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2018-2019 School Year

31 dic. 2018 - on winning this wonderful award,” stated Roberto J. Santos, Superintendent of Schools for ... Approximately 900 athletes from United ISD, Laredo ISD, and area .... College of Choice: Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
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Table of Contents / Índice Page # Superintendent’s Message


J.B. Alexander Senior Awarded Gates Scholarship


Special Olympics


Lucy K. Gutierrez - Golden Apple Winner


School Bell Award Recipients


Zaida G. Gonzalez named HEB “2018 Elementary Principal of the Year”


Andrea Garza awarded HEB “2018 Leadership Award Recipient”


Retiree Appreciation Banquet


ATHLETICS Electronic Forms


2018 League of Legends


College Summer Academy


United ISD Teachers of the Year

10 - 11

UHS Valedictorian & Salutatorian


USHS Valedictorian & Salutatorian


AHS Valedictorian & Salutatorian


LBJHS Valedictorian & Salutatorian


UHS Partners for Scholars


USHS Partners for Scholars


AHS Partners for Scholars


LBJHS Partners for Scholars


Page # 2018 High School Graduations


Border Patrol Youth of the Year


J. B. Alexander 9th Grade Campus


Required Immunizations 2018-2019


2013 School Bond/ Construction Updates


Sames KIA - Car Giveaway


Summer Feeding Sites


Mensaje del superintendente


Vacunas Requeridas


Ceremonias de graduación


Proyectos de construcción

27 - 28

Ganador de SAMES Kia


Información para deportistas


Homenaje a Liga de Leyendas


Calendario escolar 2018-2019


The District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, gender, national origin, disability or association with an individual with a disability, or age in its programs and activities and provides equal access to the Boys Scouts and other designated youth groups or any other basis prohibited by law.

Page 2

El distrito no discrimina por motivos de raza, color, religión, sexo, género, nacionalidad, discapacidad o asociación con una persona discapacitada, o edad, en sus programas y actividades y proporciona un acceso equitativo a los Boys Scouts y otros grupos juveniles designados o por cualquier otro motivo prohibido por la ley.


Dear United ISD Parents/Guardians: It is an honor to present you with this final edition of United ISD’s 2017-2018 Parent Connection. In this issue, you will find timely information regarding District-Wide events, student, staff and campus accomplishments, new campuses, and information you’ll need to prepare your student for the upcoming school year. I am very proud of the advancements that we have made as a school district, thanks to our employees and teachers. I am also in admiration of our students, who continue to excel in academics and extra-curricular activities. As I watched the smiles on our graduate’s faces when they walked across the stage to accept their High School diplomas, I was reminded of how all of our work is centered on this goal. This year more than 3,100 students earned diplomas and certificates. These celebrations were possible because of the dedication of every United ISD staff member. I congratulate our Class of 2018 graduates, and my wish for each of them is to follow a path that leads to a lifetime of success and self-fulfillment. I would also like to thank our parents for their commitment to making sure that their students attend school every day. In the instructional area, United ISD continues to excel in preparing students for the demanding challenges of the 21st century. To that end, our teachers have remained dedicated to making sure that our students are well-prepared for endof-year STAAR and End of Course assessments. Additionally, we continue to enhance our instructional program by providing our teachers and staff members with supplemental training.

I am also very pleased to announce that United ISD will open the doors to Alexander High School’s 9th Grade Campus, San Isidro Elementary School in north Laredo, and Perales Middle School in south Laredo in time for the 2018-2019 school-year. All of the abovementioned campuses were built with funds derived from the taxpayer approved School Bond 2013. As we look forward to another school year, I wish to address the issue of security at our schools, offices and facilities. The safety and wellbeing of our students are the two main concerns of the United ISD Police Department and our campus security guards. To meet the challenge of maintaining safe campuses, I urge that students, staff and parents to be vigilant. As an extension of that effort, I humbly ask our United ISD parents to talk to their children on a regular basis, and ask them to report suspicious postings or potential threats on social media to United ISD Police or school administrators. In closing, I wish to thank United ISD parents for their efforts, positive energy, and involvement in our schools. The United ISD family looks forward to welcoming students back to class on Wednesday, August 15, 2018. I am honored to work for you, and wish you a safe and enjoyable summer holiday. Best regards, Roberto J. Santos, Superintendent

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J.B. Alexander High School Senior Awarded Gates Scholarship A John B. Alexander High School graduating senior received yet another honor after being named Valedictorian of his class. Ian J. Limarta was notified that he is the latest recipient of the distinguished Gates Scholarship. He is one of 300 students across the nation to receive this scholarship. With an impressive GPA and academic resume, Limarta is surely to find success past his years with United ISD. Limarta plans to attend the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) this fall. He is a member of the National Honor Society, John B. Alexander Robotics Team, and active in multiple UIL teams. Over the course of his academic career, Limarta has made his mark as a dedicated student as well as a leader among his classmates. When he’s not studying for the next competition or exam, you can find Limarta helping local nearby communities by participating in service projects or tutoring his peers.

“I am grateful to have been selected for The Gates Scholarship,” stated Limarta who currently holds a 5.1782 weighted GPA because of his Advanced Placement classes. “Unweighted, his GPA is a perfect 4.0. Attending MIT is a phenomenal opportunity for me to learn from the best professors in the studies I want to pursue a career, I am very excited about beginning this next chapter in my life,” said Limarta. The Gates Scholarship is a highly selective program, that chooses candidates from all over the country based on not only academic merits, but involvement in the community as well. The program is best known because of it’s founder Bill Gates, who created the foundation to assist minority, lowincome families pay for college. In addition to providing financial support, the foundation also provides recipients of this scholarship with a myriad of resources all geared to assist students find success throughout their collegiate careers.

“As we look ahead into the next century, leaders will be those who empower others.” -Bill Gates

Recipient of 2018 Golden Apple Award United ISD Cherish Center Educator, Ms. Lucy K. Gutierrez, was recently awarded the prestigious Golden Apple Award. To be eligible for this award, an educator needs to work in the classroom for at least seven years and be selected by a committee of judges who selects a winner based on accomplishments, activities involved within the school, community involvement, and continued education. Gutierrez is a thirty-nine year veteran educator of United ISD who currently works with the Special Needs Population assigned to United ISD’s Cherish Center. Gutierrez aspires to be a positive leader not only among her students, but to her fellow colleagues as well. In her classroom, Ms. Gutierrez fosters a climate of love, admiration, acceptance, and understanding which has led her students to much success. In addition to holding certifications in Special Education, General Education, she also holds certifications in Self-Contained Classrooms, Early Childhood Special Education, Bilingual/ESL Education and holds a Masters in Educational Leadership.

Lucy K. Gutierrez

Of the numerous nominees this year, United ISD is proud that Ms. Lucy K. Gutierrez was selected as the winner of the 2018 Golden Apple Award. “We congratulate Ms. Gutierrez on winning this wonderful award,” stated Roberto J. Santos, Superintendent of Schools for United ISD. For the past thirty-six years the Laredo Chapter Alpha Delta Kappa Sorority awards one desrving educator each year with the prestigious honor of receiving the “Golden Apple Award.”

Three United ISD teachers were honored at the 2018 School Bell Awards Program held at Texas A&M International University. The event was sponsored by the Education Committee of the Laredo Chamber of Commerce, Family Chevrolet, and the College of Education at Texas A&M International University. The event is held each year to recognize and honor the tremendous work of educators throughout the city. This year’s United ISD recipients were: - Ms. Carmen Martinez, Fifth Grade Teacher at Malakoff Elementary School. - Ms. Rebecca “Cissy” Solis-Ramirez, Seventh Grade English and Language Arts Teacher at United Middle School, - Ms. Rosa Santos, English Teacher at John B. Alexander High School.

The 2018 Special Olympics Texas Area 21 Spring Games kicked off at United ISD’s Bill Johnson Student Activity Center (SAC) on the morning of April 23. Approximately 900 athletes from United ISD, Laredo ISD, and area school districts participated in the Page 4 ceremonies. The event started with the traditional promenade of the special athletes and their campuses. opening

With over forty years in education collectively, these fantastic teachers have been inspiring students with their tenacious approach to teaching. “We are proud that three of our teachers were selected to receive the School Bell Awards,” said Roberto J. Santos, Superintendent of Schools. Page 5

ELECTRONIC United ISD Educators United ISD is proud to announce that Zaida Gonzalez and Andrea Garza won in their respective categories at the 2018 HEB Excellence in Education Ceremony held in May in Houston, Texas. Zaida González was named 2018 HEB Elementary Principal of the Year, and received a $10,000 check, along with a $25,000 grant for her school. This is the second consecutive year that a United ISD principal wins in their Elementary category. Andrea is a twelve-year veteran teacher at United South High School where she works as Department Chair and World History Teacher. In addition to receiving this distinguished honor, Garza was awarded $10,000 for her and $10,000 grant for her school.

