2007 Weekly Bulletin new session

31 may. 2009 - 1400 Killian Hill Road Lilburn, Georgia 30047. 770-921-7434 .... In Jesus Christ, God has broken down the dividing wall of hostility and created,.
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*SONG (Hymn No. 107)

îLord I Lift Your Name on Highî

*BENEDICTION/BENDICION There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male and female for all are one in Christ Jesus. Go beyond the boundaries in the grace of Jesus Christ. Live without boundaries in the love of God. Enjoy the freedom of fellowship in the Holy Spirit, forever. Amen.

Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church

No hay mas Judio ni Griego, No hay . mas Esclavo o Libre, No hay mas hombre ni mujer porque todos somos uno en Jesuscristo. Ve mas alla de las limites de separacion en la Gracia de Jesucristo. Vive sin limite de separacion en el Amor de Dios. Disfruta de la Libertad y fraternidad en el Espiritu Santo, por siempre. Amen. POSTLUDE

ìCome, O Spirit, Dwell Among Usî

1400 Killian Hill Road Lilburn, Georgia 30047 770-921-7434; www.goodshepherdpc.org

setting by Roland W. Prichard

Please remember to pick up this weekís Announcements in the Narthex and exits as you go this morning! Words and music printed in this bulletin are used by permission. Church copyright License 824560.

Special Thanks Today: Worship Leaders: Rev. Beverly Friedlander, Rev. Joe Evans, Marlucia Damaceno, Igor Terrazas, and Mary Thurmond. Communion Servers: Byron Lugos, Giovanna Espinosa, Mark Beeney, Whitney Duncan, Matilda Litumbe, Mary Thurmond, and Mike Thurmond. Acolytes: J. J. Litumbe and Abby Broussard Head Usher: Jim Wood Sound Tech: Steve McLemore Music: Mary Lynn Darden, Susan Wood, Praise Ensemble. Good Shepherd's G3 Youth Choir of 30 youth and staff are leading worship in Providence, RI today as part of their tour of Boston and the New England area. Flags provided by Gwinnett County School System - Roxanne Lau, International Day Chairperson

May 31, 2009 - 11:00 am Sunday Order of Service Welcome Friends! Whether you attend here regularly or are visiting for the first time, may you find the comfort and joy of the risen Lord in this place. The pastors, ushers, and greeters are available after worship for prayer or questions. Sound Enhancement Receivers and Large Print Hymnals are available from the ushers. Booster seats are available for small children. Worship Clipboards are available as a quiet activity for children during worship. Childrenís Church for 4 years through 2nd grade is in the Fellowship Hall. Nursery is downstairs for infants through age 3. Please sign the Friendship Folder in the pew rack. If you would like to join this church or desire a call from a pastor or visitation minister, please indicate that on the Friendship Folder.

THE STAFF Rev. Beverly Friedlander Ostrowski, Interim Pastor Rev. Joe Evans, Associate Pastor Marlucia Damaceno Crispim, Commissioned Lay Pastor , El Buen Pastor Fellowship (Hispanic fellowship) Emily Moon, Director of Music Ministries Katie Gomola Arnold, Director of Student Ministries Pam McClure, Preschool Director; Director of Children and Family Ministry Harriet Woodward, Music Associate Mary Lynn Darden, Organist

[email protected], - ext. 303 [email protected] - ext. 304 [email protected] [email protected] - ext. 306 [email protected] - ext. 307 [email protected] - ext. 305 [email protected] [email protected]

Worship is Special Today. We are combining the 1:30 pm Spanish-language and the 11:00 am Englishlanguage services in honor of Pentecost, the birth of the church. Todayís joint service is multi-lingual in recognition of our unity in Christ, which has no boundaries. You are welcome to speak and sing in your native language. Tu estas invitado a hablar y cantar en tu lenguage nativo.

In addition, there is no separate Childrensí Church today. So, adults, if you are not used to the sound of curious youngsters, relax and enjoy their questions, and restlessness. Help them see, tell them why we are saying what we say or singing or being quiet. In other words, help the kids see the Lord as they look at you.

Pentecost Sunday May 31, 2009

Worship Service

11:00 am

SONG No. 704

ìGod Will Make a Wayî

*Those who are able, please stand.

