aliméntense con mi comida, y beban del vino que he preparado”. Ella nos recuerda, “Abandona la insensatez para que vivas, avanza en el camino de la sabiduría”. Jesús nos recuerda a estar unidos con él de una forma íntima con su Cuerpo y Sangre en la Eucaristía. Estamos bendecidos con el don de la sabiduría, si solo reconocemos esto y aceptamos a nuestro Señor en nuestro corazón.
Evangelización a los hogares con el Santo Rosario Por favor llame a Angeles al (612) 388-8495, Maria Robles (612) 310-0310, Yolanda (612) 267-6697
19 de agosto de 2018
ENTRENAMIENTO PARA CATEQUISTAS. Sabado 29 de Septiembre de 8:00 am a 3:00 pm. Si estas interesado en ayudar en el Programa de Formación en nuestra parroquia por favor contacta a Edali., 651-808-7068. REGISTRACION PARA CATEQUESIS. Sabados a partir de las 4:00 pm. Mas información despues de la Misa con cualquiera de los servidores. "Miren cuidadosamente cómo viven, no como necios sino como sabios ..." Efesios 5:15 Una persona sabia reconoce que todo lo que tenemos y todo lo que somos proviene de Dios. Una persona sabia agradece a Dios continuamente durante todo el día por todas Sus bendiciones. Una persona sabia se da cuenta de que Dios nos ha bendecido por alguna razón y que Él quiere que lo ayudemos a construir su reino terrenal. Grupo de Oración ~~ Sábados 7:00pm SÓLO JESÚS Debemos orar sin cansarnos, porque la salvación de la humanidad no depende del éxito material… sino sólo de Jesús. Adoración Eucarístia Perpetua Venga a rezar en la capilla en cualquier momento. (La capilla se cierra a la medianoche del sábado hasta el mediodia del domingo). Si usted puede comprometerse con una hora semanal, los horarios para los cuales necesitamos adoradores están a continuación. Necesitamos voluntarios para adorar a Nuestro Señor: Domingo a las 2 p.m., 7 p.m. y 11 p.m., lunes a las 12 a.m. medianoche martes a las 11 p.m., sábado a las 10 a.m., 11 a.m. y 2 p.m. Para más información o para registrarse para adorar a Nuestro Señor, por favor llame a Luis Becerra: (612) 490-0081