2017-2018 Retiree Appreciation Banquet

Honorees were recognized for contributions to the district with a plaque commemorating their years of service to the District. Musical performance by Mariachi Del Norte from Clark Middle School under the Direction of Carlos Gil, and assisted by Gilbert Cuellar and Michelle Uribe complemented the festive mood of the gathering. “We thank our retirees for their devotion to our students and wish them well as they journey to the next chapter of their lives,” said Superintendent Roberto J. Santos.

forms for Athletes

The United ISD Department of Athletics is requiring that all parents and students complete UIL and United ISD athletics participation forms online. The electronic forms process eases the completion and submission of several forms that are required for students to participate in athletics.

All United ISD student athletes are required to complete the Pre-participation – Physical Examination Form provided (Revised 12-4-14). NO OTHER PHYSICAL EXAM FORM WILL BE ACCEPTED. A new physical is required for all 7th -12th grade students prior to the start of the new school year. The forms may be accessed online at under the tab (Department – Athletics – Student Athlete electronic Participation forms.

Page 6

• All United ISD student athletes are required to submit a yearly physical form in order to participate in athletics. Physical forms are valid only for the current academic school year and expire on the last day of school. • All required United ISD & UIL Paperwork must be on file with the athletic trainers prior to the student participating in any practice, scrimmage, workout or contest (to include Athletic Period).

Instructions for United ISD Athletics ELECTRONIC forms 1


3 The United ISD Board of Trustees and District leaders recognized the outstanding contributions of this year’s retirees with an Appreciation Banquet at Altezza Receptions on April 19, 2018. The list of honorees ranged from classroom teachers of all grades and disciplines, to custodians, bus drivers and administrators.

Pride • Honor • Class Tradition • Excellence


The required annual athletic physical and health history form cannot be filled out online because it must be completed by the parent/guardian and physician. You may print a physical and medical history form by selecting the Pre-participation Physical Exam Form tab at the top of the page. Once you have selected the tab you will see the link to the physical and medical history form and will be able to download and print.

All other required paperwork will be done electronically. The parent/guardian will be asked to provide information such as home phone numbers, cell phone numbers, email addresses, name of the primary physician, insurance policy and other pertinent information. Please make sure you have this with you when filling out your forms electronically. You must have your son/daughter’s Student ID number in order to fill out the required forms. Remember that to submit online appropriately, you and your child must fill in all required spaces. Forms will not be accepted electronically without all required information being completed. DO NOT LEAVE ANY FIELDS BLANK. If you are unable to provide specific information, please answer with NA or NONE. To access the required athletic participation forms for United ISD, hold your cursor over the “Electronic Participation Forms” tab. You will get a drop list of all required forms.




To begin, click on the form name and fill out the information requested. Parent/Guardian must have their son/daughters present along with the students ID number available to complete the forms. If you do not know the answer to a question, please answer the question with NA, or none. To sign the document, click inside the signature box and hold your mouse down, this will allow you to create an “Electronic Signature.” If you make a mistake and need to start over, click on the refresh icon next to the signature box. If you are using an IPAD, you may create an electronic signature by holding your finger to the screen and signing your name or by using a stylus. Once you have filled out all of the information on each page, you will have the opportunity to print the document.


You will receive a confirmation email once the document(s) have been reviewed by UISD Athletic Training Staff.


Parents/ Guardians must provide a notification email address in order to submit. The notification email address section can be found at the bottom (end) of each form.

If you have any questions about the online process, please contact the Licensed Athletic Trainer at your son’s/daughter’s high school. Page 7

United ISD Hosts Fifth Annual League of Legends Awards




United Independent School District’s League of United ISD Legends Awards Dinner was held on the evening of March 8, 2018, at the Altezza Events Ballroom. The annual gala celebrates select alumni who have achieved success and made outstanding contributions to their professions and communities. This year, a total of 24 alumni from United, J. B. Alexander, United South, and Lyndon B. Johnson high school were honored by United ISD Trustees, Superintendent Roberto J. Santos, administrators, and family members. The evening’s proceedings began with a splendid dinner, which was followed by an introduction of this year’s honorees. Each new legend received a crystal award to commemorate the occasion. The fabulous Clark Middle School Mariachi Del Norte, directed by Gilbert Cuellar, Michelle Uribe, and Carlos Gil, provided musical entertainment. The celebration continued on March 9 when the alumni visited their high school alma maters for a homecoming celebration hosted by staff and students. The alumni also shared anecdotes and answered student questions about their educational backgrounds careers. A select committee selected all nominees based on career advancement, service to the community, and humanitarian deeds.

Page 8

Gilbert Cuellar, MSEd (1990) Marcus Dally (1991) Hector Elizondo, Jr. (1989) Cristina Flores (2006) Edgar J. Fulgham, MSCJ (1993) Charles M. Hornberger, JD, M.S.L., CPA (1973) (not pictured)*

Faustino Lopez, MSCJ (1986) Carmen C. Martinez, MS (1993) Henry Mejia (1982)


Hector Gil (1995) Ricardo D. Holguin, M.F.A. (2006) Robert Moya, III (1996) Jessica Ontiveros, M.A. (2003) Donnie Sillas (1996)


Ediza Garcia, Psy.D. (1997) Jaime Garcia, J.D., M.B.A. (2003) Stephen Trautmann, Jr., J.D. (2000) Claudia Valdez Balli, J.D., M.B.A. (1998) Dr. Javier R. Vera, Jr., R.Ph. (2010)


Jazmine Castro, R.N. (2012) Gabriel Alberto De León (2011) Jorge Guerrero, M.S. (2006) Lynette Martinez, R.N. (2008) Armando Rene Mendiola, R.N. (2013)

Page 9

The 2018 Teacher/Employee of the Year Awards Banquet Eliseo Cervantes

(Kennedy-Zapata Elementary School) “Elementary Paraprofessional Staff Member or Auxiliary Staff Member of the Year”

Amelia de Garcia

Amanda K. Sanchez

(Col. Santos Benavides Elementary School) “Elementary Instructional Paraprofessional of the Year” & “District-wide Employee of the Year”

(5th Grade Teacher - Gutierrez Elementary) “Elementary District-Wide Teacher of the Year”

Margarita Lozano (United High School) “Secondary Instructional Paraprofessional of the Year”

Maria Campero

(George Washington Middle School) “Secondary Paraprofessional Staff Member or Auxiliary Staff Member of the Year”

It was a scene filled with anticipation and joy. This year’s annual United ISD Employee Awards Banquet was held at the LIFE Pavilion grounds. Employees and teachers from all campuses and departments were honored for their excellence with Teacher/Employee of The Year awards. Other highlights of the evening included awards for District-Wide Employee of The Year and Paraprofessional or Auxiliary Staff Member of the Year at the Elementary and Secondary levels. Each winner was presented with an award by the Board of Trustees and Superintendent of Schools Mr. Roberto J. Santos. The Elementary and Secondary teachers of the year will drive new automobiles from the Powell Watson Auto Group for one full year. First and second place runner-ups for the Teacher of the Year award received $1,500 and $1,000 dollar gift certificates respectively, from Ashley Home Store of Laredo. The United ISD Board of Trustees and Superintendent Roberto J. Santos thank all of this year’s winners for their service and commitment to excellence. Page 10

Timothy Cantu

(Audio Video Production Teacher - UHS) “Secondary District-Wide Teacher of the Year”

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Robert Ponce


United High School Parents: Guillermo and Monica Ponce Extracurricular Activities: • Country Corn, Employee • Youth Science Leaders of Laredo, Co-Founder, Co-President • Webb County Young Democrats, Co-Founder, Co-President • UETM Robotics Team, Chief Financial Officer, Vice-President • Big River Technologies, Chief Executive Officer, Shareholder • National Honor Society, President • Physics & Calculus Club, President • United ISD Student Advisory Board, Member • TAMIU Engineering DustyTRON Robotics, Research Assistant • City of Laredo - Utilities Department, Civil Engineering Intern • Imaginarium of South Texas, Robotics Camp Instructor • International Summer School for Young Physicists, Participant Community Service: • Robotics Outreach • Youth Science Day Director • South Texas Food Bank, Front Desk Receptionist • Laredo Medical Center, Pathology Lab Intern • National Honor Society Tutor • Physics & Calculus Club Tutor College of Choice: Harvard University Future Plans: After taking a diverse course load in physics, computer science, and economics, Mr. Ponce hopes to launch his tech startup at Harvard, while still deeply pursuing hobbies in investment, politics, and philosophy. I also hope to learn how to sail the Charles River, speak Mandarin, meet new people, and travel the world. Page 12


Montserrat Garza Salutatorian

United High School

Yesenia Jacquelyn Garcia

Jaime Gonzalez


United South High School

Parents: Ricardo and Eva Garza Extracurricular Activities: • UHS Drama Club and One-Act Play • Director, Stage Manager, and Sound Technician • United Engineering & Technology Magnet Robotics Team • FTC Team Captain • Robot Construction Leader • Treasurer • UIL Academics • Spelling • Mathematics • Computer Science • Class of 2018 Treasurer (9th - 11th) • Team America Rocketry Challenge 2018 • National Honor Society Community Service: • Texas Pre-Freshman Engineering Program, Program Assistant • St. Vincent De Paul Church Choir • Robotics Community Outreach • Class of 2018 Fundraisers and Events • Laredo Public Library • Sister Cities Festival • Paint Crusaders Event • Walk to End Alzheimer’s 2016 • Laredo Animal Protective Society • Laredo Theater International Guild College of Choice: Massachusetts Institute of Technology Future Plans: Ms. Garza intends to major in either Aerospace or Mechanical Engineering with a minor in Computer Science and a humanities concentration in Theater Arts. After completing her bachelor’s degree, she would like to continue her education at MIT to obtain a master’s degree. Montserrat plans to return to Laredo to teach at United High School.