WELCOME Mary Thurmond In the name of Jesus Christ. Today we worship in many languages. We remember the birth of the church. Let us worship the King of kings, the God of all nations and peoples. PRELUDE AND PROCESSION The flags carried represent some of the national origins of our members. ìSpirit of God, Descend Upon My Heartî setting by Mark Hayes CALL TO WORSHIP:

PROMISE OF GODíS FORGIVENESS/PROMESA DEL PERDON DE DIOS (from Ephesians 2) Brothers and sisters, hear the good news: In Jesus Christ, God has broken down the dividing wall of hostility and created, In Christ, one new humanity in place of two; So you are no longer strangers and aliens. In Jesus Christ we are forgiven and made whole.

Acts 1:8

Hermanos y hermanas, oid las buenas nuevas: En Jesucristo, Dios ha derrivado las paredes de hostilidad, ha creado en Cristo, una nueva humanidad en lugar de dos; Asi que ya no son extrangeros o forasteros. En Cristo Jesus nosotros somos perdonados y hechos intergros

You will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you shall be my witnesses to the ends of the earth. Bakweri: Danyl Litumbe Cantonese: Roxanne Lau, Leeann Mussatt English: Mary Thurmond French: Ann Hurford German: Larry Martin Greek: Joe Evans OPENING PRAYER

Guechua: Igor Terrazas Japanese: Bryan Dilks Portuguese: Mary Lynn Darden Russian: Susan Wood Spanish: Aracely Perez


Marlucia Damaceno

*SONGS Come, Now Is the Time

Brian Doerksen


ìLove Knows No Boundariesî ìEl Amor no conoce Limitesî

Rev. Beverly Friedlander Igor Terrazas

Come, now is the time to worship, Come, now is the time to give your heart. Come, just as you are to worship. Come, just as you are before your God. OFFERING RECEIVED One day every tongue will confess You are God. One day every knee will bow. Still, the greatest treasure remains for those who gladly choose You now. Open the Eyes of My Heart

Visitors, financial offerings are but one way people give of themselves in grateful response to God’s Word, grace and invitation. It is the commitment of members to support the ministry of this particular church. As our guest, your presence is your gift to us and we celebrate your self-offering to God in worship today. Nothing more is expected. Peace be with you.

Paul Baloche

In thanksgiving to God, let us give our tithes and offerings to the Lord. Please remain seated as we sing together. ìGive Thanks With a Grateful Heartî


Open the eyes of my heart, Lord; open the eyes of my heart, I want to see You, I want to see You.

Song No. 170


To see You high and lifted up, Shining in the light of Your glory. Pour out Your powír and love as we sing holy, holy, holy.



Holy, holy, holy. Holy, holy, holy. Holy, holy, holy. I want to see You.

SCRIPTURE, page 771

Acts 2:1-21


Beverly Friedlander

UNISON PRAYER OF CONFESSION/ORACION DE CONFESION AL URISONO God, who is One, we confess our brokenness. In your mercy, bring us together Lord, you are three-in-one, we confess We do not know how to be united And still celebrate our differences. In your mercy, teach us. Holy Spirit, who binds all things together, We pray for forgiveness In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Joe Evans, Igor Terrazas


Dios, quien eres Uno, te confesamos nuestro quebrantamiento. En tu misericordia, restauranos. SeÒor, Tu que eres tres en uno, te onfesamos que no sabemos como estar unidos y aun celebrar nuestras diferencias. En tu misericordia, enseÒanos. Santo Espritu que mantienes todas las cosas Unidas, te pedimos perdon. En el nombre de Jesucristo. Amen.

Rev. Joe Evans and Marlucia Damaceno

Words of Invitation Prayer of Thanksgiving The Lordís Prayer/Oracion del SeÒor:† Our father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen. Padre nuestro que estas en los cielos, Santificado sea tu nombre. Venga tu reino, hagase tu voluntad en la tierre asi como en el cielo. Danos hoy el pan nuestro de cada dia; y perdonas nuestra deudas, asi como nosotros perdonamos a nuestros deudores; no nos dejes caer en tentacions y libranos del mal. Porque tuyo es el Reino y el Poder y la Gloria, por los Siglos de los Siglos Amen. Words of Institution Communion Prayer