2013 St. Luke's Annual Report

... building in the fall due to the director Keith Hackett's retire- .... mas en octubre cuando Keith Hackett se jubiló. Despedimos ...... the 2 inch main water line leak.
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2013 Hospitality Campaign - A Look to Our Future

St. Luke’s Episcopal Church San Lucas Iglesia Episcopal 2013 Annual Report

Agenda for 2014 Annual Parish Meeting

Agenda para la Reunión Anual de la Parroquia

January 26, 2014, 11:15 am

El 26 de enero, 2014, 11:15

Prayer: Almighty and everliving God, source of all wisdom and understanding, be present with those who take counsel in St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas for the renewal and mission of your Church. Teach us in all things to seek first your honor and glory. Guide us to perceive what is right, and grant us both the courage to pursue it and the grace to accomplish it; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Oración: Omnipotente y eterno Dios, fuente de toda sabiduría y entendimiento, hazte presente con los que deliberan en San Lucas ~ St. Luke’s para la renovación y misión de tu Iglesia. Enséñanos a que en todas las cosas busquemos primeramente tu honor y tu gloria. Guíanos para percibir lo que es justo; concédenos el valor para buscarlo y la gracia para lograrlo; por Jesucristo nuestro Señor. Amén.

The Introduction of the Candidates for Vestry and the First Ballot: Lee Wilson and Jamie Mathieu, departing members of Vestry.

Presentación de Candidatos para la Junta Parroquial y Primer Boleto: Lee Wilson y Jamie Mathieu, miembros que salen de su puesto.

The Rector’s Report: The Rev. Jaime Case

Reporte del Rector: El Rev. P. Jaime Case

The Senior Warden’s Report: Dena Cassidy

Reporte de la Guardián Mayor: Dena Cassidy

The Junior Warden’s Report: Jamie Mathieu

Reporte de la Guardián Menor: Jamie Mathieu

The Hospitality Remodeling Project Report: Bob Hiltz

Reporte del Proyecto de Remodelación Hospitalidad: Bob Hiltz

The Treasurer’s Report: Doug Goodlett

Reporte del Tesorero: Doug Goodlett

Reports in the Annual Report to the Parish are incorporated by reference.

Reportes en el Reporte Anual a la Parroquia están incorporada por referencia.

The Minutes for the Annual Meeting of 2013 incorporated in the Annual Report to the Parish.

Minutas de la Reunión Anual de 2013 incorporado en el Reporte Anual a la Parroquia.

Additional Ballots, if needed

Boleto adicional, si se requiere.

The Lord’s Prayer and Adjournment

El Padre Nuestro y Levantamiento.

426 East Fourth Plain Boulevard Vancouver, Washington 98663-3040 Phone: (360) 696-0181 Fax: (360) 696-0182 www.stlukesvancouver.com


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Rector’s Report El Reporte del Rector Senior Warden’s Report El Reporte de la Guardián Mayor

4 5 6 7

Spirituality – Nursery Sunday School Youth Ministries - St. Luke’s Youth Ministries - San Lucas Sunday Morning Discussion Group Hispanic Ministry El Ministerio Hispano Library Prayer Shawls Life Goes On

9 9 9 9 10 10 10 11 11 11 11

Out into the World Community Outreach Helping Hands Winter Housing Overflow

Communication Internal Advertising The Messenger External Advertising Communication Committee

Worship English Sunday Services Altar Guild Acolytes Lectors and Eucharistic Ministers Ushers Music Taizé Services

Community Life Pastoral Care Neighborhood Shepherds Prayer Partners Newcomers Hospitality

Reports Coffee Hour Friday Night Live The Lunch Bunch At Table Groups Weddings/Memorial Hospitality Hospitality Support Ministry

Administration &Finance Vestry/Administration - Senior Warden Hospitality Campaign Campaña de Hospitalidad Office Administration Treasurer’s Office Pledge Campaign Fundraising Committee Computer System Archivist

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Facility Management Building Committee Comité de Edificios Accessibility Thursday Maintenance Group CPR-AED Program Safety and Risk Management Facility Use and Planning Columbarium Children’s Peace Garden

Appendix Annual Parish Meeting Minutes, January 27 2013 Financial Statements: Parish Statistics In Memoriam

Confirmations and Receptions Baptisms

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Rector’s Report for 2013 On a recent Saturday, I was with the Bishop and the Governing Bodies of the Diocese, and I felt compelled to thank them again for the opportunity they have given me to serve as the your Rector at St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas. What a joyful time this has been in my life. I am profoundly grateful for the blessings of serving you here, and I hope to be with you until I retire in 2024. So here is a nod to the next decade of getting to know you and love you and work beside you. The greatest reason that I am in love with you is your wonderful hospitality. Hospitality is your strength. It has been a part of our DNA for years now, since you had Stephanie Sellers come and teach the Parish about Radical Hospitality, which is also the title of her book. That was before I arrived in 2011. Hospitality, the way we practice it, is respectful, caring, open, affirming, and gentle. It is a gift that makes a zone of grace and safety for our visitors and members alike. In our vocation of hospitality, we strive to provide quality music, good liturgy, preaching and keep always a sense of joy and devotion in all we do, in the service and out. We can say we are doing a good job if we are bringing into our circle of communion any person who comes through our doors. From what I have seen, we, as a Parish, are doing pretty well at hospitality. Those of us who converse with, sit with, and get to know people who are new are participating in the vocation of hospitality. From the introductions at the beginning of the service, to the last cup that is washed on Sunday, we strive joyfully to include any person that we meet. We are not going to be perfect at hospitality: We are not good at keeping our single visitors as part of our community. Singles come and go from us at regular intervals, and we are diminished by that failure. But we can do better. I plan to enlist your help to make the single person welcome among us. Being a hospitable Parish does not make us all things to all people: Only God can be so universal. Within our faithful following of God, we surely will make decisions as a Parish that are not perfect, or that do not conform entirely to God’s plan. We will try, however, to discern together, as we did when we reflected on the marriage policy of our Parish and took steps to include our gay and lesbian brothers and sisters in the circle of grace.

Our hospitality has extended our hand in service to others in need around us, through our in-Parish ministries and the ministries of agencies nearby and across the world. It has brought us to remodel our buildings to include the disabled in 2014. The dollars, however, are not the only measure of our commitment: You called me to be the Rector knowing I spoke Spanish and could help more with the 1:00 pm service, and that is a sacrifice of hospitality to our Latino sisters and brothers. We continue to house the NA and GA and AA groups. We are seeking to expand our outreach ministry. We said goodbye to the Columbia Counseling Center after 30 years of hospitality to them. We have cared for each other by providing food, visiting the sick, caring for the lost, and restoring the hope of a renewed life to many whose names we do not always know. It takes courage, faithfulness, and commitment to be welcoming. We have had some encounters with mentally ill and substance dependent persons. That’s part of the risk that goes with hospitality. Most often, when troubled people come, they find a listening ear and a person willing to work and pray for their relief. That’s a difficult and true measure of our hospitality, when it is not going to be reciprocated, not going to receive “thanks”, and not going to result in a new person joining our circle of grace. If such people continue to come and go, we must continue to share the grace we have received. St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas’ greatest asset, its most wonderful good is its people. “For this reason I bow my knees before the Father, from whom every family in heaven and on earth takes its name. I pray that, according to the riches of his glory, he may grant that you may be strengthened in your inner being with power through his Spirit, and that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith, as you are being rooted and grounded in love. I pray that you may have the power to comprehend, with all the saints, what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, so that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.” [Ephesians 3:14-19] The Rev. Jaime Case, Rector 

El Reporte del Rector Un sábado pasado, estaba con el obispo y los poderes gubernamentales de nuestra diócesis cuando me sentí la necesidad de dar gracias otra vez por la oportunidad que me han dado de servirles como el Rector de San Lucas ~St. Luke’s. ¡Qué tiempo tan gozoso ha sido en mi vida! Estoy profundamente agradecido por las bendiciones de servirles a ustedes aquí, y espero estar con ustedes hasta que me jubile en 2014. Lo que sigue es una reverencia a nuestra década por venir. La razón más grande que les quiero es que ustedes son tan hospitalarios. Hospitalidad es su don fuerte. Ha sido parte de su identidad por años, desde que la Madre Stephanie Sellers vino a enseñar sobre Hospitalidad Radical, que también es nombre de su libro. Sucedió antes de mi venida en 2011. Hospitalidad, como lo practicamos es respetuosos, cariñoso, abierto, afirmado y gentil. Es un regalo que hace una zona de gracia y seguridad para nuestros visitantes y miembros a la vez. En nuestra vocación de hospitalidad, nos esforzamos por tener música de calidad, bonita liturgia, sermones efectivos, y siempre bajo todo un sentido de gozo y devoción en todo lo que hacemos, dentro de la misa y afuera. Podemos ver indicado un buen trabajo si traemos al círculo de nuestra comunidad una persona que entra nuestras puertas. Por mi parte, he visto una Parroquia que realiza bien su trabajo. Cuando conversamos, nos sentamos y nos conocemos con nuestros visitantes, estamos participando en la vocación de hospitalidad. Desde el saludo que principia la misa hasta que se lave la última tasa, tratamos de incluir con gozo a todos que encontramos. No vamos a ser perfecto en hospitalidad: No estamos exitosos en retener los solteros o solteras como parte de nuestra comunidad. Vienen y van entre nosotros de vez en cuando, y estamos menos por fallarles. Podemos hacer mejor. Espero juntarles a ayudarme en hacer bienvenida una persona soltera entre nosotros. Ser Parroquia hospitalario no nos hace todo para todos: Solamente Dios es tan universal. Entre nuestro camino de seguir a Dios, seguramente haremos decisiones como Parroquia que no son perfectas, o que no conformen enteramente al plan de Dios. Ensayamos, de cualquier modo, a discernir juntos, como reflexionamos sobre la política de matrimonios para la Parroquia y tomamos pasos para incluir nuestros herma-

nos gay y hermanas lesbianas en el círculo de gracia. Nuestra hospitalidad extiende la mano en servicio a otros con necesidades, por nuestro ministerio dentro de la Parroquia y afuera por todo el mundo. Nos ha llevado al punto de remodelar nuestros edificios para acomodar los incapacitados en 2014. Los dólares no son la única medida: Ustedes me llamaron a ser Rector sabiendo que podía lidiar en español tanto que inglés. Fue una indicación de su hospitalidad para los hermanos latinos. Continuamos a hospedar grupos de NA, GA y AA. Despedimos a Columbia Counseling Center después de 30 años de hospitalidad a ellos. Buscamos crecer en nuestro ministerio de ayuda gratis. Hemos cuidado a nuestros prójimos por distribución de comida, visitas a los enfermos, cuidando a los desamparados, y restaurando la esperanza de vida renovada para muchos cuyos nombres no sabemos. Todo esto toma valor, fidelidad y compromiso para dar la bienvenida. Hemos tenido encuentros con les enfermos de mente, los abusadores de alcohol o drogas. Es parte del riesgo que anda con hospitalidad. Mas seguido, una persona en dificultad encuentra un corazón listo para escuchar, listo para esforzarse y orar por el alivio. Es difícil ejercer nuestra hospitalidad cuando no se devuelve ni una “gracias”, y no resulta en una persona que entra nuestro círculo de gracia. Si vienen personas así estamos obligados a continuar compartiendo la gracia que hemos recibido. El bono mas grande, mas milagrosa de San Lucas ~ St. Luke’s es el pueblo. “Por esta causa doblo mis rodillas ante el Padre de nuestro Señor Jesucristo, de quien recibe nombre toda familia en el cielo y en la tierra, que os conceda, conforme a las riquezas de su gloria, ser fortalecidos con poder por su Espíritu en el hombre interior; de manera que Cristo more por la fe en vuestros corazones; y que arraigados y cimentados en amor, seáis capaces de comprender con todos los santos cuál es la anchura, la longitud, la altura y la profundidad, y de conocer el amor de Cristo que sobrepasa el conocimiento, para que seáis llenos hasta la medida de toda la plenitud de Dios.” [Efesios 3:14-19] The Rev. Jaime Case, Rector 