United South High School Parents: Jesus and Juany Garcia Extracurricular Activities: • UIL Academics • Business Professionals of America • Academy of Global Business and Advanced Technology Vice President • National Honors Society • Sociedad Honoraria Hispanica Community Service: • Laredo Sister Cities Festival • Peer tutor • Program for International Student Assessment • Ronald McDonald House Charity College of Choice: Rice University Future Plans: Plans to pursue a degree in biological sciences with a minor in business, with the ultimate goal of becoming a doctor in veterinary medicine.


Parent: Marissa Morin Extracurricular Activities: • UIL Science Captain • UIL Mathematics Member • UIL Number Sense Member • National Honor Society Member • Communities in School Member Community Service: • Relay For Life • Donated Bottle Caps For Cancer Patients • Assisted Teachers to organize meetings Jobs in High School: • Chick Fil A • Taco Palenque College of Choice: University of Texas at Austin Future Plans: Pursue a degree in Aerospace Engineering.



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Ian J. Limarta Valedictorian

J. B. Alexander High School Parents: Hendrik and Laura Limarta Extracurricular Activities: • UIL Academics in Math, Science, Computer Science, and Number Sense. • Robotics team which made it to state. Community Service: • Santa Teresita mission work • National Honors Society • Tutoring Honors: • First in Laredo to go to state in Math, Science, and Computer Science. Winner in Mathematics State. • TMSCA state winner in Mathematics and Science. • Gates Scholarship • Mirabeau B. Lamar Excellence Award • Altar Server of the Year for the Diocese of Laredo • Paul Harris Award • National Commended Merit Scholar Hobbies: • Programming • Origami • Math puzzles College of Choice: Massachusetts Institute of Technology Future Plans: Aspires to either commence research in mathematics or work in artificial intelligence. Page 14


Alexa Odeth Gonzalez

Caitlin Marie Coronado

Sergio D. Gutierrez Jr.


J. B. Alexander High School Parents: Mr. Javier and Dr. Jennifer M. Coronado Extracurricular Activities: • National Honor Society / National Art Honor Society Science National Honor Society / Student Council • Selected and participated in the First Bytes Summer Camp at the University of Texas in Austin, 2016 • Selected and participated at the Congress of Future Science and Technology Leaders in Boston, 2016 • Traveled abroad to Spain, France, and Italy and represented J. B. Alexander High School during the summer of 2017 • Area Qualifier for the Visual Arts Scholastic Event (VASE) -2 art pieces placed at the VASE regional competition and qualified for the area competition, Spring 2017 • Awarded 1st place for a multi-media art project submitted to a City-Wide high school competition, Spring 2017 Community Service: • Relay for Life • Donated her hair on two separate occasions to the Children with Hair Loss organization • Volunteers Serving the Need • Created and sold her artwork at multiple art events • LCC Fun Festival • Obtained and moved furniture for the homeless in Michigan • Participated in various Donation Drives College of Choice: The University of Texas at San Antonio

Parents: Christopher Zamarripa and Claudia Gonzalez Extracurricular Activities: • National Honor Society President • Student Council - Member • UIL Current Events - Member • UIL Spelling - Member • UIL Social Studies - Member • Class of 2018 Officer at large Community Service: • Volunteer at Nuestra Señora Del Rosario Church • Participated in Junior Achievement • Volunteer at Laredo Nursing Home • Volunteer at Laredo Animal Protective Society • Volunteer at LBJ’s UIL Hosting Meet • Volunteer at Larga Vista Health Fair • Volunteer at LBJ NHS Christmas Toy Drive College of Choice: Texas A&M International University

Future Plans: Aspires to acquire a degree in computer science and become a software developer.



Lyndon B. Johnson High School


Lyndon B. Johnson High School Parent: Sergio D. Gutierrez and Yesenia Gutierrez Extracurricular Activities: • Lyndon B. Johnson Football Program - Member • National Honor Society - Member • Gifted and Talented Program - Member • Scientific Research and Design Program - Member Community Service: • Volunteer at Nuestra Señora Del Rosario Church • Volunteer at Laredo Nursing Home • Volunteer at Laredo Animal Protective Society • Volunteer at Larga Vista Health Fair • Volunteer at Lyndon B. Johnson National Honor Society Christmas Toy Drive College of Choice: Texas A&M International University Future Plans: To obtain a Nursing degree.

Future Plans: To obtain a degree in Business Administration.




Page 15

United High School Class of 2018 “Partners for Scholars” Recipients Cristina Marie Alvarado Monica Lizbeth Alvarado Sophia Anguiano Gabriel Felipe Arias Michelle Lee Arispe

William Astorga Paola Correa Perez Montserrat De La Pascua Abraham De La Rosa Jose David De Leon



Jesse Aguirre Raul Alonzo Andres Andrade Ramiro Arredondo Citlalli Beltran

Page 16

Anthony Charles

(E. C. Snyder Scholarship Ricipient)

Omar Chavez Gerardo Coronado Gerardo Delgado Carolina Garza

Juan Alfredo Estevez Espinal Oscar Rogelio Fernandez Karla Gabriella Flotte Daniel Ricardo Garcia Isabella Nicolett Garcia Gustavo Garcia-Taunton Oziel Gomez David Gonzalez Evelyn Denise Gonzalez Mario Alberto Gonzalez Pete Jaramillo Luis Alejandro Mendiola Jorge Montante Jacqueline Ramos Stephanie Resnick Darianna Rios-Pedraza Sadey Rodriguez Jeraldy Del San Juan Saldana Vianey Yamileth Sierra Pena Alejandro Rafael Tirado Daniel Trevino Vanessa Valdez Karla Yovanna Vela Justin John Verdecia William Benjamin Wells Serena Liana Willard Matthew Isaac Wright

Thank you United ISD Priscilla Garza Justin A. Guerra Ricardo Guerra Annalise Hernandez Elizabeth Hernandez Karina Lopez

United South High School Class of 2018 “Partners for Scholars” Recipients

Oscar Martel Steven Martinez Tiffany Martinez Katia Moreno Kimberly Natera Eric Orozco Cristella Ortiz Manuel Peinado Lizbeth Ponce Natalie Ponce Joanna Ramon Elyssa Robles Marissa Rodriguez Ronaldo Rosales Araceli Salazar Marc Sanchez Raquel Sanchez Jaqueline Saracho Julie Torres Jorge Tovar Larissa Urbina Diana Valadez Cecilia Vasquez Kimberly Velasquez

J. B. Alexander High School Class of 2018 “Partners for Scholars” Recipients

Raquel Barrientos Veronica Cantu Mauricio Cerda Samantha Chapa Saul Contreras Martinez Odalys Covarrubias

Anissa Davila Katelyn De La Cruz Alejandro Fragoso Manuel Garza Danniell Hale Francisco Lara Dong Lee Bianca Martinez Andrea Martinez Jacqueline Merkley Catherine Notzon Vanessa Orozco Marco Pena Monica Rangel Rebecca Reyes Catherine Rodriguez Meaghan Rodriguez Jesus Salinas Guillermo Salinas Victoria Sandoval Diana Silva Denyse Solano Anna Valdez Jessica Vela Eleana Velasco Fernanda Vidales Sydney York Esteban Zaragoza

$150,000 in “Partners for Scholars” Scholarships Lyndon B. Johnson High School Class of 2018 “Partners for Scholars” Recipients

Rosa Adriana Aguilar Valeria Jackelyn Aguilar Evelyn Amezcua Jesus Vladimir Armenta Abril Leticia Arredondo Rodriguez

Jennefer Amanda Arredondo Hector Manuel Arreola Jacqueline Barrientos Mayte Kimberly Becerra Kimberly Yissel Carrasco Isaac Carrizales Alexis Duran Stephanie Elizondo Roberto Clemente Flores Bianca Leticia Gomez Jennifer Jocelyn Gongora Aylin Hernandez Crystal Hernandez Jesse Andrew Luna Roxanna Edith Montemayor Isai Arturo Olivas Bryan Ontiveros Samantha Picazio Carolina Ramirez Luis Alfredo Ramos Velazquez Abigail J. Guadalupe Ramos Karla Guadalupe Ramos Ruby Esmeralda Rivera Aileen Guadalupe Rodriguez Kristina Ruiz Chelsea Lynn Sanchez Valeria Sanchez Aracely Santana Isaid Esteban Solis Victor Hugo Vargas Jonas Nathaniel Walker Page 17

United ISD Class of


J. B. Alexander High School student Camila San Miguel was selected as the 2018 Laredo Border Patrol Youth of The Year. Laredo Sector Acting Chief Patrol Agent Jason D. Owens made the announcement at the 2018 International Bank Of Commerce (IBC), Youth Night Reception at IBC’s Lago Del Rio on May 25, 2018.

