22 abr. 2015 - In person. By Phone. The Principal's conference was held in a manner in which we were allowed to ask question's regarding the charges and.
Attached are the forms to be used at a Level I conference regarding AEP placement at the Intermediate, Junior High and High School campuses In addition, the AEP placement order forms for the Intermediate, Junior High and High School are included (See Below)
Dumas Independent School District Dumas High School Principal’s Due Process Conference: Level I Student: ______________________________________
Parent/Legal Guardian: ____________________________________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________________________________________ City State Zip Code Work Phone: _______________________________
Home Phone: ____________________________
Parents were notified of conference on ____________________________ by: _________________________ (Date) (Administrator) Offense/Location: ________________________________________________________________________
The Principal’s conference was held in a manner in which we were allowed to ask question’s regarding the charges and consequences regarding our child. I understand that I have the right to appeal this level I decision to the Superintendent of Dumas Schools. ____________________________________________________ Parents/Legal Guardian Signature
Noticia: Este es un documento de disciplina, su hijo/a _______________________________________ esta recibiendo accion disciplinaria por su comportamiento inappriado. Se Usted tiene preguntas por favor llame a Dumas High School al numero 9354151
Dumas Independent School District Dumas High School Alternative Education Placement Order Student’s Name _________________________________________________ ID# _________ Last
Address: _____________________________________________________________________ No. and street
Zip Code
Telephone: ____________________________________________________________________ Home Number
Emergency Number
Date of Birth_______________ Sex (M/F)_______ Ethnicity__________Grade____________ Free Lunch_______________ Reduced Lunch____________ Special Ed._______ 504______ ESL______ Parent(s) _____________________________________________________________________ Father/Guardian
Noticia: Este es un documento de disciplina, su hijo/a _______________________________________ esta recibiendo accion disciplinaria por su comportamiento inappriado. Se usted tiene preguntas por favor llame a Dumas High School al numero 935-4151. Note: Original Copy: Assistant Principal 1-Copy: AEP Teacher 1-Copy: Special Services if applicable 5-Copies: Counselors 1-Copy Attendance 1-Copy Content Mastery 1-Copy Parent
Regular Education Previously Placed in AEP 504 Special Education
Parent/Legal Guardian: ____________________________________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________________________________________ City State Zip Code Work Phone: _______________________________
Home Phone: ____________________________
Parents were notified of conference on ____________________________ by: _________________________ (Date) (Administrator) Offense/Location: ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ Proposed Disciplinary Action: _______________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ Comments: ______________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ Conference was conducted in:
In person
By Phone
The Principal’s conference was held in a manner in which we were allowed to ask question’s regarding the charges and consequences regarding our child. I understand that I have the right to appeal this level I decision to the Superintendent of Dumas Schools. ____________________________________________________ Parents/Legal Guardian Signature
Noticia: Este es un documento de disciplina, su hijo/a _______________________________________ esta recibiendo accion disciplinaria por su comportamiento inappriado. Se Usted tiene preguntas por favor llame a Dumas Junior High School al numero 935-4155.
Dumas Independent School District Dumas Junior High School Alternative Education Placement Order Student’s Name ___________________________________________ Student ID#___________ Last
Address: ______________________________________________________________________________ No. and street
Zip Code
Telephone: ____________________________________________________________________ Home Number
Emergency Number
Date of Birth______________ Sex (M/F)_______ Ethnicity__________Grade____________ Free Lunch________ Reduced Lunch________ Special Ed._______ 504______ ESL_____ Parent(s) ___________________________________________________________________________ Father/Guardian
Noticia: Este es un documento de disciplina, su hijo/a _______________________________________ esta recibiendo accion disciplinaria por su comportamiento inappriado. Se usted tiene preguntas por favor llame a Dumas Junior High School al numero 935-4155. Note: Original Copy: Assistant Principal 1-Copy: AEP Teacher 1-Copy: Special Services if applicable 5-Copies: Counselors 1-Copy Attendance 1-Copy Content Mastery 1-Copy Parent
Placement Schedule Optional
1st Offense 10 (7)
32 (24)
32 (24)
Offense 16 (12)
3rd Offense 32 (24)
32 (24)
Dumas Independent School District Dumas Intermediate School Principal’s Due Process Conference: Level I Student: ______________________________________
Regular Education Previously Placed in AEP 504 Special Education
Parent/Legal Guardian: ____________________________________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________________________________________ City State Zip Code Work Phone: _______________________________
Home Phone: ____________________________
Parents were notified of conference on ____________________________ by: _________________________ (Date) (Administrator) Offense/Location: ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ Proposed Disciplinary Action: _______________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ Comments: ______________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ Conference was conducted in:
In person
By Phone
The Principal’s conference was held in a manner in which we were allowed to ask question’s regarding the charges and consequences regarding our child. I understand that I have the right to appeal this level I decision to the Superintendent of Dumas Schools. ____________________________________________________ Parents/Legal Guardian Signature
Noticia: Este es un documento de disciplina, su hijo/a _______________________________________ esta recibiendo accion disciplinaria por su comportamiento inappriado. Se Usted tiene preguntas por favor llame a Dumas Intermediate School al numero 935-6474.
Dumas Independent School District Dumas Intermediate School Alternative Education Placement Order Student’s Name ___________________________________________ Student ID#___________ Last
Address: ______________________________________________________________________________ No. and street
Zip Code
Telephone: ____________________________________________________________________ Home Number
Emergency Number
Date of Birth______________ Sex (M/F)_______ Ethnicity__________Grade____________ Free Lunch________ Reduced Lunch________ Special Ed._______ 504______ ESL_____ Parent(s) ___________________________________________________________________________ Father/Guardian
Noticia: Este es un documento de disciplina, su hijo/a _______________________________________ esta recibiendo accion disciplinaria por su comportamiento inappriado. Se usted tiene preguntas por favor llame a Dumas Intermediate School al numero 935-6474. Note: Original Copy: Assistant Principal 1-Copy: AEP Teacher 1-Copy: Special Services if applicable 5-Copies: Counselors 1-Copy Attendance 1-Copy Content Mastery 1-Copy Parent