St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas has achieved many goals set out before us this year. The parish and your vestry have been working very hard to make the church a hospitable place to serve human need and grow in faith together. In the fall of 2012 the vestry developed vision and mission statements under the guidance of Paula Franck. This was written by vestry from information gathered from parish members. Going into the New Year at the 2013 February vestry retreat we set four goals to work towards derived from our vision and mission statements. Vestry members divided up to work on specific strategies for each goal. Pat Lawless was our guest speaker and helped us through an exercise called SMART PLANS. With this new knowledge we had a good foundation to start working on the specific goals we had set. Kris Lawless also was present and helped facilitate the process. Thank you both for your time, knowledge and commitment. Here are the four goals and the highlights of what was achieved within them for the year. 1. Develop a closer relationship between the Anglo and Hispanic members of the parish.  The Welcome Back picnic in September was well attended by Anglos and Hispanics.  The Hispanic members provided two delicious luncheons in which they contributed all the food and the profits were donated to the church. 2

Expand outreach programs into the community.  A Walk & Knock crew from St Luke’s-San Lucas.  Volunteers for the WHO winter overflow shelter.  HOPE (homeless Vancouver school children) foundation fundraiser in partnership with Burgerville.

3. Promote the growth of the parish.  “At Table” Groups are helping to forge bonds among members.  We also joined the community of Welcoming Congregations on their website. The Reverend Tara Wilkens was our guest and spoke to us about this group that supports members of the LGBTQ community in this area. 4. Provide opportunities for members to grow in faith in a safe social environment.  Training was available at several classes for Safeguarding God’s Children and Safeguarding God’s People.  St Luke’s ~ San Lucas became a member of the Shumway neighborhood association.  We are raising funds to purchase an AED (automatic electric defibrillator).  At the April parish meeting Father Jaime led in the discussion of the “Witnessing and Blessing of a Life Long Covenant in a same sex relationship. St Luke’s-San Lucas had two same-sex weddings in September.  The insurance policy of the building has recently been reviewed and revised. Throughout the year the vestry has been reading ‘The Vestry Handbook’. Each member was assigned a chapter to give a book report each month. Out of this we’ve learned some key points. One of these was the chapter on church insurance. A review was done and some revisions were made. Also, we will have a church inventory report in thanks to Pam Goodlett and Jamie Mathieu. The publishing of the photo directory was a huge undertaking. Thank you to Kris Lawless, Jamie Mathieu, Tatiana (Sullivan) McIrvin, and Jeremy Clow for their tremendous task work. Thank you to volunteer hosts during the photo times and proofreaders. Bishop Greg visited St. Luke’s-San Lucas in May. Hopefully, many of you had the opportunity to meet the Bishop and chat a few minutes. Columbia Pastoral Counseling left the building in the fall due to the director Keith Hackett’s retire-

ment. We said good-bye to our faithful neighbor of thirty-five years at a fare-well dinner held in the parish hall. The Hospitality Campaign was kicked off in June. The parish raised the funds to begin this important project. Thank you to everyone for this accomplishment. The bidding process will begin soon, and then a contractor will be chosen so construction can begin. Newly elected vestry members in January 2013 were Kreta Saathoff, Joseph Ziemba, Mike Morrison, Jeremy Clow and Tatiana (Sullivan) McIrvin. June Clarke left in June due to a move to Georgia. Stefanie Aschmann came on in June to finish out June’s term. We said good-bye to Jeremy Clow in October due to personal reasons, and to Tatiana (Sullivan) McIrvin in December because of health issues. Lee Wilson and Jamie Mathieu have completed their three year terms. I thank all of these individuals for their hard work and dedication. Thank you also too Jim Schlatter who is a returning member. Two other members of the parish who help so much at the vestry meetings and beyond are Tom Amies our clerk and Doug Goodlett our treasurer. Thank you for your timely reports and input. Thank you vestry members for your careful and intelligent decisions. Your hard work, attendance and involvement mean so much to the parish. You’ve put in some long hours at lengthy meetings and have been right on task in regards to the items at hand and financial discussions. Your preparedness at each meeting has made them fruitful. You were also assigned additional leadership roles in the fall that has helped out Father Jaime. Note: another chapter we read in our vestry handbook was titled ‘The Care and Feeding of Your Rector’. It has been my pleasure to serve as your Senior Warden for the year 2013. I’m continually amazed at the dedication and involvement of our members. Everyone works so hard in this parish, please pat yourselves on the back for all that you have accomplished this year! Dena Cassidy, Senior Warden 

El Reporte de la Guardián Mayor San Lucas ~ St. Luke’s ha logrado mucho éxito sobre las metas de este año pasado. La parroquia y la junta parroquial han trabajado duro para hacer de la Iglesia un lugar hospitalario para servir las necesidades humanas y crecer juntos en la fe. En el otoño de 2012 la junta elaboró una visión y misión bajo el consejo de la Rvda. Paula Franck. Fue compuesto de base de lo que miembros compartieron. Al comienzo del año 2013 la junta parroquial compuso cuatro metas derivados de la visión y misión. Miembros dividió el trabajo sobre cada meta. Pat Lawless presentó a nosotros aquel día revelando el esquema SMART para planificación. Con este nuevo conocimiento teníamos un fundamento bueno para comenzar a enumerar metas específicas. Kris Lawless también estuvo presente y ayudó con el proceso. Les agradecemos a ambos de ellos por su compromiso de tiempo y conocimiento. Aquí debajo están los resaltos de lo que hicimos este año: 1. Establecer mejores relaciones entre miembros hispanos y Anglos de la parroquia.  Hicimos el picnic de Bienvenida en septiembre con buena asistencia de los dos grupos.  Los Latinos proveyeron dos comidas muy sabrosas para levantar fondos para la Iglesia. 2. Expandir los programas sociales a la comunidad  Walk & Knock fue llevado a cabo con un equipo de San Lucas.  Voluntarios hicieron el WHO, pasando la noche entera con gente en el refugio de invierno para los desamparados en la ciudad de Vancouver  HOPE recibió fondos para ayudar a niños escolares que no tienen casa con la ayuda de Burgerville. 3. Promover crecimiento de la Parroquia:  Hacer “A La Mesa” grupos de convivencia para conocernos mejor.  Enrollar con los Welcoming Congregations.

La Reverenda Tara Wilkens nos habló sobre la misión de incluir a hermanos gay y hermanas lesbianas en nuestra área. 4. Proveer oportunidades para miembros crecer en fe en un ambiente seguro:  Realizar entrenamientos sobre Salvaguardando los Niños de Dios y la Gente de Dios  Hacernos miembros de la asamblea de Shumway, nuestra vecindad.  Preparar para comprar un AED para ayudar en caso de infarto  Presentación por P. Jaime sobre la bendición de matrimonios de todos tipos en abril. Hemos celebrado dos bodas de miembros gay.  Revisar la seguridad de nuestros edificios Por todo el año, la Junta Parroquial ha leído The Vestry Handbook. Cada miembro reportó sobre un capítulo cada mes. Hemos aprendido muchas cosas de beneficio de tal libro. Entre ellos fue el capítulo sobre seguranza. Gracias a Pam Goodlett y Jamie Mathieu vamos a obtener un inventario de nuestros bienes. La publicación del Directorio con fotos fue trabajo duro, y Kris Lawless, Jamie Mathieu, Tatiana Sullivan y Jeremy Clow prendieron gran obra para realizarlo. Gracias a ustedes huéspedes durante el tiempo de tomar fotos y los que leyeron para corregir. El Obispo Greg Rickel visito en Mayo. Espero que tuvieran la oportunidad de conocerle y charlar un poco. Columbia Counseling Center terminó sus programas en octubre cuando Keith Hackett se jubiló. Despedimos a nuestros vecinos de 35 años con una cena en el salón parroquial. La Campaña de Hospitalidad se prendió en junio. La Parroquia levanto fondos para este proyecto importante. Gracias a todos por este logro. El proceso de sacar presupuestos de constructores comenzara pronto. En 2013 Kreta Saathoff, Joseph Ziemba, Mike Morrison, Jeremy Clow y Tatiana Sullivan fueron elegidos a la Junta Parroquial. June Clark se mudó y dejó su puesto. Stefanie Aschmann fue nombrado

para terminar el año en lugar de June. Despedimos a Jeremy Clow en octubre y a Tatiana Sullivan en diciembre. Este año Jamie Mathieu y Lee Wilson terminan sus puestos. Yo doy gracias a todos estos individuos por su trabajo y dedicación. Gracias también a Jim Schlatter, quien volverá a servir. Dos más merecen mención, nuestra secretaria, Tom Amies, y el tesorero, Doug Goodlett. Gracias por sus reportes y ayuda. Gracias a todos miembros de la Junta Parroquial, por su atención, dedicación e inteligencia. Su trabajo duro, asistencia e involucramiento significan mucho para a Parroquia. Han invertido largas horas en reuniones y haciendo sus deberes sobre asuntos importantes y sobre las finanzas. Sus preparaciones para las reuniones han hecho las reuniones muy fructíferas. También aceptaron puestos de trabajo adicionales para ayudar a su Rector. Noten otro capítulo del libro lleva el títulos de “Cuidar y alimentar a su Rector”. Ha sido mi gran placer servir como Guardián Mayor para 2013. Estoy siempre sorprendido por la dedicación de nuestros miembros. ¡Todos trabajan tan duros! Por favor, comparten las felicitaciones por un año de buenos logros. Dena Cassidy, Guardiana Mayor 

meeting the goal of being an Anglo-Hispanic Faith Community.