And they’re off! Over three thousand United ISD students celebrated the completion of their academic careers at United ISD’s 2018 Graduation Ceremonies. District administration and staff along with parents and families filled the Laredo Energy Arena to witness the grand event. Amidst the flashing lights of cameras and cheers were the smiles of nearly 3,200 students who received their high school diplomas, many looking forward to what the next chapter of their academic careers hold. This year alone, United ISD graduates completed approximately 2,000 advanced placement courses, 3,000 community service hours, and were awarded over $90 million dollars in scholarships. United ISD is proud to report that many graduates committed to continuing their education by signing letters of intent to attend various vocational schools, colleges, and universities.

The Youth of the Year ceremony is a culmination of the year-round Youth of the Month program, which recognizes ten students from Laredo area high schools on a monthly basis. Students are selected for the honor based on academic achievement, community involvement, and demonstration of their commitment to succeed.

For a number of years United ISD has experienced growth in enrollment, which has subsequently impacted the number of students who graduate from our schools. This year United ISD high schools experienced recordbreaking numbers of students graduating. Many of them with vocational certificates which afford them the opportunity to enter the workforce upon graduation. In an effort to provide families and friends who were unable to attend the ceremonies, United ISD’s Information Television Department (ITV) in coordination with Instructional Television broadcasted the event live on the district website. Thus affording many families the opportunity to watch from afar as their loved ones received their diplomas. We’d like to congratulate the Class of 2018 and wish them good luck and continued success in their futures.

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J. B. Alexander Senior Wins “Border Patrol Youth of the Year” Award!


The annual reception was established to mark and celebrate the accomplishments of our outstanding local youth. Dalia Martinez, Executive Vice President of IBC Operations said that her bank enjoys honoring Laredo’s best and brightest youth. “As a program partner, it’s an honor to help the community reflect upon the commitment and dedication that our young leaders put back into the community,” said Martinez. This year marks the 33rd anniversary of participation by IBC Bank-Laredo.

J. B. Alexander High School 9th Grade Campus located at The Coves in Winfield Sub-Division

Opening A The J. B. Alexander High School 9th Grade Campus is a standalone two story building with a detached FFA building totaling 201,346 square feet with a maximum capacity of 1,200 students. The campus has 30 classrooms, six science lecture labs, six Health and Science Magnet Labs, and an Introduction to CTE Magnet Lab. The Fine Arts area houses two art labs and a dance studio, while the Athletics and P.E. share a competition and practice gym with easy access to the outdoor fields. The cafeteria section accommodates 600 students at a time, and provides access to an outdoor dining area. There are also two common areas for students within the academic wings and a library. The campus security is reinforced at the perimeter of the building with a guardhouse, and all visitors have to be cleared for entry via a staffed vestibule located at the front entrance of the campus.



Page 19

Required Immunizations for 2018-2019 School Year Pre-Kindergarten DTP/DTaP/DT * 4 Doses IPV (Polio)*

4 Doses

Kindergarten through Sixth Grade


2 Doses (given on or after the 1st bithday) OR serologic confirmation of immunity.

DTP/DTaP/DT/ Td/Tdap*

5 Doses (with 1 dose given on or after the 4th birthday) OR 4 Doses (if the 4th dose was given on or after the 4th birthday) OR 3 Doses if student is 7 yrs of age or older (at least 1 dose given on or after the 4th birthday).


3 Doses (with at least 1 dose given on or after the 1st birthday) Not required on or after 5 yrs of age.

IPV (Polio)*

4 Doses (with 1 dose given on or after 4th birthday) OR 3 Doses (if the 3rd dose was given on or after the 4th birthday)


2 Doses (with the 1st dose given on or after the 1st birthday) OR serologic confirmation of immunity.

Hepatitis A*

2 Doses (1st dose given on or after 1st birthday and 2nd Dose given 6 months apart) OR serologic confirmation of immunity.

Hepatitis B

3 Doses OR serologic confirmation of immunity.


1 Doses (given after 1st birthday), OR written validation from parent or doctor of an approximate date of disease, OR serologic confirmation of immunity.


4 Doses (given in infancy with 1 dose on or after after 1st birthday) Not required after 5 years of age.

7th Grade DTP/DTaP/DT/ Td** Tdap*

5 Doses (3 Doses if student was 7 yrs of age or older when vaccine started). 1 Dose

IPV (Polio)*

4 Doses (with 1 Dose given on or after 4th birthday).


2 Doses (given on or after the 1st bithday) OR serologic confirmation of immunity.

Hepatitis B


3 Doses OR serologic confirmation of immunity. 2 Doses (given after 1st birthday), OR written validation from parent or doctor of an approximate date of disease, OR serologic confirmation of immunity.

Meningococcal* 1 Dose (entering 7th grade). Hepatitis A*

2 Doses (1st Dose given on or after 1st birthday and 2nd Dose given 6 months apart) OR serologic confirmation of immunity.

Hepatitis B

3 Doses OR serologic confirmation of immunity.


2 Doses (with the 1st dose given on or after the 1st birthday) OR written validation from a parent or doctor of approximate date of disease, OR serologic confirmation of immunity.

Hepatitis A*

2 Doses (with the 1st dose given on or after the 1st birthday and 2nd Dose given 6 months apart) OR serologic confirmation of immunity.


3 Doses (with at least 1 Dose given on or after the 1st birthday) Not required on or after 5 yrs of age.


From initial site work to upgrades, United ISD is proud to report significant progress in a number of developments funded by School Bond 2013. The following Phase 3 projects are projected for completion between August 2018 and August 2020.

Opening A

* Doses given up to (and including) 4 days before the birthday will meet the requirements for school entry. Exclusions from compliance are allowable on an individual basis as specified in Texas Education Code 2.09, Chapter 97. For further information, contact the school nurse.

8th - 12th Grade DTP/DTaP/DT/ Td/Tdap* IPV (Polio)*


4 Doses (3 Doses if student was 7 yrs of age or older when vaccine started); a booster is required every 10 years (Td).

Hepatitis B Varicella*

San Isidro Elementary School located at San Isidro Ranch



San Isidro Elementary School is a sprawling 104,445 square foot single story building. It will serve approximately 950 students in 45 classrooms, 16 of which will be pre-k classrooms. The school entrance will incorporate a manned security station at the entrance. The four corners of the school are anchored by a library and computer labs, cafeteria, and a multi –purpose gymnasium, which will also have a stage area for school events and meetings. The campus will also feature a dedicated science classroom and music room, along with a central courtyard which will house an outdoor amphitheater / teaching laboratory. The campus will open on schedule for the 2018-2019 school year

4 Doses (with 1 Dose given on or after 4th birthday). Not required for students 18 yrs or older.

Measles, 2 Doses (given on or after the 1st bithday) OR serologic Mumps, Rubella* confirmation of immunity, and may be listed as MMR. 3 Doses OR serologic confirmation of immunity. 2 Doses (given after 1st birthday), OR written validation from parent or doctor of an approximate date of disease, OR serologic confirmation of immunity.

Raul Perales Middle School 410 E.G. Ranch Rd. off Hwy 359

Opening A



Meningococcal* 1 Dose (booster dose between 16-18 yrs. Recommended). Quick Fact for Texas Residents: A signed affidavit must be presented by the child’s parent or legal guardian, stating that the child’s parent or legal guardian declines vaccinations for reasons of conscience, including because of the person’s religious beliefs. The affidavit will be valid for a two-year period. The child, who has not received the required immunizations for reasons of conscience, including religious beliefs, may be excluded from school in times of emergency or epidemic declared by the commissioner of public health. Medical exemptions are allowed as are exemptions for active duty members of the United States armed forces.

* Doses given up to (and including) 4 days before the birthday will meet the requirements for school entry. **If any combination of four doses of OPV and IPV was received before four years of age, no additional dose is required. Exemption are those students age 18 years and over. Exclusions from compliance are allowable on an individual basis as specified in Texas Education Code 2.09, Chapter 97. For further information, contact the school nurse

Page 20


Conscientious Objector students will be registered if all documents are in place including TB test.

Provisional: “All immunizations should be completed by the first date of attendance. The law requires that students be fully vaccinated against the specified diseases.” A student may enroll in school provisionally, if the student has received at least one dose of each specified age-appropriate vaccine. In order to remain enrolled the student must complete the required subsequent doses of each vaccine within 30 days from enrollment. “If, at the end of the 30-day period, a student has not received a subsequent dose of vaccine, the student is not in compliance and the school shall exclude the student from school attendance until the required dose is administered” according to the Texas Department of State Human Services.

Raul Perales Middle School Middle is a two-story 110,050 total foot building designed to accommodate 1,000 students. It is organized by a central mall between a wraparound classroom wing on one side and school assembly spaces on the other. The school will have twenty-seven classrooms, four science labs, two computer labs, two special education classrooms, an art classroom and a home economics classroom. The Fine Arts Wing will feature a band hall, ensemble room, rehearsal room, five practice rooms, and a 10,340 square foot gymnasium furnished with weight and dressing rooms. The building entry will have a security station-which will allow District police to monitor traffic into the building. The school will also have an ample camera surveillance system to observe student and visitor activities. The campus will be open in time for the 2018-2019 school year.

Page 21




This site will open from Monday, Tuesday & Thursday This site will open Monday, Wednesday, and Friday only

No Cost For Kids 1 to 18 years of age

Eat Right, Find a Site!

Revised 6/11/18

All sites will be closed on Wednesday, July 4th

In addition to winning the car from Sames, the Laredo Federal Credit Union paid the tax, title and license on the vehicle and A&K World Class Driving School gave a free drivers education course to Mariana. The remaining semi-finalists received a tablet, courtesy of Sames Auto Group, and three of the fifteen finalists will receive free Chick-fil-A for a year courtesy of the Chick-fil-A Marketplace on Bob Bullock Loop and Clark.

“Sames is proud to support local education as it is the pillar upon which we have built our legacy. We will continue to partner with United ISD in their efforts to promote daily student attendance and student success,” said Evelyn Sames of Sames Auto Group. “We will continue to be proud supporters of education.”

The KIA finalist: United High School Bianka Martinez (10th) Carolina Villarreal (12th) Elizabeth Hernandez (11th) Luis Suarez-Franco (11th) United South High School Juan Vedia (12th) Roxanne Martinez (9th) Bryan Flores (9th) Maria Rodriguez (9th) J. B. Alexander High School Amber Gomez (11th) Eduardo Lozano (9th) Benjamin Ruiz (9th) Veronica Vargas (9th) Lyndon B. Johnson High School Jesus Balderas (11th) Melanie Cardenas (9th) Mariana Pedroza (12th) Jocelynn Olvera (10th)

These sites will open from Monday thru Thursday only

for Summer Fun!

Perfect Attendance paid off for Lyndon B. Johnson student Mariana Pedroza, who won a 2018 KIA NIRO from Sames KIA.

The announcements were made June 1st at the Laredo Energy Arena in front of a live audience. The car give away was part of the 5th Annual “Kia in the Klassroom” Program, which promotes the importance of daily school attendance for high school students throughout the school year. Each time a student had perfect attendance during a nine-week period, they were given a special voucher to drop off at the Sames Kia Dealership. All Vouchers were placed in a box, and finalists were determined by a random drawing of vouchers. A total of sixteen finalists (four from each high school), were selected for the final drawing.

These sites will open from Monday thru Friday

Sames Kia reminds all to…

Drive local. Drive SAMES!

Summer Program Site/ Lugares En Donde Se Ofrecerá El Programa De Verano Barbara Fasken Community Center Bonnie Garcia Elem. Borchers Elem.

United ISD Child Nutrition Department Ph: (956) 473-6556

Dates/ Fechas

Serving Time Breakfast/ Horario De Desayuno

Serving Time Lunch/ Horario De Comida

15201 Cerralvo Dr. 78045

6/4 - 8/3

8:00 - 9:00 a.m.

12:00 - 1:00 p.m.

1453 Concord Hills Blvd. 78046

6/4 - 6/28

7:45 - 8:45 a.m.

11:00 - 1:00 p.m.

9551 Backwoods Trail 78045

6/4 - 8/3

8:00 - 9:15 a.m.

11:30 - 12:30 p.m.

Children's Advocacy Center

111 North Merida 78046

6/4 - 6/15 7/9 - 7/20

8:30 - 9:30 a.m.

12:15 - 1:15 p.m.

Church Of The Crossroads Clark Elem. El Cenizo Community Center El Eden Parks & Recreation Finley Elem. Fred Bruni Community Center Freedom Elem. Haynes Recreation Center Henry Cuellar Elem. Iglesia Cristiana Ebenezer Iglesia Mana Del Cielo John B. Alexander High John W. Arndt Elem. Juarez/Lincoln Elem. Judith Zaffirini Elem. Julia Muller Elem. La Presa Community Center Lyndon B. Johnson Matias De Llano Elem. Mckendrick Ochoa Salinas Branch Library Northeast Hillside Center Nuestra Sra. Del Rosario Catholic Church Nye Elem. Rio Bravo Activity Center Rodolfo C. Centeno Elem. S.T.E.P. Academy Saint Patrick Church Salinas Elem. Salvador Garcia Middle Santa Margarita De Escocia Catholic Church Santa Rita Express Santa Teresita Community Center Trautmann Elem.

1301 International Blvd. 78045

7/16 - 7/20

8:00 - 8:30 a.m.

11:00 - 12:00 p.m.

500 W. Hillside Rd. 78041

6/4 - 6/28

7:45 - 8:45 a.m.

11:00 - 1:00 p.m.

3519 Cecilia Lane 78046

6/4 - 8/3

9:00 - 10:00 a.m.

12:00 - 1:00 p.m.

4735 Loma Vista 78046

6/4 - 8/3

8:00 - 9:00 a.m.

12:00 - 1:00 p.m.

2001 Lowry Rd. 78045

6/4 - 6/28

7:45 - 8:45 a.m.

11:00 - 1:00 p.m. 12:15 - 1:00 p.m.


452 West Rancho Peñitas 78045

6/4 - 8/3


415 E. G. Ranch Rd. 78046

6/4 - 6/28

7:45 - 8:45 a.m.

11:00 - 1:00 p.m.

2102 Clark Crossing Drive 78043

6/4 - 8/3

8:00 - 9:00 a.m.

11:00 - 1:00 p.m.

6431 Casa Del Sol Blvd. 78043

6/4 - 6/28

7:45 - 8:45 a.m.

11:00 - 1:00 p.m.

666 Prada Machin Dr. 78046

7/2 - 8/2


12:00 - 1:00 p.m.

265 Los Altos Drive 78043

7/2 - 7/27


12:00 - 1:00 p.m.

3600 E. Del Mar Boulevard 78041

6/4 - 6/28

8:15 - 9:15 a.m.

11:45 - 1:30 p.m.

610 Santa Marta Blvd. 78046

6/4 - 6/28

7:45 - 8:45 a.m.

11:00 - 1:00 p.m.

1003 Espejo-Molina Rd. 78046

6/4 - 6/28

7:45 - 8:45 a.m.

11:00 - 1:00 p.m.

5210 Santa Claudia Lane 78043

6/4 - 6/28

8:00 - 9:00 a.m.

11:00 - 1:00 p.m.

4430 Muller Memorial Blvd. 78045

6/4 - 6/28

7:45 - 8:45 a.m.

11:00 - 1:00 p.m.

1983 Mangana Hein Road 78046

6/11 - 7/12


12:30 - 1:30 p.m.

5626 Cielito Lindo Blvd. 78046

6/4 - 6/28

8:00 - 9:15 a.m.

11:45 - 1:30 p.m.

1415 Shiloh Dr. 78045

6/4 - 6/28

7:45 - 8:45 a.m.

11:00 - 1:00 p.m.

1920 Palo Blanco 78046

6/4 - 8/3

9:00 - 10:00 a.m.

12:00 - 1:00 p.m.

320 Wyoming 78041

6/4 - 8/3

7:30 - 8:30 a.m.

11:30 - 1:00 p.m.

420 Sierra Vista Blvd. 78046

7/9 - 7/13

8:00 - 8:45 a.m.

12:15 - 1:00 p.m.

101 E Del Mar Blvd. 78041

6/4 - 6/28

7:45 - 8:45 a.m.

11:00 - 1:00 p.m.

1600 Orquida Lane 78046

6/4 - 8/3

9:00- 9:30 a.m.

12:00 - 1:00 p.m.

2710 La Pita Mangana Rd. 78046

6/4 - 6/28

7:45 - 8:45 a.m.

11:00 - 1:00 p.m.

1600 Espejo-Molina Rd. 78046

6/4 - 6/28

8:00 - 9:15 a.m.

11:00 - 12:30

555 E. Del Mar Blvd. 78041

6/4 - 6/21

9:00 - 9:30 a.m.

12:00 - 1:00 p.m.

1000 Century Drive West 78046

6/4 - 6/28

7:45 - 8:45 a.m.

11:00 - 1:00 p.m.

499 Peña Dr. 78046

6/4 - 6/28

8:00 - 9:00 a.m.

11:00 - 1:00 p.m.

320 Segovia Dr. (Colonia Santa Rita) 78046

7/2 - 7/27


12:00 - 1:00 p.m.

215 Castro Urdiales Ave. 78046

6/4 - 8/3


1:00 - 1:45 p.m.

US Highway 59 78043

6/4 - 8/3

9:00 - 10:00 a.m.

12:30 - 1:30 p.m.

810 Lindenwood Dr. 78045

6/4 - 6/28

7:45 - 8:45 a.m.

11:00 - 1:00 p.m.

Trautmann Middle 6th Grade

900 E. Del Mar 78045

6/4 - 6/28 7/9 - 8/2

8:00 - 9:00 a.m.

11:00 - 1:30 p.m.

United High United South High United South High 9th Grade Campus United South Middle Veterans Memorial Elem.

2811 United Ave. 78045

6/4 - 6/28

8:15 - 9:15 a.m.

11:45 - 1:30 p.m.

4001 Ave. Los Presidentes 78046

6/4 - 6/28

8:15 - 9:15 a.m.