Nursery 2013 Accomplishments  

 

Staff Assistants: Katy Woodward, Jessica Wilson and Ryan Hanrahan Care for children under age 4 is provided for all Sunday services and other church functions as needed. The director and one assistant are present. The Godly Play curriculum tailored for toddlers continued to be presented throughout the year along with songs about Bible stories, story time and individual attention. The Nursery room was reorganized to maximize the space with age appropriate materials. The staff renewed the requirement of Safeguarding God’s Children training.

2014 Goals 

The director will continue to provide ongoing instruction in childcare, specific to this setting.  Recommendation foal l employees to take a Certified Babysitting Class (YMCA or Red Cross)  New staff required to take First aid, CPR and Safeguarding God’s Children trainings. Becky Swisher, Nursery Director 

2014 Goals   

Work at retention and growth. Have at least three family functions. Buy and make some new materials for Godly Play enrichment.  Have volunteers sew some new Christmas Pageant costumes. Ebie Mountford, Children’s Ministry Director 

Youth Ministry - St. Luke’s 2013 accomplishments       

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Sunday School 2013 Accomplishments    

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Attendance has increased slightly in A.M. (English) and considerably in P.M. (Spanish) We are pleased to have a Spanish speaking teacher, Patricia Leal. The Family Night was well attended by both English and Spanish families. We held separate Christmas Pageants in English and Spanish. Each had twenty children take part. Each group was treated to a Christmas Party. Vacation Bible school was well attended with forty five children registered from both the English and Spanish Sunday School and some visitors. The children blended so well they are

   

Grown from about 10 to 20 Youth. Attendance was up for HYC and JYC Biweekly youth nights on Saturday Evenings Provided back up music for choir when asked Organized and ran the Easter egg hunt for younger members Youth lead Mother's Day service Yankee candle fundraiser which youth do each year to contribute to transportation to conference cost , raised $149. June - picnicked in the park and invited new 5th graders who would join us in September. Youth hosted their first Grads and Dads Sunday July - hike, noonday service in park and picnic joined by Hispanic youth Walk and Knock in spite of freezing weather, yay for the troopers who showed up! Christmas party/Taizé attendance

2014 Goals     

Continue our growth as we have this past year Join with Hispanic youth for one complete group Find new helpers to be able to separate HS and MS groups into 2 Continue to attend conferences and work with other area churches to provide transportation Continue youth-lead topics of life and stories in bible to see how the stories fit into today's world

    

Explore different ways to worship as found in prayer book and otherwise Create worship as group other than Mother’s Day Eucharist Encourage Hispanic youth to attend conferences. Host HYC in spring here at St Luke's ~ San Lucas. Begin coordinating with other area youth leaders to create opportunities for youth service in our community.

Sunday Morning Discussion Group 2013 Accomplishments   

Met each Sunday at 9:00 AM except when other parish events took precedence. Discussions often extend to issues other than the main points of the book. Attendance has been down to a “precious few”, sometimes averaging about 4-6 persons.

2014 Goals  

Donna Greene and Don Lawry, Youth Leaders 

Continue to invite others to join. Read and discuss stimulating books on Christian faith and practice. The Rev. Jerry Lonergan 

Youth Ministry - San Lucas

Hispanic Ministry

2013 Accomplishments

In 2013 the 1:00 PM service added 72 people as registered members, of which 35 were adults and 37 were children under 16. This is typical of Latino families, which are young and mostly childbearing age, and so our Sunday attendance is often around 40% children. This puts a heavy load on the Sunday school teachers. With many young families, we still have a lack of volunteers to staff the Sunday school at 1:00 pm, and none of our mothers are teachers by training. So we hired a teacher who is Latina and has experience and certification in her home country as a teacher. She is Patty Silva, wife of our musician, Willy Silva. Since her addition, the Sunday school has improved in order and learning dramatically. Lee Wilson continues to be a volunteer teacher, and together, she and Patty make a great team.

    

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Met monthly throughout 2013. Averaged 10-15 youth attending monthly meeting. Leaders: Adela Martinez Tatiana (Sullivan) McIrvin and Lee Wilson After a few months, Adela Martinez left as a leader of the group. Activities included: scavenger hunts, pizza, game nights, movies, costume party for Halloween, bowling, baking cookies, making soap that was donated to Outreach for hygiene kits, 2 joint meetings with St Luke’s youth ,a cook out and a visit from a magician. Parents assisted with transportation and supervision for bowling. One of the San Lucas youth participated in the Camp Huston summer program.

2014 Goals   

Merge the San Lucas youth with the St Luke’s youth into one youth group. Continue to have activities that encourage the youth to grow in faith and friendship. Encourage the San Lucas youth to participate in JYC and the Camp Huston summer programs.

Tatiana McIrvin & Lee Wilson, Youth Leaders 

We added a full celebration of Our Lady of Guadalupe this year, thanks to dancers and musicians brought in by Maria Zambrano and Gregorio Ramirez. It was a 2-1/2 hour fiesta on December 12, followed by food and fellowship. The dancers are interested in using our facilities to rehearse, and in return will come and dance for other celebrations. Liturgy has been improved by utilizing a small booklet, like the 10:00 am service, that contains the words and the prayers used by the people each Sunday. Music has been made percussive by the addition of a volunteer, Ruben Triana, on the drums. “First” Communion and Confirmation classes start-

rios han hecho esfuerzos especiales para mantener los patios y decorar por la fiesta de Guadalupe. Hay mucha bondad y organización entre los que vienen los domingos.

ing in February have good enrollment. We have about 13 acolytes, four LEMs and the beginnings of an altar guild and usher team. Volunteers have made special efforts around the grounds and in decorating for the feast of Guadalupe. There is a great deal of good will and organization going on among those who are coming on Sunday.


The Rev. Jaime Case, Rector 

2013 Accomplishments:

The Rev. Jaime Case, Rector 

El Ministerio Hispano En 2013 la misa de 1:00 añadió 72 miembros registrados, de los cuales 35 son adultos y 37 niños e menos de 16 años. Es típico de la juventud de familias latinas, con niños, entonces nuestra asistencia dominical es siempre alrededor de 40% niños. Eso pone un cargo pesado sobre las maestras de la escuela dominical. Con tantas familias jóvenes, nos faltan voluntarios para la escuela dominical, y pocos de los adultos tienen experiencia con maestría. Por eso, empleamos una maestra que es latina y tiene experiencia enseñando a niños. Es Patty Silva, esposa de nuestro director de música, Willy Silva. Desde que comenzó ella, la escuela dominical ha mejorado mucho, y el aprender de los niños también. Lee Wilson continua como voluntaria, y junto con Patty hacen un equipo capaz. Hemos celebrado por primera vez la Fiesta de Nuestra Señor de Guadalupe este año, gracias a danzantes y músicos traídos por María Zambrano y Gregorio Ramírez. Fue una fiesta de 2-1/2 horas seguidas con música y comida después. Los danzantes están interesados en un lugar para ensayar, y en cambio por el lugar, ofrecen danza a nuestras fiestas mayores. La liturgia ha mejorado por utilizar un folleto completo, como la misa de las 10, que contiene todas lecturas, oraciones y letra de músico para el pueblo cada domingo. La música goza de percusión ahora por la buena voluntad de Rubén Triana, sobre los tambores. Las clases de “Primera” Comunión y Confirmación comienzan en febrero y tienen buena cantidad de inscripciones. Tenemos mejores ministros del altar, con 8 Lectores, 4 Ministros Eucarísticos y 13 acólitos, 4 ujieres y Cofradía del Altar. Volunta-

 

Color-coded , inventoried and shelved received books for the library. Book arrangement is user-friendly with an easy honor-system for borrowing books. The Library is being used.

2014 Goals   

Encourage more parishioners to use the Library. Enlarge the Hispanic section. Engage volunteers to help shelve books.

Hanni Bureker 

Prayer Shawls 2013 Accomplishments  

 

The Prayer Shawl group continued to create shawls, and make them available to everyone. Shawls were delivered to people who were house bound due to illness, as well as those in hospitals, and recovery and rehabilitation centers. Several shawls were sent to people out of state. Shawls were provided to Babies in Need in support of their ministry to new mother’s in crisis

2014 Goals   

Welcome all those interested in creating prayer shawls to join this ministry. Plan to gather quarterly. Encourage the Eucharistic Visitors and members of the Pastoral Care Group to take prayer shawls to those they visit.

Lee Wilson and Joan Wilson 

Life Goes On 2013 Accomplishments 

10-12 people gather in support of each other

and to enjoy remembering, sharing, singing, eating, laughing and, occasionally crying. This past year we have had special guests for music and presentations, have had several new members join us. We had a special celebration of life for Harvey Burwell who was a regular member of our group who passed away this year. We had a special celebration and blessing of

one of our group who moved away from the area.

2014 Goals  

The Rev. Dennis Cole 

Life Goes On group at Glenwood Place Senior Living

Community Outreach 2013 Accomplishments: 

 

Weekly assembled food-bags in 3 different sizes, 93 single bags, 232 family bags, 745 road bags for the year. Thank you -- Joan McLean, Ruth Wertz, Hanni Bureker, Jim and Jill Boyd, Kathy Scarborough, Michelle Markle Tisnado, Aiden and Noah Markle. Maintained Free-clothes closet and shelves with donated items weekly. Monthly donations made to local charities: Free Clinic, NW Harvest South, Fish, YWCA Safe Choice, Share House, Babies in Need, St. James, Cathlamet, Seafarers, Columbia Pastoral Counseling Center, Friends of the Carpenter and Open House Ministries. Provided $165 monthly to purchase bus day

Continue to be available for new people and to support our continuing people. Explore the possibility of making our group or a similar group available to others in the community.

Youth enjoying Coffee Hour

passes distributed by the office. Organized and supported the Valley Homestead Shelter monthly dinner program all 12 months. Many thanks to those who hosted a meal by shopping and delivering. In May, sponsored a ‘Baby Shower’ for ‘Babies in Need’ during a special Coffee Hour. People donated baby clothes, food, toys, car seats and cash of $364. Thank you to all who made such a difference for Babies in Need. In August, collected and delivered backpacks and boxes of school supplies to Washington Elementary School. We are a giving parish -Thank you. Organized a Thanksgiving Eve turkey dinner for 125 people. A round of applause to Fr. Jaime, Marsha Colberg and the many hands it

took to make the meal so successful. December was a very busy month: W  We filled 14 actual laundry baskets full of food for families during a Sunday coffee hour. How fun it was to see some of the children gathering the food and filling the baskets!  Through the Share Hose, we had a Giving Tree, for Christmas gifts for 5 families, including children and adults, and provided grocery gift cards to all families for food. We filled a car full of gifts, how fun it was to deliver. Outreach gives to more than is listed and we continue to look for new avenues. Have ideas? Join us 2nd Wednesdays at 6:30pm.

2014 Goals:

Winter Hospitality Overflow 2013 Accomplishments 

 

Keep ‘Reaching Out’ to those less fortunate. Increase our committee membership. Kreta Saathoff  

Helping Hands 2013 Accomplishments:  Sewed and donated 651 total garments to Share House.  Lost 2 members due to poor health  Updated fabric and clothing selections, made different types of outfits.  Acquired a donated sewing machine  Received cash donations and gift cards to area fabric shops to purchase needed sewing supplies 2014 Goals  Spruce up our sewing room with new curtains, redesign bulletin boards and paint walls.  Continue to improve our division of labor with different outfits  Increase and improve our skills  Enjoy fellowship within the group and welcome any new people who would like to learn to sew or already know how. Ellen Hiromura and Julie Love 

St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas provided volunteer hosts from the evening of Jan. 27 thru the morning of Feb 3, for shelter program at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church. St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas congregation and friends provided 45 volunteers who filled the 56 shifts, from 5:30 PM to 7 AM each night. St. Paul’s was full every night with 25 men. All of the volunteer hosts agreed it was a good experience with few problems, and want to do it again next year. People enjoyed talking to the guests and making sure they remained safe for the night. The guests are very appreciative of the help we and all the churches give to this program. They are very aware that without volunteers like we have at St. Luke’s there would not be a Winter Hospitality Overflow program. We also provide snacks, juice and milk during the week. I am very proud of our congregation for stepping up to help with this very worthy and needed outreach program. Thank you to all who filled the shifts and kept the shelter open. We are so thankful and proud of our congregation’s compassion and generosity.

2013 Goals: 

Provide volunteers for 2014 to keep this program going.  Find other ways we as a congregation might work in the area ending homeless.  I would love to see a volunteer only having to take on one shift.  The biggest goal would be not to be needed next year. This is our prayer. Stephen Butler  Farewell to Keith and Joan Hackett of Columbia Pastoral Counseling Center.

Communication creates community and communion. The Rector spends up to 3 hours weekly updating and cleaning up the website. According to Jamie Mathieu, head of Greeters, visitors mention the website as the prime way that people learn about St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas, so it takes some tending. After nearly 2 years of having recorded sermons on the website, the process has become too cumbersome, and no more have been put up since Advent. The Rector cannot do it alone and needs some volunteers. Our Face Book page gets regular updates, but could use a regular announcement of events, taken from the website, to invite the community out there in. Twitter has completely halted and will be disabled soon. We continue printed communication in our newsletter, the Messenger and in postcards for Jazz Vespers, posters and announcements in the Sunday bulletin. However, we have ceased to publish newspaper ads, as technology continues to more away from print in general. As visitors arrive we now ask if they would like to get our newsletter electronically. It’s always placed on the website, as is this Annual Report you have in your hands. The Rev. Jaime Case, Rector 

 

2014 Goals  

 

 

 

Created event posters for bulletin boards Provided 10 issues of our newsletter, The Messenger, to members, newcomers, local churches and friends of the parish. Notified members by email when the new The Messenger was loaded on our website Weekly Sunday Announcement sheet provided with help from volunteer, Pat Lawless. Book Marks – provided for regular services and activities and seasonal schedules. Maintained Inclement Weather Notification System using our phone system and website.

Continue current forms of internal advertising Provide support for new needs as they arrive.

Parish Administrator: Kris Lawless 

The Messenger 2013 Accomplishments:  Editing assistance was provided by Muriel McNamara and Pat Lawless, many thanks.  Jennifer Cole continued to provide assistance in managing the copy production and then locating and organizing assemble volunteers.  Maintained a consistent number of terrific volunteers who helped to assemble and prepare the Messenger for mailing.  Continued email notification of The Messenger availability on the church website after uploaded the Adobe pdf version to our website.

2014 Goals:  

Internal Advertising 2013 Accomplishments

Utilized email to notify members of special activities/events. Postcard created for the 2013-2014 Jazz Vesper services and mailed to members

Set up requested members for email notification only to reduce printing costs. Encourage more members to receive The Messenger via email so that they can receive the news even faster. Move towards eliminating bulk mailing and thereby mail a reduced number of paper copies.

Parish Administrator: Kris Lawless 

External Advertising 2013 Accomplishments:  Newspaper – The weekly ad was stopped in December. Saves expense and we have discovered that more and more people are using the internet and facebook.  Uploaded The Messenger , our newsletter to our website.

Created posters for church events to advertised to the wider community and shared others by posting them on our website..  Phone Book –Ad only runs in DEX and listing in the pdcpages, Clark County directory.  Annual “Answer Book” published by The Columbian  Annual “Clark County Portrait” ad in the “Birthday Review” published by The Columbian.  Special Events – Event planners manage this advertising. 2014 Goals:  Seek assistance with managing our advertising in a broader scope.  Encourage the creation of a ministry group to:  Investigate other opportunities and methods to attract new people. 

Investigate inexpensive advertising methods.

Parish Administrator: Kris Lawless 

 

  

  

2014 Goals: 

Communication Committee 2013 Accomplishments   

Contracted with LifeTouch to publish a new Parish Directory Portraits were taken in February and March by LifeTouch and Jeremy Clow. Member Information forms were sent to household members of the church to secure the most current information for our files and the directory. Office staff, Kris Lawless and volunteers, Michelle Markle-Tisnado and Jennifer Cole updated our church data base. Purchased Photos were distributed

Tatiana Sullivan designed the cover and activities pages which were sent to LifeTouch The committee reviewed the proof. After adjustments made and the roster portion completed LifeTouch published our directories. In September the new directories were distributed. Church Website is primarily maintained by our Rector, Jaime Case John Mathieu and Kris Lawless added one new section for the Lenten Program and Life Planning, “Life and Death”. Articles were written by members of the Pastoral Care Committee Amy Case added information about music programs Event posters were displayed to increase our free advertising. Each edition of our newsletter, The Messenger, was added to our website

 

Plan to expand the amount of content on our website. Provide training to those responsible for updating content on our website. We have seen an increase in followers to our Facebook page account this year. Facebook link:

Special events seemed to generate a lot of interest and online Facebook discussions.

Provide more informational on Facebook about upcoming events..

Dena Cassidy, Jeremy Clow, Kris Lawless, John Mathieu and Tatiana (Sullivan) McIrvin  Ministry Sunday

English Sunday Services 2013 Accomplishments 

After attending Clergy Conference, I took it on myself to start writing the Prayers of the People, as encouraged by the rubrics, and to include a sung response with Tim Nickel’s help to the petitions. This has been a very satisfying experiment and has gone through three editions in 2013.  In addition I introduced a hymn that I used in seminary at Compline, Hymn 674, which is in the form of a confession in place of the said confessions, which come from the Book of Common Prayer (BCP) and Enriching Our Worship (EOW).  For the Eucharistic prayers, we used Rite II A in the Easter cycle and Rite II B in the Incarnation cycle, and split up the long season of Pentecost by varying Eucharistic Prayer I and 2 from EOW.  The Post Communion prayers are also available to us to compose, but the pressure to compose every season, if not every week, makes that unlikely, so we continue to rotate through the EOW and BCP options to alter the composition of our rites. Anthropologists use ritual for what we call liturgy. They speak rather highly of the value of ritual, the “action” of religion, in human society, holding that it is a trait of the highest human endeavors in dealing with reality. Ritual creates holiness, which is whole-some, whole-making. Ritual works to “ameliorate problems of falsehood intrinsic to language to a degree sufficient to allow human sociability to have developed and be maintained.” If science may crudely be said to be the drive to know the world objectively and art is pre-eminently an arena of subjective selfexpression, religion typically addresses both sides of the subject-object relationship by connecting what is inside each of us to something outside.” (p. xv)

I share this to remind you of the powerful and moving values inherent in our liturgies, and in the transforming power of that which we do each Sunday in the Eucharist. The Rev. Jaime Case, Rector 

Altar Guild 2013 Accomplishments    

 

Added one new member in 2013 A total of 16 members provided support for all Worship Services held in 2013 Hosted a coffee hour Jean Getsinger, flower co-ordinator, scheduled all the years Altar flowers including the Memorial donations for both Easter and Christmas Sold new and used candles at the Bring and Buy. Cleaned and inventoried two Altar Guild Sacristies

2014 Goals 

Continue to provide coverage for all Worship services at SL/SL  Recruit and train new members  Continue to schedule workdays, as the need arrives, to maintain the keep in good order all linens, Holy hardware, etc.  Update existing St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas Altar Guild Handbook Sandra Kimura and Carol Hiltz

Acolytes 2013 Accomplishments 

We have an even dozen acolytes, counting the emeritus Sean Brown, who joins our schedule when he is in town from college, and Zachary Alvernaz who conversely joins the schedule when he is at WSU. Jennifer Cole continues to serve as lead acolyte, reminding, checking and substituting when needed. Jennifer, Zach and Sean are joined by Michael Klucas and Lorrice Tomer-White as Team

Leaders, which are also identified as Crucifers and lead the procession. Manny Surface, Noah Tisnado, Aaron Snoey, and Elizabeth Hennessey round out our dozen, doing the roles of Torchbearers or Gospel Book Bearers during the service. Our ancient regime is represented by Jim

Gallaher, our Holy Smoker, or Thurifer when called to use incense.  Our Thursday Crew ladies continue to support the acolytes by laundering their robes. 2014 Goals: 

Recruit young people and adults to be Acolytes. Minimum age is 10 but no maximum.  Have regular meeting to address Acolyte concerns and provide more training, updates and build community. The Rev. Jaime Case, Rector 

  

Held successful meeting in August; many topics intelligently discussed Adjustments to the specifics of any given service well & happily made Constant, unassuming support for the ushers from the altar guild graciously recognized (not yet officially…)

2014 Goals  Increase the number of ushers and greeters, particularly ushers for the 8am service  Provide training for ushers and greeters; CPR training?  Meet to discuss adjustments during remodel  Coordinate bell ringing with choir better; key to tower made more available  Transition coordinator(s) Russ Roseberry and Brett Tomer-White

Music 2013 Accomplishments

Lectors and Eucharistic Ministers

2013 Accomplishments: 

During the past year we continued to schedule only one LEM for the 8:00 A.M. service. This practice seems to be working and will be continued until more LEM’s are available for that service. During the year we gained one LEM in the ministry who serves primarily at the 8:00 service. We now have seventeen active Eucharistic Ministers and five Lectors.

2014 Goals: 

Continue to provide Lectors and Eucharistic Ministers as needed for all scheduled and special services. Recruit, train and license new Lectors and Eucharistic Ministers especially for the 8:00 A.M. service.