12:00 - 1:00 p.m.

3819 Aguanieve Dr. 78046

6/4 - 6/28

8:15 - 9:15 a.m.

11:45 - 1:30 p.m.

3707 Ave. Los Presidentes 78046

6/4 - 8/3

8:00 - 9:00 a.m.

11:00 - 2:00 p.m.

5909 St. Luke Blvd. 78046

6/4 - 6/28

7:45 - 8:45 a.m.

11:00 - 1:00 p.m.

Non-discrimination Statement: In accordance with Federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, the USDA, its Agencies, offices, and employees, and institutions participating in or administering USDA programs are prohibited from discriminating based on race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity in any program or activity conducted or funded by USDA. Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication for program information (e.g. Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language, etc.), should contact the Agency (State or local) where they applied for benefits. Individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing, or have speech disabilities may contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339. Additionally, program information may be made available in languages other than English. To file a program complaint of discrimination, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form, (AD-3027) found online at: http://www.ascr.usda. gov/complaint_filing_cust.html, and at any USDA office, or write a letter addressed to USDA and provide in the letter all of the information requested in the form. To request a copy of the complaint form, call (866) 632-9992. Submit your completed form or letter to USDA by: (1) mail: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20250-9410; (2) fax: (202) 690- 7442; or (3) email: [email protected]. This institution is an equal opportunity provider.

Page 23

Mensaje del

Superintendente Estimados padres de

familia/tutores de United ISD: Es un honor presentarles la edición final de la revista Parent Connection 2017-2018. En esta edición, encontrarán información oportuna sobre eventos, estudiantes, personas y logros escolares, planteles nuevos e información de todo el distrito que necesitará para preparar a su hijo para el próximo ciclo escolar. Estoy muy orgulloso de los avances que hemos tenido como distrito escolar, gracias a nuestros empleados y maestros. Siento mucha admiración por nuestros alumnos, quienes continúan sobresaliendo en sus actividades académicas y extracurriculares. Al ver las sonrisas en los rostros de nuestros graduados al pasar por el escenario para recoger sus diplomas de preparatoria, recordé que nuestro trabajo se enfoca en este objetivo. Este ciclo escolar, más de 3,100 estudiantes obtuvieron sus diplomas y certificados. Estos eventos fueron posible gracias a la dedicación de cada uno de los miembros del personal de UISD. Felicito a los graduados de la Generación 2018 y les deseo una vida llena de satisfacciones y logros. También le doy las gracias a nuestros padres de familia por su colaboración al asegurarse de que sus hijos asistieran diariamente a clases. En el área académica, United ISD continúa destacándose al preparar a los alumnos para los retos del siglo 21. Por consiguiente, nuestro personal docente se dedica a asegurar que nuestros estudiantes estén bien preparados para las evaluaciones STAAR y los exámenes de Fin de Curso. Además, continuamos mejorando nuestro programa académico al brindar a nuestros Page 24

maestros y miembros del personal capacitaciones adicionales. Me siento muy contento en anunciar que United ISD abrirá oportunamente las puertas de la preparatoria Alexander de 9no grado, la primaria San Isidro al norte de Laredo y la secundaria Perales al sur de la ciudad para el ciclo escolar 2018-2019. Las escuelas aquí mencionadas fueron construidas con fondos derivados de los contribuyentes que aprobaron el Bono Escolar 2013. Mientras aguardamos el inicio de otro ciclo escolar, quiero abordar el tema de la seguridad en nuestras escuelas, oficinas e instalaciones. La seguridad y bienestar de nuestros estudiantes son dos de las principales inquietudes del Departamento de Policía y guardias de seguridad de las escuelas de United ISD. Para resguardar la seguridad de nuestros planteles, exhorto a los alumnos, personal escolar y padres de familia a mantenerse alertas. Para llevarlo a cabo, les pido atentamente a los padres que hablen con sus hijos y les pidan denunciar cualquier publicación o presuntas amenazas en las redes sociales al Departamento de Policía o administradores escolares de United ISD. Para concluir, agradezco a los padres de United ISD su esfuerzo, positivismo y participación en nuestras escuelas. La familia de United ISD espera ansiosamente el inicio de clases el miércoles 15 de agosto. Es un honor trabajar para ustedes y les deseo unas vacaciones seguras. Atentamente, Roberto J. Santos, Superintendente

Vacunas requeridas para el ciclo escolar 2018-2019 Pre-kínder DTP/DTaP/DT * 4 dosis IPV (Polio)* MMR*

4 dosis 2 dosis (al cumplir un año o después) O con la confirmación serológica de la inmunidad.


3 dosis (una de las cuales se administra al cumplir 1 año o después) No se requiere después de cumplir los 5 años.

Hepatitis A*

2 dosis (una de las cuales se administra al cumplir 1 año o después y la segunda a los 6 meses de haberse administrado la 1ra) O con la confirmación serológica de la inmunidad.

Hepatitis B



3 dosis O con la confirmación serológica de la inmunidad. 1 Doses (given after 1st birthday), OR written validation from parent or doctor of an approximate date of disease, OR serologic confirmation of immunity. 4 dosis (durante la infancia, una de las cuales se administra al cumplir 1 año o después) No se requiere después de cumplir los 5 años.

7mo grado DTP/DTaP/DT/ Td** Tdap* IPV (Polio)* MMR* Hepatitis B


5 dosis (3 dosis si el estudiante era mayor de 7 años cuando se administró la vacuna). 1 dosis 4 dosis (una de las cuales se administra al cumplir 4 años o después). 2 dosis (al cumplir un año o después) O con la confirmación serológica de la inmunidad. 3 dosis O con la confirmación serológica de la inmunidad. 2 dosis (al cumplir un año), O con la confirmación por escrito de los padres o médico de la fecha aproximada de la enfermedad O con la confirmación serológica de la inmunidad.

Meningococcal* 1 dosis (al ingresar a 7mo grado).

Hepatitis A*

2 dosis (la primer dosis administrada al cumplir 1 año de edad y la 2da a los 6 meses después de haberse administrado la 1ra) O con la confirmación serológica de la inmunidad.

* Las dosis administradas hasta (e incluyendo) 4 días antes del cumpleaños cumplirán con los requisitos para ingresar a la escuela. **Si alguna combinación de cuatro dosis o de OPV e IPV se recibió antes de cumplir los 4 años, no se requiere una dosis adicional. Las exclusiones para cumplir con estos requisitos son permitidas de acuerdo a la situación de cada persona, como se especifica en el Código de Educación de Texas 2.09, capítulo 97. Para más información, comuníquese con la enfermera escolar.

Kínder y de 1ro - 6to grado DTP/DTaP/DT/ Td/Tdap*

5 dosis (una de las cuales se administra al cumplir 4 años o después) O 4 dosis (si la 4ta se administró al cumplir 4 años o después) O 3 dosis si el alumno tiene 7 años o más (una de las cuales se administra al cumplir 4 años o después).

IPV (Polio)*

4 dosis (una de las cuales se administra al cumplir 4 años o después) O 3 dosis (si la 3ra se administró al cumplir 4 años o después)


2 dosis (la primera administrada al cumplir 1 año o después)

Hepatitis B

3 dosis O con la confirmación serológica de la inmunidad.


2 dosis (la primera administrada al cumplir 1 año o después) O con la confirmación por escrito de los padres o médico de la fecha aproximada de la enfermedad O con la confirmación serológica de la inmunidad.

Hepatitis A* HIB

2 dosis (una de las cuales se administra al cumplir 1 año o después y la 2da a los 6 meses después de haberse administrado la 1ra) O con la confirmación serológica de la inmunidad. 3 dosis (una de las cuales se administra al cumplir 1 año o después) No se requiere después de cumplir los 5 años.

* Las dosis administradas hasta (e incluyendo) 4 días antes del cumpleaños cumplirán con los requisitos para ingresar a la escuela. Las exclusiones para cumplir con estos requisitos son permitidas de acuerdo a la situación de cada persona, como se especifica en el Código de Educación de Texas 2.09, capítulo 97. Para más información comuníquese con la enfermera escolar.

8vo – 12do grado DTP/DTaP/DT/ Td/Tdap*

4 dosis (3 dosis si el estudiante era mayor a los 7 años cuando se administró la vacuna); se requiere un refuerzo cada 10 años (Td).

IPV (Polio)*

4 dosis (una dosis administrada al cumplir 4 años o después). No se requiere para los estudiantes mayores de 18 años.

Sarampión, 2 dosis (al cumplir un año o después) O con la confirmación paperas, rubeola* serológica de la inmunidad y podría considerarse como MMR. Hepatitis B

3 dosis O con la confirmación serológica de la inmunidad.


2 dosis (administradas después de cumplir 1 año), O con la confirmación por escrito de los padres o médico de la fecha aproximada de la enfermedad O con la confirmación serológica de la inmunidad.

dosis (Se recomienda una dosis de refuerzo entre los 16-18 Meningococcal* 1 años). Información para los residentes de Texas: El padre o tutor legal debe presentar una declaración jurada firmada indicando que rechazan las vacunas por razones de conciencia, incluyendo las creencias religiosas de la persona. La declaración jurada será válida por un periodo de dos años. El estudiante que no haya recibido las vacunas requeridas por razones de conciencia, incluyendo creencias religiosas, podría ser excluido de la escuela en caso de una emergencia o epidemia declarada por el comisionado de salud pública. Se permiten exenciones médicas, así como exenciones para miembros del servicio activo de las fuerzas armadas estadounidenses. Provisional “Todas las vacunas deben ser aplicadas antes del primer día de asistencia. La ley requiere que los estudiantes estén completamente vacunados contra ciertas enfermedades”. El estudiante puede inscribirse en la escuela de forma provisional si ha recibido al menos una dosis de cada vacuna pertinente para su edad. Para continuar inscrito, el alumno debe recibir las dosis posteriores requeridas de cada vacuna antes de 30 días a partir del momento de su inscripción. “Si al final del periodo de 30 días el estudiante no ha recibido las otras dosis de la vacuna, no cumple con los requisitos establecidos y la escuela lo excluirá de asistir a clases hasta que se apliquen las dosis requeridas”, de acuerdo con el Departamento de Servicios Humanos del Estado de Texas.

Los estudiantes que se rehúsen a vacunarse serán inscritos si todos los documentos están en regla, incluyendo el examen de la tuberculosis.

Page 25

Generación Celebra


United ISD


United ISD se complace en informar el progreso en numerosos proyectos, desde edificaciones hasta mejoras en las escuelas, financiados por el Bono Escolar 2013. La culminación de los proyectos de la Fase 3 está programada para los meses de agosto de 2018 hasta el mes de agosto del 2018.

Más de tres mil estudiantes de United ISD celebraron la culminación de sus estudios de preparatoria con ceremonias de graduación. Personal administrativo y personal en general, junto con padres y familiares, se reunieron en Laredo Energy Arena para presenciar este evento. Entre flashes de cámaras fotográficas y porras sonreían los aproximadamente 3,200 alumnos que recibieron sus diplomas de preparatoria, para dar inicio a una nueva etapa en sus vidas. Este ciclo escolar, estudiantes terminaron más de 2,000 cursos de colocación avanzada, 3,000 horas de servicio y recibieron más de $90 millones de dólares en becas. El distrito informa con orgullo que muchos de los graduados ya se han comprometido a continuar sus estudios superiores y asistirán a diversas escuelas vocacionales, colegios y universidades.


p u e rtas s e n a g o s e ab r i r á n to 201 8

En los últimos años, la población estudiantil de United ISD ha aumentado, lo cual ha tenido un impacto en el número de estudiantes que gradúa de nuestras escuelas. Este ciclo escolar, las preparatorias rompieron récord en la cifra de alumnos que graduaron, muchos de ellos con un certificado vocacional, el cual les da la oportunidad de ingresar a la fuerza laboral al graduar. En un esfuerzo por brindar la oportunidad de presenciar las ceremonias de graduación a familiares y amigos que no pudieron asistir a este evento, el Departamento de Televisión Académica (Instructional Television - ITV), en coordinación con el Departamento de Informática, transmitieron el evento en vivo a través del portal de Internet del distrito; así cada uno de ellos pudo disfrutar el ver a sus familiares recibir su diploma.

Escuela Primaria San Isidro úbicada en la Subdivisión San Isidro Ranch

Secundaria Raul Perales

úbicada en 410 E.G. Ranch carretera 359

La primaria San Isidro es un amplio edificio de un solo piso que cuenta con 104,445 pies cuadrados. Esta escuela albergará aproximadamente a 950 estudiantes en 45 salones, 16 de los cuales serán para pre-kínder. La entrada principal incorporará una caseta de vigilancia atendida por un guardia de seguridad. Las cuatro esquinas de la escuela se enlazan con la biblioteca y laboratorios de computación, una cafetería y un gimnasio multiusos, el cual cuenta con un escenario para realizar eventos y juntas escolares. La escuela también cuenta con un salón de ciencias y una sala de música, así como con un patio, el cual albergará un anfiteatro exterior/ laboratorio de enseñanza. El campus se abrirá en la fecha prevista para el año escolar 2018-2019.

p u e rtas s e n a g o s e ab r i r á n to 201 8

Felicitamos a la Generación 2018 y le deseamos la mejor de las suertes.

Page 26

La secundaria Raul Perales es un edificio de dos pisos, con una superficie total de 110,050 pies cuadrados, diseñado para alojar a 1,000 estudiantes. Está conformada por una explanada central, situada entre el área de salones y un área de recreo. La escuela cuenta con 27 salones, 4 laboratorios de ciencias, 2 laboratorios de computación, 2 salones de educación especial, una sala de arte y un salón de economía doméstica. El área de Bellas Artes cuenta con un salón de banda, una sala de ensambles, una sala de ensayo, 5 salones de ensayo y un gimnasio de 10,340 pies cuadrados, equipado con salones de pesas y vestidores. La entrada del edificio cuenta con una caseta de vigilancia, la cual permité que un oficial de policía del distrito monitoree el flujo de personas que ingresen al edificio. El plantel tiene un sistema de cámaras de vigilancia para observar a los estudiantes y las actividades de los visitantes.

Page 27

Preparatoria J.B. Alexander



9no Grado


úbicada en The Coves, subdivision Winfield

para deportistas

La preparatoria J. B. Alexander de 9no grado es de dos pisos con un edificio separado para FFA, dando un total de más de 201,346 pies cuadrados. Su capacidad máxima será de 1,200 estudiantes. Las instalaciones contarán con 30 salones, 6 laboratorios para la impartición de ciencias, 6 laboratorios de información empresarial del Programa Especializado y un laboratorio de Educación Técnica y de Profesiones del Programa Especializado. En el área de Bellas Artes, se construirán dos laboratorios de arte y un estudio de danza, mientras que los departamentos de deportes y educación física compartirán un gimnasio de competencias y prácticas con acceso a los campos deportivos exteriores.

p u e rtas s e n a g o s e ab r i r á n to 201 8

La sección de la cafetería tendrá una capacidad para 600 estudiantes y acceso a un comedor exterior. También habrá dos áreas comunes para estudiantes dentro de las áreas académicas y la biblioteca. La seguridad escolar iniciará en el perímetro de la escuela con una caseta de vigilancia, seguida por un vestíbulo de seguridad en donde los visitantes son revisados antes de ingresar al edificio.

¡Felicitaciones! Los finalistas de KIA: Preparatoria United Bianka Martinez (10th) Carolina Villarreal (12th) Elizabeth Hernandez (11th) Luis Suarez-Franco (11th)

El departamento de Deportes de United ISD se complace en anunciar que los padres y estudiantes ahora pueden contestar todos los formularios de participación de UIL y United ISD en línea. El proceso para llenar estos formularios facilita contestar y entregar los documentos que se requieren cada año para que los estudiantes participen en diversos deportes. Los padres y estudiantes pueden tener acceso a estos formularios al ingresar al portal (Departamento-Deportes-Formularios electrónicos de participación para estudiantes deportistas). Se requiere que todos los estudiantes de United ISD utilicen el formulario previo a su participación para el examen físico que se les proporcionó (actualizado el 12/4/14). NO SE ACEPTARÁ OTRO FORMULARIO DE EXAMEN FÍSICO. Se requiere un nuevo examen físico para los alumnos de 7mo-12do grado antes de que inicie el nuevo ciclo escolar.

Preparatoria Lyndon B. Johnson Jesus Balderas (11th) Melanie Cardenas (9th) Mariana Pedroza (12th) Jocelynn Olvera (10th)

s o c i n s ó r o t i c r e l a e l u for m 1



Sames Kia reminds all to…

Drive local. Drive SAMES!

• Los entrenadores deben recibir toda la documentación requerida por UNITED ISD y UIL antes de que los estudiantes participen en un entrenamiento, partido amistoso o concurso/ competencia (para incluir en la temporada de deportes).

Instrucciones par a llenar los

Preparatoria United South Juan Vedia (12th) Roxanne Martinez (9th) Bryan Flores (9th) Maria Rodriguez (9th) Preparatoria J. B. Alexander Amber Gomez (11th) Eduardo Lozano (9th) Benjamin Ruiz (9th) Veronica Vargas (9th)

• Se requiere que todos los estudiantes de United ISD presenten anualmente un formulario físico para participar en un deporte. Los exámenes físicos son válidos solamente por el ciclo escolar actual y concluyen el último día de clases.


El formulario anual de deportes del historial físico y de salud no puede contestarse en línea porque debe ser llenado por los padres/tutores y su médico. Puede imprimir un formulario para historial médico y de salud seleccionando el ícono Formulario para Examen Físico Previo a la Participación que aparece en la parte superior de la página. Una vez que haya elegido el ícono, aparecerá el enlace para el formulario de historial médico y de salud y podrá descargarlo e imprimirlo. Toda los demás trámites requeridos se llenarán electrónicamente. Se pedirá a los padres/tutores que proporcionen información como número de teléfono particular, número de teléfono celular, direcciones de correo electrónico, nombre del médico particular, póliza de seguro y otra información pertinente. Por favor asegúrese de tener esta información al llenar los formularios electrónicos. Debe tener el número de identificación del estudiante para poder contestar los formularios requeridos. Recuerde que al llenar los formularios en línea usted y su hijo deben contestar todos los espacios requeridos. No se aceptarán electrónicamente los formularios que tengan espacios vacíos. NO DEJE NINGÚN ESPACIO EN BLANCO. Si no puede proporcionar alguna información específica, por favor conteste N/A o NINGUNA. Para tener acceso a los formularios de participación deportiva de United ISD, presione el cursor en el ícono Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre los formularios en línea, por favor comuníquese con el entrenador escolar. “Formularios Electrónicos de Participación”. Aparecerá una lista con todos los formularios requeridos.