Ushers and Greeters 2013 Accomplishments  Continued to provide ushers and greeters; attendance was excellent; added a few new ushers/greeters, while losing a small amount

The St. Luke’s Choir continued to grow in numbers and in musical maturity. Several important new members have joined the singing ranks. Welcome: Nicholas Hill, John & Deborah McCullum, Mike Grigsby-Lane, Don Lonsbrough, Geri Hoekzema, and John Rowe. Continued expression of a big “thank-you” to all the dedicated ringers and singers who continue to work hard on Wednesday evenings and Sunday mornings to enhance the worship life at St. Luke’s. The singers and ringers at St. Luke’s are not shy about socializing, as witnessed by gettogethers on Epiphany, at the third-annual September Fun-in-the-Gorge, and at the Roseberrys’ home in June. Jazz Vespers has become a more established alternative worship experience at St. Luke’s, now with a flier/poster that lists the special guest musicians for the five events; Special thanks to our “House Band”: Karyn Slanina (cantor), Don Lawry (drums) and Laurent Nickel (bass). Soprano soloist and parish member, Catherine van der Salm, joined the choir for some spe-

cial music-making, including portions of Handel’s Messiah on Christmas Eve. The harpsichord in the balcony was repaired, thanks to help from the Thursday crew. The Music Room was cleaned and organized and the floor waxed over the summer. List people: who help with the music for the Taize

2014 Goals

Taize Services 2013 Accomplishments  

Expand music opportunities for the children on Sunday mornings.  Have the parish’s 3-octave set of Dutch-style handbells fully repaired by a specialty craftsman in the Seattle area in July.  Establish a dedicated fund for an improved grand piano in the sanctuary.  Optimize the projected expanded seating area in the church balcony for the choir, bells and instrumentalists. Tim Nickel, Music Director/Organist 

Pastoral Care 2013 Accomplishments  

 

Committee meets every month on the 4th Tuesday at 6:30 P.M. in the Children's Chapel. Maintained a dynamic People In Touch list of approximately 20 people of the parish which includes those cannot make it to church, whether they live at home, in a nursing home, an adult foster home, a rehab facility or are in the hospital. Some move off the list if they are again able to come to church, others move off who have passed away. Each person on the People in Touch list is assigned an advocate from the committee who checks in with the person at least every two weeks. At our meetings we review what needs each person might have and offer prayers. Several ministry members are Eucharistic Visitors so communion is a service we offer.

Taize at St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas continued to be lay-led. Included secular readings are usually poems that were spiritual and chosen with multicultural and interfaith sensitivity. The meditative chants and music were beautifully chosen and played by Tim Nickel and Gail Bauhs with talented musician friends. The average attendance was 16, both parishioners and from outside St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas.

2014 Goals 

Encourage more people to suggest readings and/or read.  Encourage more parishioners to attend.  Find new ways to advertise this peaceful and meditative service. Hanni Bureker, Melanie Kenoyer and Den Mark Wichar 

 

Provided people we visit with prayer materials and other gifts. Continue communication with a new group, Life Goes On, to attempt to meet the needs of those in the Parish who have lost a significant person in their lives. The group meets monthly on the 4th Thursday of the month at 2 pm at Glenwood Senior Retirement Center. 10-12 people gather in support of each other and to enjoy singing, eating, laughing and, occasionally crying. Completed the initial development of a set of materials, resources and website entitled The Road Ahead, Grace Through It All: Planning the Final Chapters of Life. Presented a training on The Road Ahead , Grace Through It All to the Parish during a Lenten Series. Update the materials as new items and/or resources are found.

2014 Goals 

Continue to maintain and update The Road Ahead Material.  Explore presenting a training for the parish on the various forms of dementia.  Explore making our materials and trainings available to others in the community.  Increase our membership, especially younger folk and bi-lingual folk.  Continue to maintain People In Touch and visiting with those on the list.  Develop a better way to solicit people to be put on the People In Touch list. The Rev. Dennis Cole 

2014 Goals 

Have an annual meeting when new members join the team.  Submit update articles for the Messenger. Joan McLean and Peggy Jones 

Newcomer Hospitality 2013 Accomplishments   

Neighborhood Shepherds 2013 Accomplishments 

 

Created a dual mapping system to ease the transition between the old (Rand McNally) and the new (Arnold) maps of Clark County and Vancouver. Revised the Master Shepherd File based on the 2013 Parish Directory. When Group 4 Shepherds Brad and Ginger Harris moved to Portland, they recruited Mike and Susan Morrison to succeed them.

2014 Goals

 

Prayer Partner Ministry Team 2013 Accomplishments  

Every Sunday a partner was in the Chapel except during the summer months. Many take advantage of our ministry in the Chapel.

Continued the warm welcome at coffee hour for visitors and new members. Added an outside address sign to the end of the parish hall to help newcomers. Wrote welcome notes to all newcomers and visitors. Finished and distributed a new parish directory to all parishioners. Father Jaime continued visits to new members.

2014 Goals    

Recruit a Shepherd for the East County group (#13).  Schedule a meeting of all Shepherds in the first quarter of 2014.  Raise awareness of the shepherd program so that the shepherds can work alongside the pastoral care group, and friends and family, to help with meals, transportation and coordinating of efforts, when someone in the church family is ill, or recovering from illness or injury. Tom Amies and Lee Wilson 

Intercessory prayers by telephone have continued.

   

Continue our warm welcome at coffee hour for visitors and new members. Update newcomer information and produce handouts. Add a ministry desk and information area to the parish hall. Train greeters on new handouts and ministry desk area. Update the ministry leader’s handout. Work on a plan to get newcomers involved in ministries. Plan a newcomer events and information Sundays. Improve signage for meeting locations.

Kreta Saathoff and Jamie Mathieu 

Coffee Hour 2013 Accomplishments  

Judy Morrison took over the position of ministry leader in June. Having the schedule mostly completed for the next year, there were only a few Sundays needing hosts. Families stepped forward when called, to fill those slots.

Fifty-one individuals and families, and 6 ministries are providing the much-appreciated treats from mid-June 2013 to mid-June 2014. Our able kitchen staff helps to make coffee hour flow smoothly as they assist the weekly hosts with setup and cleanup.

2014 Goals 

Continue to recruit new individuals, groups and substitutes

 

Judy Morrison 

Friday Night Live

2013 Accomplishments 

 

Arranged hosts for the 2013 year. Every month filled but November due to Thanksgiving Eve dinner at church Social evening held in parishioner’s homes Evenings well attended with average of 30-50 people, spring and summer months continues to have the highest attendance. St. Teresa’s white elephant party returned in December

2014 Goals  

Encourage other families to host FNL to relieve the same people from hosting every year Continue improve process of working with newcomers and Neighborhood Shepherds Groups to encourage participation in FNL Encourage new member to attend FNL

 

2014 Goals 

Continue to provide this fellowship opportunity monthly.  Invite program ideas and presenters. The Rev. Jaime Case and Kris Lawless 

At Table Groups 2013 Accomplishments 

Brad and Ginger Harris 

The Lunch Bunch

2013 Accomplishments  

The lunch bunch had a fabulous year getting together and hearing interesting things. Our year kicked off with Peggy-Sue Snoey sharing about life raising llamas with beautiful examples of llama wool products. Joseph Ziemba presented a program twice: He talked about bookbinding in February and then brought his Dicken’s Christmas Village in December to an English Tea. We heard from Siobhan Passmore about the Church in South Africa.

Our Rector spoke twice, once on our Marriage Customary which included provision for marriage equality, and again to talk about the Hospitality Campaign and the proposed changes to the building to accommodate the disabled. We had Katy Schmeller teach us some yoga Reyna Lopez talked about immigration reform The Rev. Jessie Vedanti talked about the Peace and Justice movement in the Episcopal Church Stefanie Aschmann talked on her trip to Yantalo, Peru Amy Case talk about cultural attitudes to birth defects in culture and history. Every year we have a fun-only lunch bunch, which this year was sharing a personal story of something funny or talk about a significant event you are thankful for.

In October we initiated “At Table” groups to help our growing St. Luke’s family get to know each other in small, easily manageable groups. At Table groups consist of 6 to 8 adults—or approximately 4-6 households—who meet for a simple meal once in each home every month for 4-6 months. Each household takes a turn as host, preparing and serving the meal. Meeting dates, times, and details are decided by group consensus. Single-person households are welcome to team up with another as cohosts if they prefer, and any can host their turn at the church, a picnic shelter, or other venue. We had 5 groups comprising 37 parishioners (including several children). Most groups

have met 1-3 times so far, and are made up of people from different services, age groups, and ministry focuses, allowing for new connections across the many interests reflected by the parish as a whole.

2014 Goals  

The next round of At Table groups will begin in March, with the next sign up in February. Provide sign-up sheets in the Parish Hall and on the St. Luke’s website.

Amy Case 

Weddings/Memorial Hospitality

2013 Accomplishments 

Committee members are: Dena Cassidy, Pam Goodlett, Peggy Lincoln, Georgie Wildfang and Claudia Roseberry.  We had six funerals this year that we did receptions for 03/23/13 Kitty O'Neil  04/05/13 Thelma O' Donnell  05/13/13 Tom Hardwick  06/22/13 Thomas Saathoff  09/14/13 Harvey Burwell  10/20/13 Helen Hale  May 5, 2013 - Bishop Visitation and Confirmations Reception.  We had two weddings our committee supported  Sept. 21 Jim Christen and John Rowe  November 23 Tatiana & Richard McIrvin 2014 Goals  Encourage more couples to have their wedding ceremony in the beautiful sanctuary of St. Luke’s.  Continue to serve grieving families in their time of need and support. Claudia Roseberry 

cas Coffee Hour and many other regular and special events. Early in the year Rachel Jones was hired as 10AM Coffee Hour Kitchen Supervisor to support the Coffee Hour Hosts. She quit in September. Ryan Bishop was hired as the new 10AM Coffee Hour Kitchen Supervisor. We are glad to have Ryan back in this position. Jamie Mathieu continued to purchase needed food service supplies as she has for many years. Provided support for many special St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas events, here are just a few:  Welcome Back Sunday Picnic  Two Mexican Luncheons  Lunch Bunches  Annual Meeting and All Parish Meetings  Bishop’s Reception

2014 Goals 

New controls to be initiated regarding supply use. Only the Kitchen supervisors will be permitted to pull items from the storage closet. Joel Johnson will continue to support the hospitality committee’s events, San Lucas Coffee Hour, Thursday Crew, Lunch Bunch and other events.

Joel Johnson

Hospitality Support Ministry 2013 Accomplishments 

Joel Johnson continued to provide oversight support regularly on Sundays for the San Lu-

Rowe-Christen Wedding

Sullivan-McIrvin Wedding

Vestry/Administration 2013 Accomplishments 

Worked on four goals as set from the February vestry retreat (see senior warden’s report) The hospitality campaign was kicked off and successfully raised the funds to start construction on the ADA improvements Plans were approved and funding for the architect for the ADA improvements

 

Vestry members took on additional leadership roles with ministries within the church The children’s and youth programs are strengthened by our dedicated leaders Published a church photo directory

2014 Goals 

Continue on the development of the four goals from 2013 planning  Monitor the bidding process, finances and construction of our ADA improvements. Dena Cassidy, Senior Warden 

2 0 1 3 Ve s t r y R o s t e r Class of 2011 - 2014 June Clarke (Feb.-April) Stefanie Aschmann (June-Jan.) Jamie Mathieu Lee Wilson

Class of 2012 - 2015 Dena Cassidy Joseph Ziemba Jim Schlatter

Class of 2013 - 2016 Jeremy Clow Michael Morrison Kreta Saathoff Tatiana (Sullivan) McIrvin

(Back Row, Left to Right) Kreta Saathoff, Tom Amies (Clerk), Lee Wilson, Jaime Case (Rector), Joseph Ziemba, Jim Schlatter, Mike Morrison and Jeremy Clow. (Front Row, Left to Right) Jamie Mathieu (Junior Warden), June Clarke (moved away in April), Tatiana (Sullivan) McIrvin, Dena Cassidy (Senior Warden) and Stefanie Aschmann (completed June Clarke’s term starting in June).

Hospitality Campaign 2013 Accomplishments 

A Hospitality Campaign Committee was formed, including By and Sue Henry, John and Jamie Mathieu and Russ and Claudia Roseberry, to support this capital campaign for ADA and needed modification to help our buildings to be more welcoming to all. An Architect’s drawing of the church exterior, interior floor plan and a rough estimate of cost were obtained. A few generous donors provided “seed money” for the campaign and a great start for this effort. After publication materials were developed and signs labeling the building areas that would be affected, the campaign was kicked off at the All Parish Meeting on June 9th. Publication materials were sent out to members along with pledge cards which allowed for up to 36 month pledge commitment. By October 15 we had met and exceeded our goal of $533,000 with 79 total pledging units promising $539,684. Of this total $388,343 was paid in cash which left $138,636 to be collected over three years, by Dec. 31, 2016.(Early payments will require less borrowing once the project begins).

2014 Goals  

Ensuring that members are aware of the construction process as it progresses. Assist the Treasurer’s office as needed with the funding process.

By & Sue Henry, John & Jamie Mathieu and Russ & Claudia Roseberry 

Campaña de Hospitalidad

 

Metas para 2014  

Se reunió el grupo consistido en By y Sue Henry, John y Jamie Mathieu, y Russ y Claudia Roseberry para apoyar la campaña para levantar fondos con el propósito de remodelar para mejorar acceso a nuestros edificios para los incapacitados. Obtener dibujo y planes para desplegar los

Asegurar que los miembros están informados sobre la construcción y su progreso Ayudar a la oficina del Tesorero en recoger fondos, si es necesario.

By & Sue Henry, John & Jamie Mathieu and Russ & Claudia Roseberry 

Office Administration 2013 Accomplishments   

Logros en 2013 

cambios y establecer la cantidad de dinero necesario para realizar los cambios. Unos primeros donadores sembraron la semilla para un buen comienzo. Se preparó materiales y rótulos para enseñar dónde y qué tipo de cambios fueron parte del plan con un lanzamiento en junio Publicar materiales, mandar a los miembros con tarjetas de promesa con términos de hasta 36 meses de compromiso para realizar sus regalos. El 15 de octubre se realizó el plan con $539,684, total de 79 promesas, de los cuales $388,343 fue en efectivo y $138, 636 queda para recoger durante los próximos tres años.

 

Maintained communication with Rector and Wardens regarding parish management issues. Provided support to St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas ministries . Managed ordering of office and equipment supplies and maintenance of copier and office equipment. In December facilitated a new lease for a new copier. Managed purchase and distribution of Bus Tickets and distribution of food bags, provided by the Outreach Committee, to those in need. Initiated Member updating of household information in preparation for the new parish directory. Updates were input with the help of Michelle Markle-Tisnado and Jennifer Cole. Maintained membership data base records. Office Assistant, Jennifer Cole, continues to provide invaluable help with a great many office tasks. Began a new project to create electronic records of transfer of membership information. Many

  

thanks to Jim Christen who volunteered to enter this data from our paper records. This will help immensely when we receive requests for transfer and we have been able to retrieve some dates for our data base. Grateful for volunteer production of the Announcement sheet, by Pat Lawless. Thanks to weekly helper: Joan Wilson with bulletin assembly and other office tasks. Appreciate the numerous volunteers who came and helped with monthly and special publications. Wonderful Office Angels provided office coverage for outreach distribution, light tasks, answering the phone and greeting visitors during my vacation.

2014 Goals 

Continue to review the entire membership database to clean up and update missing information.  Find more ways to utilize volunteers. Parish Administrator: Kris Lawless 

cial support of St. Luke’s parishioners  Financial statements are included in the appendix 2014 Hopes  Exceed a pledge drive goal of $304,000 in pledge income  Exceed a goal of 140 pledge units  Live within the allocated operating budget accounts  Identify new ways to generate revenue to support our ministries  Continue efforts to encourage proportional giving Doug Goodlett, Janet Butler and Jamie Mathieu 

Pledge Campaign 2013 Accomplishments 

Treasurer’s Office 2013 Accomplishments

 All invoices were paid each month without 

  

borrowing from savings We withdrew $6,342 from the Diocesan Investment Fund (DIF) to cover the cost of repair to the 2 inch main water line leak Computer upgrade donations from parishioners totaled $2,625 We ended the year with a negative balance of $3,179. Even with the withdrawal of funds to cover the leaking main water line, as of November, 2013, our Diocesan Investment Fund (DIF) has a total of $1,264,845 in restricted and unrestricted funds. This figure is $182,983 greater than this time in 2012 The Hospitality Campaign Drive generated promises of monetary gifts over three years of $539,684 to cover the costs of the church upgrades for accessibility We are most grateful for the continuing finan-

The 2014 pledge campaign committee members are Kelly Cassidy, Dena Cassidy, Russ Roseberry, Doug Goodlett and myself, Jim Schlatter. In 2013 we had a pledge commitment of $284,143.00. Our actual pledge giving was $273,452, with a total of 121 people pledging. For 2014 we were determined to continue with St. Luke’s growth and fully funding all our programs. So we set a goal of$304,000.00. A month into the pledge drive it was clear that we would not achieve our goal. So our treasurer Doug Goodlett reviewed the budget and proposed a pledge goal of $285,623. The vestry then reviewed and approved the new goal. As of January 10th, we have received 108 pledges totaling $279,470.00 or 98% of our goal. Hopefully we will reach our goal in the next week or two. The goal of the pledging committee is and has been to complete the pledge drive on a timely basis, with what our St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas congregation is comfortable pledging without pressure Besides the sluggish economy, one thing that has impacted our pledging is that some of our very generous senior citizens have passed away. On the positive side this year we re-

ceived 14 pledges from people who had not pledged before. When we look to the future it is important to note that St. Luke’s had 67 visitors last year, who signed the guest book. Of those 34 or 50% became members of St. Luke’s As always Father Jaime Case, our Treasurer Doug Goodlett and the vestry work to keep all our programs growing to the fullest extent possible. But at the end of the day we have to balance the budget. So we cannot always fund every program to the extent we may want.

Jim Schlatter, Pledge Committee Chair

2014 Goals 

The committee is very open to new members and/or new proposals for events or programs. We meet infrequently and communicate primarily through email.  Important that we continue to have members on the committee from the 8:00am and 1:00pm services too.  Many of the events will be held again in 2014 since they were successful.  Match and hopefully exceed total raised funds from 2013. Sandy Geer 

Fundraising Committee

Computer System

2013 Accomplishments

2013 Accomplishments

Members: Sandy Geer, Rick Romagosa, Claudia and Russ Roseberry, Tatiana Sullivan, Natasha Rezhenkov, Steve Butler, and Joseph Ziemba.  The slowest fund raising months were the summer months.  Our June concert was a onetime only event.  The committee was very busy this year and Joseph Ziemba was a positive addition and acts as our liaison to the vestry.  Below is a list of the fundraising events in 2013 and the amount raised. MONTH EVENT $ RAISED February Mardi Gras $1429 April Mexican Luncheon $922 May Rummage Sale $3031 June Madrigal Concert $515 October Beer and Wine Tasting $1094 November Crafts Unlimited $1200 November Mexican Luncheon $665 December Snow Bear Breakfast $83 (Covered Expenses) Subtotal $8939 Participation Programs eScrip Rebates (Jan-Nov 2013—Paid) $763 (eScrip spending by St. Luke participants $98,522)

Metal recycling (4,895 lbs re cycled) $489 Subtotal $1252 TOTAL $10,191

 

The church computer network operated all year with only minor issues. A third WiFi port was installed in the dishwasher room covering the north end of the property, including the Williams house. Bitdefender antivirus installed in October 2012 was a dismal failure and was removed from all computers and Norton antivirus re-installed. In February the main office computer began behaving badly which precipitated its replacement. A mini capitol campaign was undertaken to upgrade the remaining eight computers on our network system and about $1500 was donated. Microsoft announced the end of support for the XP operating system and Office 2003 in March 2014. This software runs on almost all our computers. At year’s end we have two “spare” computers, one made available by M. Vickie’s departure in 2012 and the old computer from the main office. Software has been purchased and is being installed to update these computers to the Windows 7 operating system and Office 2013. The plan is to install these upgraded machines and work through the balance of the computers until all are running Windows 7 and Office 2013.

2014 Goals    

Complete upgrading all our computers to Windows 7 and Office 2013 before spring. Replace our server which is running Small Business Server 2003. Investigate replacing the aging HP printers in the main office and treasurer’s office. Monitor computer backups to assure they are happening reliably.

2014 Goals:

John Mathieu 

Archivist Report

2013 Accomplishments:   

Articles written for the Messenger on various historical events and facts, based on contents found in the Archive Vault. Continued creation of articles for Wikipedia (an online worldwide encyclopedia) related to St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas and its early rectors and parishioners. This uses our history to allow others outside the church to learn about St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas.

Performed various requests for information from the Archive Vault’s contents. Prepared a presentation of photos honoring past choir groups at St. Luke’s. Prepared a presentation of a hospitality guest book from WW II, in conjunction with the recent Hospitality Capital Campaign.

Bishop Rector Associate Associate

Tim Nickel Kris Lawless Becky Swisher

Music Director and Organist Parish Administrator Nursery Supervisor

Dena Cassidy Jamie Mathieu Tom Amies Jim Mayhew

Senior Warden Junior Warden Clerk of the Vestry Chancellor

Doug Goodlett


Janet Butler

Removal of certain archived materials that are deemed no longer necessary for historical storage. As the Vault is currently full, this allows for continued growth in the future, and follows guidelines from the Diocese for record retention.

Pat Lawless, Archivist 

2 0 1 3 C l e rg y & S t a ff R o s t e r The Rt. Rev. Gregory H. Rickel The Rev. Jaime J. Case The Rev. Dennis Cole The Rev. Jerry Lonergan

Detailed cataloguing of all “artifacts”, both religious and hospitality related. Refinement of the way certain Archive Vault contents are stored and catalogued.