7 8


Para iniciar, presione en el nombre del formulario y proporcione la información requerida. Los padres/tutores deben llenar estar esta información juntos con sus hijos y tener disponible su número de identificación. Si no tiene la respuesta para una pregunta, por favor conteste N/A o ninguna. Para firmar un documento, seleccione el cuadro para firmas y presione el ícono; esto le permitirá crear una “firma electrónica”. Si comete un error y necesita iniciar nuevamente, presione el ícono de actualización que se localiza enseguida del cuadro para firmas. Si utiliza un IPAD, puede crear una firma electrónica al presionar su dedo en la pantalla y firmar su nombre o utilizar un lápiz óptico. Una vez que haya contestado toda la información podrá imprimir el documento. Recibirá un correo electrónico de confirmación una vez que el/ los documento(s) haya(n) sido revisado(s) por el personal del departamento de Deportes de United ISD. Los padres/tutores deben proporcionar una dirección de correo electrónico para notificación al entregar los formularios. La dirección de correo electrónico para notificación se encuentra en la parte inferior (al final) de cada formulario.

Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre los formularios en línea, por favor comuníquese con el entrenador escolar.

Page 29

United ISD lleva a cabo cena anual Liga de Leyendas para ex alumnos

REVISED United ISD 2018 - 2019 Academic Calendar New Employee Orientation 5/23/18 First Day of Class High School Graduations Staff/Student Holiday Professional Development Teacher Work-day Early Release Elementary/Middle School Early Release High School STAAR Elementary/Middle School STAAR Secondary/High School Bad Weather Make Up Day

Important Dates:




Preparatoria UNITED

La cena Liga de Leyendas de United Independent School District se llevó a cabo el 8 de marzo en el salón Altezza. El evento anual celebra a ex alumnos que han realizado grandes contribuciones tanto en sus profesiones como en la comunidad. Este año, un total de 23 ex alumnos de las preparatorias United, J. B. Alexander, United South y Lyndon B. Jonhson recibieron un reconocimiento por parte de los miembros de la Mesa Directiva de United ISD, del Superintendente, Roberto J. Santos, administradores y familiares. El evento inició con una espléndida cena, la cual fue precedida por la presentación de los galardonados de este año. Cada uno de los nuevos miembros del programa Liga de Leyendas recibió un galardón de cristal para conmemorar dicho acontecimiento. La parte musical estuvo a cargo del Mariachi del Norte de la secundaria Clark, dirigido por Gilbert Cuellar, Michelle Uribe y Carlos Gil. La celebración continuó el 9 de marzo, cuando los ex alumnos visitaron sus respectivas preparatorias para participar en una celebración de bienvenida realizada por el personal escolar y estudiantes. Los ex alumnos también compartieron anécdotas y respondieron las preguntas hechas por los estudiantes sobre sus profesiones. Todos los nominados fueron seleccionados por un comité especial que tomó en cuenta el ascenso en sus carreras, su servicio a la comunidad y actividades humanitarias.

Page 30

Gilbert Cuellar, MSEd (1990) Marcus Dally (1991) Hector Elizondo, Jr. (1989) Cristina Flores (2006) Edgar J. Fulgham, MSCJ (1993) Charles M. Hornberger, JD, M.S.L., CPA (1973) (not pictured)* Faustino Lopez, MSCJ (1986) Carmen C. Martinez, MS (1993) Henry Mejia (1982)

Preparatoria UNITED SOUTH

Hector Gil (1995) Ricardo D. Holguin, M.F.A. (2006) Robert Moya, III (1996) Jessica Ontiveros, M.A. (2003) Donnie Sillas (1996)

Preparatoria J. B. ALEXANDER

Ediza Garcia, Psy.D. (1997) Jaime Garcia, J.D., M.B.A. (2003) Stephen Trautmann, Jr., J.D. (2000) Claudia Valdez Balli, J.D., M.B.A. (1998) Dr. Javier R. Vera, Jr., R.Ph. (2010)


Jazmine Castro, R.N. (2012) Gabriel Alberto De León (2011) Jorge Guerrero, M.S. (2006) Lynette Martinez, R.N. (2008) Armando Rene Mendiola, R.N. (2013)

• August 15th: First Day of Classes • January 9th: Start of Second Semester • May 30th: Last Day of Classes/Early Release


Assessment Dates Dec. 3


Dec. 4

STAAR/EOC Biology, U.S. History

Dec. 5


Dec. 6


April 9

STAAR Grades 4 & 7 Writing

April 9

STAAR Grades 5 & 8 Math

April 9


April 10

STAAR Grades 5 & 8 Reading

April 11


May 6


May 8


May 9

STAAR/EOC U.S. History

May 13

STAAR Grades 3, 4, 6 & 7 Math STAAR Grades 5 & 8 Math Retest STAAR Grades 3, 4, 6 & 7 Reading STAAR Grades 5 & 8 Reading Retest STAAR Grades 5 & 8 Science STAAR Grade 8 Soc. Studies

May 13 May 14 May 14 May 15 May 16 June 24


June 25

STAAR Grades 5 & 8 Math Retest STAAR/EOC Biology, U.S. History STAAR/EOC English II

June 26 June 26 June 26

STAAR Grades 5 & 8 Reading Retest

June 28


Calendar approved by United ISD Board of Trustees on 1/24/18. Revised 5/23/18

It is the policy of United ISD not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, gender or handicap in its programs, services or activities as required by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended; Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972; and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended.

JULY 2018 S 1 8 15 22 29

M 2 9 16 23 30

T 3 10 17 24 31

W 4 11 18 25

OCTOBER 2018 S 7 14 21 28

M T (1 2 8 9 [15 16 22 23 29 30

W 3 10 17 24 31

JANUARY 2019 S 6 13 20 27


T 1 7 8 14 15 21 (22 28 29

W 2 [9 16 23 30

APRIL 2019 S 7 14 21 28

M T 1 2 8 9 15 16 22 (23 29 30

Grading Period 6-Weeks Aug. 15 - Sep. 28 (32); Oct. 1 - Nov. 9 (29); Nov. 12 - Jan. 18 (32); Jan. 22 - March 1 (26); March 4 - Apr. 18 (29); Apr. 23 - May 30 (27)


Th 5 12 19 26

F 6 13 20 27

S 7 14





19 26



6 13





18 25



5 12





17 24


Th F 2 3 9 10 16 17 23 24 30 31




5 6 (12 13 19 20 26 27

7 14 21 28


Th F 1 2 8 9) 15 16 22 23 29 30




4 11 18 25

5 12 19 26

6 13 20 27

7 14 21 28

6 13





19 26


6 13 20 27

7 14 21 28









23 30

W Th 1 2 8 9 15 16 22 23 29 30)]

F 1 8 15 22










23 30



2 9






T 4 11 18 25

W 5 12 19 26

Th F 6 7 13 14 20 21 27 28)

M 3 10 17 24 31

T 4 11 18 25



(4 5 11 12 18 19 [25 26

6 13 20 27

15 22 29

14-S 14-E

W Th F 5 6 7 12 13 14 19 20] 21 26 27 28


S 1/8


1/8 15 22 29

16-S 16-E


F 1) 7 8 14 15 21 22] 28 29

S 2 9 16 23 30

JUNE 2019

21-S 23-E S











M 3 10 17 24

85 90 175

19-S 19-E

MARCH 2019


F 3 10 17 24 31

First Semester Second Semester


17-S 18-E




17-S 17-E

MAY 2019

20-S 20-E

W Th F 3 4 5 10 11 12 17 18) 19 24 25 26

W 1 7 8 14 [(15 21 22 28 29


16-S 18-E

Th F 3 4 10 11 17 18) 24 25 31

6 13 20 27


Grading Period 9-Weeks Aug. 15 - Oct. 12 [41]; Oct. 15 - Dec. 20 [44]; Jan. 9 - Mar. 22 [44]; Mar. 25 - May 30 [46]


13-S 23-E


22-S 22-E

Th F 4 5 11 12] 18 19 25 26



Saturday, June 1, 2019 United South High - 9:30 A.M. L.B. Johnson High - 1:30 P.M. United High- 5:30 P.M.

Friday, May 31, 2019 J.B. Alexander High 6:00 P.M.


M 3 10 17 24

T 4 11 18 25

W 5 12 19 26

Th 6 13 20 27

F 7 14 21 28


1/8 15 22 29

United Independent School District 201 Lindenwood Drive Laredo, Texas 78045

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Permit No. 757 Laredo, TX 78041