2013 Diocesan Convention Delegates

Jim Gallaher Kathy Gallaher

Assistant Treasurer Tatiana (Sullivan) McIrvin

Building Committee 2013 Accomplishments 

 

Identified building modifications that were needed to improve access and hospitality. Those items were incorporated into a yearlong planning process by the Building Committee. Worked with an architect and city building officials to develop a design that would address areas to improve accessibility between the Narthex and the Parish Hall. Included other enhancements to the building, such as the expansion of the Choir Loft and code requirements for improved fire protection were included in the design. Consultants for structural engineering, electrical and plumbing inspected and worked to address issues in our older building affected by the remodel plans. Review the design and goals with the Diocese of Olympia. Assisted the Hospitality Committee which was formed to move the concept forward and to work with the parish in finding ways to finance the cost of the improvements. The generosity of St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas parishioners funded the estimated cost associated with the plan.

2014 Goals 

  

Produce documents and specifications for presentation to contractors in the bidding process. Walk through building plans with bidding contractors. Break ground after Easter (April 20) Finish project by Advent.

Bob Hiltz 

 

Metas para 2014    

Logros 2013 

Identificar una cantidad de necesidades que puedan mejorar acceso y hospitalidad. Fueron

Producir documentos y especificaciones para comenzar buscar presupuestos de contratistas. Ser guía a los contratistas para examinación del edificio. Comenzar el proyecto después de Pascua (20 de abril) Terminar antes del Adviento.

Bob Hiltz 

Accessibility 2013 Accomplishments  

In concert with the Thursday Crew, provided an additional Handicapped Parking Space. Consolidated accessibility ideas into the proposed architectural plans for the ‘Building Hospitality Project’.

2014 Goals 

Comité de Edificios

incorporados en un proceso anual de planificación. El Comité trabajó con el arquitecto y oficiales de la ciudad para elaborar el plan para mejorar acceso a áreas del Atrio y Salón Parroquial. En proceso se encontraron otras necesidades incluyendo el balcón del coro y protección contra incendios para incluir en el diseño. Consultar con ingenieros de electricidad, estructura y plomería para inspeccionar y resolver ciertos problemas causados por la vejez de nuestros edificios. La Diócesis examinó los diseños. El Comité de Hospitalidad fue formado para promover el concepto y trabajar con la parroquia para financiar el proyecto. La generosidad de San Lucas ~ St. Luke’s recogió lo necesario para los gastos estimados en el plan.

Continue replacing door knob hardware with lever style handles as the needs are identified or as maintenance dictates the need to replace the hardware.

Bob Hiltz 

the education and maintenance for the AED Program.

Thursday Maintenance Group 2013 Accomplishments   

  

The east property line (St. Francis courtyard) fence replacement was completed. The Fireside Room window was replaced and the rotted sill repaired. The boiler room pit was framed and flooring installed covering the pit area, providing an additional weatherproof maintenance work and staging area for the ‘Thursday Crew’. The parking lot was restriped. The kitchen lights were replaced with brighter energy-efficient fixtures. A freestanding altar was designed and built.

Safety and Risk Management 2013 Accomplishments 

2014 Goals   

Replace the women’s restroom counter and sink. Paint needed window casings and the shed’s north wall. Repair window well railings in the St. Francis courtyard.

Bob Hiltz 

CPR-AED Program 2013 Accomplishments 

The Vestry recommended purchase, installation and training of an automatic external defibrillator (AED) (a portable device that can provide a life saving electrical shock to and adult or child suffering from a sudden cardiac (heart) event. Approximate cost of AED Equipment and training, $1,400. Raffle for a donated Nook e-reader in December raised $582.

 

2014 Goals 

Additional funding will be sought through donation or fundraising in the early part of 2014 to reach the goal. Once the AED is purchased, training opportunities for volunteers to learn CPR and AED use will be offered. Dr. James Scarbough will provide medical direction and Mike Morrison will coordinate

Developed policies and forms for handling Safety Incidents and potential trespassing suspects. Developed St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas’s version of the Diocese’s guidelines for Safeguarding God’s Children and Safeguarding God’s People. Being reviewed for approval by the Vestry. Working with certain ministry groups on preparation of disaster planning and preparation documents. Utilizing resources at both the Diocese and ERD to provide information and guidance. The Altar Guild refurbished the “church-in-abox” traveling communion set that is found in the Archive Vault. This is an item often recommended by church disaster preparedness documents.

2014 Goals 

Completion of current disaster preparedness activities and launching of new activities for 2014. Pat Lawless 

Facility Use & Planning 2013 Accomplishments: 

 

  

Building use was down slightly because the Columbia Pastoral Counseling Center closed. The other meeting rooms are in constant use. Groups have been much better about paying use fees on time. We are accommodating to service organizations and non profit groups. We consider this a form of outreach. St. Luke’s new facility use regulations and fee schedule has increased user fees. The building and all the grounds are smokefree with a new outdoor ashtray in place. Some new signage was added to remind visitors and members of our smoke free status.

The new projector and large screen have been used throughout the year.

2014 Goals:   

 

Educate the use groups and the membership about the new facility use regulations. Install more signage for meeting locations with day and time included. Create parking: one more ADA parking spot close to the ramp for the parish hall. (after construction) Continue work on the repurposing of the 4 rooms released by the counseling center to meeting rooms for facility use. Reorganize offices and rooms to prepare for the ADA construction. Begin the ADA accessibility project and plan for a late fall completion.

Junior Warden, Jamie Mathieu 

Columbarium & St. Francis Chapel 2013 Accomplishments:  

Bob Hiltz, Jim Chamberlain, and Chess Getsinger make up this ministry team. There were 10 internments in 2013. There are 224 niches in the Columbarium. As of 12/31/2013, 89 have been sealed and 72 have been reserved. This leaves 63 still available.

2014 Goals: 

Building remodel for improved accessibility and hospitality will involve removal of one of the Columbarium's stain glass windows, the Holy Spirit window. It will be placed between the front doors.  This will then provide room for some additional niches on the west wall. Chess Getsinger, Bob Hiltz and Jim Chamberlain 

Children’s Peace Garden 2013 Accomplishments: 

2008 and forward goal was to establish a Peace Garden for the children, with plants of interest for culinary use, historical plants, and cutting flowers for the children’s chapel.

 

Volunteer time was limited this year due to the weather and physical limitation of the volunteers. Daffodil bulbs were planted in the fall! Some flowers were entered at the Clark County Fair Floral Exhibit and first prize ribbons, plus cash for awards were given. In the fall an AD paved path and rotunda replaced the labyrinth. Thank you to the Thursday Crew for their Help with watering in the Garden.

2014 Goals: 

Conserve water. Established plants will need less watering. Drip line water system to be continued. Thank you to Russ Roseberry and George Sepelak for this effort.  We need general maintenance on arbors such as painting and rust proofing.  Continued volunteer help needed for weeding and dead-heading perennials; some perennials available to those interested gardeners. Grape cuttings available.  A Sunday garden helper group is now helping after the 10 PM service. Please try to give some time each month.  Planting to be designed and placed along the east property line. Master Gardener help will be given for new design.  Please, Do not add plants or plant seeds to the garden. Some plants can be toxic for children. No Smoking in the Garden, the mulch can catch Fire! Heather Lund  New paved path and rotunda to welcome all! Thank you to Heather Lund and George Sepelak for this beautiful addition.

ST. LUKE'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH ~ SAN LUCAS IGLESIA EPISCOPAL 2012 ANNUAL PARISH MEETING MINUTES JANUARY 27, 2013 Father Jaime Case called this Annual Parish Meeting to order at 11:48 AM in the Parish Hall. He then led us as we all said a prayer by Maya Angelou (printed in the Annual Report) to open the meeting. SENIOR WARDEN’S REPORT: Russ Roseberry served in that capacity all three years of his Vestry term. He was taken aback briefly at yesterday’s Ministry Leaders Forum. He thought the agenda described him as the “ongoing Senior Warden”. Reading the page again, he was relieved to see that the phrase was “outgoing Senior Warden”. Russ made a number of observations and recommendations as he ended his fourth term on the Vestry:  The 8:00 service needs more readers, ushers, and worship leaders. Also, as the only usher at 1:00 p.m., Tatiana Sullivan really needs some backup.  Russ thanked those who provided food for yesterday’s and today’s meetings, and Joey Johnson and Rachel Jones for keeping our kitchen in consistently good order.  Going all the way back to England, we stand on the shoulders of those who came before us. It is to their credit that we are able to worship in such comfortable surroundings.  The front page of our Sunday service bulletins has welcomed worshipers with a message for a year or so. It gives a good sense of who we are and what you can expect from us.  Russ thanked his wife Claudia for her patience and support. Being a Senior Warden is not difficult work, but it does take time. That was especially true this term, which included the Rector search.  He also thanked all the volunteers who keep our parish alive and running smoothly.  Two Vestry members (Yoon Cho and Kira Greene) moved away during the year. Russ thanked them in absentia. He also thanked Felix Giminez and Don Lawry, who join Russ in retiring from the Vestry.  We don’t need to ask permission to do good

work: we already have it. If we conceive of a ministry that doesn’t exist here but should, we can create it.  Our Education program is well organized but needs more volunteers, especially at 1:00 p.m. Our Hispanic children all speak fluent English, so communication is not a problem.  We have a major fundraiser on February 12 (Shrove Tuesday). As a special treat, we will have Jambalaya as a component of our Pancake Supper. Tickets are available for $10. Persons wanting to sign up for eScrip can meet with Sandi Geer after this meeting. All they need to start is a Safeway card. VISION AND MISSION STATEMENTS: Paula Franck, our Strategic Planning Facilitator, spoke to us about these new documents. Father Jaime had called her about a year ago regarding the Strategic Planning project, which began last August. She was at that fall’s Ministry Leaders Forum and Quarterly Parish Meeting, and later met with essentially all our parish ministries and groups. She collated data from all those gatherings and shared them with the Vestry. Over the intervening months, they worked to create the Vision and Mission Statements. A Vision Statement is an umbrella. It describes what an organization wants to be. A Mission Statement then describes how the organization will carry out that vision. From there, goals and strategies to achieve them are formulated. Taken together, the two statements give us a focus and a sense of who we are and want to be. They also strengthen our identity in the larger community -“St. Luke’s~ San Lucas is the church that does _____________________(fill in the blank).” It was fitting that today’s Gospel was the one in which Jesus set out His own ministry. The work that the Vestry has done will serve this parish well for many years to come. Russ then read the two statements, as follows:

VISION STATEMENT St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas is a bilingual Episcopal Church serving Vancouver and Southwest Washington since 1853. Our vision is to answer God’s call to be an AngloHispanic faith community that works together to share the love of Christ.

lot to enlarging pew-back book shelves to bookbinding. They repurposed the former church pulpit into alcoves for the St. Francis and Guadalupe statues and a backdrop for the wooden processional cross.

MISSION STATEMENT With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, our mission is to extend hospitality to all, to respond to human need through service, and to grow in faith together.

Beyond the Crew’s overall hours, Bob Hiltz worked more than 40 hours overseeing complex roof repairs.

Mottoes suggested for the parish are: HOSPITALITY - SERVICE – SPIRITUALITY or THE END OF YOUR SEARCH FOR A SPIRITUAL HOME All of these documents are a work in progress. If you have ideas or concerns about them, please talk with the Rector or a Vestry member. Parish Goals, and the strategies for attaining them, will be worked on by Paula Franck and the full Vestry at its retreat on February 9. VESTRY ELECTION: Tatiana Sullivan is running unopposed for the Hispanic position on Vestry. There are seven persons running for the other four positions. They are Stephanie Aschmann, Jeremy Clow, Michael Morrison, Kreta Saathoff, Rebecca Stephens, Sue Tellock, and Joseph Ziemba. Last summer, Kira Greene resigned from the Vestry to take a job with Americorps in Federal Way. The three highest-scoring persons in today’s election will serve full three-year terms. The fourth-highest scoring person will serve the remaining two years of Kira’s unexpired term. JUNIOR WARDEN’S REPORT: We had a very productive year. Major work included the heatingsystem and roof repairs, about which Bob Hiltz would speak later in the meeting. Pat Lawless, our Parish Archivist, continued to work on disaster planning for our physical plant. Bob Hiltz led Thursday Crew in more than 2,200 hours of volunteer labor last year. Work ranged from yard maintenance and re-striping the parking

Dick Berhow, one of the Thursday Crew’s founders, was given special recognition as he retires from active service on the Crew.

John Mathieu put in more than 130 hours getting our defunct sanctuary and chapel furnaces replaced and making improvements to the heating system for the Parish Hall and Education Wing. Switching hats, John also oversaw the maintenance of our aging church computer system. Jamie specifically thanked Joey Johnson and Rachel Jones for their Hospitality work. We need a coordinator for the hot cross buns, cinnamon rolls, and lamb cakes on Palm Sunday (March 24). Without all these volunteers, we would not have such a quality space for our parish family to enjoy. BUILDING COMMITTEE: Bob Hiltz reviewed the history of our Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) project.  2007: We looked at ways to improve accessibility to our building by persons with impaired mobility.  2008: We opened an ADA-compliant family rest room in the Education Wing’s upper level.  2009: We added handicapped-parking spaces and began leveling sidewalks. 2010: We improved the nave’s sound system to accommodate hearing-impaired persons. Since then, we have looked at three different plans for major remodeling of the church. All involve some form of ramp between the narthex and parish hall and an enlargement of the narthex. The most recent architectural rendering was on display at this meeting. Unlike earlier versions, it did not involve moving the Rose Window, which would have been both risky and expensive. The newest plan still includes a ramp from the narthex. This one, however, stops at the “mailbox” stair landing. At that landing, there would be a twoperson lift. It would, for the first time , give persons

with mobility issues access to all parts of our building. Other parts of this plan include a ramped exit from the Library area to the Peace Garden and a new emergency exit from the southeast corner of the nave to the Fourth Plain side of the church. The plan also includes expanding the narthex westward. The expansion would include an ADA restroom, replacing the tiny existing one. Our choir loft was meant for a small electronic organ. Installation of the large tracker pipe organ in the mid-1980s cramped that space. Piggybacking onto to the narthex work, the choir loft would be enlarged as far as the back of the nave’s rearmost pews. This new construction must meet current building codes. That includes sprinklers in the new area for fire suppression. The city’s staff members have been kind to us, however. They understand that retrofitting sprinklers to our entire facility would be prohibitively expensive. At present, they require only the new area to be protected. We would, however, be prudent to look at the plans and costs of putting sprinklers throughout our building. The diocese has given preliminary approval of this architectural plan. Several extremely generous donors have pledged seed money for the project. It totals $232,000 -roughly half the estimated cost. Our architect is Kevin Cooley. He will have the costs of the revised plan professionally estimated. We expect those figures to be in hand by the second quarter of 2013. Then we will know how much additional money a capital campaign will need to raise. We hope that it will be less than for either of the previous plans. Bob Hiltz asked for assistance from the parish in finding a leader for the overall project. Father Jaime thanked him for his splendid work in getting us this far. FINANCIAL REPORT: Parish Treasurer Doug Goodlett noted that a successful organization maintains itself, looks forward, and plans accordingly.

He had good news: we ended 2012 in the black by $3,217. He also had bad news: we did so by making a one-time transfer of $57,000 from our savings account. In past years, we transferred considerable funding from restricted accounts into the general budget. That process continued, when Outreach funds were moved over to benefit the entire parish. We can no longer make these kinds of transfers and must learn to live within our budgets. Sadly, our budget for 2013 does not let us keep our Associate Rector, The Rev. Vickie Dogaru. Her enthusiasm and devoted service to the congregation will be missed. Overall, the 2013 budget looks healthy. We set a pledge goal of $284,000 and have already received $279,000, or 98% of that total. The number of pledges increased from 108 to 119. We also have a budget category, “Unpledged – donor identified”. It totaled $28,000 last year. Even beyond their regular pledges, our parishioners support St. Luke’s ~San Lucas in other ways. They contributed $6,000 to the Rector’s Discretionary Fund in 2012, as well as $5,400 to Youth and Children. Looking at all our Children and Youth funding raises that total to roughly $10,000, a remarkable figure. Our budget includes a reserve fund of $15,000. It is a financial cushion in case of a sudden and unexpected expense. For the fourth year in a row, that helped to pay our December bills One item newly added to the budget is $3,600 for musicians at the 1:00 p.m. (Hispanic) service. Under Utilities, NW Natural has dropped its natural-gas bills by 8%. Our new high-efficiency gas furnaces should save us an additional 8%. Doug thanked us all for our continuing strong support of the parish. RECTOR’S REPORT: Father Jaime is truly grateful for the thousands of gifts of time and talent with which our parishioners bless the parish every year. They help to make St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas a vital, “happening” place. We need to track tracking volunteer hours more

closely so that they are not under-reported on our Workmen’s Compensation documents. Some examples of volunteers who might not otherwise be recognized are: Beth Femling, who organized and cataloged a newly donated stock of choir music; Don Lawry and Donna Greene, who work with and support our Youth Ministry; Adela, who works with our Hispanic “tween” group; Tatiana Sullivan and Lee and Jessica Wilson, strong supporters of our Hispanic Ministry; The Altar Guild members, who work before and after our services so they run smoothly. Tim Nickel, who started the Jazz Vespers, and all their marvelous vocal and instrumental musicians; Catherine van der Salm, whose voice enriched the Christmas Eve service; Those choir members who can sight-read music, helping the rest of the choir. The Helping Hands group (not all from St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas), which sews clothing for children in shelters. Betty Plank, who started Helping Hands, made a generous donation to the parish in her will. It is entirely fitting that when the lift is installed during our ADA remodel, it will be named “Betty” in her honor. Caring for one another binds our congregation in many ways. In Paula Franck’s myriad meetings with us, the thing that we value most highly about this parish is our sense of community. (That seems to be especially true when we line up for food at Coffee Hour or any other celebration.)

plant. Joey Johnson seems to be in the kitchen 24/7. He is not only a tireless worker but a man of deep personal faith. Our kitchen has an aura not only of elbow grease but of strong spiritual presence. Lew Hampton has not only spent about 17 years on the Thursday Crew, he has led the development of our Lectors and LEMS (Licensed Eucharistic Ministers) for nearly a decade. His quiet work behind the scenes has helped to enrich our corporate worship experience. Ebie Mountford is a teacher during the week who works tirelessly to support our children and their teachers at both the 10:00 and 1:00 services. She and her team undergird the Christian formation of our next generation here at St. Luke’s~ San Lucas. Please help as a volunteer at one or both services if you are able. VESTRY ELECTION RESULTS: Tatiana Sullivan was elected to the Hispanic position. The following persons were elected to threeyear terms: Jeremy Clow Michael Morrison Kreta Saathoff Joseph Ziemba was elected to the unexpired two-year term. Russ Roseberry led the congregation in a prayer for those nominees not elected. We value their willingness to serve this parish, and hope that they will seek other opportunities to do so. All parishioners are encouraged to listen to what is going on in the parish and provide feedback to the Vestry.

As we play to our strengths, we will continue to include our Hispanic members more closely in our planning and activities.

After Father Jaime led us in the closing prayer printed in the Annual Report, this meeting adjourned at 1:05 PM.

SERVICE CROSSES: Four persons j oined the ranks of those honored since 2006 with this public recognition of parish service far beyond the norm: Carl McHargue is one of our parish’s greatest blessings. He has served on the Thursday Crew for forty years. His sense of humor enlivens the group as they work to maintain our physical

Immediately afterward, the returning and newlyelected Vestry gathered for a short meeting in the Library. The minutes of that meeting will be added to the 2013 Vestry binder. Tom Amies, Vestry Clerk

Madrigal Singers Concert

Yankee Candle

Breakfast with the Snow Bear

The Lunch Bunches!

Book Binding Dickens' Christmas Village

During the past year the following members of St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas died and went to their heavenly reward. May they rest in peace. Kitty R. O’Neill Thelma K. O’Donnell Thomas J. Hardwick Kaye Voss Ashbury Harvey Haven Burwell Helen Elizabeth Hale Alfred W. Burton Marian Allport


Justine Hanrahan, HS

Rachel Femling, Masters


Jim R. Christen Nicholas R. Hill Michelle A Markle Fleur I. E. Romagosa Ricardo C. Romagosa Michael Tisnado Catherine J. van der Salm Lizbet Janet Tapia Janeth Hernandez Heidy Magallanes Alexis Magallanes Reyna Magallanes Blanca Maldonado Leticia Meza Magallanes Ana Mariscal Aureliano Torres Cecilia Perez Francisca Barba

Receptions Ruud C. vanderSalm Elio Gaytan

Noah William Reeves Hector Jesus Marquez Martin Luis Bautista Destiny Sarah Silva Lucia Guadalupe Silva Andres Reyes Faith Elizabeth Conger Kaitlyn Teresa McKinnon Micaela Jean McKinnon Andrew Robert Murrain-McKinnon Tobin Jax Wildfang-Hock

Jason Zambrano Aidan Katelynn Tisnado Emma Taylor Dixon Alison Gonzalez Rios Melanie Gonzalez Rios Kate Gonzalez Rios Jesus Marquez Reyes Esmeralda Rosario Marquez Reyes Noé Gonzalez Itxel Karla Sanchez Cristina Gomez Torres Brynley Grace Toscano

Austin Horjus, HS

Itami Sandoval-Gaitan, HS

Sean Brown, HS


Youth Group Palm Sunday Angels in Waiting!

Athens VBS Athens VBS Ice Cream Social

Godly Play

Athens VBS

Christmas Pageant !

Hugs for the Snow Bear!